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Change-Id: I7d7dd73cdea4a234c6175646d5b8938e1af3117a
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
Commit-Queue: Cary Clark <>
diff --git a/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4fcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
@@ -0,0 +1,5281 @@
+#Topic Paint
+#Alias Paint_Reference
+Paint controls options applied when drawing and measuring. Paint collects all
+options outside of the Canvas_Clip and Canvas_Matrix.
+Various options apply to text, strokes and fills, and images. 
+Some options may not be implemented on all platforms; in these cases, setting
+the option has no effect. Some options are conveniences that duplicate Canvas
+functionality; for instance, text size is identical to matrix scale.
+Paint options are rarely exclusive; each option modifies a stage of the drawing
+pipeline and multiple pipeline stages may be affected by a single Paint.
+Paint collects effects and filters that describe single-pass and multiple-pass 
+algorithms that alter the drawing geometry, color, and transparency. For instance,
+Paint does not directly implement dashing or blur, but contains the objects that do so. 
+The objects contained by Paint are opaque, and cannot be edited outside of the Paint
+to affect it. The implementation is free to defer computations associated with the
+Paint, or ignore them altogether. For instance, some GPU implementations draw all
+Path geometries with anti-aliasing, regardless of SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag setting.
+Paint describes a single color, a single font, a single image quality, and so on.
+Multiple colors are drawn either by using multiple paints or with objects like
+Shader attached to Paint.
+#Class SkPaint
+#Topic Overview
+#Subtopic Subtopics
+#ToDo not all methods are in topics ##
+#ToDo subtopics are not in topics ##
+# topics                 # description                                 ##
+#Legend ##
+# Initializers           # Constructors and initialization.            ##
+# Destructor             # Paint termination.                          ##
+# Management             # Paint copying, moving, comparing.           ##
+# Hinting                # Glyph outline adjustment.                   ##
+# Flags                  # Attributes represented by single bits.      ##
+# Anti-alias             # Approximating coverage with transparency.   ##
+# Dither                 # Distributing color error.                   ##
+# Device_Text            # Increase precision of glyph position.       ##
+# Font_Embedded_Bitmaps  # Custom-sized bitmap glyphs.                 ##
+# Automatic_Hinting      # Always adjust glyph paths.                  ##
+# Vertical_Text          # Orient text from top to bottom.             ##
+# Fake_Bold              # Approximate font styles.                    ##
+# Full_Hinting_Spacing   # Glyph spacing affected by hinting.          ##
+# Filter_Quality_Methods # Get and set Filter_Quality.                 ##
+# Color_Methods          # Get and set Color.                          ##
+# Style                  # Geometry filling, stroking.                 ##
+# Stroke_Width           # Thickness perpendicular to geometry.        ##
+# Miter_Limit            # Maximum length of stroked corners.          ##
+# Stroke_Cap             # Decorations at ends of open strokes.        ##
+# Stroke_Join            # Decoration at corners of strokes.           ##
+# Fill_Path              # Make Path from Path_Effect, stroking.       ##
+# Shader_Methods         # Get and set Shader.                         ##
+# Color_Filter_Methods   # Get and set Color_Filter.                   ##
+# Blend_Mode_Methods     # Get and set Blend_Mode.                     ##
+# Path_Effect_Methods    # Get and set Path_Effect.                    ##
+# Mask_Filter_Methods    # Get and set Mask_Filter.                    ##
+# Typeface_Methods       # Get and set Typeface.                       ##
+# Rasterizer_Methods     # Get and set Rasterizer.                     ##
+# Image_Filter_Methods   # Get and set Image_Filter.                   ##
+# Draw_Looper_Methods    # Get and set Draw_Looper.                    ##
+# Text_Align             # Text placement relative to position.        ##
+# Text_Size              # Overall height in points.                   ##
+# Text_Scale_X           # Text horizontal scale.                      ##
+# Text_Skew_X            # Text horizontal slant.                      ##
+# Text_Encoding          # Text encoded as characters or glyphs.       ##
+# Font_Metrics           # Common glyph dimensions.                    ##
+# Measure_Text           # Width, height, bounds of text.              ##
+# Text_Path              # Geometry of glyphs.                         ##
+# Text_Intercepts        # Advanced underline, strike through.         ##
+# Fast_Bounds            # Appproxiate area required by Paint.         ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Constants
+# constants                      # description                                 ##
+#Legend ##
+# Align                          # Glyph locations relative to text position.  ##
+# Cap                            # Start and end geometry on stroked shapes.   ##
+# Flags                          # Values described by bits and masks.         ##
+# FontMetrics::FontMetricsFlags  # Valid Font_Metrics.                         ##
+# Hinting                        # Level of glyph outline adjustment.          ##
+# Join                           # Corner geometry on stroked shapes.          ##
+# Style                          # Stroke, fill, or both.                      ##
+# TextEncoding                   # Character or glyph encoding size.           ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Structs
+# struct                         # description                                 ##
+#Legend ##
+# FontMetrics                    # Typeface values.                            ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Constructors
+#                                # description                                 ##
+#Legend ##
+# SkPaint()                      # Constructs with default values.             ##
+# SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint)  # Makes a shallow copy.                       ##
+# SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint)       # Moves paint without copying it.             ##
+# ~SkPaint()                     # Decreases Reference_Count of owned objects. ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Operators
+# operator                                       # description                      ##
+#Legend ##
+# operator=(const SkPaint& paint)                # Makes a shallow copy.            ##
+# operator=(SkPaint&& paint)                     # Moves paint without copying it.  ##
+# operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # Compares paints for equality.    ##
+# operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # Compares paints for inequality.  ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Member_Functions
+# function              # description                                           ##
+#Legend ##
+# breakText             # Returns text that fits in a width.                    ##
+# canComputeFastBounds  # Returns true if settings allow for fast bounds computation. ##
+# computeFastBounds     # Returns fill bounds for quick reject tests.           ##
+# computeFastStrokeBounds # Returns stroke bounds for quick reject tests.       ##
+# containsText          # Returns if all text corresponds to glyphs.            ##
+# countText             # Returns number of glyphs in text.                     ##
+# doComputeFastBounds   # Returns bounds for quick reject tests.                ##
+# flatten()             # Serializes into a buffer.                             ##
+# getAlpha              # Returns Color_Alpha, color opacity.                   ##
+# getBlendMode          # Returns Blend_Mode, how colors combine with dest.     ##
+# getColor              # Returns Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color. ##
+# getColorFilter        # Returns Color_Filter, how colors are altered.         ##
+# getDrawLooper         # Returns Draw_Looper, multiple layers.                 ##
+# getFillPath           # Returns fill path equivalent to stroke.               ##
+# getFilterQuality      # Returns Filter_Quality, image filtering level.        ##
+# getFlags              # Returns Flags stored in a bit field.                  ##
+# getFontBounds         # Returns union all glyph bounds.                       ##
+# getFontMetrics        # Returns Typeface metrics scaled by text size.         ##
+# getFontSpacing        # Returns recommended spacing between lines.            ##
+# getHash               # Returns a shallow hash for equality checks.           ##
+# getHinting            # Returns Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level.      ##
+# getImageFilter        # Returns Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur.             ##
+# getMaskFilter         # Returns Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha.       ##
+# getPathEffect         # Returns Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
+# getPosTextPath        # Returns Path equivalent to positioned text.           ##
+# getPosTextIntercepts  # Returns where lines intersect positioned text; underlines. ##
+# getPosTextHIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect horizontally positioned text; underlines. ##
+# getRasterizer         # Returns Rasterizer, Mask_Alpha generation from Path.  ##
+# getShader             # Returns Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients.   ##  
+# getStrokeCap          # Returns Cap, the area drawn at path ends.             ##
+# getStrokeJoin         # Returns Join, geometry on path corners.               ##
+# getStrokeMiter        # Returns Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners.       ##
+# getStrokeWidth        # Returns thickness of the stroke.                      ##
+# getStyle              # Returns Style: stroke, fill, or both.                 ##
+# getTextAlign          # Returns Align: left, center, or right.                ##
+# getTextBlobIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect Text_Blob; underlines.  ##
+# getTextEncoding       # Returns character or glyph encoding size.             ##
+# getTextIntercepts     # Returns where lines intersect text; underlines.       ##
+# getTextPath           # Returns Path equivalent to text.                      ##
+# getTextScaleX         # Returns the text horizontal scale; condensed text.    ##
+# getTextSkewX          # Returns the text horizontal skew; oblique text.       ##
+# getTextSize           # Returns text size in points.                          ##
+# getTextWidths         # Returns advance and bounds for each glyph in text.    ##
+# getTypeface           # Returns Typeface, font description.                   ##
+# glyphsToUnichars      # Converts glyphs into text.                            ##
+# isAntiAlias           # Returns true if Anti-alias is set.                    ##
+# isAutohinted          # Returns true if glyphs are always hinted.             ##
+# isDevKernText         # Returns true if Full_Hinting_Spacing is set.          ##
+# isDither              # Returns true if Dither is set.                        ##
+# isEmbeddedBitmapText  # Returns true if Font_Embedded_Bitmaps is set.         ##
+# isFakeBoldText        # Returns true if Fake_Bold is set.                     ##
+# isLCDRenderText       # Returns true if LCD_Text is set.                      ##
+# isSrcOver             # Returns true if Blend_Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.   ##
+# isSubpixelText        # Returns true if Subpixel_Text is set.                 ##
+# isVerticalText        # Returns true if Vertical_Text is set.                 ##
+# measureText           # Returns advance width and bounds of text.             ##
+# nothingToDraw         # Returns true if Paint prevents all drawing.           ##
+# refColorFilter        # References Color_Filter, how colors are altered.      ##
+# refDrawLooper         # References Draw_Looper, multiple layers.              ##
+# refImageFilter        # References Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur.          ##
+# refMaskFilter         # References Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha.    ##
+# refPathEffect         # References Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
+# refRasterizer         # References Rasterizer, mask generation from path.     ##
+# refShader             # References Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients. ##  
+# refTypeface           # References Typeface, font description.                ##
+# reset()               # Sets to default values.                               ##
+# setAlpha              # Sets Color_Alpha, color opacity.                      ##
+# setAntiAlias          # Sets or clears Anti-alias.                            ##
+# setARGB               # Sets color by component.                              ##
+# setAutohinted         # Sets glyphs to always be hinted.                      ##
+# setBlendMode          # Sets Blend_Mode, how colors combine with destination. ##
+# setColor              # Sets Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color.    ##
+# setColorFilter        # Sets Color_Filter, alters color.                      ##
+# setDevKernText        # Sets or clears Full_Hinting_Spacing.                  ##
+# setDither             # Sets or clears Dither.                                ##
+# setDrawLooper         # Sets Draw_Looper, multiple layers.                    ##
+# setEmbeddedBitmapText # Sets or clears Font_Embedded_Bitmaps.                 ##
+# setFakeBoldText       # Sets or clears Fake_Bold.                             ##
+# setFilterQuality      # Sets Filter_Quality, the image filtering level.       ##
+# setFlags              # Sets multiple Flags in a bit field.                   ##
+# setHinting            # Sets Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level.         ##
+# setLCDRenderText      # Sets or clears LCD_Text.                              ##
+# setMaskFilter         # Sets Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha.          ##
+# setPathEffect         # Sets Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
+# setRasterizer         # Sets Rasterizer, Mask_Alpha generation from Path.     ##
+# setImageFilter        # Sets Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur.                ##
+# setShader             # Sets Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients.      ##  
+# setStrokeCap          # Sets Cap, the area drawn at path ends.                ##
+# setStrokeJoin         # Sets Join, geometry on path corners.                  ##
+# setStrokeMiter        # Sets Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners.          ##
+# setStrokeWidth        # Sets thickness of the stroke.                         ##
+# setStyle              # Sets Style: stroke, fill, or both.                    ##
+# setSubpixelText       # Sets or clears Subpixel_Text.                         ##
+# setTextAlign          # Sets Align: left, center, or right.                   ##
+# setTextEncoding       # Sets character or glyph encoding size.                ##
+# setTextScaleX         # Sets the text horizontal scale; condensed text.       ##
+# setTextSkewX          # Sets the text horizontal skew; oblique text.          ##
+# setTextSize           # Sets text size in points.                             ##
+# setTypeface           # Sets Typeface, font description.                      ##
+# setVerticalText       # Sets or clears Vertical_Text.                         ##
+# textToGlyphs          # Converts text into glyph indices.                     ##
+# toString              # Converts Paint to machine parsable form (Developer_Mode) ##
+# unflatten()           # Populates from a serialized stream.                   ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Topic Overview ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Initializers
+#Method SkPaint()
+Constructs Paint with default values.
+# attribute              # default value            ##
+#Legend ##
+# Anti-alias             # false                    ##
+# Blend_Mode             # SkBlendMode::kSrcOver     ##
+# Color                  # SK_ColorBLACK            ##
+# Color_Alpha            # 255                      ##
+# Color_Filter           # nullptr                  ##
+# Dither                 # false                    ##
+# Draw_Looper            # nullptr                  ##
+# Fake_Bold              # false                    ##
+# Filter_Quality         # kNone_SkFilterQuality    ##
+# Font_Embedded_Bitmaps  # false                    ##
+# Automatic_Hinting      # false                    ##
+# Full_Hinting_Spacing   # false                    ##
+# Hinting                # kNormal_Hinting          ##
+# Image_Filter           # nullptr                  ##
+# LCD_Text               # false                    ##
+# Linear_Text            # false                    ##
+# Miter_Limit            # 4                        ##
+# Mask_Filter            # nullptr                  ##
+# Path_Effect            # nullptr                  ##
+# Rasterizer             # nullptr                  ##
+# Shader                 # nullptr                  ##
+# Style                  # kFill_Style              ##
+# Text_Align             # kLeft_Align              ##
+# Text_Encoding          # kUTF8_TextEncoding       ##
+# Text_Scale_X           # 1                        ##
+# Text_Size              # 12                       ##
+# Text_Skew_X            # 0                        ##
+# Typeface               # nullptr                  ##
+# Stroke_Cap             # kButt_Cap                ##
+# Stroke_Join            # kMiter_Join              ##
+# Stroke_Width           # 0                        ##
+# Subpixel_Text          # false                    ##
+# Vertical_Text          # false                    ##
+#Table ##
+The flags, text size, hinting, and miter limit may be overridden at compile time by defining
+paint default values. The overrides may be included in SkUserConfig.h or predefined by the 
+build system.
+#Return  default initialized Paint ##
+#ToDo mark this as no output ##
+#Height 1
+###$  $ redefine markup character so preprocessor commands appear normally
+#ifndef SkUserConfig_DEFINED
+#define SkUserConfig_DEFINED
+#define SkPaintDefaults_Flags      0x01   // always enable antialiasing
+#define SkPaintDefaults_TextSize   24.f   // double default font size
+#define SkPaintDefaults_Hinting    3      // use full hinting
+#define SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit 10.f   // use HTML Canvas miter limit setting
+$$$#  # restore original markup character
+#Method SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint)
+Makes a shallow copy of Paint. Typeface, Path_Effect, Shader,
+Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer, Draw_Looper, and Image_Filter are shared
+between the original paint and the copy. These objects' Reference_Count are increased.
+The referenced objects Path_Effect, Shader, Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer,
+Draw_Looper, and Image_Filter cannot be modified after they are created.
+This prevents objects with Reference_Count from being modified once Paint refers to them.
