tweak .clang-format

I just spent a bunch of time manually formatting SkScan_AAAPath.cpp so
that I could read it, a bunch of really frustrating time.  So I decided
to see how clang-format would do, and with a couple of tweaks I think
I'm happy to let the tool take the wheel.  It actually fixed up a few
places I missed.

Most controversial stuff is proably parameter/argument packing?  I find
packing these makes it hard to distinguish which and even how many
arguments you're passing to a function... it all becomes a bit of a sea
of letters and you need to hunt for commas.  This way you always see
them distinctly, and if things start to look ridiculously tall, it's
probably because the _function_ is ridiculous.

I'd have even gone as far to set AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: false, but
it doesn't exist yet.

Change-Id: I504dedb50f99d0d935d59e252d30f59eca451a0c
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index eb798ed..9a32eca 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -14,23 +14,23 @@
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
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@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
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+SortUsingDeclarations: true
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@@ -98,30 +99,30 @@
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+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
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+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
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 AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
 AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true
 AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
-BinPackArguments: true
-BinPackParameters: true
+BinPackArguments: false
+BinPackParameters: false
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@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
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-ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: true
+ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
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@@ -193,4 +194,3 @@
 TabWidth:        4
 UseTab:          Never
diff --git a/src/core/SkScan_AAAPath.cpp b/src/core/SkScan_AAAPath.cpp
index 74acefb..fd4adb9 100644
--- a/src/core/SkScan_AAAPath.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkScan_AAAPath.cpp
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
 static void add_alpha(SkAlpha* alpha, SkAlpha delta) {
     SkASSERT(*alpha + delta <= 256);
     *alpha = SkAlphaRuns::CatchOverflow(*alpha + delta);
@@ -107,8 +106,8 @@
     virtual SkBlitter* getRealBlitter(bool forceRealBlitter = false) = 0;
     virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], int len) = 0;
-    virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha alpha) = 0;
-    virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, int width, const SkAlpha alpha) = 0;
+    virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha alpha)                = 0;
+    virtual void blitAntiH(int x, int y, int width, const SkAlpha alpha)     = 0;
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], const int16_t runs[]) override {
         SkDEBUGFAIL("Please call real blitter's blitAntiH instead.");
@@ -126,8 +125,8 @@
         SkDEBUGFAIL("Please call real blitter's blitRect instead.");
-    void blitAntiRect(int x, int y, int width, int height,
-                      SkAlpha leftAlpha, SkAlpha rightAlpha) override {
+    void blitAntiRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, SkAlpha leftAlpha, SkAlpha rightAlpha)
+            override {
         SkDEBUGFAIL("Please call real blitter's blitAntiRect instead.");
@@ -141,11 +140,11 @@
 // We need this mask blitter because it significantly accelerates small path filling.
 class MaskAdditiveBlitter : public AdditiveBlitter {
-    MaskAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter, const SkIRect& ir, const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-            bool isInverse);
-    ~MaskAdditiveBlitter() override {
-        fRealBlitter->blitMask(fMask, fClipRect);
-    }
+    MaskAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter*     realBlitter,
+                        const SkIRect& ir,
+                        const SkIRect& clipBounds,
+                        bool           isInverse);
+    ~MaskAdditiveBlitter() override { fRealBlitter->blitMask(fMask, fClipRect); }
     // Most of the time, we still consider this mask blitter as the real blitter
     // so we can accelerate blitRect and others. But sometimes we want to return
@@ -163,8 +162,8 @@
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, int width, const SkAlpha alpha) override;
     void blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) override;
     void blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) override;
-    void blitAntiRect(int x, int y, int width, int height,
-                      SkAlpha leftAlpha, SkAlpha rightAlpha) override;
+    void blitAntiRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, SkAlpha leftAlpha, SkAlpha rightAlpha)
+            override;
     // The flush is only needed for RLE (RunBasedAdditiveBlitter)
     void flush_if_y_changed(SkFixed y, SkFixed nextY) override {}
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@
     // Return a pointer where pointer[x] corresonds to the alpha of (x, y)
     uint8_t* getRow(int y) {
         if (y != fY) {
-            fY = y;
+            fY   = y;
             fRow = fMask.fImage + (y - fMask.fBounds.fTop) * fMask.fRowBytes - fMask.fBounds.fLeft;
         return fRow;
@@ -195,34 +194,34 @@
     // so we don't try to do very wide things, where the RLE blitter would be faster
-    static const int kMAX_WIDTH = 32;
+    static const int kMAX_WIDTH   = 32;
     static const int kMAX_STORAGE = 1024;
-    SkBlitter*  fRealBlitter;
-    SkMask      fMask;
-    SkIRect     fClipRect;
+    SkBlitter* fRealBlitter;
+    SkMask     fMask;
+    SkIRect    fClipRect;
     // we add 2 because we can write 1 extra byte at either end due to precision error
-    uint32_t    fStorage[(kMAX_STORAGE >> 2) + 2];
+    uint32_t fStorage[(kMAX_STORAGE >> 2) + 2];
-    uint8_t*    fRow;
-    int         fY;
+    uint8_t* fRow;
+    int      fY;
-MaskAdditiveBlitter::MaskAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter,
+MaskAdditiveBlitter::MaskAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter*     realBlitter,
                                          const SkIRect& ir,
                                          const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-                                         bool isInverse) {
+                                         bool           isInverse) {
     fRealBlitter = realBlitter;
-    fMask.fImage    = (uint8_t*)fStorage + 1; // There's 1 extra byte at either end of fStorage
+    fMask.fImage    = (uint8_t*)fStorage + 1;  // There's 1 extra byte at either end of fStorage
     fMask.fBounds   = ir;
     fMask.fRowBytes = ir.width();
     fMask.fFormat   = SkMask::kA8_Format;
-    fY = ir.fTop - 1;
+    fY   = ir.fTop - 1;
     fRow = nullptr;
     fClipRect = ir;
@@ -276,10 +275,10 @@
-void MaskAdditiveBlitter::blitAntiRect(int x,
-                                       int y,
-                                       int width,
-                                       int height,
+void MaskAdditiveBlitter::blitAntiRect(int     x,
+                                       int     y,
+                                       int     width,
+                                       int     height,
                                        SkAlpha leftAlpha,
                                        SkAlpha rightAlpha) {
     blitV(x, y, height, leftAlpha);
@@ -289,18 +288,14 @@
 class RunBasedAdditiveBlitter : public AdditiveBlitter {
-    RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter,
+    RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter*     realBlitter,
                             const SkIRect& ir,
                             const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-                            bool isInverse);
+                            bool           isInverse);
-    ~RunBasedAdditiveBlitter() override {
-        this->flush();
-    }
+    ~RunBasedAdditiveBlitter() override { this->flush(); }
-    SkBlitter* getRealBlitter(bool forceRealBlitter) override {
-        return fRealBlitter;
-    }
+    SkBlitter* getRealBlitter(bool forceRealBlitter) override { return fRealBlitter; }
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], int len) override;
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha alpha) override;
@@ -317,10 +312,10 @@
     SkBlitter* fRealBlitter;
-    int         fCurrY;  // Current y coordinate.
-    int         fWidth;  // Widest row of region to be blitted
-    int         fLeft;   // Leftmost x coordinate in any row
-    int         fTop;    // Initial y coordinate (top of bounds)
+    int fCurrY;  // Current y coordinate.
