blob: 38d79e3c01cf4030b1b0432ea9d14c8dad87500a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Crude script to clone the git skia repo into the current directory, which
# must be a CitC client.
# Usage:
# ./tools/
source || exit
DEFINE_string skia_rev "" "Git hash of Skia revision to clone, default LKGR."
gbash::init_google "$@"
set -x -e
# To run this script after making edits, run:
# g4 revert -k
# To get the file back into your CL, run:
# g4 edit
#g4 opened | grep -q "//depot" && gbash::die "Must run in a clean client."
# Checkout LKGR of Skia in a temp location.
pushd "${TMP}"
git clone
cd skia
git fetch
if [ -z "${FLAGS_skia_rev}" ]; then
# Retrieve last known good revision.
git checkout --detach "${FLAGS_skia_rev}"
# Rsync to google3 location.
# Use multichange client in case there are too many files for nomultichange. http://b/7292343
g4 client --set_option multichange
# Use allwrite to simplify opening the correct files after rsync.
g4 client --set_option allwrite
# Filter directories added to CitC.
rsync -avzJ \
--delete \
--delete-excluded \
--include=/bench \
--include=/dm \
--include=/gm \
--include=/include \
--exclude=/src/animator \
--include=/src \
--include=/tests \
--include=/third_party \
--include=/tools \
--include=/.git \
'--exclude=/*/' \
--include=/third_party/etc1 \
--include=/third_party/ktx \
--include=/third_party/libwebp \
'--exclude=/third_party/*/' \
"${TMP}/skia/" \
# Open added/changed files for add/edit.
g4 reopen
# Revert files that are equivalent to the checked in version.
g4 revert -a
# Tell CitC to ignore .git and .gitignore.
find . \
\( -name .git \
-o -name .gitignore \
\) \
-execdir g4 revert -k \{\} \;
# Tell Git to ignore and BUILD.
echo >> .git/info/exclude
echo BUILD >> .git/info/exclude
g4 revert
g4 revert BUILD
# Use google3 version of OWNERS.
find . \
-name OWNERS \
-exec git update-index --skip-worktree \{\} \; \
-execdir g4 revert \{\} \;
# Tell git to ignore these files that have Windows line endings, because Piper
# will always change them to Unix line endings.
git update-index --skip-worktree make.bat
git update-index --skip-worktree
# Tell git to ignore files left out of the rsync (i.e. "deleted" files).
git status --porcelain | \
grep -e "^ D" | \
cut -c 4- | \
xargs git update-index --skip-worktree