Combine mask and edge distance in TessellationHelper

This also moves the corner scale factors (1 for rectangles, or 1/sin(theta)
into the EdgeVector state, since that is constant for a quad and can be
reused between different edge distance requests.

The OutsetRequest cached data now only needs to decide which codepath to
use for calculating the inset or outset (fast or degenerate). It is now
capable of distinguishing degeneracies for just the inset and not outset
(or vice versa). Previously, if the inset would cause a degeneracy, both
inset and outset operations would go through the slow path.

Change-Id: Idda859152b6f515f2b3d54875b9f40d9feb5da22
Commit-Queue: Michael Ludwig <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
diff --git a/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.cpp b/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.cpp
index b4be529..4619d44 100644
--- a/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.cpp
@@ -386,8 +386,7 @@
 TessellationHelper::TessellationHelper(const GrQuad& deviceQuad, const GrQuad* localQuad)
-        : fAAFlags(GrQuadAAFlags::kNone)
-        , fDeviceType(deviceQuad.quadType())
+        : fDeviceType(deviceQuad.quadType())
         , fLocalType(localQuad ? localQuad->quadType() : GrQuad::Type::kAxisAligned) {
     fOriginal.fX = deviceQuad.x4f();
     fOriginal.fY = deviceQuad.y4f();
@@ -402,6 +401,7 @@
         fOriginal.fUVRCount = 0;
+    // Calculate all projected edge vector values for this quad.
     if (fDeviceType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective) {
         V4f iw = 1.0 / fOriginal.fW;
         fEdgeVectors.fX2D = fOriginal.fX * iw;
@@ -419,6 +419,18 @@
     // Normalize edge vectors
     fEdgeVectors.fDX *= fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths;
     fEdgeVectors.fDY *= fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths;
+    // Calculate angles between vectors
+    if (fDeviceType <= GrQuad::Type::kRectilinear) {
+        fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta = 0.f;
+        fEdgeVectors.fInvSinTheta = 1.f;
+    } else {
+        fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta = mad(fEdgeVectors.fDX, next_cw(fEdgeVectors.fDX),
+                                     fEdgeVectors.fDY * next_cw(fEdgeVectors.fDY));
+        // NOTE: if cosTheta is close to 1, inset/outset math will avoid the fast paths that rely
+        // on thefInvSinTheta since it will approach infinity.
+        fEdgeVectors.fInvSinTheta = rsqrt(1.f - fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta * fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta);
+    }
 const TessellationHelper::EdgeEquations& TessellationHelper::getEdgeEquations() {
@@ -446,84 +458,79 @@
     return fEdgeEquations;
-const TessellationHelper::OutsetRequest& TessellationHelper::getOutsetRequest() {
-    if (!fOutsetRequest.fValid) {
-        V4f mask = fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll ? V4f(1.f) :
-                V4f{(GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft & fAAFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
-                    (GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom & fAAFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
-                    (GrQuadAAFlags::kTop & fAAFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
-                    (GrQuadAAFlags::kRight & fAAFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f};
+const TessellationHelper::OutsetRequest& TessellationHelper::getOutsetRequest(
+        const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances) {
+    // Much of the code assumes that we start from positive distances and apply it unmodified to
+    // create an outset; knowing that it's outset simplifies degeneracy checking.
+    SkASSERT(all(edgeDistances >= 0.f));
-        // Calculate the lengths of the outset/inset edge vectors per corner, before applying the
-        // mask
-        bool degenerate;
-        V4f cornerOutsetLen;
+    // Rebuild outset request if invalid or if the edge distances have changed.
+    if (!fOutsetRequest.fValid || any(edgeDistances != fOutsetRequest.fEdgeDistances)) {
+        // Based on the edge distances, determine if it's acceptable to use fInvSinTheta to
+        // calculate the inset or outset geometry.
         if (fDeviceType <= GrQuad::Type::kRectilinear) {
-            // Since it's rectangular, the corners move the same distance as the edge lines would
-            cornerOutsetLen = 0.5f;
-            // While it's still rectangular, must use the degenerate path when the quad is less than
-            // a pixel along a side since the coverage must be updated. (len < 1 implies 1/len > 1)
-            degenerate = any(fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths > 1.f);
+            // Since it's rectangular, the width (edge[1] or edge[2]) collapses if subtracting
+            // (dist[0] + dist[3]) makes the new width negative (minus for inset, outsetting will
+            // never be degenerate in this case). The same applies for height (edge[0] or edge[3])
+            // and (dist[1] + dist[2]).
