Fix subset errors in blur, matrix, and morphology filters

Encountered these errors previously, but did not recognize their cause
(see negative marked GM_imagemakewithfilter_crop results on gold). They
came up again when working on fixing snapBackImage() to avoid a copy,
which increased the likelihood of an input image with non-zero origin.

These changes fix the matrix convolution and morphology errors in that
GM so that it now matches the non-crop cases. These had been special
because the last row in that GM didn't require calling applyCropRectAndPad,
so it actually processed an image with a non-zero origin.

The blur fix was discovered when evaluating a blur with a sufficiently
large enough sigma that it needed to be decimated over multiple iterations.
In that case, the second iteration uses a new input proxy so it shouldn't
offset the source coordinates any more.

Change-Id: I7d51025140342c93ca798ca0708c8675ab411beb
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Ludwig <>
3 files changed