+    int fWidth;  // Widest row of region to be blitted
+    int fLeft;   // Leftmost x coordinate in any row
+    int fTop;    // Initial y coordinate (top of bounds)
     // The next three variables are used to track a circular buffer that
     // contains the values used in SkAlphaRuns. These variables should only
@@ -331,32 +326,27 @@
     int         fCurrentRun;
     SkAlphaRuns fRuns;
-    int         fOffsetX;
+    int fOffsetX;
-    bool check(int x, int width) const {
-        return x >= 0 && x + width <= fWidth;
-    }
+    bool check(int x, int width) const { return x >= 0 && x + width <= fWidth; }
     // extra one to store the zero at the end
-    int getRunsSz() const { return (fWidth + 1 + (fWidth + 2)/2) * sizeof(int16_t); }
+    int getRunsSz() const { return (fWidth + 1 + (fWidth + 2) / 2) * sizeof(int16_t); }
     // This function updates the fRuns variable to point to the next buffer space
     // with adequate storage for a SkAlphaRuns. It mostly just advances fCurrentRun
     // and resets fRuns to point to an empty scanline.
     void advanceRuns() {
         const size_t kRunsSz = this->getRunsSz();
-        fCurrentRun = (fCurrentRun + 1) % fRunsToBuffer;
-        fRuns.fRuns = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(
-            reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(fRunsBuffer) + fCurrentRun * kRunsSz);
-        fRuns.fAlpha = reinterpret_cast<SkAlpha*>(fRuns.fRuns + fWidth + 1);
+        fCurrentRun          = (fCurrentRun + 1) % fRunsToBuffer;
+        fRuns.fRuns          = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(fRunsBuffer) +
+                                                 fCurrentRun * kRunsSz);
+        fRuns.fAlpha         = reinterpret_cast<SkAlpha*>(fRuns.fRuns + fWidth + 1);
     // Blitting 0xFF and 0 is much faster so we snap alphas close to them
-    SkAlpha snapAlpha(SkAlpha alpha) {
-        return alpha > 247 ? 0xFF :
-               alpha <   8 ? 0x00 : alpha;
-    }
+    SkAlpha snapAlpha(SkAlpha alpha) { return alpha > 247 ? 0xFF : alpha < 8 ? 0x00 : alpha; }
     void flush() {
         if (fCurrY >= fTop) {
@@ -383,16 +373,16 @@
-RunBasedAdditiveBlitter::RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter,
+RunBasedAdditiveBlitter::RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter*     realBlitter,
                                                  const SkIRect& ir,
                                                  const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-                                                 bool isInverse) {
+                                                 bool           isInverse) {
     fRealBlitter = realBlitter;
     SkIRect sectBounds;
     if (isInverse) {
         // We use the clip bounds instead of the ir, since we may be asked to
-        //draw outside of the rect when we're a inverse filltype
+        // draw outside of the rect when we're a inverse filltype
         sectBounds = clipBounds;
     } else {
         if (!sectBounds.intersect(ir, clipBounds)) {
@@ -400,17 +390,17 @@
-    const int left = sectBounds.left();
+    const int left  = sectBounds.left();
     const int right = sectBounds.right();
-    fLeft = left;
+    fLeft  = left;
     fWidth = right - left;
-    fTop =;
+    fTop   =;
     fCurrY = fTop - 1;
     fRunsToBuffer = realBlitter->requestRowsPreserved();
-    fRunsBuffer = realBlitter->allocBlitMemory(fRunsToBuffer * this->getRunsSz());
-    fCurrentRun = -1;
+    fRunsBuffer   = realBlitter->allocBlitMemory(fRunsToBuffer * this->getRunsSz());
+    fCurrentRun   = -1;
@@ -433,10 +423,10 @@
         fOffsetX = 0;
-    fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x, 0, len, 0, 0, fOffsetX); // Break the run
+    fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x, 0, len, 0, 0, fOffsetX);  // Break the run
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i += fRuns.fRuns[x + i]) {
         for (int j = 1; j < fRuns.fRuns[x + i]; j++) {
-            fRuns.fRuns[x + i + j] = 1;
+            fRuns.fRuns[x + i + j]  = 1;
             fRuns.fAlpha[x + i + j] = fRuns.fAlpha[x + i];
         fRuns.fRuns[x + i] = 1;
@@ -476,11 +466,11 @@
 // In those cases, we can easily accumulate alpha greater than 0xFF.
 class SafeRLEAdditiveBlitter : public RunBasedAdditiveBlitter {
-    SafeRLEAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter* realBlitter,
+    SafeRLEAdditiveBlitter(SkBlitter*     realBlitter,
                            const SkIRect& ir,
                            const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-                           bool isInverse)
-        : RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(realBlitter, ir, clipBounds, isInverse) {}
+                           bool           isInverse)
+            : RunBasedAdditiveBlitter(realBlitter, ir, clipBounds, isInverse) {}
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha antialias[], int len) override;
     void blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha alpha) override;
@@ -503,10 +493,10 @@
         fOffsetX = 0;
-    fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x, 0, len, 0, 0, fOffsetX); // Break the run
+    fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x, 0, len, 0, 0, fOffsetX);  // Break the run
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i += fRuns.fRuns[x + i]) {
         for (int j = 1; j < fRuns.fRuns[x + i]; j++) {
-            fRuns.fRuns[x + i + j] = 1;
+            fRuns.fRuns[x + i + j]  = 1;
             fRuns.fAlpha[x + i + j] = fRuns.fAlpha[x + i];
         fRuns.fRuns[x + i] = 1;
@@ -542,7 +532,7 @@
     if (check(x, width)) {
         // Break the run
         fOffsetX = fRuns.add(x, 0, width, 0, 0, fOffsetX);
-        for(int i = x; i < x + width; i += fRuns.fRuns[i]) {
+        for (int i = x; i < x + width; i += fRuns.fRuns[i]) {
             safely_add_alpha(&fRuns.fAlpha[i], alpha);
@@ -550,8 +540,7 @@
 // Return the alpha of a trapezoid whose height is 1
 static SkAlpha trapezoid_to_alpha(SkFixed l1, SkFixed l2) {
-    SkASSERT(l1 >= 0 &&
-             l2 >= 0);
+    SkASSERT(l1 >= 0 && l2 >= 0);
     SkFixed area = (l1 + l2) / 2;
     return SkTo<SkAlpha>(area >> 8);
@@ -595,17 +584,21 @@
 // Suppose that line (l1, y)-(r1, y+1) intersects with (l2, y)-(r2, y+1),
 // approximate (very coarsely) the x coordinate of the intersection.
 static SkFixed approximate_intersection(SkFixed l1, SkFixed r1, SkFixed l2, SkFixed r2) {
-    if (l1 > r1) { std::swap(l1, r1); }
-    if (l2 > r2) { std::swap(l2, r2); }
+    if (l1 > r1) {
+        std::swap(l1, r1);
+    }
+    if (l2 > r2) {
+        std::swap(l2, r2);
+    }
     return (SkTMax(l1, l2) + SkTMin(r1, r2)) / 2;
 // Here we always send in l < SK_Fixed1, and the first alpha we want to compute is alphas[0]
 static void compute_alpha_above_line(SkAlpha* alphas,
-                                     SkFixed l,
-                                     SkFixed r,
-                                     SkFixed dY,
-                                     SkAlpha fullAlpha) {
+                                     SkFixed  l,
+                                     SkFixed  r,
+                                     SkFixed  dY,
+                                     SkAlpha  fullAlpha) {
     SkASSERT(l <= r);
     SkASSERT(l >> 16 == 0);
     int R = SkFixedCeilToInt(r);
@@ -614,11 +607,11 @@
     } else if (R == 1) {
         alphas[0] = get_partial_alpha(((R << 17) - l - r) >> 9, fullAlpha);
     } else {
-        SkFixed first = SK_Fixed1 - l; // horizontal edge length of the left-most triangle
-        SkFixed last = r - ((R - 1) << 16); // horizontal edge length of the right-most triangle
-        SkFixed firstH = SkFixedMul(first, dY); // vertical edge of the left-most triangle
-        alphas[0] = SkFixedMul(first, firstH) >> 9; // triangle alpha
-        SkFixed alpha16 = firstH + (dY >> 1); // rectangle plus triangle
+        SkFixed first   = SK_Fixed1 - l;        // horizontal edge length of the left-most triangle
+        SkFixed last    = r - ((R - 1) << 16);  // horizontal edge length of the right-most triangle
+        SkFixed firstH  = SkFixedMul(first, dY);  // vertical edge of the left-most triangle
+        alphas[0]       = SkFixedMul(first, firstH) >> 9;  // triangle alpha
+        SkFixed alpha16 = firstH + (dY >> 1);              // rectangle plus triangle
         for (int i = 1; i < R - 1; ++i) {
             alphas[i] = alpha16 >> 8;
             alpha16 += dY;
@@ -629,10 +622,10 @@
 // Here we always send in l < SK_Fixed1, and the first alpha we want to compute is alphas[0]
 static void compute_alpha_below_line(SkAlpha* alphas,
-                                     SkFixed l,
-                                     SkFixed r,
-                                     SkFixed dY,
-                                     SkAlpha fullAlpha) {
+                                     SkFixed  l,
+                                     SkFixed  r,
+                                     SkFixed  dY,
+                                     SkAlpha  fullAlpha) {
     SkASSERT(l <= r);
     SkASSERT(l >> 16 == 0);
     int R = SkFixedCeilToInt(r);
@@ -641,11 +634,11 @@
     } else if (R == 1) {
         alphas[0] = get_partial_alpha(trapezoid_to_alpha(l, r), fullAlpha);
     } else {
-        SkFixed first = SK_Fixed1 - l; // horizontal edge length of the left-most triangle
-        SkFixed last = r - ((R - 1) << 16); // horizontal edge length of the right-most triangle
-        SkFixed lastH = SkFixedMul(last, dY); // vertical edge of the right-most triangle
-        alphas[R-1] = SkFixedMul(last, lastH) >> 9; // triangle alpha
-        SkFixed alpha16 = lastH + (dY >> 1); // rectangle plus triangle
+        SkFixed first   = SK_Fixed1 - l;        // horizontal edge length of the left-most triangle
+        SkFixed last    = r - ((R - 1) << 16);  // horizontal edge length of the right-most triangle
+        SkFixed lastH   = SkFixedMul(last, dY);          // vertical edge of the right-most triangle
+        alphas[R - 1]   = SkFixedMul(last, lastH) >> 9;  // triangle alpha
+        SkFixed alpha16 = lastH + (dY >> 1);             // rectangle plus triangle
         for (int i = R - 2; i > 0; i--) {
             alphas[i] = (alpha16 >> 8) & 0xFF;
             alpha16 += dY;
@@ -656,16 +649,16 @@
 // Note that if fullAlpha != 0xFF, we'll multiply alpha by fullAlpha
 static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void blit_single_alpha(AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                               int y,
-                                               int x,
-                                               SkAlpha alpha,
-                                               SkAlpha fullAlpha,
-                                               SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                               bool isUsingMask,
-                                               bool noRealBlitter,
-                                               bool needSafeCheck) {
+                                               int              y,
+                                               int              x,
+                                               SkAlpha          alpha,
+                                               SkAlpha          fullAlpha,