+            fOutsetRequest.fOutsetDegenerate = false;
+            float widthChange = edgeDistances[0] + edgeDistances[3];
+            float heightChange = edgeDistances[1] + edgeDistances[2];
+            // (1/len > 1/(edge sum) implies len - edge sum < 0.
+            fOutsetRequest.fInsetDegenerate =
+                    (widthChange > 0.f  && fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths[1] > 1.f / widthChange) ||
+                    (heightChange > 0.f && fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths[0] > 1.f / heightChange);
         } else if (any(fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths >= 1.f / kTolerance)) {
-            // Have an edge that is effectively length 0, so we're dealing with a triangle. Skip
-            // computing corner outsets, since degenerate path won't use them.
-            degenerate = true;
+            // Have an edge that is effectively length 0, so we're dealing with a triangle, which
+            // must always go through the degenerate code path.
+            fOutsetRequest.fOutsetDegenerate = true;
+            fOutsetRequest.fInsetDegenerate = true;
         } else {
-            // Must scale corner distance by 1/2sin(theta), where theta is the angle between the two
-            // edges at that corner. cos(theta) is equal to dot(dXY, next_cw(dXY)),
-            // and sin(theta) = sqrt(1 - cos(theta)^2)
-            V4f cosTheta = mad(fEdgeVectors.fDX, next_cw(fEdgeVectors.fDX),
-                               fEdgeVectors.fDY * next_cw(fEdgeVectors.fDY));
-            // If the angle is too shallow between edges, go through the degenerate path, otherwise
-            // adding and subtracting very large vectors in almost opposite directions leads to
-            // float errors.
-            if (any(abs(cosTheta) >= 0.9f)) {
-                // Skip updating the outsets since degenerate code path doesn't rely on that
-                degenerate = true;
+            // If possible, the corners will move +/-edgeDistances * 1/sin(theta). The entire
+            // request is degenerate if 1/sin(theta) -> infinity (or cos(theta) -> 1).
+            if (any(abs(fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta) >= 0.9f)) {
+                fOutsetRequest.fOutsetDegenerate = true;
+                fOutsetRequest.fInsetDegenerate = true;
             } else {
-                cornerOutsetLen = 0.5f * rsqrt(1.f - cosTheta * cosTheta); // 1/2sin(theta)
+                // With an edge-centric view, an edge's length changes by
+                // edgeDistance * cos(pi - theta) / sin(theta) for each of its corners (the second
+                // corner uses ccw theta value). An edge's length also changes when its adjacent
+                // edges move, in which case it's updated by edgeDistance / sin(theta)
+                // (or cos(theta) for the other edge).
-                // When outsetting or insetting, the current edge's AA adds to the length:
-                //   cos(pi - theta)/2sin(theta) + cos(pi-ccw(theta))/2sin(ccw(theta))
-                // Moving an adjacent edge updates the length by 1/2sin(theta|ccw(theta))
-                V4f halfTanTheta = -cosTheta * cornerOutsetLen; // cos(pi - theta) = -cos(theta)
-                V4f edgeAdjust = mask * (halfTanTheta + next_ccw(halfTanTheta)) +
-                                  next_ccw(mask) * next_ccw(cornerOutsetLen) +
-                                  next_cw(mask) * cornerOutsetLen;
+                // cos(pi - theta) = -cos(theta)
+                V4f halfTanTheta = -fEdgeVectors.fCosTheta * fEdgeVectors.fInvSinTheta;
+                V4f edgeAdjust = edgeDistances * (halfTanTheta + next_ccw(halfTanTheta)) +
+                                 next_ccw(edgeDistances) * next_ccw(fEdgeVectors.fInvSinTheta) +
+                                 next_cw(edgeDistances) * fEdgeVectors.fInvSinTheta;
                 // If either outsetting (plus edgeAdjust) or insetting (minus edgeAdjust) make
-                // edgeLen negative then it's degenerate
+                // the edge lengths negative, then it's degenerate.