+#Param paint  original to copy ##
+#Return  shallow copy of paint ##
+#ToDo why is this double-spaced on Fiddle? ##
+    SkPaint paint1;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    SkPaint paint2(paint1);
+    paint2.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
+    SkDebugf("SK_ColorRED %c= paint1.getColor()\n", SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+    SkDebugf("SK_ColorBLUE %c= paint2.getColor()\n", SK_ColorBLUE == paint2.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor()
+        SK_ColorBLUE == paint2.getColor()
+    ##
+#Method SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint)
+    Implements a move constructor to avoid incrementing the reference counts
+    of objects referenced by the paint.
+    After the call, paint is undefined, and can be safely destructed.
+    #Param paint  original to move ##
+    #Return  content of paint ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        float intervals[] = { 5, 5 };
+        paint.setPathEffect(SkDashPathEffect::Make(intervals, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(intervals), 2.5f));
+        SkPaint dashed(std::move(paint));
+        SkDebugf("path effect unique: %s\n", dashed.getPathEffect()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        #StdOut
+            path effect unique: true
+        ##
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void reset()
+Sets all paint's contents to their initial values. This is equivalent to replacing
+the paint with the result of SkPaint().
+    SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint1.reset();
+    SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        paint1 == paint2
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Destructor
+#Method ~SkPaint()
+Decreases Paint Reference_Count of owned objects: Typeface, Path_Effect, Shader,
+Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer, Draw_Looper, and Image_Filter. If the
+objects' reference count goes to zero, they are deleted.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Management
+#Method SkPaint& operator=(const SkPaint& paint)
+Makes a shallow copy of Paint. Typeface, Path_Effect, Shader,
+Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer, Draw_Looper, and Image_Filter are shared
+between the original paint and the copy. The objects' Reference_Count are in the
+prior destination are decreased by one, and the referenced objects are deleted if the
+resulting count is zero. The objects' Reference_Count in the parameter paint are increased
+by one. paint is unmodified.
+#Param paint  original to copy ##
+#Return  content of paint ##
+    SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint2 = paint1;
+    SkDebugf("SK_ColorRED %c= paint1.getColor()\n", SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+    SkDebugf("SK_ColorRED %c= paint2.getColor()\n", SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        SK_ColorRED == paint1.getColor()
+        SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor()
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkPaint& operator=(SkPaint&& paint)
+Moves the paint to avoid incrementing the reference counts
+of objects referenced by the paint parameter. The objects' Reference_Count are in the
+prior destination are decreased by one, and the referenced objects are deleted if the
+resulting count is zero.
+After the call, paint is undefined, and can be safely destructed.
+    #Param paint  original to move ##
+    #Return  content of paint ##
+    SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint2 = std::move(paint1);
+    SkDebugf("SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor()\n", SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        SK_ColorRED == paint2.getColor()
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
+    Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are equivalent. May return false
+    if Typeface, Path_Effect, Shader, Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer,
+    Draw_Looper, or Image_Filter have identical contents but different pointers.
+    #Param a  Paint to compare ##
+    #Param b  Paint to compare ##
+    #Return  true if Paint pair are equivalent ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+        paint2.setColor(0xFFFF0000);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        float intervals[] = { 5, 5 };
+        paint1.setPathEffect(SkDashPathEffect::Make(intervals, 2, 2.5f));
+        paint2.setPathEffect(SkDashPathEffect::Make(intervals, 2, 2.5f));
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+            paint1 != paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b)
+    Compares a and b, and returns true if a and b are not equivalent. May return true
+    if Typeface, Path_Effect, Shader, Mask_Filter, Color_Filter, Rasterizer,
+    Draw_Looper, or Image_Filter have identical contents but different pointers.
+    #Param a  Paint to compare ##
+    #Param b  Paint to compare ##
+    #Return true if Paint pair are not equivalent ##
+    SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint2.setColor(0xFFFF0000);
+    SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+    SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 != paint2 ? '!' : '=');
+    #StdOut
+        paint1 == paint2
+        paint1 == paint2
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method uint32_t getHash() const
+Returns a hash generated from Paint values and pointers.
+Identical hashes guarantee that the paints are
+equivalent, but differing hashes do not guarantee that the paints have differing
+If operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) returns true for two paints,
+their hashes are also equal.
+The hash returned is platform and implementation specific.
+#Return  a shallow hash ##
+    SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+    paint1.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint2.setColor(0xFFFF0000);
+    SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+    SkDebugf("paint1.getHash() %c= paint2.getHash()\n",
+             paint1.getHash() == paint2.getHash() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        paint1 == paint2
+        paint1.getHash() == paint2.getHash()
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const
+Serializes Paint into a buffer. A companion unflatten() call
+can reconstitute the paint at a later time.
+#Param buffer  Write_Buffer receiving the flattened Paint data ##
+    class PaintDumper : public SkWriteBuffer {
+    public:
+        bool isCrossProcess() const override { return false; };
+        void writeByteArray(const void* data, size_t size) override {}
+        void writeBool(bool value) override {}
+        void writeScalar(SkScalar value) override {}
+        void writeScalarArray(const SkScalar* value, uint32_t count) override {}
+        void writeInt(int32_t value) override {}
+        void writeIntArray(const int32_t* value, uint32_t count) override {}
+        void writeUInt(uint32_t value) override {}
+        void writeString(const char* value) override {}
+        void writeFlattenable(const SkFlattenable* flattenable) override {}
+        void writeColorArray(const SkColor* color, uint32_t count) override {}
+        void writeColor4f(const SkColor4f& color) override {}
+        void writeColor4fArray(const SkColor4f* color, uint32_t count) override {}
+        void writePoint(const SkPoint& point) override {}
+        void writePointArray(const SkPoint* point, uint32_t count) override {}
+        void writeMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) override {}
+        void writeIRect(const SkIRect& rect) override {}
+        void writeRect(const SkRect& rect) override {}
+        void writeRegion(const SkRegion& region) override {}
+        void writePath(const SkPath& path) override {}
+        size_t writeStream(SkStream* stream, size_t length) override { return 0; }
+        void writeBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) override {}
+        void writeImage(const SkImage*) override {}
+        void writeTypeface(SkTypeface* typeface) override {}
+        void writePaint(const SkPaint& paint) override {}
+        void writeColor(SkColor color) override {
+            SkDebugf("color = 0x%08x\n", color);
+        }
+    } dumper;
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    paint.flatten(dumper);
+    #StdOut
+        color = 0xffff0000
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void unflatten(SkReadBuffer& buffer)
+Populates Paint, typically from a serialized stream, created by calling
+flatten() at an earlier time.
+SkReadBuffer class is not public, so unflatten() cannot be meaningfully called
+by the client.
+#Param buffer  serialized data to unflatten ##
+# why is unflatten() public? 
+#Bug 6172 ##
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+#Topic Management ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Hinting
+#Enum Hinting
+    enum Hinting {
+        kNo_Hinting            = 0,
+        kSlight_Hinting        = 1,
+        kNormal_Hinting        = 2,
+        kFull_Hinting          = 3
+    };
+Hinting adjusts the glyph outlines so that the shape provides a uniform
+look at a given point size on font engines that support it. Hinting may have a
+muted effect or no effect at all depending on the platform.
+The four levels roughly control corresponding features on platforms that use FreeType
+as the Font_Engine.
+#Const kNo_Hinting   0
+    Leaves glyph outlines unchanged from their native representation.
+    With FreeType, this is equivalent to the FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING
+    bit-field constant supplied to FT_Load_Glyph, which indicates that the vector
+    outline being loaded should not be fitted to the pixel grid but simply scaled
+    to 26.6 fractional pixels.
+#Const kSlight_Hinting 1
+    Modifies glyph outlines minimally to improve constrast.
+    With FreeType, this is equivalent in spirit to the
+    FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT value supplied to FT_Load_Glyph. It chooses a 
+    lighter hinting algorithm for non-monochrome modes.
+    Generated glyphs may be fuzzy but better resemble their original shape.
+#Const kNormal_Hinting 2
+    Modifies glyph outlines to improve constrast. This is the default.
+    With FreeType, this supplies FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL to FT_Load_Glyph,

+    choosing the default hinting algorithm, which is optimized for standard 
+    gray-level rendering. 
+#Const kFull_Hinting 3
+    Modifies glyph outlines for maxiumum constrast. With FreeType, this selects

+    FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD or FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V if kLCDRenderText_Flag is set. 

+    FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD is a variant of FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL optimized for 

+    horizontally decimated LCD displays; FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V is a 

+    variant of FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL optimized for vertically decimated LCD displays.
+#File SkFontHost_mac.cpp:1777,1806
+#Time 2013-03-03 07:16:29 +0000
+#Bug 915 ##
+On OS_X and iOS, hinting controls whether Core_Graphics dilates the font outlines
+to account for LCD text. No hinting uses Core_Text gray scale output.
+Normal hinting uses Core_Text LCD output. If kLCDRenderText_Flag is clear,
+the LCD output is reduced to a single grayscale channel.
+#Track ##
+On Windows with DirectWrite, Hinting has no effect.
+Hinting defaults to kNormal_Hinting.
+Set SkPaintDefaults_Hinting at compile time to change the default setting.
+#ToDo add an illustration? linux running GM:typefacerendering is best for this
+      the hinting variations are every other character horizontally
+#ToDo ##
+#Enum ##
+#Method Hinting getHinting() const
+    Returns level of glyph outline adjustment.
+    #Return  one of: kNo_Hinting, kSlight_Hinting, kNormal_Hinting, kFull_Hinting ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting %c= paint.getHinting()\n",
+                SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting == paint.getHinting() ? '=' : ':');
+        #StdOut
+            SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting == paint.getHinting()
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setHinting(Hinting hintingLevel)
+    Sets level of glyph outline adjustment.
+    Does not check for valid values of hintingLevel.
+    #Table
+    #Legend
+    # Hinting # value # effect on generated glyph outlines ##
+    ##
+    # kNo_Hinting     # 0 # leaves glyph outlines unchanged from their native representation ##
+    # kSlight_Hinting # 1 # modifies glyph outlines minimally to improve constrast ##
+    # kNormal_Hinting # 2 # modifies glyph outlines to improve constrast ##
+    # kFull_Hinting   # 3 # modifies glyph outlines for maxiumum constrast ## 
+    ##
+    #Param hintingLevel  one of: kNo_Hinting, kSlight_Hinting, kNormal_Hinting, kFull_Hinting ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint2.setHinting(SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : ':');
+        #StdOut
+        paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Flags
+#Enum Flags
+    enum Flags {
+        kAntiAlias_Flag       = 0x01,
+        kDither_Flag          = 0x04,
+        kFakeBoldText_Flag    = 0x20,
+        kLinearText_Flag      = 0x40,
+        kSubpixelText_Flag    = 0x80,
+        kDevKernText_Flag     = 0x100,
+        kLCDRenderText_Flag   = 0x200,
+        kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag = 0x400,
+        kAutoHinting_Flag     = 0x800,
+        kVerticalText_Flag    = 0x1000,
+        kGenA8FromLCD_Flag    = 0x2000,
+        kAllFlags = 0xFFFF,
+    };
+The bit values stored in Flags.
+The default value for Flags, normally zero, can be changed at compile time
+with a custom definition of SkPaintDefaults_Flags.
+All flags can be read and written explicitly; Flags allows manipulating
+multiple settings at once.
+    #Const kAntiAlias_Flag          0x0001 
+        mask for setting Anti-alias
+    ##
+    #Const kDither_Flag             0x0004
+        mask for setting Dither
+    ##
+    #Const kFakeBoldText_Flag       0x0020
+        mask for setting Fake_Bold
+    ##
+    #Const kLinearText_Flag         0x0040
+        mask for setting Linear_Text
+    ##
+    #Const kSubpixelText_Flag       0x0080
+        mask for setting Subpixel_Text                 
+    ##
+    #Const kDevKernText_Flag        0x0100
+        mask for setting Full_Hinting_Spacing
+    ##
+    #Const kLCDRenderText_Flag      0x0200
+        mask for setting LCD_Text
+    ##
+    #Const kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag 0x0400
+        mask for setting Font_Embedded_Bitmaps             
+    ##
+    #Const kAutoHinting_Flag        0x0800
+        mask for setting Automatic_Hinting
+    ##
+    #Const kVerticalText_Flag       0x1000
+        mask for setting Vertical_Text
+    ##
+    #Const kGenA8FromLCD_Flag       0x2000
+        #Private
+        Hack for GDI -- do not use if you can help it
+        ##
+        not intended for public use                           
+    ##
+    #Const kAllFlags                0xFFFF
+        mask of all Flags, including private flags and flags reserved for future use
+    ##
+Flags default to all flags clear, disabling the associated feature.
+#Enum ##
+#Enum ReserveFlags
+To be deprecated; only valid for Android framework.
+    enum ReserveFlags {
+        kUnderlineText_ReserveFlag   = 0x08,
+        kStrikeThruText_ReserveFlag  = 0x10,
+    };
+    #Const kUnderlineText_ReserveFlag   0x0008
+        mask for underline text
+    ##
+    #Const kStrikeThruText_ReserveFlag  0x0010
+        mask for strike-thru text
+    ##
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+#Enum ##
+#Method uint32_t getFlags() const
+Returns paint settings described by Flags. Each setting uses one
+bit, and can be tested with Flags members.
+#Return  zero, one, or more bits described by Flags ##
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    SkDebugf("(SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag & paint.getFlags()) %c= 0\n",
+        SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag & paint.getFlags() ? '!' : '=');
+    #StdOut
+        (SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag & paint.getFlags()) != 0
+    ##
+#Method void setFlags(uint32_t flags)
+Replaces Flags with flags, the union of the Flags members.
+All Flags members may be cleared, or one or more may be set.
+#Param flags  union of Flags for Paint ##
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setFlags((uint32_t) (SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag | SkPaint::kDither_Flag));
+    SkDebugf("paint.isAntiAlias()\n", paint.isAntiAlias() ? '!' : '=');
+    SkDebugf("paint.isDither()\n", paint.isDither() ? '!' : '=');
+    #StdOut
+        paint.isAntiAlias()
+        paint.isDither()
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Anti-alias
+#Alias Anti-alias  # permit hyphen in topic name, should probably not substitute hyphen with _
+Anti-alias drawing approximates partial pixel coverage with transparency.
+If kAntiAlias_Flag is clear, pixel centers contained by the shape edge are drawn opaque.
+If kAntiAlias_Flag is set, pixels are drawn with Color_Alpha equal to their coverage.
+The rule for aliased pixels is inconsistent across platforms. A shape edge 
+passing through the pixel center may, but is not required to, draw the pixel.
+Raster_Engine draws aliased pixels whose centers are on or to the right of the start of an
+active Path edge, and whose center is to the left of the end of the active Path edge.
+#ToDo  add illustration of raster pixels ##
+A platform may only support anti-aliased drawing. Some GPU-backed platforms use
+supersampling to anti-alias all drawing, and have no mechanism to selectively
+The amount of coverage computed for anti-aliased pixels also varies across platforms.
+Anti-alias is disabled by default.
+Anti-alias can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults_Flags to kAntiAlias_Flag
+at compile time.
+    #Example
+    #Width 512
+    #Description
+        A red line is drawn with transparency on the edges to make it look smoother.
+        A blue line draws only where the pixel centers are contained.