+                                               SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                               bool             isUsingMask,
+                                               bool             noRealBlitter,
+                                               bool             needSafeCheck) {
     if (isUsingMask) {
-        if (fullAlpha == 0xFF && !noRealBlitter) { // noRealBlitter is needed for concave paths
+        if (fullAlpha == 0xFF && !noRealBlitter) {  // noRealBlitter is needed for concave paths
             maskRow[x] = alpha;
         } else if (needSafeCheck) {
             safely_add_alpha(&maskRow[x], get_partial_alpha(alpha, fullAlpha));
@@ -682,15 +675,15 @@
 static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void blit_two_alphas(AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                             int y,
-                                             int x,
-                                             SkAlpha a1,
-                                             SkAlpha a2,
-                                             SkAlpha fullAlpha,
-                                             SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                             bool isUsingMask,
-                                             bool noRealBlitter,
-                                             bool needSafeCheck) {
+                                             int              y,
+                                             int              x,
+                                             SkAlpha          a1,
+                                             SkAlpha          a2,
+                                             SkAlpha          fullAlpha,
+                                             SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                             bool             isUsingMask,
+                                             bool             noRealBlitter,
+                                             bool             needSafeCheck) {
     if (isUsingMask) {
         if (needSafeCheck) {
             safely_add_alpha(&maskRow[x], a1);
@@ -710,14 +703,14 @@
 static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void blit_full_alpha(AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                             int y,
-                                             int x,
-                                             int len,
-                                             SkAlpha fullAlpha,
-                                             SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                             bool isUsingMask,
-                                             bool noRealBlitter,
-                                             bool needSafeCheck) {
+                                             int              y,
+                                             int              x,
+                                             int              len,
+                                             SkAlpha          fullAlpha,
+                                             SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                             bool             isUsingMask,
+                                             bool             noRealBlitter,
+                                             bool             needSafeCheck) {
     if (isUsingMask) {
         for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
             if (needSafeCheck) {
@@ -736,18 +729,18 @@
 static void blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                   int y,
-                                   SkFixed ul,
-                                   SkFixed ur,
-                                   SkFixed ll,
-                                   SkFixed lr,
-                                   SkFixed lDY,
-                                   SkFixed rDY,
-                                   SkAlpha fullAlpha,
-                                   SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                   bool isUsingMask,
-                                   bool noRealBlitter,
-                                   bool needSafeCheck) {
+                                   int              y,
+                                   SkFixed          ul,
+                                   SkFixed          ur,
+                                   SkFixed          ll,
+                                   SkFixed          lr,
+                                   SkFixed          lDY,
+                                   SkFixed          rDY,
+                                   SkAlpha          fullAlpha,
+                                   SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                   bool             isUsingMask,
+                                   bool             noRealBlitter,
+                                   bool             needSafeCheck) {
     int L = SkFixedFloorToInt(ul), R = SkFixedCeilToInt(lr);
     int len = R - L;
@@ -766,8 +759,8 @@
     const int kQuickLen = 31;
-    char quickMemory[(sizeof(SkAlpha) * 2 + sizeof(int16_t)) * (kQuickLen + 1)];
-    SkAlpha* alphas;
+    char      quickMemory[(sizeof(SkAlpha) * 2 + sizeof(int16_t)) * (kQuickLen + 1)];
+    SkAlpha*  alphas;
     if (len <= kQuickLen) {
         alphas = (SkAlpha*)quickMemory;
@@ -776,29 +769,26 @@
     SkAlpha* tempAlphas = alphas + len + 1;
-    int16_t* runs = (int16_t*)(alphas + (len + 1) * 2);
+    int16_t* runs       = (int16_t*)(alphas + (len + 1) * 2);
     for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-        runs[i] = 1;
+        runs[i]   = 1;
         alphas[i] = fullAlpha;
     runs[len] = 0;
     int uL = SkFixedFloorToInt(ul);
     int lL = SkFixedCeilToInt(ll);
-    if (uL + 2 == lL) { // We only need to compute two triangles, accelerate this special case
-        SkFixed first = SkIntToFixed(uL) + SK_Fixed1 - ul;
+    if (uL + 2 == lL) {  // We only need to compute two triangles, accelerate this special case
+        SkFixed first  = SkIntToFixed(uL) + SK_Fixed1 - ul;
         SkFixed second = ll - ul - first;
-        SkAlpha a1 = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, lDY);
-        SkAlpha a2 = partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, lDY);
-        alphas[0] = alphas[0] > a1 ? alphas[0] - a1 : 0;
-        alphas[1] = alphas[1] > a2 ? alphas[1] - a2 : 0;
+        SkAlpha a1     = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, lDY);
+        SkAlpha a2     = partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, lDY);
+        alphas[0]      = alphas[0] > a1 ? alphas[0] - a1 : 0;
+        alphas[1]      = alphas[1] > a2 ? alphas[1] - a2 : 0;
     } else {
-        compute_alpha_below_line(tempAlphas + uL - L,
-                                 ul - SkIntToFixed(uL),
-                                 ll - SkIntToFixed(uL),
-                                 lDY,
-                                 fullAlpha);
+        compute_alpha_below_line(
+                tempAlphas + uL - L, ul - SkIntToFixed(uL), ll - SkIntToFixed(uL), lDY, fullAlpha);
         for (int i = uL; i < lL; ++i) {
             if (alphas[i - L] > tempAlphas[i - L]) {
                 alphas[i - L] -= tempAlphas[i - L];
@@ -810,19 +800,16 @@
     int uR = SkFixedFloorToInt(ur);
     int lR = SkFixedCeilToInt(lr);
-    if (uR + 2 == lR) { // We only need to compute two triangles, accelerate this special case
-        SkFixed first = SkIntToFixed(uR) + SK_Fixed1 - ur;
-        SkFixed second = lr - ur - first;
-        SkAlpha a1 = partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, rDY);
-        SkAlpha a2 = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, rDY);
-        alphas[len-2] = alphas[len-2] > a1 ? alphas[len-2] - a1 : 0;
-        alphas[len-1] = alphas[len-1] > a2 ? alphas[len-1] - a2 : 0;
+    if (uR + 2 == lR) {  // We only need to compute two triangles, accelerate this special case
+        SkFixed first   = SkIntToFixed(uR) + SK_Fixed1 - ur;
+        SkFixed second  = lr - ur - first;
+        SkAlpha a1      = partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, rDY);
+        SkAlpha a2      = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, rDY);
+        alphas[len - 2] = alphas[len - 2] > a1 ? alphas[len - 2] - a1 : 0;
+        alphas[len - 1] = alphas[len - 1] > a2 ? alphas[len - 1] - a2 : 0;
     } else {
-        compute_alpha_above_line(tempAlphas + uR - L,
-                                 ur - SkIntToFixed(uR),
-                                 lr - SkIntToFixed(uR),
-                                 rDY,
-                                 fullAlpha);
+        compute_alpha_above_line(
+                tempAlphas + uR - L, ur - SkIntToFixed(uR), lr - SkIntToFixed(uR), rDY, fullAlpha);
         for (int i = uR; i < lR; ++i) {
             if (alphas[i - L] > tempAlphas[i - L]) {
                 alphas[i - L] -= tempAlphas[i - L];
@@ -850,24 +837,24 @@
     if (len > kQuickLen) {
-        delete [] alphas;
+        delete[] alphas;
 static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void blit_trapezoid_row(AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                                int y,
-                                                SkFixed ul,
-                                                SkFixed ur,
-                                                SkFixed ll,
-                                                SkFixed lr,
-                                                SkFixed lDY,
-                                                SkFixed rDY,
-                                                SkAlpha fullAlpha,
-                                                SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                                bool isUsingMask,
-                                                bool noRealBlitter = false,
-                                                bool needSafeCheck = false) {
-    SkASSERT(lDY >= 0 && rDY >= 0); // We should only send in the absolte value
+                                                int              y,
+                                                SkFixed          ul,
+                                                SkFixed          ur,
+                                                SkFixed          ll,
+                                                SkFixed          lr,
+                                                SkFixed          lDY,
+                                                SkFixed          rDY,
+                                                SkAlpha          fullAlpha,
+                                                SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                                bool             isUsingMask,
+                                                bool             noRealBlitter = false,
+                                                bool             needSafeCheck = false) {
+    SkASSERT(lDY >= 0 && rDY >= 0);  // We should only send in the absolte value
     if (ul > ur) {
@@ -880,67 +867,138 @@
     if (ul == ur && ll == lr) {
-        return; // empty trapzoid
+        return;  // empty trapzoid
     // We're going to use the left line ul-ll and the rite line ur-lr
     // to exclude the area that's not covered by the path.