                 V4f threshold = 0.1f - (1.f / fEdgeVectors.fInvLengths);
-                degenerate = any(edgeAdjust < threshold) || any(edgeAdjust > -threshold);
+                fOutsetRequest.fOutsetDegenerate = any(edgeAdjust < threshold);
+                fOutsetRequest.fInsetDegenerate = any(edgeAdjust > -threshold);
-        fOutsetRequest.fEdgeDistances = 0.5f * mask; // Half a pixel for AA on edges that can move
-        fOutsetRequest.fDegenerate = degenerate;
-        if (!degenerate) {
-            // When the projected device quad is not degenerate, the vertex corners can move
-            // cornerOutsetLen along their edge and their cw-rotated edge. The vertex's edge points
-            // inwards and the cw-rotated edge points outwards, hence the minus-sign.
-            // The mask is rotated compared to the outsets and edge vectors, since if the edge is
-            // "on" both its points need to be moved along their other edge vectors.
-            fOutsetRequest.fOutsets = -cornerOutsetLen * next_cw(mask); // scales dx, dy
-            fOutsetRequest.fOutsetsCW = cornerOutsetLen * mask;         // scales next_cw(dx, dy)
-        }
+        fOutsetRequest.fEdgeDistances = edgeDistances;
         fOutsetRequest.fValid = true;
     return fOutsetRequest;
 void TessellationHelper::Vertices::moveAlong(const EdgeVectors& edgeVectors,
-                                             const OutsetRequest& outsetRequest,
-                                             bool inset) {
-    SkASSERT(!outsetRequest.fDegenerate);
-    V4f signedOutsets = outsetRequest.fOutsets;
-    V4f signedOutsetsCW = outsetRequest.fOutsetsCW;
-    if (inset) {
-        signedOutsets *= -1.f;
-        signedOutsetsCW *= -1.f;
-    }
+                                             const V4f& signedEdgeDistances) {
+    // This shouldn't be called if fInvSinTheta is close to infinity (cosTheta close to 1).
+    SkASSERT(all(abs(edgeVectors.fCosTheta) < 0.9f));
+    // When the projected device quad is not degenerate, the vertex corners can move
+    // cornerOutsetLen along their edge and their cw-rotated edge. The vertex's edge points
+    // inwards and the cw-rotated edge points outwards, hence the minus-sign.
+    // The edge distances are rotated compared to the corner outsets and (dx, dy), since if
+    // the edge is "on" both its corners need to be moved along their other edge vectors.
+    V4f signedOutsets = -edgeVectors.fInvSinTheta * next_cw(signedEdgeDistances);
+    V4f signedOutsetsCW = edgeVectors.fInvSinTheta * signedEdgeDistances;
     // x = x + outset * mask * next_cw(xdiff) - outset * next_cw(mask) * xdiff
     fX += mad(signedOutsetsCW, next_cw(edgeVectors.fDX), signedOutsets * edgeVectors.fDX);
     fY += mad(signedOutsetsCW, next_cw(edgeVectors.fDY), signedOutsets * edgeVectors.fDY);
@@ -754,81 +761,63 @@
-int TessellationHelper::adjustVertices(bool inset, Vertices* vertices) {
+int TessellationHelper::adjustVertices(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances, bool inset,
+                                       Vertices* vertices) {
     SkASSERT(vertices->fUVRCount == 0 || vertices->fUVRCount == 2 || vertices->fUVRCount == 3);
-    const OutsetRequest& outsetRequest = this->getOutsetRequest();
-    if (fDeviceType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective || outsetRequest.fDegenerate) {
+    const OutsetRequest& outsetRequest = this->getOutsetRequest(edgeDistances);
+    // Insets are more likely to become degenerate than outsets, so this allows us to compute the
+    // outer geometry with the fast path and the inner geometry with a slow path if possible.
+    bool degenerate = inset ? outsetRequest.fInsetDegenerate : outsetRequest.fOutsetDegenerate;
+    V4f signedEdgeDistances = outsetRequest.fEdgeDistances;
+    if (inset) {
+        signedEdgeDistances *= -1.f;
+    }
+    if (fDeviceType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective || degenerate) {
         Vertices projected = { fEdgeVectors.fX2D, fEdgeVectors.fY2D, /*w*/ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0};
         int vertexCount;
-        if (outsetRequest.fDegenerate) {
+        if (degenerate) {
             // Must use the slow path to handle numerical issues and self intersecting geometry
-            V4f signedEdgeDistances = outsetRequest.fEdgeDistances;
-            if (inset) {
-                signedEdgeDistances *= -1.f;
-            }
             vertexCount = computeDegenerateQuad(signedEdgeDistances, &projected.fX, &projected.fY);
         } else {
             // Move the projected quad with the fast path, even though we will reconstruct the
             // perspective corners afterwards.
