add VTune integration to SkVM

There's no prebuilt in the VTune SDK,
so I couldn't make this entirely automagic.  To enable set

    skia_vtune_path = "/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier"

or obviously to wherever your VTune is installed.  Looking at
the source for jitprofiling.c, which is in the SDK, it might
be possible to replicate and make this more automatic, but I
think it's easy enough to just set a GN path variable.

For an assembly-level profile, leave this VTune option disabled:

    [ ] Remove raw collector data after resolving the result

Change-Id: I1426ab1b838e00745e22ca4a97b9d0cd4c4e3280
Reviewed-by: Herb Derby <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
3 files changed