+        The lines are drawn into an offscreen bitmap, then drawn magified to make the
+        aliasing easier to see.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkBitmap bitmap;
+        bitmap.allocN32Pixels(50, 50);
+        SkCanvas offscreen(bitmap);
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(10);
+        for (bool antialias : { false, true }) {
+            paint.setColor(antialias ? SK_ColorRED : SK_ColorBLUE);
+            paint.setAntiAlias(antialias);
+            bitmap.eraseColor(0);
+            offscreen.drawLine(5, 5, 15, 30, paint);
+            canvas->drawLine(5, 5, 15, 30, paint);
+            canvas->save();
+            canvas->scale(10, 10);
+            canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, antialias ? 12 : 0, 0);
+            canvas->restore();
+            canvas->translate(15, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    ##
+#Method bool isAntiAlias() const
+    If true, pixels on the active edges of Path may be drawn with partial transparency.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kAntiAlias_Flag.
+    #Return  kAntiAlias_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("paint.isAntiAlias() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        SkDebugf("paint.isAntiAlias() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)
+        paint.isAntiAlias() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag)
+    ##
+    ##
+#Method void setAntiAlias(bool aa)
+    Requests, but does not require, that Path edge pixels draw opaque or with
+    partial transparency.
+    Sets kAntiAlias_Flag if aa is true.
+    Clears kAntiAlias_Flag if aa is false.
+    #Param aa  setting for kAntiAlias_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Dither
+Dither increases fidelity by adjusting the color of adjcent pixels. 
+This can help to smooth color transitions and reducing banding in gradients.
+Dithering lessens visible banding from kRGB_565_SkColorType
+and kRGBA_8888_SkColorType gradients, 
+and improves rendering into a kRGB_565_SkColorType Surface.
+Dithering is always enabled for linear gradients drawing into
+kRGB_565_SkColorType Surface and kRGBA_8888_SkColorType Surface.
+Dither cannot be enabled for kAlpha_8_SkColorType Surface and
+kRGBA_F16_SkColorType Surface.
+Dither is disabled by default.
+Dither can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults_Flags to kDither_Flag
+at compile time.
+Some platform implementations may ignore dithering. Set
+to ignore Dither on GPU_Surface.
+Dithering in the bottom half more closely approximates the requested color by
+alternating nearby colors from pixel to pixel.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkBitmap bm16;
+    bm16.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(32, 32, kRGB_565_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType));
+    SkCanvas c16(bm16);
+    SkPaint colorPaint;
+    for (auto dither : { false, true } ) {
+        colorPaint.setDither(dither);
+        for (auto colors : { 0xFF333333, 0xFF666666, 0xFF999999, 0xFFCCCCCC } ) {
+            for (auto mask : { 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFFFF } ) {
+                 colorPaint.setColor(colors & mask);
+                 c16.drawRect({0, 0, 8, 4}, colorPaint);
+                 c16.translate(8, 0);
+            }
+            c16.translate(-32, 4);
+        }
+    }
+    canvas->scale(8, 8);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bm16, 0, 0);
+Dithering introduces subtle adjustments to color to smooth gradients.
+Drawing the gradient repeatedly with SkBlendMode::kPlus exaggerates the
+dither, making it easier to see.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    canvas->clear(0);
+    SkBitmap bm32;
+    bm32.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(20, 10, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType));
+    SkCanvas c32(bm32);
+    SkPoint points[] = {{0, 0}, {20, 0}};
+    SkColor colors[] = {0xFF334455, 0xFF662211 };
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(
+                     points, colors, nullptr, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors),
+                     SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, 0, nullptr));
+    paint.setDither(true);
+    c32.drawPaint(paint);
+    canvas->scale(12, 12);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bm32, 0, 0);
+    paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kPlus);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bm32, 0, 11, &paint);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bm32, 0, 11, &paint);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bm32, 0, 11, &paint);
+#Method bool isDither() const
+    If true, color error may be distributed to smooth color transition.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kDither_Flag.
+    #Return  kDither_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("paint.isDither() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        paint.setDither(true);
+        SkDebugf("paint.isDither() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)
+        paint.isDither() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDither_Flag)
+    ##
+    ##
+#Method void setDither(bool dither)
+    Requests, but does not require, to distribute color error.
+    Sets kDither_Flag if dither is true.
+    Clears kDither_Flag if dither is false.
+    #Param dither  setting for kDither_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setDither(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kDither_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso kRGB_565_SkColorType
+#SeeAlso Gradient Color_RGB-565
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Device_Text
+LCD_Text and Subpixel_Text increase the precision of glyph position.
+When set, Flags kLCDRenderText_Flag takes advantage of the organization of Color_RGB stripes that 
+create a color, and relies
+on the small size of the stripe and visual perception to make the color fringing inperceptible.
+LCD_Text can be enabled on devices that orient stripes horizontally or vertically, and that order
+the color components as Color_RGB or Color_RBG.
+Flags kSubpixelText_Flag uses the pixel transparency to represent a fractional offset. 
+As the opaqueness
+of the color increases, the edge of the glyph appears to move towards the outside of the pixel.
+Either or both techniques can be enabled.
+kLCDRenderText_Flag and kSubpixelText_Flag are clear by default.
+LCD_Text or Subpixel_Text can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults_Flags to 
+kLCDRenderText_Flag or kSubpixelText_Flag (or both) at compile time.
+    #Description
+        Four commas are drawn normally and with combinations of LCD_Text and Subpixel_Text.
+        When Subpixel_Text is disabled, the comma glyphs are indentical, but not evenly spaced.
+        When Subpixel_Text is enabled, the comma glyphs are unique, but appear evenly spaced.
+    ##
+    SkBitmap bitmap;
+    bitmap.allocN32Pixels(24, 33);
+    SkCanvas offscreen(bitmap);
+    offscreen.clear(SK_ColorWHITE);
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setTextSize(20);
+    for (bool lcd : { false, true }) {
+        paint.setLCDRenderText(lcd);
+        for (bool subpixel : { false, true }) {
+            paint.setSubpixelText(subpixel);
+            offscreen.drawString(",,,,", 0, 4, paint);
+            offscreen.translate(0, 7);
+        }
+    }
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 4, 12);
+    canvas->scale(9, 9);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 4, -1);
+#Subtopic Linear_Text
+#Alias Linear_Text # makes this a top level name, since it is under subtopic Device_Text
+Linear_Text selects whether text is rendered as a Glyph or as a Path.
+If kLinearText_Flag is set, it has the same effect as setting Hinting to kNormal_Hinting.
+If kLinearText_Flag is clear, it's the same as setting Hinting to kNo_Hinting.
+#Method bool isLinearText() const
+    If true, text is converted to Path before drawing and measuring.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kLinearText_Flag.
+    #Return  kLinearText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        const char testStr[] = "xxxx xxxx";
+        for (auto linearText : { false, true } ) {
+            paint.setLinearText(linearText);
+            paint.setTextSize(24);
+            canvas->drawString(paint.isLinearText() ? "linear" : "hinted", 128, 30, paint);
+            for (SkScalar textSize = 8; textSize < 30; textSize *= 1.22f) {
+                paint.setTextSize(textSize);
+                canvas->translate(0, textSize);
+                canvas->drawString(testStr, 10, 0, paint);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso setLinearText Hinting
+#Method void setLinearText(bool linearText)
+    If true, text is converted to Path before drawing and measuring.
+    By default, kLinearText_Flag is clear.
+    Sets kLinearText_Flag if linearText is true.
+    Clears kLinearText_Flag if linearText is false.
+    #Param linearText  setting for kLinearText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+      void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+          SkPaint paint;
+          paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+          const char testStr[] = "abcd efgh";
+          for (int textSize : { 12, 24 } ) {
+              paint.setTextSize(textSize);
+              for (auto linearText : { false, true } ) {
+                  paint.setLinearText(linearText);
+                  SkString width;
+                  width.appendScalar(paint.measureText(testStr, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(testStr), nullptr));
+                  canvas->translate(0, textSize + 4);
+                  canvas->drawString(testStr, 10, 0, paint);
+                  canvas->drawString(width, 128, 0, paint);
+              }
+           }
+        } 
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso isLinearText Hinting
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Subpixel_Text
+#Alias Subpixel_Text # makes this a top level name, since it is under subtopic Device_Text
+Flags kSubpixelText_Flag uses the pixel transparency to represent a fractional offset. 
+As the opaqueness
+of the color increases, the edge of the glyph appears to move towards the outside of the pixel.
+#Method bool isSubpixelText() const
+    If true, glyphs at different sub-pixel positions may differ on pixel edge coverage.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kSubpixelText_Flag.
+    #Return  kSubpixelText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+SkPaint paint;
+SkDebugf("paint.isSubpixelText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)\n",
+    paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+SkDebugf("paint.isSubpixelText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)\n",
+    paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)
+            paint.isSubpixelText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag)
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setSubpixelText(bool subpixelText)
+    Requests, but does not require, that glyphs respect sub-pixel positioning.
+    Sets kSubpixelText_Flag if subpixelText is true.
+    Clears kSubpixelText_Flag if subpixelText is false.
+    #Param subpixelText  setting for kSubpixelText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setSubpixelText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic LCD_Text
+#Alias LCD_Text # makes this a top level name, since it is under subtopic Device_Text
+When set, Flags kLCDRenderText_Flag takes advantage of the organization of Color_RGB stripes that 
+create a color, and relies
+on the small size of the stripe and visual perception to make the color fringing inperceptible.
+LCD_Text can be enabled on devices that orient stripes horizontally or vertically, and that order
+the color components as Color_RGB or Color_RBG.
+#Method bool isLCDRenderText() const
+    If true, glyphs may use LCD striping to improve glyph edges.
+    Returns true if Flags kLCDRenderText_Flag is set.
+    #Return  kLCDRenderText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+SkPaint paint;
+SkDebugf("paint.isLCDRenderText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)\n",
+    paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+SkDebugf("paint.isLCDRenderText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)\n",
+    paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)
+            paint.isLCDRenderText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag)
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setLCDRenderText(bool lcdText)
+    Requests, but does not require, that glyphs use LCD striping for glyph edges.
+    Sets kLCDRenderText_Flag if lcdText is true.
+    Clears kLCDRenderText_Flag if lcdText is false.
+    #Param lcdText  setting for kLCDRenderText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setLCDRenderText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Font_Embedded_Bitmaps
+#Alias Font_Embedded_Bitmaps # long-winded enough, alias so I don't type Paint_Font_...
+Font_Embedded_Bitmaps allows selecting custom-sized bitmap glyphs.
+Flags kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag when set chooses an embedded bitmap glyph over an outline contained
+in a font if the platform supports this option. 
+FreeType selects the bitmap glyph if available when kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag is set, and selects
+the outline glyph if kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag is clear.
+Windows may select the bitmap glyph but is not required to do so.
+OS_X and iOS do not support this option.
+Font_Embedded_Bitmaps is disabled by default.
+Font_Embedded_Bitmaps can be enabled by default by setting SkPaintDefaults_Flags to
+kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag at compile time.
+    #ToDo image will only output on Ubuntu ... how to handle that in fiddle? ##
+    #Platform !fiddle
+    #Description
+        The hintgasp TrueType font in the Skia resources/fonts directory includes an embedded
+        bitmap glyph at odd font sizes. This example works on platforms that use FreeType
+        as their Font_Engine.
+        Windows may, but is not required to, return a bitmap glyph if kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag is set.
+    ##
+    #Image  embeddedbitmap.png
+    SkBitmap bitmap;
+    bitmap.allocN32Pixels(30, 15);
+    bitmap.eraseColor(0);
+    SkCanvas offscreen(bitmap);
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setTextSize(13);
+    paint.setTypeface(MakeResourceAsTypeface("/fonts/hintgasp.ttf"));
+    for (bool embedded : { false, true}) {
+        paint.setEmbeddedBitmapText(embedded);
+        offscreen.drawString("A", embedded ? 5 : 15, 15, paint);
+    }
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);
+    canvas->scale(10, 10);
+    canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, -2, 1);
+#Method bool isEmbeddedBitmapText() const
+    If true, Font_Engine may return glyphs from font bitmaps instead of from outlines.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag.
+    #Return  kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() %c="
+                " !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() ==
+                !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        paint.setEmbeddedBitmapText(true);
+        SkDebugf("paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() %c="
+                " !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)\n",
+                paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() ==
+                !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)
+            paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag)
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setEmbeddedBitmapText(bool useEmbeddedBitmapText)
+    Requests, but does not require, to use bitmaps in fonts instead of outlines.
+    Sets kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag if useEmbeddedBitmapText is true.
+    Clears kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag if useEmbeddedBitmapText is false.
+    #Param useEmbeddedBitmapText  setting for kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setEmbeddedBitmapText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Automatic_Hinting
+#Substitute auto-hinting
+If Hinting is set to kNormal_Hinting or kFull_Hinting, Automatic_Hinting
+instructs the Font_Manager to always hint Glyphs.
+Automatic_Hinting has no effect if Hinting is set to kNo_Hinting or
+Automatic_Hinting only affects platforms that use FreeType as the Font_Manager.
+#Method bool isAutohinted() const
+    If true, and if Hinting is set to kNormal_Hinting or kFull_Hinting, and if
+    platform uses FreeType as the Font_Manager, instruct the Font_Manager to always hint
+    Glyphs.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kAutoHinting_Flag.
+    #Return  kAutoHinting_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+            SkPaint paint;
+            for (auto forceAutoHinting : { false, true} ) {
+            paint.setAutohinted(forceAutoHinting);
+            SkDebugf("paint.isAutohinted() %c="
+                    " !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag)\n",
+                    paint.isAutohinted() ==
+                    !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+            }
+            #StdOut
+                paint.isAutohinted() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag)
+                paint.isAutohinted() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kAutoHinting_Flag)
+            ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso setAutohinted Hinting
+#Method void setAutohinted(bool useAutohinter)
+    If Hinting is set to kNormal_Hinting or kFull_Hinting and useAutohinter is set,
+    instruct the Font_Manager to always hint Glyphs.
+    Automatic_Hinting has no effect if Hinting is set to kNo_Hinting or
+    kSlight_Hinting.
+    setAutohinted only affects platforms that use FreeType as the Font_Manager.
+    Sets kAutoHinting_Flag if useAutohinter is true.
+    Clears kAutoHinting_Flag if useAutohinter is false.
+    #Param useAutohinter  setting for kAutoHinting_Flag ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        const char testStr[] = "xxxx xxxx";
+            for (auto forceAutoHinting : { false, true} ) {
+            paint.setAutohinted(forceAutoHinting);
+            paint.setTextSize(24);
+            canvas->drawString(paint.isAutohinted() ? "auto-hinted" : "default", 108, 30, paint);
+            for (SkScalar textSize = 8; textSize < 30; textSize *= 1.22f) {
+                paint.setTextSize(textSize);
+                canvas->translate(0, textSize);
+                canvas->drawString(testStr, 10, 0, paint);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso isAutohinted Hinting
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Vertical_Text
+Text may be drawn by positioning each glyph, or by positioning the first glyph and
+using Font_Advance to position subsequent glyphs. By default, each successive glyph
+is positioned to the right of the preceeding glyph. Vertical_Text sets successive
+glyphs to position below the preceeding glyph.
+Skia can translate text character codes as a series of glyphs, but does not implement
+font substitution, 
+textual substitution, line layout, or contextual spacing like kerning pairs. Use
+a text shaping engine like #A HarfBuzz # ## to translate text runs
+into glyph series.