-            projected.moveAlong(fEdgeVectors, outsetRequest, inset);
+            projected.moveAlong(fEdgeVectors, signedEdgeDistances);
             vertexCount = 4;
-        vertices->moveTo(projected.fX, projected.fY, outsetRequest.fEdgeDistances != 0.f);
+        vertices->moveTo(projected.fX, projected.fY, signedEdgeDistances != 0.f);
         return vertexCount;
     } else {
         // Quad is 2D and the inset/outset request does not cause the geometry to self intersect, so
         // we can directly move the corners along the already calculated edge vectors.
-        vertices->moveAlong(fEdgeVectors, outsetRequest, inset);
+        vertices->moveAlong(fEdgeVectors, signedEdgeDistances);
         return 4;
-V4f TessellationHelper::inset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset) {
-    if (aaFlags != fAAFlags) {
-        fAAFlags = aaFlags;
-        this->reset();
-    }
-    if (fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
-        // No need to calculate anything since none of the edges are allowed to move. Since it will
-        // be drawn without anti-aliasing, can just return full coverage.
-        this->setQuads(fOriginal, deviceInset, localInset);
+V4f TessellationHelper::inset(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances,
+                              GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset) {
+    Vertices inset = fOriginal;
+    int vertexCount = this->adjustVertices(edgeDistances, true, &inset);
+    this->setQuads(inset, deviceInset, localInset);
+    if (vertexCount < 3) {
+        // The interior has less than a full pixel's area so estimate reduced coverage using
+        // the distance of the inset's projected corners to the original edges.
+        return this->getEdgeEquations().estimateCoverage(inset.fX / inset.fW,
+                                                         inset.fY / inset.fW);
+    } else {
         return 1.f;
-    } else {
-        Vertices inset = fOriginal;
-        int vertexCount = this->adjustVertices(true, &inset);
-        this->setQuads(inset, deviceInset, localInset);
-        if (vertexCount < 3) {
-            // The interior has less than a full pixel's area so estimate reduced coverage using
-            // the distance of the inset's projected corners to the original edges.
-            return this->getEdgeEquations().estimateCoverage(inset.fX / inset.fW,
-                                                             inset.fY / inset.fW);
-        } else {
-            return 1.f;
-        }
-void TessellationHelper::outset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset) {
-    if (aaFlags != fAAFlags) {
-        fAAFlags = aaFlags;
-        this->reset();
-    }
-    if (fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
-        // No need to calculate anything since none of the edges are allowed to move
-        this->setQuads(fOriginal, deviceOutset, localOutset);
-    } else {
-        Vertices outset = fOriginal;
-        this->adjustVertices(false, &outset);
-        this->setQuads(outset, deviceOutset, localOutset);
-    }
-void TessellationHelper::reset() {
-    fOutsetRequest.fValid = false;
-    fEdgeEquations.fValid = false;
+void TessellationHelper::outset(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances,
+                                GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset) {
+    Vertices outset = fOriginal;
+    this->adjustVertices(edgeDistances, false, &outset);
+    this->setQuads(outset, deviceOutset, localOutset);
 void TessellationHelper::setQuads(const Vertices& vertices,
diff --git a/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h b/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h
index d30eafb..d18e9d2 100644
--- a/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h
+++ b/src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h
@@ -45,9 +45,28 @@
         // Provide nullptr if there are no local coordinates to track
         TessellationHelper(const GrQuad& deviceQuad, const GrQuad* localQuad);
-        skvx::Vec<4, float> inset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset);
+        // Calculates a new quadrilateral with edges parallel to the original except that they
+        // have been moved inwards by edgeDistances (which should be positive). Distances are
+        // ordered L, B, T, R to match CCW tristrip ordering of GrQuad vertices. Edges that are
+        // not moved (i.e. distance == 0) will not be used in calculations and the corners will
+        // remain on that edge.