     // Swapping (ul, ll) or (ur, lr) won't affect that exclusion
     // so we'll do that for simplicity.
-    if (ul > ll) { std::swap(ul, ll); }
-    if (ur > lr) { std::swap(ur, lr); }
+    if (ul > ll) {
+        std::swap(ul, ll);
+    }
+    if (ur > lr) {
+        std::swap(ur, lr);
+    }
     SkFixed joinLeft = SkFixedCeilToFixed(ll);
     SkFixed joinRite = SkFixedFloorToFixed(ur);
-    if (joinLeft <= joinRite) { // There's a rect from joinLeft to joinRite that we can blit
+    if (joinLeft <= joinRite) {  // There's a rect from joinLeft to joinRite that we can blit
         if (ul < joinLeft) {
             int len = SkFixedCeilToInt(joinLeft - ul);
             if (len == 1) {
                 SkAlpha alpha = trapezoid_to_alpha(joinLeft - ul, joinLeft - ll);
-                blit_single_alpha(blitter, y, ul >> 16, alpha, fullAlpha, maskRow, isUsingMask,
-                        noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+                blit_single_alpha(blitter,
+                                  y,
+                                  ul >> 16,
+                                  alpha,
+                                  fullAlpha,
+                                  maskRow,
+                                  isUsingMask,
+                                  noRealBlitter,
+                                  needSafeCheck);
             } else if (len == 2) {
-                SkFixed first = joinLeft - SK_Fixed1 - ul;
+                SkFixed first  = joinLeft - SK_Fixed1 - ul;
                 SkFixed second = ll - ul - first;
-                SkAlpha a1 = partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, lDY);
-                SkAlpha a2 = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, lDY);
-                blit_two_alphas(blitter, y, ul >> 16, a1, a2, fullAlpha, maskRow, isUsingMask,
-                        noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+                SkAlpha a1     = partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, lDY);
+                SkAlpha a2     = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, lDY);
+                blit_two_alphas(blitter,
+                                y,
+                                ul >> 16,
+                                a1,
+                                a2,
+                                fullAlpha,
+                                maskRow,
+                                isUsingMask,
+                                noRealBlitter,
+                                needSafeCheck);
             } else {
-                blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter, y, ul, joinLeft, ll, joinLeft, lDY, SK_MaxS32,
-                                       fullAlpha, maskRow, isUsingMask, noRealBlitter,
+                blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter,
+                                       y,
+                                       ul,
+                                       joinLeft,
+                                       ll,
+                                       joinLeft,
+                                       lDY,
+                                       SK_MaxS32,
+                                       fullAlpha,
+                                       maskRow,
+                                       isUsingMask,
+                                       noRealBlitter,
         // SkAAClip requires that we blit from left to right.
         // Hence we must blit [ul, joinLeft] before blitting [joinLeft, joinRite]
         if (joinLeft < joinRite) {
-            blit_full_alpha(blitter, y, SkFixedFloorToInt(joinLeft),
+            blit_full_alpha(blitter,
+                            y,
+                            SkFixedFloorToInt(joinLeft),
                             SkFixedFloorToInt(joinRite - joinLeft),
-                            fullAlpha, maskRow, isUsingMask, noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+                            fullAlpha,
+                            maskRow,
+                            isUsingMask,
+                            noRealBlitter,
+                            needSafeCheck);
         if (lr > joinRite) {
             int len = SkFixedCeilToInt(lr - joinRite);
             if (len == 1) {
                 SkAlpha alpha = trapezoid_to_alpha(ur - joinRite, lr - joinRite);
-                blit_single_alpha(blitter, y, joinRite >> 16, alpha, fullAlpha, maskRow,
-                                  isUsingMask, noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+                blit_single_alpha(blitter,
+                                  y,
+                                  joinRite >> 16,
+                                  alpha,
+                                  fullAlpha,
+                                  maskRow,
+                                  isUsingMask,
+                                  noRealBlitter,
+                                  needSafeCheck);
             } else if (len == 2) {
-                SkFixed first = joinRite + SK_Fixed1 - ur;
+                SkFixed first  = joinRite + SK_Fixed1 - ur;
                 SkFixed second = lr - ur - first;
-                SkAlpha a1 = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, rDY);
-                SkAlpha a2 = partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, rDY);
-                blit_two_alphas(blitter, y, joinRite >> 16, a1, a2, fullAlpha, maskRow,
-                                isUsingMask, noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+                SkAlpha a1     = fullAlpha - partial_triangle_to_alpha(first, rDY);
+                SkAlpha a2     = partial_triangle_to_alpha(second, rDY);
+                blit_two_alphas(blitter,
+                                y,
+                                joinRite >> 16,
+                                a1,
+                                a2,
+                                fullAlpha,
+                                maskRow,
+                                isUsingMask,
+                                noRealBlitter,
+                                needSafeCheck);
             } else {
-                blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter, y, joinRite, ur, joinRite, lr, SK_MaxS32, rDY,
-                                       fullAlpha, maskRow, isUsingMask, noRealBlitter,
+                blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter,
+                                       y,
+                                       joinRite,
+                                       ur,
+                                       joinRite,
+                                       lr,
+                                       SK_MaxS32,
+                                       rDY,
+                                       fullAlpha,
+                                       maskRow,
+                                       isUsingMask,
+                                       noRealBlitter,
     } else {
-        blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter, y, ul, ur, ll, lr, lDY, rDY, fullAlpha, maskRow,
-                               isUsingMask, noRealBlitter, needSafeCheck);
+        blit_aaa_trapezoid_row(blitter,
+                               y,
+                               ul,
+                               ur,
+                               ll,
+                               lr,
+                               lDY,
+                               rDY,
+                               fullAlpha,
+                               maskRow,
+                               isUsingMask,
+                               noRealBlitter,
+                               needSafeCheck);
@@ -967,7 +1025,7 @@
     // now make the edges linked in sorted order
     for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
         list[i - 1]->fNext = list[i];
-        list[i]->fPrev = list[i - 1];
+        list[i]->fPrev     = list[i - 1];
     *last = list[count - 1];
@@ -982,7 +1040,7 @@
         SkASSERT(y <= edge->fUpperY);
-        y = edge->fUpperY;
+        y    = edge->fUpperY;
         edge = (SkAnalyticEdge*)edge->fNext;
@@ -991,12 +1049,10 @@
 // For an edge, we consider it smooth if the Dx doesn't change much, and Dy is large enough
 // For curves that are updating, the Dx is not changing much if fQDx/fCDx and fQDy/fCDy are
 // relatively large compared to fQDDx/QCDDx and fQDDy/fCDDy
-static bool is_smooth_enough(SkAnalyticEdge* thisEdge,
-                             SkAnalyticEdge* nextEdge,
-                             int stop_y) {
+static bool is_smooth_enough(SkAnalyticEdge* thisEdge, SkAnalyticEdge* nextEdge, int stop_y) {
     if (thisEdge->fCurveCount < 0) {
-        const SkCubicEdge& cEdge = static_cast<SkAnalyticCubicEdge*>(thisEdge)->fCEdge;
-        int ddshift = cEdge.fCurveShift;
+        const SkCubicEdge& cEdge   = static_cast<SkAnalyticCubicEdge*>(thisEdge)->fCEdge;
+        int                ddshift = cEdge.fCurveShift;
         return SkAbs32(cEdge.fCDx) >> 1 >= SkAbs32(cEdge.fCDDx) >> ddshift &&
                SkAbs32(cEdge.fCDy) >> 1 >= SkAbs32(cEdge.fCDDy) >> ddshift &&
                // current Dy is (fCDy - (fCDDy >> ddshift)) >> dshift
@@ -1008,8 +1064,8 @@
                // current Dy is (fQDy - fQDDy) >> shift
                (qEdge.fQDy - qEdge.fQDDy) >> qEdge.fCurveShift >= SK_Fixed1;
-    return SkAbs32(nextEdge->fDX - thisEdge->fDX) <= SK_Fixed1 && // DDx should be small
-            nextEdge->fLowerY - nextEdge->fUpperY >= SK_Fixed1; // Dy should be large
+    return SkAbs32(nextEdge->fDX - thisEdge->fDX) <= SK_Fixed1 &&  // DDx should be small
+           nextEdge->fLowerY - nextEdge->fUpperY >= SK_Fixed1;     // Dy should be large
 // Check if the leftE and riteE are changing smoothly in terms of fDX.