+Vertical_Text is clear if text is drawn left to right or set if drawn from top to bottom.
+Flags kVerticalText_Flag if clear draws text left to right.
+Flags kVerticalText_Flag if set draws text top to bottom.
+Vertical_Text is clear by default.
+Vertical_Text can be set by default by setting SkPaintDefaults_Flags to
+kVerticalText_Flag at compile time.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setTextSize(50);
+    for (bool vertical : { false, true } ) {
+        paint.setVerticalText(vertical);
+        canvas->drawString("aAlL", 25, 50, paint);
+    }
+#Method bool isVerticalText() const
+    If true, glyphs are drawn top to bottom instead of left to right.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kVerticalText_Flag.
+    #Return  kVerticalText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkDebugf("paint.isVerticalText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    paint.setVerticalText(true);
+    SkDebugf("paint.isVerticalText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)
+            paint.isVerticalText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag)
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setVerticalText(bool verticalText)
+    If true, text advance positions the next glyph below the previous glyph instead of to the
+    right of previous glyph.
+    Sets kVerticalText_Flag if vertical is true.
+    Clears kVerticalText_Flag if vertical is false.
+    #Param verticalText  setting for kVerticalText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setVerticalText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kVerticalText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Fake_Bold
+Fake_Bold approximates the bold font style accompanying a normal font when a bold font face
+is not available. Skia does not provide font substitution; it is up to the client to find the
+bold font face using the platform's Font_Manager.
+Use Text_Skew_X to approximate an italic font style when the italic font face 
+is not available.
+A FreeType-based port may define SK_USE_FREETYPE_EMBOLDEN at compile time to direct
+the font engine to create the bold glyphs. Otherwise, the extra bold is computed
+by increasing the stroke width and setting the Style to kStrokeAndFill_Style as needed.  
+Fake_Bold is disabled by default.
+#Height 128
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setTextSize(40);
+    canvas->drawString("OjYy_-", 10, 35, paint);
+    paint.setFakeBoldText(true);
+    canvas->drawString("OjYy_-", 10, 75, paint);
+    // create a custom fake bold by varying the stroke width
+    paint.setFakeBoldText(false);
+    paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style);
+    paint.setStrokeWidth(40.f / 48);
+    canvas->drawString("OjYy_-", 10, 115, paint);
+#Method bool isFakeBoldText() const
+    If true, approximate bold by increasing the stroke width when creating glyph bitmaps
+    from outlines.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kFakeBoldText_Flag.
+    #Return  kFakeBoldText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkDebugf("paint.isFakeBoldText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    paint.setFakeBoldText(true);
+    SkDebugf("paint.isFakeBoldText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)
+            paint.isFakeBoldText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag)
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setFakeBoldText(bool fakeBoldText)
+    Use increased stroke width when creating glyph bitmaps to approximate bolding.
+    Sets kFakeBoldText_Flag if fakeBoldText is true.
+    Clears kFakeBoldText_Flag if fakeBoldText is false.
+    #Param fakeBoldText  setting for kFakeBoldText_Flag ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setFakeBoldText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Full_Hinting_Spacing
+#Alias Full_Hinting_Spacing # long winded enough -- maybe things with two underscores auto-aliased?
+Full_Hinting_Spacing adjusts the character spacing by the difference of the 
+hinted and unhinted left and right side bearings, 
+if Hinting is set to kFull_Hinting. Full_Hinting_Spacing only
+applies to platforms that use FreeType as their Font_Engine.
+Full_Hinting_Spacing is not related to text kerning, where the space between
+a specific pair of characters is adjusted using data in the font's kerning tables.
+#Method bool isDevKernText() const
+    Returns if character spacing may be adjusted by the hinting difference.
+    Equivalent to getFlags masked with kDevKernText_Flag.
+    #Return  kDevKernText_Flag state ##
+    #Example
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkDebugf("paint.isDevKernText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isDevKernText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    paint.setDevKernText(true);
+    SkDebugf("paint.isDevKernText() %c= !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag)\n",
+        paint.isDevKernText() == !!(paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag) ? '=' : '!');
+    ##
+#Method void setDevKernText(bool devKernText)
+    Requests, but does not require, to use hinting to adjust glyph spacing.
+    Sets kDevKernText_Flag if devKernText is true.
+    Clears kDevKernText_Flag if devKernText is false.
+    #Param devKernText  setting for devKernText ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setDevKernText(true);
+        paint2.setFlags(paint2.getFlags() | SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag);
+        SkDebugf("paint1 %c= paint2\n", paint1 == paint2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            paint1 == paint2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Filter_Quality_Methods
+Filter_Quality trades speed for image filtering when the image is scaled.
+A lower Filter_Quality draws faster, but has less fidelity.
+A higher Filter_Quality draws slower, but looks better.
+If the image is unscaled, the Filter_Quality choice will not result in a noticable
+Filter_Quality is used in Paint passed as a parameter to
+# SkCanvas::drawBitmap ##
+# SkCanvas::drawBitmapRect ##
+# SkCanvas::drawImage ##
+# SkCanvas::drawImageRect ##
+  #ToDo probably more... ##
+#List ##
+and when Paint has a Shader specialization that uses Image or Bitmap.
+Filter_Quality is kNone_SkFilterQuality by default.
+#Image 3
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    canvas->scale(.2f, .2f);
+    for (SkFilterQuality q : { kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, 
+                               kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality } ) {
+        paint.setFilterQuality(q);
+        canvas->drawImage(image.get(), 0, 0, &paint);
+        canvas->translate(550, 0);
+        if (kLow_SkFilterQuality == q) canvas->translate(-1100, 550);
+    }
+#Method SkFilterQuality getFilterQuality() const
+Returns Filter_Quality, the image filtering level. A lower setting
+draws faster; a higher setting looks better when the image is scaled.
+#Return  one of: kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, 
+                 kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality
+#Return ##
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkDebugf("kNone_SkFilterQuality %c= paint.getFilterQuality()\n",
+            kNone_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        kNone_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality()
+    ##
+#Method void setFilterQuality(SkFilterQuality quality)
+Sets Filter_Quality, the image filtering level. A lower setting
+draws faster; a higher setting looks better when the image is scaled.
+setFilterQuality does not check to see if quality is valid. 
+#Param  quality  one of: kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, 
+                 kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setFilterQuality(kHigh_SkFilterQuality);
+    SkDebugf("kHigh_SkFilterQuality %c= paint.getFilterQuality()\n",
+            kHigh_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality() ? '=' : '!');
+    #StdOut
+        kHigh_SkFilterQuality == paint.getFilterQuality()
+    ##
+#SeeAlso SkFilterQuality Image_Scaling
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Color_Methods
+Color specifies the Color_RGB_Red, Color_RGB_Blue, Color_RGB_Green, and Color_Alpha values used to draw a filled
+or stroked shape in a
+32-bit value. Each component occupies 8-bits, ranging from zero: no contribution;
+to 255: full intensity. All values in any combination are valid.
+Color is not premultiplied;
+Color_Alpha sets the transparency independent of Color_RGB: Color_RGB_Red, Color_RGB_Blue, and Color_RGB_Green.
+The bit positions of Color_Alpha and Color_RGB are independent of the bit positions
+on the output device, which may have more or fewer bits, and may have a different arrangement.
+# bit positions # Color_Alpha # Color_RGB_Red # Color_RGB_Blue # Color_RGB_Green ##
+#Legend ##
+#               # 31 - 24     # 23 - 16       # 15 - 8         # 7 - 0           ##
+#Table ##
+#Height 128
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setColor(0x8000FF00);  // transparent green
+        canvas->drawCircle(50, 50, 40, paint);
+        paint.setARGB(128, 255, 0, 0); // transparent red
+        canvas->drawCircle(80, 50, 40, paint);
+        paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
+        paint.setAlpha(0x80);
+        canvas->drawCircle(65, 65, 40, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkColor getColor() const
+    Retrieves Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, unpremultiplied, packed into 32 bits.
+    Use helpers SkColorGetA, SkColorGetR, SkColorGetG, and SkColorGetB to extract
+    a color component.
+    #Return  Unpremultiplied Color_ARGB ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW);
+        SkColor y = paint.getColor();
+        SkDebugf("Yellow is %d%% red, %d%% green, and %d%% blue.\n", (int) (SkColorGetR(y) / 2.55f),
+                (int) (SkColorGetG(y) / 2.55f), (int) (SkColorGetB(y) / 2.55f));
+        #StdOut
+            Yellow is 100% red, 100% green, and 0% blue.
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso SkColor
+#Method void setColor(SkColor color)
+    Sets Color_Alpha and Color_RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is a 32-bit value,
+    unpremutiplied, packing 8-bit components for Color_Alpha, Color_RGB_Red, Color_RGB_Blue, and Color_RGB_Green. 
+    #Param color    Unpremultiplied Color_ARGB ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint green1, green2;
+        unsigned a = 255;
+        unsigned r = 0;
+        unsigned g = 255;
+        unsigned b = 0;
+        green1.setColor((a << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0));
+        green2.setColor(0xFF00FF00);
+        SkDebugf("green1 %c= green2\n", green1 == green2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            green1 == green2
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso SkColor setARGB SkColorSetARGB
+#Subtopic Alpha_Methods
+Color_Alpha sets the transparency independent of Color_RGB: Color_RGB_Red, Color_RGB_Blue, and Color_RGB_Green.
+#Method uint8_t getAlpha() const
+    Retrieves Color_Alpha from the Color used when stroking and filling.
+    #Return  Color_Alpha ranging from zero, fully transparent, to 255, fully opaque ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("255 %c= paint.getAlpha()\n", 255 == paint.getAlpha() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            255 == paint.getAlpha()
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setAlpha(U8CPU a)
+    Replaces Color_Alpha, leaving Color_RGB 
+    unchanged. An out of range value triggers an assert in the debug
+    build. a is a value from zero to 255.
+    a set to zero makes Color fully transparent; a set to 255 makes Color
+    fully opaque.
+    #Param a    Color_Alpha component of Color ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setColor(0x00112233);
+        paint.setAlpha(0x44);
+        SkDebugf("0x44112233 %c= paint.getColor()\n", 0x44112233 == paint.getColor() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            0x44112233 == paint.getColor()
+        ##
+    ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Method void setARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b)
+    Sets Color used when drawing solid fills. The color components range from 0 to 255.
+    The color is unpremultiplied;
+    Color_Alpha sets the transparency independent of Color_RGB.
+    #Param a    amount of Color_Alpha, from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque (255) ##
+    #Param r    amount of Color_RGB_Red, from no red (0) to full red (255) ##
+    #Param g    amount of Color_RGB_Green, from no green (0) to full green (255) ##
+    #Param b    amount of Color_RGB_Blue, from no blue (0) to full blue (255) ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint transRed1, transRed2;
+        transRed1.setARGB(255 / 2, 255, 0, 0);
+        transRed2.setColor(SkColorSetARGB(255 / 2, 255, 0, 0));
+        SkDebugf("transRed1 %c= transRed2", transRed1 == transRed2 ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            transRed1 == transRed2
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso setColor SkColorSetARGB
+#Topic Color_Methods ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Style
+Style specifies if the geometry is filled, stroked, or both filled and stroked.
+Some shapes ignore Style and are always drawn filled or stroked.
+Set Style to kFill_Style to fill the shape.
+The fill covers the area inside the geometry for most shapes.
+Set Style to kStroke_Style to stroke the shape.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Subtopic Fill
+#ToDo write up whatever generalities make sense to describe filling  ##
+#SeeAlso Path_Fill_Type
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Stroke
+The stroke covers the area described by following the shape's edge with a pen or brush of
+Stroke_Width. The area covered where the shape starts and stops is described by Stroke_Cap.
+The area covered where the shape turns a corner is described by Stroke_Join.
+The stroke is centered on the shape; it extends equally on either side of the shape's edge.
+As Stroke_Width gets smaller, the drawn path frame is thinner. Stroke_Width less than one
+may have gaps, and if kAntiAlias_Flag is set, Color_Alpha will increase to visually decrease coverage.
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Hairline
+#Alias Hairline # maybe should be Stroke_Hairline ?
+Stroke_Width of zero has a special meaning and switches drawing to use Hairline.
+Hairline draws the thinnest continuous frame. If kAntiAlias_Flag is clear, adjacent pixels 
+flow horizontally, vertically,or diagonally. 
+#ToDo  what is the description of anti-aliased hairlines? ##
+Path drawing with Hairline may hit the same pixel more than once. For instance, Path containing
+two lines in one Path_Contour will draw the corner point once, but may both lines may draw the adjacent
+pixel. If kAntiAlias_Flag is set, transparency is applied twice, resulting in a darker pixel. Some
+GPU-backed implementations apply transparency at a later drawing stage, avoiding double hit pixels
+while stroking.
+#Subtopic ##
+#Enum Style
+    enum Style {
+        kFill_Style,
+        kStroke_Style,
+        kStrokeAndFill_Style,
+    };
+Set Style to fill, stroke, or both fill and stroke geometry.
+The stroke and fill
+share all paint attributes; for instance, they are drawn with the same color.
+Use kStrokeAndFill_Style to avoid hitting the same pixels twice with a stroke draw and
+a fill draw.
+#Const  kFill_Style 0
+    Set to fill geometry.
+    Applies to Rect, Region, Round_Rect, Circle, Oval, Path, and Text. 
+    Bitmap, Image, Patch, Region, Sprite, and Vertices are painted as if
+    kFill_Style is set, and ignore the set Style.
+    The Path_Fill_Type specifies additional rules to fill the area outside the path edge,
+    and to create an unfilled hole inside the shape.
+    Style is set to kFill_Style by default.
+#Const kStroke_Style 1
+    Set to stroke geometry.
+    Applies to Rect, Region, Round_Rect, Arc, Circle, Oval,
+    Path, and Text. 
+    Arc, Line, Point, and Point_Array are always drawn as if kStroke_Style is set,
+    and ignore the set Style.
+    The stroke construction is unaffected by the Path_Fill_Type.
+#Const kStrokeAndFill_Style 2
+    Set to stroke and fill geometry.
+    Applies to Rect, Region, Round_Rect, Circle, Oval, Path, and Text.
+    Path is treated as if it is set to SkPath::kWinding_FillType,
+    and the set Path_Fill_Type is ignored. 
+#Enum ##
+    enum {
+        kStyleCount = kStrokeAndFill_Style + 1
+    };
+#Const kStyleCount 3
+The number of different Style values defined.
+May be used to verify that Style is a legal value.
+#Enum ##
+#Method Style getStyle() const
+    Whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked.
+    #Return  one of:kFill_Style, kStroke_Style, kStrokeAndFill_Style ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("SkPaint::kFill_Style %c= paint.getStyle()\n",
+                SkPaint::kFill_Style == paint.getStyle() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            SkPaint::kFill_Style == paint.getStyle()
+        ##
+    ##
+#SeeAlso Style setStyle
+#Method void setStyle(Style style)
+    Sets whether the geometry is filled, stroked, or filled and stroked.
+    Has no effect if style is not a legal Style value.