+        //
+        // The per-vertex coverage will be returned. When the inset geometry does not collapse to
+        // a point or line, this will be 1.0 for every vertex. When it does collapse, the per-vertex
+        // coverages represent estimated pixel coverage to simulate drawing the subpixel-sized
+        // original quad.
+        //
+        // Note: the edge distances are in device pixel units, so after rendering the new quad
+        // edge's shortest distance to the original quad's edge would be equal to provided edge dist
+        skvx::Vec<4, float> inset(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances,
+                                  GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset);
-        void outset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset);
+        // Calculates a new quadrilateral that outsets the original edges by the given distances.
+        // Other than moving edges outwards, this function is equivalent to inset(). If the exact
+        // same edge distances are provided, certain internal computations can be reused across
+        // consecutive calls to inset() and outset() (in any order).
+        void outset(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances,
+                    GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset);
         struct EdgeVectors;
@@ -61,12 +80,13 @@
             skvx::Vec<4, float> fU, fV, fR;
             int fUVRCount;
-            // Update the device and optional local coordinates by adding outsets * (dx, dy) and
-            // outsetsCW * next_cw(dx, dy) to each corner. This creates valid inset or outset
-            // geometry when the outset request is not degenerate.
+            // Update the device and optional local coordinates by moving the corners along their
+            // edge vectors such that the new edges have moved 'signedEdgeDistances' from their
+            // original lines. This should only be called if the 'edgeVectors' fInvSinTheta data is
+            // numerically sound.
             void moveAlong(const EdgeVectors& edgeVectors,
-                           const OutsetRequest& outsetRequest,
-                           bool inset);
+                           const skvx::Vec<4, float>& signedEdgeDistances);
             // Update the device coordinates by deriving (x,y,w) that project to (x2d, y2d), with
             // optional local coordinates updated to match the new vertices. It is assumed that
             // 'mask' was respected when determing (x2d, y2d), but it is used to ensure that only
@@ -76,6 +96,10 @@
                         const skvx::Vec<4, int32_t>& mask);
+        // NOTE: This struct is named 'EdgeVectors' because it holds a lot of cached calculations
+        // pertaining to the edge vectors of the input quad, projected into 2D device coordinates.
+        // While they are not direction vectors, this struct represents a convenient storage space
+        // for the projected corners of the quad.
         struct EdgeVectors {
             // Projected corners (x/w and y/w); these are the 2D coordinates that determine the
             // actual edge direction vectors, dx, dy, and invLengths
@@ -85,6 +109,9 @@
             skvx::Vec<4, float> fDX, fDY;
             // Reciprocal of edge length of the device space quad, i.e. 1 / sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
             skvx::Vec<4, float> fInvLengths;
+            // Theta represents the angle formed by the two edges connected at each corner.
+            skvx::Vec<4, float> fCosTheta;
+            skvx::Vec<4, float> fInvSinTheta; // 1 / sin(theta)
         struct EdgeEquations {
@@ -102,23 +129,15 @@
             // shortest (perpendicular) distance between the original edge and the inset or outset
             // edge. If the distance is 0, then the edge will not move.
             skvx::Vec<4, float> fEdgeDistances;
-            // Amount to move along each edge vector for an outset (or an inset if mul. by -1). (the
-            // signed distance is determined by the actual function call, storing positive values
-            // allows calculations to be shared between insets and outsets). When moving a corner,
-            // it is moved along two independent vectors (its edge and its cw-rotated edge), scaled
-            // by the appropriate lengths stored below.
-            skvx::Vec<4, float> fOutsets;
-            skvx::Vec<4, float> fOutsetsCW;
             // True if the new corners cannot be calculated by simply adding scaled edge vectors.
-            // If degenerate, fOutsets[CW] should be ignored.
-            bool fDegenerate;
+            // The quad may be degenerate because of the original geometry (near colinear edges), or
+            // be because of the requested edge distances (collapse of inset, etc.)
+            bool fInsetDegenerate;
+            bool fOutsetDegenerate;
             // True if the field is up to date with the state of fOriginal+fAAFlags
             bool fValid = false;
-        // Repeated calls to inset/outset with the same mask skip calculations
-        GrQuadAAFlags       fAAFlags;
         // Always valid
         Vertices            fOriginal;
         EdgeVectors         fEdgeVectors;
@@ -129,10 +148,11 @@
         OutsetRequest       fOutsetRequest;
         EdgeEquations       fEdgeEquations;
-        void reset();
         void setQuads(const Vertices& vertices, GrQuad* deviceOut, GrQuad* localOut) const;
-        const OutsetRequest& getOutsetRequest();
+        // The requested edge distances must be positive so that they can be reused between inset
+        // and outset calls.