@@ -1017,19 +1073,19 @@
 static bool is_smooth_enough(SkAnalyticEdge* leftE,
                              SkAnalyticEdge* riteE,
                              SkAnalyticEdge* currE,
-                             int stop_y) {
+                             int             stop_y) {
     if (currE->fUpperY >= SkLeftShift(stop_y, 16)) {
-        return false; // We're at the end so we won't skip anything
+        return false;  // We're at the end so we won't skip anything
     if (leftE->fLowerY + SK_Fixed1 < riteE->fLowerY) {
-        return is_smooth_enough(leftE, currE, stop_y); // Only leftE is changing
+        return is_smooth_enough(leftE, currE, stop_y);  // Only leftE is changing
     } else if (leftE->fLowerY > riteE->fLowerY + SK_Fixed1) {
-        return is_smooth_enough(riteE, currE, stop_y); // Only riteE is changing
+        return is_smooth_enough(riteE, currE, stop_y);  // Only riteE is changing
     // Now both edges are changing, find the second next edge
     SkAnalyticEdge* nextCurrE = currE->fNext;
-    if (nextCurrE->fUpperY >= stop_y << 16) { // Check if we're at the end
+    if (nextCurrE->fUpperY >= stop_y << 16) {  // Check if we're at the end
         return false;
     // Ensure that currE is the next left edge and nextCurrE is the next right edge. Swap if not.
@@ -1039,25 +1095,25 @@
     return is_smooth_enough(leftE, currE, stop_y) && is_smooth_enough(riteE, nextCurrE, stop_y);
-static void aaa_walk_convex_edges(SkAnalyticEdge* prevHead,
+static void aaa_walk_convex_edges(SkAnalyticEdge*  prevHead,
                                   AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                  int start_y,
-                                  int stop_y,
-                                  SkFixed leftBound,
-                                  SkFixed riteBound,
-                                  bool isUsingMask) {
+                                  int              start_y,
+                                  int              stop_y,
+                                  SkFixed          leftBound,
+                                  SkFixed          riteBound,
+                                  bool             isUsingMask) {
-    SkAnalyticEdge* leftE = (SkAnalyticEdge*) prevHead->fNext;
-    SkAnalyticEdge* riteE = (SkAnalyticEdge*) leftE->fNext;
-    SkAnalyticEdge* currE = (SkAnalyticEdge*) riteE->fNext;
+    SkAnalyticEdge* leftE = (SkAnalyticEdge*)prevHead->fNext;
+    SkAnalyticEdge* riteE = (SkAnalyticEdge*)leftE->fNext;
+    SkAnalyticEdge* currE = (SkAnalyticEdge*)riteE->fNext;
     SkFixed y = SkTMax(leftE->fUpperY, riteE->fUpperY);
     for (;;) {
         // We have to check fLowerY first because some edges might be alone (e.g., there's only
         // a left edge but no right edge in a given y scan line) due to precision limit.
-        while (leftE->fLowerY <= y) { // Due to smooth jump, we may pass multiple short edges
+        while (leftE->fLowerY <= y) {  // Due to smooth jump, we may pass multiple short edges
             if (!leftE->update(y)) {
                 if (SkFixedFloorToInt(currE->fUpperY) >= stop_y) {
                     goto END_WALK;
@@ -1066,7 +1122,7 @@
                 currE = (SkAnalyticEdge*)currE->fNext;
-        while (riteE->fLowerY <= y) { // Due to smooth jump, we may pass multiple short edges
+        while (riteE->fLowerY <= y) {  // Due to smooth jump, we may pass multiple short edges
             if (!riteE->update(y)) {
                 if (SkFixedFloorToInt(currE->fUpperY) >= stop_y) {
                     goto END_WALK;
@@ -1090,8 +1146,7 @@
-        if (leftE->fX > riteE->fX || (leftE->fX == riteE->fX &&
-                                      leftE->fDX > riteE->fDX)) {
+        if (leftE->fX > riteE->fX || (leftE->fX == riteE->fX && leftE->fDX > riteE->fDX)) {
             std::swap(leftE, riteE);
@@ -1101,9 +1156,9 @@
         local_bot_fixed = SkMin32(local_bot_fixed, SkIntToFixed(stop_y));
-        SkFixed left = SkTMax(leftBound, leftE->fX);
+        SkFixed left  = SkTMax(leftBound, leftE->fX);
         SkFixed dLeft = leftE->fDX;
-        SkFixed rite = SkTMin(riteBound, riteE->fX);
+        SkFixed rite  = SkTMin(riteBound, riteE->fX);
         SkFixed dRite = riteE->fDX;
         if (0 == (dLeft | dRite)) {
             int     fullLeft    = SkFixedCeilToInt(left);
@@ -1114,33 +1169,34 @@
             int     fullBot     = SkFixedFloorToInt(local_bot_fixed);
             SkFixed partialTop  = SkIntToFixed(fullTop) - y;
             SkFixed partialBot  = local_bot_fixed - SkIntToFixed(fullBot);
-            if (fullTop > fullBot) { // The rectangle is within one pixel height...
+            if (fullTop > fullBot) {  // The rectangle is within one pixel height...
                 partialTop -= (SK_Fixed1 - partialBot);
                 partialBot = 0;
             if (fullRite >= fullLeft) {
-                if (partialTop > 0) { // blit first partial row
+                if (partialTop > 0) {  // blit first partial row
                     if (partialLeft > 0) {
-                        blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1, fullTop - 1,
-                                fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialTop, partialLeft)));
+                        blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1,
+                                           fullTop - 1,
+                                           fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialTop, partialLeft)));
-                    blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft, fullTop - 1, fullRite - fullLeft,
-                                       fixed_to_alpha(partialTop));
+                    blitter->blitAntiH(
+                            fullLeft, fullTop - 1, fullRite - fullLeft, fixed_to_alpha(partialTop));
                     if (partialRite > 0) {
-                        blitter->blitAntiH(fullRite, fullTop - 1,
-                                fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialTop, partialRite)));
+                        blitter->blitAntiH(fullRite,
+                                           fullTop - 1,
+                                           fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialTop, partialRite)));
                     blitter->flush_if_y_changed(y, y + partialTop);
                 // Blit all full-height rows from fullTop to fullBot
                 if (fullBot > fullTop &&
-                        // SkAAClip cannot handle the empty rect so check the non-emptiness here
-                        // (bug chromium:662800)
-                        (fullRite > fullLeft ||
-                         fixed_to_alpha(partialLeft) > 0 ||
-                         fixed_to_alpha(partialRite) > 0)) {
+                    // SkAAClip cannot handle the empty rect so check the non-emptiness here
+                    // (bug chromium:662800)
+                    (fullRite > fullLeft || fixed_to_alpha(partialLeft) > 0 ||
+                     fixed_to_alpha(partialRite) > 0)) {
                     blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitAntiRect(fullLeft - 1,
                                                             fullRite - fullLeft,
@@ -1149,23 +1205,21 @@
-                if (partialBot > 0) { // blit last partial row
+                if (partialBot > 0) {  // blit last partial row
                     if (partialLeft > 0) {
                         blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1,
                                            fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialBot, partialLeft)));
-                    blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft,
-                                       fullBot,
-                                       fullRite - fullLeft,
-                                       fixed_to_alpha(partialBot));
+                    blitter->blitAntiH(
+                            fullLeft, fullBot, fullRite - fullLeft, fixed_to_alpha(partialBot));
                     if (partialRite > 0) {
                                            fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialBot, partialRite)));
-            } else { // left and rite are within the same pixel
+            } else {  // left and rite are within the same pixel
                 if (partialTop > 0) {
                     blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1,
                                        fullTop - 1,
@@ -1174,14 +1228,14 @@
                     blitter->flush_if_y_changed(y, y + partialTop);
                 if (fullBot > fullTop) {
-                    blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitV(fullLeft - 1,
-                                                     fullTop,
-                                                     fullBot - fullTop,
-                                                     fixed_to_alpha(rite - left));
+                    blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitV(
+                            fullLeft - 1, fullTop, fullBot - fullTop, fixed_to_alpha(rite - left));
                 if (partialBot > 0) {
-                    blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1, fullBot, 1,
-                            fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialBot, rite - left)));
+                    blitter->blitAntiH(fullLeft - 1,
+                                       fullBot,
+                                       1,
+                                       fixed_to_alpha(SkFixedMul(partialBot, rite - left)));
@@ -1191,9 +1245,10 @@
             // We snap X mainly for speedup (no tiny triangle) and
             // avoiding edge cases caused by precision errors
             const SkFixed kSnapDigit = SK_Fixed1 >> 4;
-            const SkFixed kSnapHalf = kSnapDigit >> 1;
-            const SkFixed kSnapMask = (-1 ^ (kSnapDigit - 1));
-            left += kSnapHalf; rite += kSnapHalf; // For fast rounding
+            const SkFixed kSnapHalf  = kSnapDigit >> 1;
+            const SkFixed kSnapMask  = (-1 ^ (kSnapDigit - 1));
+            left += kSnapHalf;
+            rite += kSnapHalf;  // For fast rounding
             // Number of blit_trapezoid_row calls we'll have
             int count = SkFixedCeilToInt(local_bot_fixed) - SkFixedFloorToInt(y);
@@ -1210,14 +1265,13 @@
             // handle partial-row blit and full-row blit separately. It will save us much time
             // on changing y, left, and rite.