+    #Param style  one of: kFill_Style, kStroke_Style, kStrokeAndFill_Style
+    ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(5);
+            SkRegion region;
+            region.op(140, 10, 160, 30, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
+            region.op(170, 40, 190, 60, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
+            SkBitmap bitmap;
+            bitmap.setInfo(SkImageInfo::MakeA8(50, 50), 50);
+            uint8_t pixels[50][50];
+            for (int x = 0; x < 50; ++x) {
+                for (int y = 0; y < 50; ++y) {
+                    pixels[y][x] = (x + y) % 5 ? 0xFF : 0x00;
+                }
+            }
+            bitmap.setPixels(pixels);
+            for (auto style : { SkPaint::kFill_Style,
+                                SkPaint::kStroke_Style,
+                                SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style }) {
+                paint.setStyle(style);
+                canvas->drawLine(10, 10, 60, 60, paint);
+                canvas->drawRect({80, 10, 130, 60}, paint);
+                canvas->drawRegion(region, paint);
+                canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 200, 10, &paint);
+                canvas->translate(0, 80);
+            }
+        }
+    ##
+#SeeAlso Style getStyle
+#SeeAlso Path_Fill_Type Path_Effect Style_Fill Style_Stroke
+#Topic Style ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Stroke_Width
+Stroke_Width sets the width for stroking. The width is the thickness
+of the stroke perpendicular to the path's direction when the paint's style is 
+set to kStroke_Style or kStrokeAndFill_Style.
+When width is greater than zero, the stroke encompasses as many pixels partially
+or fully as needed. When the width equals zero, the paint enables hairlines;
+the stroke is always one pixel wide. 
+The stroke's dimensions are scaled by the canvas matrix, but Hairline stroke
+remains one pixel wide regardless of scaling.
+The default width for the paint is zero.
+#Height 170
+    #Platform raster gpu
+    #Description
+        The pixels hit to represent thin lines vary with the angle of the 
+        line and the platform's implementation.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        for (bool antialias : { false, true }) { 
+            paint.setAntiAlias(antialias);
+            for (int width = 0; width <= 4; ++width) {
+                SkScalar offset = antialias * 100 + width * 20;
+                paint.setStrokeWidth(width * 0.25f);
+                canvas->drawLine(10 + offset,  10, 20 + offset,  60, paint);
+                canvas->drawLine(10 + offset, 110, 60 + offset, 160, paint);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#Method SkScalar getStrokeWidth() const
+    Returns the thickness of the pen used by Paint to
+    outline the shape.
+    #Return  zero for Hairline, greater than zero for pen thickness ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("0 %c= paint.getStrokeWidth()\n", 0 == paint.getStrokeWidth() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            0 == paint.getStrokeWidth()
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width)
+    Sets the thickness of the pen used by the paint to
+    outline the shape. 
+    Has no effect if width is less than zero. 
+    #Param width  zero thickness for Hairline; greater than zero for pen thickness 
+    ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(5);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(-1);
+        SkDebugf("5 %c= paint.getStrokeWidth()\n", 5 == paint.getStrokeWidth() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            5 == paint.getStrokeWidth()
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Miter_Limit
+Miter_Limit specifies the maximum miter length,
+relative to the stroke width.
+Miter_Limit is used when the Stroke_Join
+is set to kMiter_Join, and the Style is either kStroke_Style
+or kStrokeAndFill_Style.
+If the miter at a corner exceeds this limit, kMiter_Join
+is replaced with kBevel_Join.
+Miter_Limit can be computed from the corner angle:
+    miter limit = 1 / sin ( angle / 2 )
+#Formula ##
+Miter_Limit default value is 4.
+The default may be changed at compile time by setting SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit
+in SkUserConfig.h or as a define supplied by the build environment.
+Here are some miter limits and the angles that triggers them.
+    # miter limit    # angle in degrees ##
+#Legend ##
+    # 10             # 11.48            ##
+    # 9              # 12.76            ##
+    # 8              # 14.36            ##
+    # 7              # 16.43            ##
+    # 6              # 19.19            ##
+    # 5              # 23.07            ##
+    # 4              # 28.96            ##
+    # 3              # 38.94            ##
+    # 2              # 60               ##
+    # 1              # 180              ##
+#Table ##
+    #Height 170
+    #Width 384
+    #Description
+        This example draws a stroked corner and the miter length beneath.
+        When the miter limit is decreased slightly, the miter join is replaced
+        by a bevel join.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPoint pts[] = {{ 10, 50 }, { 110, 80 }, { 10, 110 }};
+        SkVector v[] = { pts[0] - pts[1], pts[2] - pts[1] };
+        SkScalar angle1 = SkScalarATan2(v[0].fY, v[0].fX);
+        SkScalar angle2 = SkScalarATan2(v[1].fY, v[1].fX);
+        const SkScalar strokeWidth = 20;
+        SkScalar miterLimit = 1 / SkScalarSin((angle2 - angle1) / 2);
+        SkScalar miterLength = strokeWidth * miterLimit;
+        SkPath path;
+        path.moveTo(pts[0]);
+        path.lineTo(pts[1]);
+        path.lineTo(pts[2]);
+        SkPaint paint;  // set to default kMiter_Join
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+        paint.setStrokeMiter(miterLimit);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth);
+        canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
+        canvas->drawLine(pts[1].fX - miterLength / 2, pts[1].fY + 50,
+                         pts[1].fX + miterLength / 2, pts[1].fY + 50, paint);
+        canvas->translate(200, 0);
+        miterLimit *= 0.99f;
+        paint.setStrokeMiter(miterLimit);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth);
+        canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
+        canvas->drawLine(pts[1].fX - miterLength / 2, pts[1].fY + 50,
+                         pts[1].fX + miterLength / 2, pts[1].fY + 50, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkScalar getStrokeMiter() const
+    The limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.
+    #Return  zero and greater Miter_Limit ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("default miter limit == %g\n", paint.getStrokeMiter());
+        #StdOut
+        default miter limit == 4
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Miter_Limit setStrokeMiter Join
+#Method void setStrokeMiter(SkScalar miter)
+    The limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.
+    Valid values are zero and greater.
+    Has no effect if miter is less than zero.
+    #Param miter  zero and greater Miter_Limit
+    ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStrokeMiter(8);
+        paint.setStrokeMiter(-1);
+        SkDebugf("default miter limit == %g\n", paint.getStrokeMiter());
+        #StdOut
+        default miter limit == 8
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Miter_Limit getStrokeMiter Join
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Stroke_Cap
+#Enum Cap
+    enum Cap {
+        kButt_Cap,
+        kRound_Cap,
+        kSquare_Cap,
+        kLast_Cap = kSquare_Cap,
+        kDefault_Cap = kButt_Cap
+    };
+    static constexpr int kCapCount = kLast_Cap + 1;
+Stroke_Cap draws at the beginning and end of an open Path_Contour.
+    #Const kButt_Cap 0
+        Does not extend the stroke past the beginning or the end.
+    ##
+    #Const kRound_Cap 1
+        Adds a circle with a diameter equal to Stroke_Width at the beginning
+        and end.
+    ##
+    #Const kSquare_Cap 2
+        Adds a square with sides equal to Stroke_Width at the beginning
+        and end. The square sides are parallel to the initial and final direction
+        of the stroke.
+    ##
+    #Const kLast_Cap 2
+        Equivalent to the largest value for Stroke_Cap.
+    ##
+    #Const kDefault_Cap 0
+        Equivalent to kButt_Cap.
+        Stroke_Cap is set to kButt_Cap by default.
+    ##
+    #Const kCapCount 3
+        The number of different Stroke_Cap values defined.
+        May be used to verify that Stroke_Cap is a legal value.
+    ##
+#Enum ##
+Stroke describes the area covered by a pen of Stroke_Width as it 
+follows the Path_Contour, moving parallel to the contours's direction.
+If the Path_Contour is not terminated by SkPath::kClose_Verb, the contour has a
+visible beginning and end.
+Path_Contour may start and end at the same point; defining Zero_Length_Contour.
+kButt_Cap and Zero_Length_Contour is not drawn.
+kRound_Cap and Zero_Length_Contour draws a circle of diameter Stroke_Width 
+at the contour point.
+kSquare_Cap and Zero_Length_Contour draws an upright square with a side of
+Stroke_Width at the contour point.
+Stroke_Cap is kButt_Cap by default.
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+    paint.setStrokeWidth(20);
+    SkPath path;
+    path.moveTo(30, 30);
+    path.lineTo(30, 30);
+    path.moveTo(70, 30);
+    path.lineTo(90, 40);
+    for (SkPaint::Cap c : { SkPaint::kButt_Cap, SkPaint::kRound_Cap, SkPaint::kSquare_Cap } ) {
+        paint.setStrokeCap(c);
+        canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        canvas->translate(0, 70);
+    }
+#Method Cap getStrokeCap() const
+    The geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.
+    #Return  one of: kButt_Cap, kRound_Cap, kSquare_Cap ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("kButt_Cap %c= default stroke cap\n",
+                SkPaint::kButt_Cap == paint.getStrokeCap() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            kButt_Cap == default stroke cap
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Stroke_Cap setStrokeCap
+#Method void setStrokeCap(Cap cap)
+    The geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.
+    #Param cap  one of: kButt_Cap, kRound_Cap, kSquare_Cap;
+                has no effect if cap is not valid
+    ## 
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStrokeCap(SkPaint::kRound_Cap);
+        paint.setStrokeCap((SkPaint::Cap) SkPaint::kCapCount);
+        SkDebugf("kRound_Cap %c= paint.getStrokeCap()\n",
+                SkPaint::kRound_Cap == paint.getStrokeCap() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            kRound_Cap == paint.getStrokeCap()
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Stroke_Cap getStrokeCap
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Stroke_Join
+Stroke_Join draws at the sharp corners of an open or closed Path_Contour.
+Stroke describes the area covered by a pen of Stroke_Width as it 
+follows the Path_Contour, moving parallel to the contours's direction.
+If the contour direction changes abruptly, because the tangent direction leading
+to the end of a curve within the contour does not match the tangent direction of
+the following curve, the pair of curves meet at Stroke_Join.
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+    paint.setStrokeWidth(20);
+    SkPath path;
+    path.moveTo(30, 30);
+    path.lineTo(40, 50);
+    path.conicTo(70, 30, 100, 30, .707f);
+    for (SkPaint::Join j : { SkPaint::kMiter_Join, SkPaint::kRound_Join, SkPaint::kBevel_Join } ) {
+        paint.setStrokeJoin(j);
+        canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        canvas->translate(0, 70);
+    }
+#Enum Join
+    enum Join {
+        kMiter_Join,
+        kRound_Join,
+        kBevel_Join,
+        kLast_Join = kBevel_Join,
+        kDefault_Join = kMiter_Join
+    };
+    static constexpr int kJoinCount = kLast_Join + 1;
+Join specifies how corners are drawn when a shape is stroked. The paint's Join setting
+affects the four corners of a stroked rectangle, and the connected segments in a
+stroked path.
+Choose miter join to draw sharp corners. Choose round join to draw a circle with a
+radius equal to the stroke width on top of the corner. Choose bevel join to minimally
+connect the thick strokes.
+The fill path constructed to describe the stroked path respects the join setting but may 
+not contain the actual join. For instance, a fill path constructed with round joins does
+not necessarily include circles at each connected segment.
+#Const kMiter_Join 0
+    Extends the outside corner to the extent allowed by Miter_Limit.
+    If the extension exceeds Miter_Limit, kBevel_Join is used instead.
+#Const kRound_Join 1
+    Adds a circle with a diameter of Stroke_Width at the sharp corner.
+#Const kBevel_Join 2
+    Connects the outside edges of the sharp corner.
+#Const kLast_Join 2
+    Equivalent to the largest value for Stroke_Join.
+#Const kDefault_Join 1
+    Equivalent to kMiter_Join.
+    Stroke_Join is set to kMiter_Join by default. 
+#Const kJoinCount 3
+    The number of different Stroke_Join values defined.
+    May be used to verify that Stroke_Join is a legal value.
+#Width 462
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPath path;
+    path.moveTo(10, 50);
+    path.quadTo(35, 110, 60, 210);
+    path.quadTo(105, 110, 130, 10);
+    SkPaint paint;  // set to default kMiter_Join
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+    paint.setStrokeWidth(20);
+    canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+    canvas->translate(150, 0);
+    paint.setStrokeJoin(SkPaint::kBevel_Join);
+    canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+    canvas->translate(150, 0);
+    paint.setStrokeJoin(SkPaint::kRound_Join);
+    canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+#SeeAlso setStrokeJoin getStrokeJoin setStrokeMiter getStrokeMiter
+#Enum ##
+#Method Join getStrokeJoin() const
+    The geometry drawn at the corners of strokes. 
+    #Return  one of: kMiter_Join, kRound_Join, kBevel_Join ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("kMiter_Join %c= default stroke join\n",
+                SkPaint::kMiter_Join == paint.getStrokeJoin() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            kMiter_Join == default stroke join
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Stroke_Join setStrokeJoin
+#Method void setStrokeJoin(Join join)
+    The geometry drawn at the corners of strokes. 
+    #Param join  one of: kMiter_Join, kRound_Join, kBevel_Join;
+                 otherwise, setStrokeJoin has no effect 
+    ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStrokeJoin(SkPaint::kMiter_Join);
+        paint.setStrokeJoin((SkPaint::Join) SkPaint::kJoinCount);
+        SkDebugf("kMiter_Join %c= paint.getStrokeJoin()\n",
+                SkPaint::kMiter_Join == paint.getStrokeJoin() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            kMiter_Join == paint.getStrokeJoin()
+        ##
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Stroke_Join getStrokeJoin
+#SeeAlso Miter_Limit
+#Topic Stroke_Join ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Fill_Path
+Fill_Path creates a Path by applying the Path_Effect, followed by the Style_Stroke.
+If Paint contains Path_Effect, Path_Effect operates on the source Path; the result
+replaces the destination Path. Otherwise, the source Path is replaces the
+destination Path.
+Fill Path can request the Path_Effect to restrict to a culling rectangle, but
+the Path_Effect is not required to do so.
+If Style is kStroke_Style or kStrokeAndFill_Style, 
+and Stroke_Width is greater than zero, the Stroke_Width, Stroke_Cap, Stroke_Join,
+and Miter_Limit operate on the destination Path, replacing it.
+Fill Path can specify the precision used by Stroke_Width to approximate the stroke geometry. 
+If the Style is kStroke_Style and the Stroke_Width is zero, getFillPath
+returns false since Hairline has no filled equivalent.
+#Method bool getFillPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst, const SkRect* cullRect,
+                     SkScalar resScale = 1) const
+    The filled equivalent of the stroked path.
+    #Param src       Path read to create a filled version ##
+    #Param dst       resulting Path; may be the same as src, but may not be nullptr ##
+    #Param cullRect  optional limit passed to Path_Effect ##
+    #Param resScale  if > 1, increase precision, else if (0 < res < 1) reduce precision
+                     to favor speed and size
+    ##
+    #Return         true if the path represents Style_Fill, or false if it represents Hairline ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 192
+    #Description
+    A very small quad stroke is turned into a filled path with increasing levels of precision.
+    At the lowest precision, the quad stroke is approximated by a rectangle. 