+        const OutsetRequest& getOutsetRequest(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances);
         const EdgeEquations& getEdgeEquations();
         // Outsets or insets 'x2d' and 'y2d' in place. To be used when the interior is very small,
@@ -140,10 +160,11 @@
         // vertices in the degenerate quad.
         int computeDegenerateQuad(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& signedEdgeDistances,
                                   skvx::Vec<4, float>* x2d, skvx::Vec<4, float>* y2d);
-        // Outsets or insets 'vertices' based on the outset request described by 'outsetRequest'
-        // and 'inset' (true for insetting instead). If the outset is not degenerate,
-        // 'edgeEquations' can be null. Returns number of effective vertices in the adjusted quad.
-        int adjustVertices(bool inset, Vertices* vertices);
+        // Outsets or insets 'vertices' by the given perpendicular 'edgeDistances'. If 'inset' is
+        // true the distances move the edges inwards; if it is false, the distances move outwards.
+        // Returns number of effective vertices in the adjusted quad.
+        int adjustVertices(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& edgeDistances, bool inset,
+                           Vertices* vertices);
 }; // namespace GrQuadUtils
diff --git a/src/gpu/ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.cpp b/src/gpu/ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.cpp
index 3b0dc25..ac0baa5 100644
--- a/src/gpu/ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.cpp
@@ -107,20 +107,43 @@
             geomDomain.outset(0.5f, 0.5f); // account for AA expansion
-        // TODO(michaelludwig) - Update TessellateHelper to select processing functions based on the
-        // vertexspec once per op, and then burn through all quads with the selected function ptr.
-        GrQuadUtils::TessellationHelper helper(deviceQuad,
-                                               spec.hasLocalCoords() ? &localQuad : nullptr);
+        if (aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
+            // Have to write the coverage AA vertex structure, but there's no math to be done for a
+            // non-aa quad batched into a coverage AA op.
+            write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 1.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain, deviceQuad, localQuad);
+            // Since we pass the same corners in, the outer vertex structure will have 0 area and
+            // the coverage interpolation from 1 to 0 will not be visible.
+            write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 0.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain, deviceQuad, localQuad);
+        } else {
+            // TODO(michaelludwig) - Update TessellateHelper to select processing functions based on
+            // the vertexspec once per op, and then burn through all quads with the selected
+            // function ptr.
+            GrQuadUtils::TessellationHelper helper(deviceQuad,
+                                                   spec.hasLocalCoords() ? &localQuad : nullptr);
-        // Write inner vertices first
-        GrQuad aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad;
-        skvx::Vec<4, float> coverage = helper.inset(aaFlags, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
-        write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, coverage, color4f, geomDomain, domain,
-                   aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
+            // Edge inset/outset distance ordered LBTR, set to 0.5 for a half pixel if the AA flag
+            // is turned on, or 0.0 if the edge is not anti-aliased.
+            skvx::Vec<4, float> edgeDistances;
+            if (aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll) {
+                edgeDistances = 0.5f;
+            } else {
+                edgeDistances = { (aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft)   ? 0.5f : 0.f,
+                                  (aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom) ? 0.5f : 0.f,
+                                  (aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kTop)    ? 0.5f : 0.f,
+                                  (aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kRight)  ? 0.5f : 0.f };
+            }
-        // Then outer vertices, which use 0.f for their coverage
-        helper.outset(aaFlags, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
-        write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 0.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain, aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
+            // Write inner vertices first
+            GrQuad aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad;
+            skvx::Vec<4, float> coverage = helper.inset(edgeDistances, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
+            write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, coverage, color4f, geomDomain, domain,
+                       aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
+            // Then outer vertices, which use 0.f for their coverage
+            helper.outset(edgeDistances, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
+            write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 0.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain,
+                       aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
+        }
     } else {
         // No outsetting needed, just write a single quad with full coverage
         SkASSERT(mode == CoverageMode::kNone && !spec.requiresGeometryDomain());