             if (count > 1) {
-                if ((int)(y & 0xFFFF0000) != y) { // There's a partial-row on the top
+                if ((int)(y & 0xFFFF0000) != y) {  // There's a partial-row on the top
-                    SkFixed nextY = SkFixedCeilToFixed(y + 1);
-                    SkFixed dY = nextY - y;
+                    SkFixed nextY    = SkFixedCeilToFixed(y + 1);
+                    SkFixed dY       = nextY - y;
                     SkFixed nextLeft = left + SkFixedMul(dLeft, dY);
                     SkFixed nextRite = rite + SkFixedMul(dRite, dY);
-                    SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
-                             (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
+                    SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound && (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
                              (nextLeft & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
                              (nextRite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound);
@@ -1234,17 +1288,16 @@
                     blitter->flush_if_y_changed(y, nextY);
                     left = nextLeft;
                     rite = nextRite;
-                    y = nextY;
+                    y    = nextY;
-                while (count > 1) { // Full rows in the middle
+                while (count > 1) {  // Full rows in the middle
                     if (isUsingMask) {
                         maskRow = static_cast<MaskAdditiveBlitter*>(blitter)->getRow(y >> 16);
                     SkFixed nextY = y + SK_Fixed1, nextLeft = left + dLeft, nextRite = rite + dRite;
-                    SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
-                             (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
+                    SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound && (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
                              (nextLeft & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
                              (nextRite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound);
@@ -1261,7 +1314,7 @@
                     blitter->flush_if_y_changed(y, nextY);
                     left = nextLeft;
                     rite = nextRite;
-                    y = nextY;
+                    y    = nextY;
@@ -1269,17 +1322,15 @@
                 maskRow = static_cast<MaskAdditiveBlitter*>(blitter)->getRow(y >> 16);
-            SkFixed dY = local_bot_fixed - y; // partial-row on the bottom
+            SkFixed dY = local_bot_fixed - y;  // partial-row on the bottom
             SkASSERT(dY <= SK_Fixed1);
             // Smooth jumping to integer y may make the last nextLeft/nextRite out of bound.
             // Take them back into the bound here.
             // Note that we substract kSnapHalf later so we have to add them to leftBound/riteBound
             SkFixed nextLeft = SkTMax(left + SkFixedMul(dLeft, dY), leftBound + kSnapHalf);
             SkFixed nextRite = SkTMin(rite + SkFixedMul(dRite, dY), riteBound + kSnapHalf);
-            SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
-                     (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
-                     (nextLeft & kSnapMask) >= leftBound &&
-                     (nextRite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound);
+            SkASSERT((left & kSnapMask) >= leftBound && (rite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound &&
+                     (nextLeft & kSnapMask) >= leftBound && (nextRite & kSnapMask) <= riteBound);
                                y >> 16,
                                left & kSnapMask,
@@ -1294,7 +1345,7 @@
             blitter->flush_if_y_changed(y, local_bot_fixed);
             left = nextLeft;
             rite = nextRite;
-            y = local_bot_fixed;
+            y    = local_bot_fixed;
             left -= kSnapHalf;
             rite -= kSnapHalf;
@@ -1304,8 +1355,7 @@
         leftE->fY = riteE->fY = y;
-    ;
 static void update_next_next_y(SkFixed y, SkFixed nextY, SkFixed* nextNextY) {
@@ -1335,7 +1385,7 @@
     // find first x pos to insert
     SkAnalyticEdge* start = backward_insert_start(prev, newEdge->fX);
-    //insert the lot, fixing up the links as we go
+    // insert the lot, fixing up the links as we go
     do {
         SkAnalyticEdge* next = newEdge->fNext;
         do {
@@ -1351,10 +1401,10 @@
         } while (true);
         insert_edge_after(newEdge, start);
+    nextEdge:
         check_intersection(newEdge, y, nextNextY);
         update_next_next_y(newEdge->fLowerY, y, nextNextY);
-        start = newEdge;
+        start   = newEdge;
         newEdge = next;
     } while (newEdge->fUpperY <= y);
     update_next_next_y(newEdge->fUpperY, y, nextNextY);
@@ -1386,8 +1436,8 @@
     // However, to handle that case, we have to sacrafice more performance.
     // I think the current quality is good enough (mainly by looking at Nebraska-StateSeal.svg)
     // so I'll ignore fDX for performance tradeoff.
-    return next && prev && next->fUpperY < lowerY && prev->fX + SLACK >=
-                                                     next->fX - SkAbs32(next->fDX);
+    return next && prev && next->fUpperY < lowerY &&
+           prev->fX + SLACK >= next->fX - SkAbs32(next->fDX);
     // The following is more accurate but also slower.
     // return (prev && prev->fPrev && next && next->fNext != nullptr && next->fUpperY < lowerY &&
     //     prev->fX + SkAbs32(prev->fDX) + SLACK >= next->fX - SkAbs32(next->fDX));
@@ -1399,16 +1449,16 @@
     return prevRite > SkFixedFloorToInt(ul) || prevRite > SkFixedFloorToInt(ll);
-static void blit_saved_trapezoid(SkAnalyticEdge* leftE,
-                                 SkFixed lowerY,
-                                 SkFixed lowerLeft,
-                                 SkFixed lowerRite,
+static void blit_saved_trapezoid(SkAnalyticEdge*  leftE,
+                                 SkFixed          lowerY,
+                                 SkFixed          lowerLeft,
+                                 SkFixed          lowerRite,
                                  AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                 SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                                 bool isUsingMask,
-                                 bool noRealBlitter,
-                                 SkFixed leftClip,
-                                 SkFixed rightClip) {
+                                 SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                                 bool             isUsingMask,
+                                 bool             noRealBlitter,
+                                 SkFixed          leftClip,
+                                 SkFixed          rightClip) {
     SkAnalyticEdge* riteE = leftE->fRiteE;
     SkASSERT(riteE->fNext == nullptr || leftE->fSavedY == riteE->fSavedY);
@@ -1417,44 +1467,43 @@
     // Instead of using fixed_to_alpha(lowerY - leftE->fSavedY), we use the following fullAlpha
     // to elimiate cumulative error: if there are many fractional y scan lines within the
     // same row, the former may accumulate the rounding error while the later won't.