+    At the highest precision, the filled path has high fidelity compared to the original stroke.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint strokePaint;
+            strokePaint.setAntiAlias(true);
+            strokePaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(.1f);
+            SkPath strokePath;
+            strokePath.moveTo(.08f, .08f);
+            strokePath.quadTo(.09f, .08f, .17f, .17f);
+            SkPath fillPath;
+            SkPaint outlinePaint(strokePaint);
+            outlinePaint.setStrokeWidth(2);
+            SkMatrix scale = SkMatrix::MakeScale(300, 300);
+            for (SkScalar precision : { 0.01f, .1f, 1.f, 10.f, 100.f } ) {
+                strokePaint.getFillPath(strokePath, &fillPath, nullptr, precision);
+                fillPath.transform(scale);
+                canvas->drawPath(fillPath, outlinePaint);
+                canvas->translate(60, 0);
+                if (1.f == precision) canvas->translate(-180, 100);
+            }
+            strokePath.transform(scale);
+            strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(30);
+            canvas->drawPath(strokePath, strokePaint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method bool getFillPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst) const
+    The filled equivalent of the stroked path.
+    Replaces dst with the src path modified by Path_Effect and Style_Stroke.
+    Path_Effect, if any, is not culled. Stroke_Width is created with default precision.
+    #Param src  Path read to create a filled version ##
+    #Param dst  resulting Path dst may be the same as src, but may not be nullptr ##
+    #Return     true if the path represents Style_Fill, or false if it represents Hairline ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(10);
+            SkPath strokePath;
+            strokePath.moveTo(20, 20);
+            strokePath.lineTo(100, 100);
+            canvas->drawPath(strokePath, paint);
+            SkPath fillPath;
+            paint.getFillPath(strokePath, &fillPath);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(2);
+            canvas->translate(40, 0);
+            canvas->drawPath(fillPath, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#SeeAlso Style_Stroke Stroke_Width Path_Effect
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Shader_Methods
+Shader defines the colors used when drawing a shape.
+Shader may be an image, a gradient, or a computed fill.
+If Paint has no Shader, then Color fills the shape. 
+Shader is modulated by Color_Alpha component of Color.
+If Shader object defines only Color_Alpha, then Color modulated by Color_Alpha describes
+the fill.
+The drawn transparency can be modified without altering Shader, by changing Color_Alpha.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+   SkPaint paint;
+   SkPoint center = { 50, 50 };
+   SkScalar radius = 50;
+   const SkColor colors[] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF000000 };
+   paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::MakeRadial(center, radius, colors,
+        nullptr, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors), SkShader::kClamp_TileMode));
+   for (SkScalar a : { 0.3f, 0.6f, 1.0f } ) {
+       paint.setAlpha((int) (a * 255));
+       canvas->drawCircle(center.fX, center.fY, radius, paint);
+       canvas->translate(70, 70);
+   }
+If Shader generates only Color_Alpha then all components of Color modulate the output.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+   SkPaint paint;
+   SkBitmap bitmap;
+   bitmap.setInfo(SkImageInfo::MakeA8(5, 1), 5);  // bitmap only contains alpha
+   uint8_t pixels[5] = { 0x22, 0x55, 0x88, 0xBB, 0xFF };
+   bitmap.setPixels(pixels);
+   paint.setShader(SkShader::MakeBitmapShader(bitmap, 
+            SkShader::kMirror_TileMode, SkShader::kMirror_TileMode));
+   for (SkColor c : { SK_ColorRED, SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorGREEN } ) {
+       paint.setColor(c);  // all components in color affect shader
+       canvas->drawCircle(50, 50, 50, paint);
+       canvas->translate(70, 70);
+   }
+#Method SkShader* getShader() const
+    Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
+    Does not alter Shader Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Shader if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= shader\n", paint.getShader() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setShader(SkShader::MakeEmptyShader());
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= shader\n", paint.getShader() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == shader
+            nullptr != shader
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkShader> refShader() const
+    Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
+    Increases Shader Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Shader if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+           paint1.setShader(SkShader::MakeEmptyShader());
+           SkDebugf("shader unique: %s\n", paint1.getShader()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+           paint2.setShader(paint1.refShader());
+           SkDebugf("shader unique: %s\n", paint1.getShader()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            shader unique: true
+            shader unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader)
+    Optional colors used when filling a path, such as a gradient.
+    Sets Shader to shader, decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Shader.
+    Does not alter shader Reference_Count.
+    #Param shader  how geometry is filled with color; if nullptr, Color is used instead ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
+            paint.setShader(SkShader::MakeColorShader(SK_ColorRED));
+            canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(40, 40), paint);
+            paint.setShader(nullptr);
+            canvas->translate(50, 0);
+            canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(40, 40), paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Color_Filter_Methods
+Color_Filter alters the color used when drawing a shape.
+Color_Filter may apply Blend_Mode, transform the color through a matrix, or composite multiple filters.
+If Paint has no Color_Filter, the color is unaltered.
+The drawn transparency can be modified without altering Color_Filter, by changing Color_Alpha.
+#Height 128
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setColorFilter(SkColorMatrixFilter::MakeLightingFilter(0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000));
+    for (SkColor c : { SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorGREEN } ) {
+        paint.setColor(c);
+        canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(10, 10, 50, 50), paint);
+        paint.setAlpha(0x80);
+        canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(60, 60, 50, 50), paint);
+        canvas->translate(100, 0);
+    }
+#Method SkColorFilter* getColorFilter() const
+    Returns Color_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Color_Filter Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Color_Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= color filter\n", paint.getColorFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setColorFilter(SkColorFilter::MakeModeFilter(SK_ColorLTGRAY, SkBlendMode::kSrcIn));
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= color filter\n", paint.getColorFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == color filter
+            nullptr != color filter
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkColorFilter> refColorFilter() const
+    Returns Color_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Color_Filter Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Color_Filter if set, or nullptr ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setColorFilter(SkColorFilter::MakeModeFilter(0xFFFF0000, SkBlendMode::kSrcATop));
+        SkDebugf("color filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getColorFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        paint2.setColorFilter(paint1.refColorFilter());
+        SkDebugf("color filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getColorFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+    }
+        #StdOut
+            color filter unique: true
+            color filter unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setColorFilter(sk_sp<SkColorFilter> colorFilter)
+    Sets Color_Filter to filter, decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Color_Filter. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Color_Filter.
+    Does not alter filter Reference_Count.
+    #Param colorFilter  Color_Filter to apply to subsequent draw ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           paint.setColorFilter(SkColorFilter::MakeModeFilter(SK_ColorLTGRAY, SkBlendMode::kSrcIn));
+           canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(50, 50), paint);
+           paint.setColorFilter(nullptr);
+           canvas->translate(70, 0);
+           canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(50, 50), paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Blend_Mode_Methods
+Blend_Mode describes how Color combines with the destination color.
+The default setting, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, draws the source color
+over the destination color.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint normal, blender;
+    normal.setColor(0xFF58a889);
+    blender.setColor(0xFF8958a8);
+    canvas->clear(0);
+    for (SkBlendMode m : { SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, SkBlendMode::kSrcIn, SkBlendMode::kSrcOut } ) {
+        normal.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
+        canvas->drawOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(30, 30, 30, 80), normal);
+        blender.setBlendMode(m);
+        canvas->drawOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(10, 50, 80, 30), blender);
+        canvas->translate(70, 70);
+    }
+#SeeAlso Blend_Mode
+#Method SkBlendMode getBlendMode() const
+    Returns Blend_Mode.
+    By default, getBlendMode returns SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.
+    #Return  mode used to combine source color with destination color ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("kSrcOver %c= getBlendMode\n", 
+                    SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == paint.getBlendMode() ? '=' : '!');
+           paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
+           SkDebugf("kSrcOver %c= getBlendMode\n", 
+                    SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == paint.getBlendMode() ? '=' : '!');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            kSrcOver == getBlendMode
+            kSrcOver != getBlendMode
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method bool isSrcOver() const
+    Returns true if Blend_Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, the default.
+    #Return  true if Blend_Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver  ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("isSrcOver %c= true\n", paint.isSrcOver() ? '=' : '!');
+           paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
+           SkDebugf("isSrcOver %c= true\n", paint.isSrcOver() ? '=' : '!');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            isSrcOver == true
+            isSrcOver != true
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setBlendMode(SkBlendMode mode)
+    Sets Blend_Mode to mode. 
+    Does not check for valid input.
+    #Param mode  SkBlendMode used to combine source color and destination ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("isSrcOver %c= true\n", paint.isSrcOver() ? '=' : '!');
+           paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
+           SkDebugf("isSrcOver %c= true\n", paint.isSrcOver() ? '=' : '!');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            isSrcOver == true
+            isSrcOver != true
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Path_Effect_Methods
+Path_Effect modifies the path geometry before drawing it.
+Path_Effect may implement dashing, custom fill effects and custom stroke effects.
+If Paint has no Path_Effect, the path geometry is unaltered when filled or stroked.
+#Height 160
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(16);
+            SkScalar intervals[] = {30, 10};
+            paint.setPathEffect(SkDashPathEffect::Make(intervals, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(intervals), 1));
+            canvas->drawRoundRect({20, 20, 120, 120}, 20, 20, paint);
+        }
+#SeeAlso Path_Effect
+#Method SkPathEffect* getPathEffect() const
+    Returns Path_Effect if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Path_Effect Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Path_Effect if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= path effect\n", paint.getPathEffect() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setPathEffect(SkCornerPathEffect::Make(10));
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= path effect\n", paint.getPathEffect() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == path effect
+            nullptr != path effect
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkPathEffect> refPathEffect() const
+    Returns Path_Effect if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Path_Effect Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Path_Effect if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setPathEffect(SkArcToPathEffect::Make(10));
+        SkDebugf("path effect unique: %s\n", paint1.getPathEffect()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        paint2.setPathEffect(paint1.refPathEffect());
+        SkDebugf("path effect unique: %s\n", paint1.getPathEffect()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+    }
+        #StdOut
+            path effect unique: true
+            path effect unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setPathEffect(sk_sp<SkPathEffect> pathEffect)
+    Sets Path_Effect to pathEffect, 
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Path_Effect. 
+    Pass nullptr to leave the path geometry unaltered.
+    Does not alter pathEffect Reference_Count.
+    #Param pathEffect  replace Path with a modification when drawn ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setPathEffect(SkDiscretePathEffect::Make(3, 5));
+            canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(40, 40, 175, 175), paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Mask_Filter_Methods
+Mask_Filter uses Color_Alpha of the shape drawn to create Mask_Alpha.
+Mask_Filter operates at a lower level than Rasterizer; Mask_Filter takes a Mask,
+and returns a Mask.
+Mask_Filter may change the geometry and transparency of the shape, such as creating a blur effect.
+Set Mask_Filter to nullptr to prevent Mask_Filter from modifying the draw.
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kSolid_SkBlurStyle, 3));
+        canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(40, 40, 175, 175), paint);
+    }
+#Method SkMaskFilter* getMaskFilter() const
+    Returns Mask_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Mask_Filter Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Mask_Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= mask filter\n", paint.getMaskFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kOuter_SkBlurStyle, 3));
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= mask filter\n", paint.getMaskFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == mask filter
+            nullptr != mask filter
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkMaskFilter> refMaskFilter() const
+    Returns Mask_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Mask_Filter Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Mask_Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kNormal_SkBlurStyle, 1));
+        SkDebugf("mask filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getMaskFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        paint2.setMaskFilter(paint1.refMaskFilter());
+        SkDebugf("mask filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getMaskFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+    }
+        #StdOut
+            mask filter unique: true
+            mask filter unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setMaskFilter(sk_sp<SkMaskFilter> maskFilter)
+    Sets Mask_Filter to maskFilter,
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Mask_Filter. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Mask_Filter and leave Mask_Filter effect on Mask_Alpha unaltered.
+    Does not affect Rasterizer.
+    Does not alter maskFilter Reference_Count.
+    #Param maskFilter   modifies clipping mask generated from drawn geometry ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(10);
+            paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kNormal_SkBlurStyle, 10));
+            canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(40, 40, 175, 175), paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Typeface_Methods
+Typeface identifies the font used when drawing and measuring text.
+Typeface may be specified by name, from a file, or from a data stream.
+The default Typeface defers to the platform-specific default font
+#Height 100
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTypeface(SkTypeface::MakeDefault(SkTypeface::kBold));
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setTextSize(36);
+        canvas->drawString("A Big Hello!", 10, 40, paint);
+        paint.setTypeface(nullptr);
+        paint.setFakeBoldText(true);
+        canvas->drawString("A Big Hello!", 10, 80, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkTypeface* getTypeface() const
+    Returns Typeface if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Typeface Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Typeface if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= typeface\n", paint.getTypeface() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setTypeface(SkTypeface::MakeFromName("Times New Roman", SkFontStyle()));
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= typeface\n", paint.getTypeface() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == typeface
+            nullptr != typeface
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkTypeface> refTypeface() const
+    Increases Typeface Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Typeface if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+           paint1.setTypeface(SkTypeface::MakeFromName("Times New Roman", 
+                    SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kNormal_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width,
+                    SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant)));
+           SkDebugf("typeface1 %c= typeface2\n",
+                    paint1.getTypeface() == paint2.getTypeface() ? '=' : '!');
+           paint2.setTypeface(paint1.refTypeface());
+           SkDebugf("typeface1 %c= typeface2\n",
+                    paint1.getTypeface() == paint2.getTypeface() ? '=' : '!');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            typeface1 != typeface2
+            typeface1 == typeface2
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setTypeface(sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface)
+    Sets Typeface to typeface,
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Typeface. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Typeface and use the default typeface.
+    Does not alter typeface Reference_Count.
+    #Param typeface  font and style used to draw text ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTypeface(SkTypeface::MakeFromName("Courier New", SkFontStyle()));
+            canvas->drawString("Courier New", 10, 30, paint);
+            paint.setTypeface(nullptr);
+            canvas->drawString("default", 10, 50, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Rasterizer_Methods
+Rasterizer controls how shapes are converted to Mask_Alpha. 
+Rasterizer operates at a higher level than Mask_Filter; Rasterizer takes a Path,
+and returns a Mask.
+Rasterizer may change the geometry and transparency of the shape, such as
+creating a shadow effect. Rasterizer forms the base of Rasterizer_Layer, which
+creates effects like embossing and outlining.
+Rasterizer applies to Rect, Region, Round_Rect, Arc, Circle, Oval,
+Path, and Text.
+#Height 64
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkLayerRasterizer::Builder layerBuilder;
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
+        layerBuilder.addLayer(paint);
+        paint.setAlpha(0x10);
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style);
+        paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
+        layerBuilder.addLayer(paint);
+        paint.reset();
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setTextSize(50);
+        paint.setRasterizer(layerBuilder.detach());
+        canvas->drawString("outline", 10, 50, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkRasterizer* getRasterizer() const
+    Returns Rasterizer if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Rasterizer Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Rasterizer if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+    #Function
+        class DummyRasterizer : public SkRasterizer {
+        public:
+        };
+        sk_sp<SkFlattenable> DummyRasterizer::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer&) {
+            return sk_make_sp<DummyRasterizer>();
+        }
+    #Function ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            DummyRasterizer dummy;
+            SkDebugf("nullptr %c= rasterizer\n", paint.getRasterizer() ? '!' : '=');
+            paint.setRasterizer(sk_make_sp<DummyRasterizer>());
+            SkDebugf("nullptr %c= rasterizer\n", paint.getRasterizer() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == rasterizer
+            nullptr != rasterizer
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkRasterizer> refRasterizer() const
+    Returns Rasterizer if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Rasterizer Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Rasterizer if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkLayerRasterizer::Builder layerBuilder;
+           SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+           layerBuilder.addLayer(paint2);
+           paint1.setRasterizer(layerBuilder.detach());
+           SkDebugf("rasterizer unique: %s\n", paint1.getRasterizer()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+           paint2.setRasterizer(paint1.refRasterizer());
+           SkDebugf("rasterizer unique: %s\n", paint1.getRasterizer()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            rasterizer unique: true
+            rasterizer unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setRasterizer(sk_sp<SkRasterizer> rasterizer)
+    Sets Rasterizer to rasterizer,
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Rasterizer. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Rasterizer and leave Rasterizer effect on Mask_Alpha unaltered.
+    Does not affect Mask_Filter.
+    Does not alter rasterizer Reference_Count.
+    #Param rasterizer  how geometry is converted to Mask_Alpha ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        SkLayerRasterizer::Builder layerBuilder;
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(2);
+        layerBuilder.addLayer(paint);
+        paint.reset();
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setTextSize(50);
+        paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kNormal_SkBlurStyle, 3));
+        paint.setRasterizer(layerBuilder.detach());
+        canvas->drawString("blurry out", 0, 50, paint);
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Image_Filter_Methods
+Image_Filter operates on the pixel representation of the shape, as modified by Paint
+with Blend_Mode set to SkBlendMode::kSrcOver. Image_Filter creates a new bitmap,
+which is drawn to the device using the set Blend_Mode.
+Image_Filter is higher level than Mask_Filter; for instance, an Image_Filter
+can operate on all channels of Color, while Mask_Filter generates Color_Alpha only.
+Image_Filter operates independently of and can be used in combination with
+Mask_Filter and Rasterizer.
+    #ToDo explain why the two draws are so different ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+        paint.setStrokeWidth(2);
+        SkRegion region;
+        region.op( 10, 10, 50, 50, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
+        region.op( 10, 50, 90, 90, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
+        paint.setImageFilter(SkImageFilter::MakeBlur(5.0f, 5.0f, nullptr));
+        canvas->drawRegion(region, paint);
+        paint.setImageFilter(nullptr);
+        paint.setMaskFilter(SkBlurMaskFilter::Make(kNormal_SkBlurStyle, 5));
+        canvas->translate(100, 100);
+        canvas->drawRegion(region, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkImageFilter* getImageFilter() const
+    Returns Image_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Image_Filter Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Image_Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= image filter\n", paint.getImageFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+           paint.setImageFilter(SkImageFilter::MakeBlur(kOuter_SkBlurStyle, 3, nullptr, nullptr));
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= image filter\n", paint.getImageFilter() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == image filter
+            nullptr != image filter
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkImageFilter> refImageFilter() const
+    Returns Image_Filter if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Image_Filter Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Image_Filter if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        paint1.setImageFilter(SkOffsetImageFilter::Make(25, 25, nullptr));
+        SkDebugf("image filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getImageFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        paint2.setImageFilter(paint1.refImageFilter());
+        SkDebugf("image filter unique: %s\n", paint1.getImageFilter()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+    }
+        #StdOut
+            image filter unique: true
+            image filter unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setImageFilter(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> imageFilter)
+    Sets Image_Filter to imageFilter,
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous Image_Filter. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Image_Filter, and remove Image_Filter effect
+    on drawing.
+    Does not affect Rasterizer or Mask_Filter.
+    Does not alter imageFilter Reference_Count.
+    #Param imageFilter  how Image is sampled when transformed ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 160
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkBitmap bitmap;
+        bitmap.allocN32Pixels(100, 100);
+        SkCanvas offscreen(bitmap);
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
+        paint.setTextSize(96);
+        offscreen.clear(0);
+        offscreen.drawString("e", 20, 70, paint);
+        paint.setImageFilter(
+               SkLightingImageFilter::MakePointLitDiffuse(SkPoint3::Make(80, 100, 10),
+               SK_ColorWHITE, 1, 2, nullptr, nullptr));
+        canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, &paint);
+    }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Draw_Looper_Methods
+Draw_Looper sets a modifier that communicates state from one Draw_Layer
+to another to construct the draw.
+Draw_Looper draws one or more times, modifying the canvas and paint each time.
+Draw_Looper may be used to draw multiple colors or create a colored shadow.
+Set Draw_Looper to nullptr to prevent Draw_Looper from modifying the draw. 
+#Height 128
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerInfo info;
+        info.fPaintBits = (SkLayerDrawLooper::BitFlags) SkLayerDrawLooper::kColorFilter_Bit;
+        info.fColorMode = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
+        SkLayerDrawLooper::Builder looperBuilder;
+        SkPaint* loopPaint = looperBuilder.addLayer(info);
+        loopPaint->setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+        info.fOffset.set(20, 20);
+        loopPaint = looperBuilder.addLayer(info);
+        loopPaint->setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setDrawLooper(looperBuilder.detach());
+        canvas->drawCircle(50, 50, 50, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkDrawLooper* getDrawLooper() const
+    Returns Draw_Looper if set, or nullptr.
+    Does not alter Draw_Looper Reference_Count.
+    #Return  Draw_Looper if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+           SkPaint paint;
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= draw looper\n", paint.getDrawLooper() ? '!' : '=');
+           SkLayerDrawLooper::Builder looperBuilder;
+           paint.setDrawLooper(looperBuilder.detach());
+           SkDebugf("nullptr %c= draw looper\n", paint.getDrawLooper() ? '!' : '=');
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            nullptr == draw looper
+            nullptr != draw looper
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method sk_sp<SkDrawLooper> refDrawLooper() const
+    Returns Draw_Looper if set, or nullptr.
+    Increases Draw_Looper Reference_Count by one.
+    #Return  Draw_Looper if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+    #Example
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint1, paint2;
+        SkLayerDrawLooper::Builder looperBuilder;
+        paint1.setDrawLooper(looperBuilder.detach());
+        SkDebugf("draw looper unique: %s\n", paint1.getDrawLooper()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+        paint2.setDrawLooper(paint1.refDrawLooper());
+        SkDebugf("draw looper unique: %s\n", paint1.getDrawLooper()->unique() ? "true" : "false");
+    }
+        #StdOut
+            draw looper unique: true
+            draw looper unique: false
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method SkDrawLooper* getLooper() const
+#Deprecated ##
+#Return  Draw_Looper if previously set, nullptr otherwise ##
+#Method void setDrawLooper(sk_sp<SkDrawLooper> drawLooper)
+    Sets Draw_Looper to drawLooper,
+    decrementing Reference_Count of the previous drawLooper. 
+    Pass nullptr to clear Draw_Looper and leave Draw_Looper effect on drawing unaltered.
+    setDrawLooper does not alter drawLooper Reference_Count.
+    #Param drawLooper  Iterates through drawing one or more time, altering Paint ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setDrawLooper(SkBlurDrawLooper::Make(0x7FFF0000, 4, -5, -10));
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(10);
+            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+            paint.setColor(0x7f0000ff);
+            canvas->drawCircle(70, 70, 50, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method void setLooper(sk_sp<SkDrawLooper> drawLooper)
+#Deprecated ##
+#Param drawLooper  sets Draw_Looper to drawLooper ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Align
+#Enum Align
+    enum Align {
+        kLeft_Align,
+        kCenter_Align,
+        kRight_Align,
+    };
+Align adjusts the text relative to the text position.
+Align affects glyphs drawn with: SkCanvas::drawText, SkCanvas::drawPosText,
+SkCanvas::drawPosTextH, SkCanvas::drawTextOnPath, 
+SkCanvas::drawTextOnPathHV, SkCanvas::drawTextRSXform, SkCanvas::drawTextBlob,
+and SkCanvas::drawString; 
+as well as calls that place text glyphs like getTextWidths and getTextPath.
+The text position is set by the font for both horizontal and vertical text.
+Typically, for horizontal text, the position is to the left side of the glyph on the
+base line; and for vertical text, the position is the horizontal center of the glyph
+at the caps height.
+Align adjusts the glyph position to center it or move it to abut the position 
+using the metrics returned by the font.
+Align defaults to kLeft_Align.
+#Const kLeft_Align 0
+    Leaves the glyph at the position computed by the font offset by the text position.
+#Const kCenter_Align 1
+    Moves the glyph half its width if Flags has kVerticalText_Flag clear, and
+    half its height if Flags has kVerticalText_Flag set.
+#Const kRight_Align 2
+    Moves the glyph by its width if Flags has kVerticalText_Flag clear,
+    and by its height if Flags has kVerticalText_Flag set.
+#Enum ##
+    enum {
+        kAlignCount = 3
+    };
+#Const kAlignCount 3
+    The number of different Text_Align values defined.
+#Enum ##
+    #Height 160
+    #Description
+    Each position separately moves the glyph in drawPosText.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTextSize(40);
+        SkPoint position[] = {{100, 50}, {150, 40}};
+        for (SkPaint::Align a : { SkPaint::kLeft_Align,
+                                  SkPaint::kCenter_Align,
+                                  SkPaint::kRight_Align}) {
+            paint.setTextAlign(a);
+            canvas->drawPosText("Aa", 2, position, paint);
+            canvas->translate(0, 50);
+        }
+    }
+    #Height 160
+    #Description
+    Vertical_Text treats kLeft_Align as top align, and kRight_Align as bottom align.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTextSize(40);
+        paint.setVerticalText(true);
+        for (SkPaint::Align a : { SkPaint::kLeft_Align,
+                                  SkPaint::kCenter_Align,
+                                  SkPaint::kRight_Align }) {
+            paint.setTextAlign(a);
+            canvas->drawString("Aa", 50, 80, paint);
+            canvas->translate(50, 0);
+        }
+    }
+#Method Align getTextAlign() const
+    Returns Text_Align.
+    Returns kLeft_Align if Text_Align has not been set.
+    #Return  text placement relative to position ##
+    #Example
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkDebugf("kLeft_Align %c= default\n", SkPaint::kLeft_Align == paint.getTextAlign() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+        kLeft_Align == default
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void    setTextAlign(Align align)
+    Sets Text_Align to align.
+    Has no effect if align is an invalid value.
+    #Param align  text placement relative to position ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 160
+    #Description
+    Text is left-aligned by default, and then set to center. Setting the
+    alignment out of range has no effect.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(40);
+            canvas->drawString("Aa", 100, 50, paint);
+            paint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kCenter_Align);
+            canvas->drawString("Aa", 100, 100, paint);
+            paint.setTextAlign((SkPaint::Align) SkPaint::kAlignCount);
+            canvas->drawString("Aa", 100, 150, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Size
+Text_Size adjusts the overall text size in points.
+Text_Size can be set to any positive value or zero.
+Text_Size defaults to 12.
+Set SkPaintDefaults_TextSize at compile time to change the default setting.
+#Height 135
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        canvas->drawString("12 point", 10, 20, paint);
+        paint.setTextSize(24);
+        canvas->drawString("24 point", 10, 60, paint);
+        paint.setTextSize(48);
+        canvas->drawString("48 point", 10, 120, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkScalar getTextSize() const
+    Returns Text_Size in points.
+    #Return  typographic height of text ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("12 %c= default text size\n", 12 == paint.getTextSize() ? '=' : '!');
+    ##
+#Method void setTextSize(SkScalar textSize)
+    Sets Text_Size in points.
+    Has no effect if textSize is not greater than or equal to zero.
+    #Param textSize  typographic height of text ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("12 %c= text size\n", 12 == paint.getTextSize() ? '=' : '!');
+        paint.setTextSize(-20);
+        SkDebugf("12 %c= text size\n", 12 == paint.getTextSize() ? '=' : '!');
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Scale_X
+Text_Scale_X adjusts the text horizontal scale.
+Text scaling approximates condensed and expanded type faces when the actual face
+is not available.
+Text_Scale_X can be set to any value.
+Text_Scale_X defaults to 1.
+#Height 128
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setTextSize(24);
+        paint.setTextScaleX(.8f);
+        canvas->drawString("narrow", 10, 20, paint);
+        paint.setTextScaleX(1);
+        canvas->drawString("normal", 10, 60, paint);
+        paint.setTextScaleX(1.2f);
+        canvas->drawString("wide", 10, 100, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkScalar getTextScaleX() const
+    Returns Text_Scale_X.
+    Default value is 1.
+    #Return  text horizontal scale ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("1 %c= default text scale x\n", 1 == paint.getTextScaleX() ? '=' : '!');
+    ##
+#Method void setTextScaleX(SkScalar scaleX)
+    Sets Text_Scale_X.
+    Default value is 1.
+    #Param scaleX  text horizontal scale ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTextScaleX(0.f / 0.f);
+        SkDebugf("text scale %s-a-number\n", SkScalarIsNaN(paint.getTextScaleX()) ? "not" : "is");
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+#Topic Text_Skew_X
+Text_Skew_X adjusts the text horizontal slant.
+Text skewing approximates italic and oblique type faces when the actual face
+is not available.
+Text_Skew_X can be set to any value.
+Text_Skew_X defaults to 0.
+#Height 128
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+        paint.setTextSize(24);
+        paint.setTextSkewX(-.25f);
+        canvas->drawString("right-leaning", 10, 100, paint);
+        paint.setTextSkewX(0);
+        canvas->drawString("normal", 10, 60, paint);
+        paint.setTextSkewX(.25f);
+        canvas->drawString("left-leaning", 10, 20, paint);
+    }
+#Method SkScalar getTextSkewX() const
+    Returns Text_Skew_X.
+    Default value is zero.
+    #Return  additional shear in x-axis relative to y-axis ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("0 %c= default text skew x\n", 0 == paint.getTextSkewX() ? '=' : '!');
+    ##
+#Method void setTextSkewX(SkScalar skewX)
+    Sets Text_Skew_X.
+    Default value is zero.
+    #Param skewX  additional shear in x-axis relative to y-axis ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTextScaleX(1.f / 0.f);
+        SkDebugf("text scale %s-finite\n", SkScalarIsFinite(paint.getTextScaleX()) ? "is" : "not");
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Encoding
+#Enum TextEncoding
+    enum TextEncoding {
+        kUTF8_TextEncoding,
+        kUTF16_TextEncoding,
+        kUTF32_TextEncoding,
+        kGlyphID_TextEncoding
+    };
+TextEncoding determines whether text specifies character codes and their encoded size,
+or glyph indices. Character codes use the encoding specified by the 
+#A Unicode standard # ##.
+Character codes encoded size are specified by UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32.
+All character encoding are able to represent all of Unicode, differing only
+in the total storage required.
+#A UTF-8 (RFC 3629) # ## is made up of 8-bit bytes, 
+and is a superset of ASCII.
+#A UTF-16 (RFC 2781) # ## is made up of 16-bit words, 
+and is a superset of Unicode ranges 0x0000 to 0xD7FF and 0xE000 to 0xFFFF.
+#A UTF-32 # ## is
+made up of 32-bit words, and is a superset of Unicode.
+Font_Manager uses font data to convert character code points into glyph indices. 
+A glyph index is a 16-bit word.
+TextEncoding is set to kUTF8_TextEncoding by default.
+#Const kUTF8_TextEncoding 0
+Uses bytes to represent UTF-8 or ASCII.
+#Const kUTF16_TextEncoding 1
+Uses two byte words to represent most of Unicode.
+#Const kUTF32_TextEncoding 2
+Uses four byte words to represent all of Unicode.
+#Const kGlyphID_TextEncoding 3
+Uses two byte words to represent glyph indices.
+#Enum ##
+#Height 128
+First line has UTF-8 encoding.
+Second line has UTF-16 encoding.
+Third line has UTF-32 encoding.