-    SkAlpha fullAlpha = fixed_to_alpha(lowerY         - SkIntToFixed(y))
-                      - fixed_to_alpha(leftE->fSavedY - SkIntToFixed(y));
+    SkAlpha fullAlpha = fixed_to_alpha(lowerY - SkIntToFixed(y)) -
+                        fixed_to_alpha(leftE->fSavedY - SkIntToFixed(y));
     // We need fSavedDY because the (quad or cubic) edge might be updated
-    blit_trapezoid_row(blitter,
-                       y,
-                       SkTMax(leftE->fSavedX, leftClip),
-                       SkTMin(riteE->fSavedX, rightClip),
-                       SkTMax(lowerLeft, leftClip),
-                       SkTMin(lowerRite, rightClip),
-                       leftE->fSavedDY,
-                       riteE->fSavedDY,
-                       fullAlpha,
-                       maskRow,
-                       isUsingMask,
-                       noRealBlitter ||
-                        (fullAlpha == 0xFF &&
-                            (edges_too_close(leftE->fPrev, leftE, lowerY) ||
-                             edges_too_close(riteE, riteE->fNext, lowerY))),
-                       true);
+    blit_trapezoid_row(
+            blitter,
+            y,
+            SkTMax(leftE->fSavedX, leftClip),
+            SkTMin(riteE->fSavedX, rightClip),
+            SkTMax(lowerLeft, leftClip),
+            SkTMin(lowerRite, rightClip),
+            leftE->fSavedDY,
+            riteE->fSavedDY,
+            fullAlpha,
+            maskRow,
+            isUsingMask,
+            noRealBlitter || (fullAlpha == 0xFF && (edges_too_close(leftE->fPrev, leftE, lowerY) ||
+                                                    edges_too_close(riteE, riteE->fNext, lowerY))),
+            true);
     leftE->fRiteE = nullptr;
 static void deferred_blit(SkAnalyticEdge* leftE,
                           SkAnalyticEdge* riteE,
-                          SkFixed left,
-                          SkFixed leftDY, // don't save leftE->fX/fDY as they may have been updated
+                          SkFixed         left,
+                          SkFixed leftDY,  // don't save leftE->fX/fDY as they may have been updated
                           SkFixed y,
                           SkFixed nextY,
-                          bool isIntegralNextY,
-                          bool leftEnds,
-                          bool riteEnds,
+                          bool    isIntegralNextY,
+                          bool    leftEnds,
+                          bool    riteEnds,
                           AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                          SkAlpha* maskRow,
-                          bool isUsingMask,
-                          bool noRealBlitter,
-                          SkFixed leftClip,
-                          SkFixed rightClip,
-                          int yShift) {
+                          SkAlpha*         maskRow,
+                          bool             isUsingMask,
+                          bool             noRealBlitter,
+                          SkFixed          leftClip,
+                          SkFixed          rightClip,
+                          int              yShift) {
     if (leftE->fRiteE && leftE->fRiteE != riteE) {
         // leftE's right edge changed. Blit the saved trapezoid.
         SkASSERT(leftE->fRiteE->fNext == nullptr || leftE->fRiteE->fY == y);
@@ -1495,26 +1544,26 @@
-static void aaa_walk_edges(SkAnalyticEdge* prevHead,
-                           SkAnalyticEdge* nextTail,
+static void aaa_walk_edges(SkAnalyticEdge*  prevHead,
+                           SkAnalyticEdge*  nextTail,
                            SkPath::FillType fillType,
                            AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                           int start_y,
-                           int stop_y,
-                           SkFixed leftClip,
-                           SkFixed rightClip,
-                           bool isUsingMask,
-                           bool forceRLE,
-                           bool useDeferred,
-                           bool skipIntersect) {
+                           int              start_y,
+                           int              stop_y,
+                           SkFixed          leftClip,
+                           SkFixed          rightClip,
+                           bool             isUsingMask,
+                           bool             forceRLE,
+                           bool             useDeferred,
+                           bool             skipIntersect) {
     prevHead->fX = prevHead->fUpperX = leftClip;
     nextTail->fX = nextTail->fUpperX = rightClip;
-    SkFixed y = SkTMax(prevHead->fNext->fUpperY, SkIntToFixed(start_y));
-    SkFixed nextNextY = SK_MaxS32;
+    SkFixed y                        = SkTMax(prevHead->fNext->fUpperY, SkIntToFixed(start_y));
+    SkFixed nextNextY                = SK_MaxS32;
         SkAnalyticEdge* edge;
-        for(edge = prevHead->fNext; edge->fUpperY <= y; edge = edge->fNext) {
+        for (edge = prevHead->fNext; edge->fUpperY <= y; edge = edge->fNext) {
             update_next_next_y(edge->fLowerY, y, &nextNextY);
@@ -1529,14 +1578,12 @@
     if (isInverse && SkIntToFixed(start_y) != y) {
         int width = SkFixedFloorToInt(rightClip - leftClip);
         if (SkFixedFloorToInt(y) != start_y) {
-            blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitRect(SkFixedFloorToInt(leftClip),
-                                                start_y,
-                                                width,
-                                                SkFixedFloorToInt(y) - start_y);
+            blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitRect(
+                    SkFixedFloorToInt(leftClip), start_y, width, SkFixedFloorToInt(y) - start_y);
             start_y = SkFixedFloorToInt(y);
-        SkAlpha* maskRow = isUsingMask ? static_cast<MaskAdditiveBlitter*>(blitter)->getRow(start_y)
-                                       : nullptr;
+        SkAlpha* maskRow =
+                isUsingMask ? static_cast<MaskAdditiveBlitter*>(blitter)->getRow(start_y) : nullptr;
@@ -1549,25 +1596,25 @@
     while (true) {
-        int     w = 0;
-        bool    in_interval     = isInverse;
-        SkFixed prevX           = prevHead->fX;
-        SkFixed nextY           = SkTMin(nextNextY, SkFixedCeilToFixed(y + 1));
-        bool isIntegralNextY    = (nextY & (SK_Fixed1 - 1)) == 0;
-        SkAnalyticEdge* currE   = prevHead->fNext;
-        SkAnalyticEdge* leftE   = prevHead;
-        SkFixed left            = leftClip;
-        SkFixed leftDY          = 0;
-        bool leftEnds           = false;
-        int prevRite            = SkFixedFloorToInt(leftClip);
+        int             w               = 0;
+        bool            in_interval     = isInverse;
+        SkFixed         prevX           = prevHead->fX;
+        SkFixed         nextY           = SkTMin(nextNextY, SkFixedCeilToFixed(y + 1));
+        bool            isIntegralNextY = (nextY & (SK_Fixed1 - 1)) == 0;
+        SkAnalyticEdge* currE           = prevHead->fNext;
+        SkAnalyticEdge* leftE           = prevHead;
+        SkFixed         left            = leftClip;
+        SkFixed         leftDY          = 0;
+        bool            leftEnds        = false;
+        int             prevRite        = SkFixedFloorToInt(leftClip);
-        nextNextY               = SK_MaxS32;
+        nextNextY = SK_MaxS32;
         SkASSERT((nextY & ((SK_Fixed1 >> 2) - 1)) == 0);
         int yShift = 0;
         if ((nextY - y) & (SK_Fixed1 >> 2)) {
             yShift = 2;
-            nextY = y + (SK_Fixed1 >> 2);
+            nextY  = y + (SK_Fixed1 >> 2);
         } else if ((nextY - y) & (SK_Fixed1 >> 1)) {
             yShift = 1;
             SkASSERT(nextY == y + (SK_Fixed1 >> 1));
@@ -1587,7 +1634,7 @@
         // Even if next - y == SK_Fixed1, we can still break the left-to-right order requirement
         // of the SKAAClip: |\| (two trapezoids with overlapping middle wedges)
-        bool noRealBlitter = forceRLE; // forceRLE && (nextY - y != SK_Fixed1);
+        bool noRealBlitter = forceRLE;  // forceRLE && (nextY - y != SK_Fixed1);
         while (currE->fUpperY <= y) {
             SkASSERT(currE->fLowerY >= nextY);
@@ -1595,10 +1642,10 @@
             w += currE->fWinding;
             bool prev_in_interval = in_interval;
-            in_interval = !(w & windingMask) == isInverse;
+            in_interval           = !(w & windingMask) == isInverse;
-            bool isLeft = in_interval && !prev_in_interval;
-            bool isRite = !in_interval && prev_in_interval;
+            bool isLeft   = in_interval && !prev_in_interval;
+            bool isRite   = !in_interval && prev_in_interval;
             bool currEnds = currE->fLowerY == nextY;
             if (useDeferred) {
@@ -1656,39 +1703,38 @@
                     SkFixed rite = currE->fX;
                     currE->goY(nextY, yShift);
                     SkFixed nextLeft = SkTMax(leftClip, leftE->fX);
-                    rite = SkTMin(rightClip, rite);
+                    rite             = SkTMin(rightClip, rite);
                     SkFixed nextRite = SkTMin(rightClip, currE->fX);
-                    blit_trapezoid_row(blitter,
-                                       y >> 16,
-                                       left,
-                                       rite,
-                                       nextLeft,
-                                       nextRite,
-                                       leftDY,
-                                       currE->fDY,
-                                       fullAlpha,
-                                       maskRow,
-                                       isUsingMask,
-                                       noRealBlitter ||
-                                            (fullAlpha == 0xFF &&
-                                                (edges_too_close(prevRite, left, leftE->fX) ||
-                                                 edges_too_close(currE, currE->fNext, nextY))),
-                                       true);
+                    blit_trapezoid_row(
+                            blitter,
+                            y >> 16,
+                            left,
+                            rite,
+                            nextLeft,
+                            nextRite,
+                            leftDY,
+                            currE->fDY,
+                            fullAlpha,
+                            maskRow,
+                            isUsingMask,
+                            noRealBlitter || (fullAlpha == 0xFF &&
+                                              (edges_too_close(prevRite, left, leftE->fX) ||
+                                               edges_too_close(currE, currE->fNext, nextY))),
+                            true);
                     prevRite = SkFixedCeilToInt(SkTMax(rite, currE->fX));
             } else {
                 if (isLeft) {
-                    left = SkTMax(currE->fX, leftClip);
-                    leftDY = currE->fDY;
-                    leftE = currE;
+                    left     = SkTMax(currE->fX, leftClip);
+                    leftDY   = currE->fDY;
+                    leftE    = currE;
                     leftEnds = leftE->fLowerY == nextY;
                 currE->goY(nextY, yShift);
             SkAnalyticEdge* next = currE->fNext;
-            SkFixed newX;
+            SkFixed         newX;
             while (currE->fLowerY <= nextY) {
                 if (currE->fCurveCount < 0) {
@@ -1715,7 +1761,7 @@
                 update_next_next_y(currE->fLowerY, nextY, &nextNextY);
                 newX = currE->fX;
                 SkASSERT(currE->fLowerY > nextY);
-                if (newX < prevX) { // ripple currE backwards until it is x-sorted
+                if (newX < prevX) {  // ripple currE backwards until it is x-sorted
                     // If the crossing edge is a right edge, blit the saved trapezoid.
                     if (leftE->fRiteE == currE && useDeferred) {
                         SkASSERT(leftE->fY == nextY && currE->fY == nextY);
@@ -1735,7 +1781,7 @@
                     prevX = newX;
                 if (!skipIntersect) {
-                   check_intersection(currE, nextY, &nextNextY);
+                    check_intersection(currE, nextY, &nextNextY);
@@ -1774,9 +1820,8 @@
-                                   noRealBlitter ||
-                                        (fullAlpha == 0xFF &&
-                                            edges_too_close(leftE->fPrev, leftE, nextY)),
+                                   noRealBlitter || (fullAlpha == 0xFF &&
+                                                     edges_too_close(leftE->fPrev, leftE, nextY)),
@@ -1795,19 +1840,20 @@
-static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void aaa_fill_path(const SkPath& path,
-                                           const SkIRect& clipRect,
-                                           AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
-                                           int start_y,
-                                           int stop_y,
-                                           bool pathContainedInClip,
-                                           bool isUsingMask,
-                                           bool forceRLE) { // forceRLE implies that SkAAClip is calling us
+static SK_ALWAYS_INLINE void aaa_fill_path(
+        const SkPath&    path,
+        const SkIRect&   clipRect,
+        AdditiveBlitter* blitter,
+        int              start_y,
+        int              stop_y,
+        bool             pathContainedInClip,
+        bool             isUsingMask,
+        bool             forceRLE) {  // forceRLE implies that SkAAClip is calling us
     SkAnalyticEdgeBuilder builder;
-    int count = builder.buildEdges(path, pathContainedInClip ? nullptr : &clipRect);
-    SkAnalyticEdge** list = builder.analyticEdgeList();
+    int              count = builder.buildEdges(path, pathContainedInClip ? nullptr : &clipRect);
+    SkAnalyticEdge** list  = builder.analyticEdgeList();
     SkIRect rect = clipRect;
     if (0 == count) {
@@ -1825,8 +1871,8 @@
                 rect.fBottom = stop_y;
             if (!rect.isEmpty()) {
-                blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitRect(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
-                        rect.width(), rect.height());
+                blitter->getRealBlitter()->blitRect(
+                        rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.width(), rect.height());
@@ -1836,25 +1882,25 @@
     // this returns the first and last edge after they're sorted into a dlink list
     SkAnalyticEdge* edge = sort_edges(list, count, &last);
-    headEdge.fRiteE = nullptr;
-    headEdge.fPrev = nullptr;
-    headEdge.fNext = edge;
+    headEdge.fRiteE  = nullptr;
+    headEdge.fPrev   = nullptr;
+    headEdge.fNext   = edge;
     headEdge.fUpperY = headEdge.fLowerY = SK_MinS32;
-    headEdge.fX = SK_MinS32;
-    headEdge.fDX = 0;
-    headEdge.fDY = SK_MaxS32;
-    headEdge.fUpperX = SK_MinS32;
-    edge->fPrev = &headEdge;
+    headEdge.fX                         = SK_MinS32;
+    headEdge.fDX                        = 0;
+    headEdge.fDY                        = SK_MaxS32;
+    headEdge.fUpperX                    = SK_MinS32;
+    edge->fPrev                         = &headEdge;
-    tailEdge.fRiteE = nullptr;
-    tailEdge.fPrev = last;
-    tailEdge.fNext = nullptr;
+    tailEdge.fRiteE  = nullptr;
+    tailEdge.fPrev   = last;
+    tailEdge.fNext   = nullptr;
     tailEdge.fUpperY = tailEdge.fLowerY = SK_MaxS32;
-    tailEdge.fX = SK_MaxS32;
-    tailEdge.fDX = 0;
-    tailEdge.fDY = SK_MaxS32;
-    tailEdge.fUpperX = SK_MaxS32;
-    last->fNext = &tailEdge;
+    tailEdge.fX                         = SK_MaxS32;
+    tailEdge.fDX                        = 0;
+    tailEdge.fDY                        = SK_MaxS32;
+    tailEdge.fUpperX                    = SK_MaxS32;
+    last->fNext                         = &tailEdge;
     // now edge is the head of the sorted linklist
@@ -1865,28 +1911,24 @@
         stop_y = clipRect.fBottom;
-    SkFixed leftBound = SkIntToFixed(rect.fLeft);
+    SkFixed leftBound  = SkIntToFixed(rect.fLeft);
     SkFixed rightBound = SkIntToFixed(rect.fRight);
     if (isUsingMask) {
         // If we're using mask, then we have to limit the bound within the path bounds.
         // Otherwise, the edge drift may access an invalid address inside the mask.
         SkIRect ir;
-        leftBound = SkTMax(leftBound, SkIntToFixed(ir.fLeft));
+        leftBound  = SkTMax(leftBound, SkIntToFixed(ir.fLeft));
         rightBound = SkTMin(rightBound, SkIntToFixed(ir.fRight));
     if (!path.isInverseFillType() && path.isConvex() && count >= 2) {
-        aaa_walk_convex_edges(&headEdge,
-                              blitter,
-                              start_y,
-                              stop_y,
-                              leftBound,
-                              rightBound,
-                              isUsingMask);
+        aaa_walk_convex_edges(
+                &headEdge, blitter, start_y, stop_y, leftBound, rightBound, isUsingMask);
     } else {
         // Only use deferred blitting if there are many edges.
-        bool useDeferred = count >
+        bool useDeferred =
+                count >
                 (SkFixedFloorToInt(tailEdge.fPrev->fLowerY - headEdge.fNext->fUpperY) + 1) * 4;
         // We skip intersection computation if there are many points which probably already
@@ -1908,13 +1950,13 @@
-void SkScan::AAAFillPath(const SkPath& path,
-                         SkBlitter* blitter,
+void SkScan::AAAFillPath(const SkPath&  path,
+                         SkBlitter*     blitter,
                          const SkIRect& ir,
                          const SkIRect& clipBounds,
-                         bool forceRLE) {
+                         bool           forceRLE) {
     bool containedInClip = clipBounds.contains(ir);
-    bool isInverse = path.isInverseFillType();
+    bool isInverse       = path.isInverseFillType();
     // The mask blitter (where we store intermediate alpha values directly in a mask, and then call
     // the real blitter once in the end to blit the whole mask) is faster than the RLE blitter when
@@ -1966,4 +2008,4 @@
-#endif //defined(SK_DISABLE_AAA)
+#endif  // defined(SK_DISABLE_AAA)