+Fourth line has 16 bit glyph indices.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    const char hello8[] = "Hello" "\xE2" "\x98" "\xBA";
+    const uint16_t hello16[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0x263A };
+    const uint32_t hello32[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0x263A };
+    paint.setTextSize(24);
+    canvas->drawText(hello8, sizeof(hello8) - 1, 10, 30, paint);
+    paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding);
+    canvas->drawText(hello16, sizeof(hello16), 10, 60, paint);
+    paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding);
+    canvas->drawText(hello32, sizeof(hello32), 10, 90, paint);
+    uint16_t glyphs[SK_ARRAY_COUNT(hello32)];
+    paint.textToGlyphs(hello32, sizeof(hello32), glyphs);
+    paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
+    canvas->drawText(glyphs, sizeof(glyphs), 10, 120, paint);
+#Method TextEncoding getTextEncoding() const
+    Returns Text_Encoding.
+    Text_Encoding determines how character code points are mapped to font glyph indices.
+    #Return  one of: kUTF8_TextEncoding, kUTF16_TextEncoding, kUTF32_TextEncoding, or 
+             kGlyphID_TextEncoding 
+    ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("kUTF8_TextEncoding %c= text encoding\n", 
+                SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding == paint.getTextEncoding() ? '=' : '!');
+        paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
+        SkDebugf("kGlyphID_TextEncoding %c= text encoding\n", 
+                SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding == paint.getTextEncoding() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            kUTF8_TextEncoding == text encoding
+            kGlyphID_TextEncoding == text encoding
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method void setTextEncoding(TextEncoding encoding)
+    Sets Text_Encoding to encoding. 
+    Text_Encoding determines how character code points are mapped to font glyph indices.
+    Invalid values for encoding are ignored.
+    #Param encoding  one of: kUTF8_TextEncoding, kUTF16_TextEncoding, kUTF32_TextEncoding, or 
+                     kGlyphID_TextEncoding ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        paint.setTextEncoding((SkPaint::TextEncoding) 4);
+        SkDebugf("4 %c= text encoding\n", 4 == paint.getTextEncoding() ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            4 != text encoding
+        ##
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Font_Metrics
+Font_Metrics describe dimensions common to the glyphs in Typeface.
+The dimensions are computed by Font_Manager from font data and do not take 
+Paint settings other than Text_Size into account.
+Font dimensions specify the anchor to the left of the glyph at baseline as the origin.
+X-axis values to the left of the glyph are negative, and to the right of the left glyph edge
+are positive.
+Y-axis values above the baseline are negative, and below the baseline are positive.
+#Width 512
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+    paint.setTextSize(120);
+    SkPaint::FontMetrics fm;
+    SkScalar lineHeight = paint.getFontMetrics(&fm);
+    SkPoint pt = { 70, 180 };
+    canvas->drawString("M", pt.fX, pt.fY, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX, pt.fY, pt.fX, pt.fY + fm.fTop, paint);
+    SkScalar ascent = pt.fY + fm.fAscent;
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX - 25, ascent, pt.fX - 25, ascent + lineHeight, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX - 50, pt.fY, pt.fX - 50, pt.fY + fm.fDescent, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 100, pt.fY, pt.fX + 100, pt.fY + fm.fAscent, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 125, pt.fY, pt.fX + 125, pt.fY - fm.fXHeight, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 150, pt.fY, pt.fX + 150, pt.fY - fm.fCapHeight, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 5, pt.fY, pt.fX + 5, pt.fY + fm.fBottom, paint);
+    SkScalar xmin = pt.fX + fm.fXMin;
+    canvas->drawLine(xmin, pt.fY + 60, xmin + fm.fMaxCharWidth, pt.fY + 60, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(xmin, pt.fY - 145, pt.fX, pt.fY - 145, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + fm.fXMax, pt.fY - 160, pt.fX, pt.fY - 160, paint);
+    SkScalar upos = pt.fY + fm.fUnderlinePosition;
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 25, upos, pt.fX + 130, upos, paint);
+    SkScalar urad = fm.fUnderlineThickness / 2;
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 130, upos - urad, pt.fX + 160, upos - urad, paint);
+    canvas->drawLine(pt.fX + 130, upos + urad, pt.fX + 160, upos + urad, paint);
+    paint.setTextSize(12);
+    canvas->drawString("x-min",          pt.fX - 50, pt.fY - 148, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("x-max",          pt.fX + 140, pt.fY - 150, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("max char width", pt.fX + 120, pt.fY + 57, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("underline position", pt.fX + 30, pt.fY + 22, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("underline thickness", pt.fX + 162, pt.fY + 13, paint);
+    canvas->rotate(-90);
+    canvas->drawString("descent",     -pt.fY - 30, pt.fX - 54,  paint);
+    canvas->drawString("line height", -pt.fY,      pt.fX - 29,  paint);
+    canvas->drawString("top",         -pt.fY + 30, pt.fX - 4,   paint);
+    canvas->drawString("ascent",      -pt.fY,      pt.fX + 110, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("x-height",    -pt.fY,      pt.fX + 135, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("cap-height",  -pt.fY,      pt.fX + 160, paint);
+    canvas->drawString("bottom",      -pt.fY - 50, pt.fX + 15,  paint);
+#Struct FontMetrics
+    struct FontMetrics {
+        enum FontMetricsFlags {
+            kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag = 1 << 0,
+            kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag = 1 << 1,
+            kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag = 1 << 2,
+            kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag = 1 << 3,
+        };
+        uint32_t    fFlags;
+        SkScalar    fTop;
+        SkScalar    fAscent;
+        SkScalar    fDescent;
+        SkScalar    fBottom;
+        SkScalar    fLeading;
+        SkScalar    fAvgCharWidth;
+        SkScalar    fMaxCharWidth;
+        SkScalar    fXMin;
+        SkScalar    fXMax;
+        SkScalar    fXHeight;
+        SkScalar    fCapHeight;
+        SkScalar    fUnderlineThickness;
+        SkScalar    fUnderlinePosition;
+        SkScalar    fStrikeoutThickness;
+        SkScalar    fStrikeoutPosition;
+        bool hasUnderlineThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const;
+        bool hasUnderlinePosition(SkScalar* position) const;
+        bool hasStrikeoutThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const;
+        bool hasStrikeoutPosition(SkScalar* position) const;
+    };
+    FontMetrics is filled out by getFontMetrics. FontMetrics contents reflect the values
+    computed by Font_Manager using Typeface. Values are set to zero if they are
+    not availble.
+    fUnderlineThickness and fUnderlinePosition have a bit set in fFlags if their values
+    are valid, since their value may be zero.
+    fStrikeoutThickness and fStrikeoutPosition have a bit set in fFlags if their values
+    are valid, since their value may be zero.
+    #Enum FontMetricsFlags
+    #Code
+        enum FontMetricsFlags {
+            kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag = 1 << 0,
+            kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag = 1 << 1,
+            kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag = 1 << 2,
+            kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag = 1 << 3,
+        };
+    ##
+        FontMetricsFlags are set in fFlags when underline and strikeout metrics are valid;
+        the underline or strikeout metric may be valid and zero.
+        Fonts with embedded bitmaps may not have valid underline or strikeout metrics.
+        #Const kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag 0x0001
+            Set if fUnderlineThickness is valid.
+        ##
+        #Const kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag  0x0002
+            Set if fUnderlinePosition is valid.
+        ##
+        #Const kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag 0x0004
+            Set if fStrikeoutThickness is valid.
+        ##
+        #Const kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag  0x0008
+            Set if fStrikeoutPosition is valid.
+        ##
+    #Enum ##
+    #Member uint32_t    fFlags
+        fFlags is set when underline metrics are valid.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fTop
+        Largest height for any glyph.
+        A measure from the baseline, and is less than or equal to zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fAscent
+        Recommended distance above the baseline to reserve for a line of text.
+        A measure from the baseline, and is less than or equal to zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fDescent
+        Recommended distance below the baseline to reserve for a line of text.
+        A measure from the baseline, and is greater than or equal to zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fBottom
+        Greatest extent below the baseline for any glyph. 
+        A measure from the baseline, and is greater than or equal to zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fLeading
+        Recommended distance to add between lines of text.
+        Greater than or equal to zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fAvgCharWidth
+        Average character width, if it is available.
+        Zero if no average width is stored in the font.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fMaxCharWidth
+        Maximum character width.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fXMin
+        Minimum bounding box x value for all glyphs. 
+        Typically less than zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fXMax
+        Maximum bounding box x value for all glyphs.
+        Typically greater than zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fXHeight
+        Height of a lower-case 'x'.
+        May be zero if no lower-case height is stored in the font.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fCapHeight
+        Height of an upper-case letter.
+        May be zero if no upper-case height is stored in the font.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fUnderlineThickness
+        Underline thickness. If the metric
+        is valid, the kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag is set in fFlags.
+        If kUnderlineThicknessIsValid_Flag is clear, fUnderlineThickness is zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fUnderlinePosition
+       Underline position relative to the baseline.
+       It may be negative, to draw the underline above the baseline, zero
+       to draw the underline on the baseline, or positive to draw the underline
+       below the baseline. 
+       If the metric is valid, the kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag is set in fFlags.
+       If kUnderlinePositionIsValid_Flag is clear, fUnderlinePosition is zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fStrikeoutThickness
+        Strikeout thickness. If the metric
+        is valid, the kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag is set in fFlags.
+        If kStrikeoutThicknessIsValid_Flag is clear, fStrikeoutThickness is zero.
+    ##
+    #Member SkScalar    fStrikeoutPosition
+       Strikeout position relative to the baseline.
+       It may be negative, to draw the strikeout above the baseline, zero
+       to draw the strikeout on the baseline, or positive to draw the strikeout
+       below the baseline. 
+       If the metric is valid, the kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag is set in fFlags.
+       If kStrikeoutPositionIsValid_Flag is clear, fStrikeoutPosition is zero.
+    ##
+    #Method bool hasUnderlineThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const
+        If Font_Metrics has a valid underline thickness, return true, and set 
+        thickness to that value. If it doesn't, return false, and ignore
+        thickness.
+        #Param thickness  storage for underline width ##
+        #Return  true if font specifies underline width ##
+        #NoExample
+        ##
+    ##
+    #Method bool hasUnderlinePosition(SkScalar* position) const
+        If Font_Metrics has a valid underline position, return true, and set 
+        position to that value. If it doesn't, return false, and ignore
+        position.
+        #Param position  storage for underline position ##
+        #Return  true if font specifies underline position ##
+        #NoExample
+        ##
+    ##
+    #Method bool hasStrikeoutThickness(SkScalar* thickness) const
+        If Font_Metrics has a valid strikeout thickness, return true, and set 
+        thickness to that value. If it doesn't, return false, and ignore
+        thickness.
+        #Param thickness  storage for strikeout width ##
+        #Return  true if font specifies strikeout width ##
+        #NoExample
+        ##
+    ##
+    #Method bool hasStrikeoutPosition(SkScalar* position) const
+        If Font_Metrics has a valid strikeout position, return true, and set 
+        position to that value. If it doesn't, return false, and ignore
+        position.
+        #Param position  storage for strikeout position ##
+        #Return  true if font specifies strikeout position ##
+        #NoExample
+        ##
+    ##
+#Struct ##
+#Method SkScalar getFontMetrics(FontMetrics* metrics, SkScalar scale = 0) const
+    Returns Font_Metrics associated with Typeface.
+    The return value is the recommended spacing between lines: the sum of metrics
+    descent, ascent, and leading.
+    If metrics is not nullptr, Font_Metrics is copied to metrics.
+    Results are scaled by Text_Size but does not take into account
+    dimensions required by Text_Scale_X, Text_Skew_X, Fake_Bold,
+    Style_Stroke, and Path_Effect.
+    Results can be additionally scaled by scale; a scale of zero
+    is ignored.
+    #Param metrics  storage for Font_Metrics from Typeface; may be nullptr ##
+    #Param scale    additional multiplier for returned values ##
+    #Return         recommended spacing between lines ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(32);
+            SkScalar lineHeight = paint.getFontMetrics(nullptr);
+            canvas->drawString("line 1", 10, 40, paint);
+            canvas->drawString("line 2", 10, 40 + lineHeight, paint);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(10);
+            lineHeight = paint.getFontMetrics(nullptr, 1.10f);  // account for stroke height
+            canvas->drawString("line 3", 120, 40, paint);
+            canvas->drawString("line 4", 120, 40 + lineHeight, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+    #SeeAlso Text_Size Typeface Typeface_Methods
+#Method SkScalar getFontSpacing() const
+    Returns the recommended spacing between lines: the sum of metrics
+    descent, ascent, and leading.
+    Result is scaled by Text_Size but does not take into account
+    dimensions required by stroking and Path_Effect.
+    getFontSpacing returns the same result as getFontMetrics.
+    #Return         recommended spacing between lines ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        for (SkScalar textSize : { 12, 18, 24, 32 } ) {
+            paint.setTextSize(textSize);
+            SkDebugf("textSize: %g fontSpacing: %g\n", textSize, paint.getFontSpacing());
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            textSize: 12 fontSpacing: 13.9688
+            textSize: 18 fontSpacing: 20.9531
+            textSize: 24 fontSpacing: 27.9375
+            textSize: 32 fontSpacing: 37.25
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method SkRect getFontBounds() const
+Returns the union of bounds of all glyphs.
+Returned dimensions are computed by Font_Manager from font data, 
+ignoring Hinting. getFontBounds includes Text_Size, Text_Scale_X,
+and Text_Skew_X, but not Fake_Bold or Path_Effect.
+If Text_Size is large, Text_Scale_X is one, and Text_Skew_X is zero,
+getFontBounds returns the same bounds as Font_Metrics { FontMetrics::fXMin, 
+FontMetrics::fTop, FontMetrics::fXMax, FontMetrics::fBottom }.
+#Return  union of bounds of all glyphs ##
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkPaint::FontMetrics fm;
+    paint.getFontMetrics(&fm);
+    SkRect fb = paint.getFontBounds();
+    SkDebugf("metrics bounds = { %g, %g, %g, %g }\n", fm.fXMin, fm.fTop, fm.fXMax, fm.fBottom );
+    SkDebugf("font bounds    = { %g, %g, %g, %g }\n", fb.fLeft, fb.fTop, fb.fRight, fm.fBottom );
+    #StdOut
+        metrics bounds = { -12.2461, -14.7891, 21.5215, 5.55469 }
+        font bounds    = { -12.2461, -14.7891, 21.5215, 5.55469 }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method int textToGlyphs(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
+                     SkGlyphID glyphs[]) const
+Converts text into glyph indices.
+Returns the number of glyph indices represented by text.
+Text_Encoding specifies how text represents characters or glyphs.
+glyphs may be nullptr, to compute the glyph count.
+Does not check text for valid character encoding or valid
+glyph indices.
+If byteLength equals zero, textToGlyphs returns zero.
+If byteLength includes a partial character, the partial character is ignored.
+If Text_Encoding is kUTF8_TextEncoding and
+text contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence, zero is returned.
+#Param text        character stroage encoded with Text_Encoding ##
+#Param byteLength  length of character storage in bytes ##
+#Param glyphs      storage for glyph indices; may be nullptr ##
+#Return            number of glyphs represented by text of length byteLength ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            const uint8_t utf8[] = { 0x24, 0xC2, 0xA2, 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, 0xC2, 0xA5, 0xC2, 0xA3 };
+            std::vector<SkGlyphID> glyphs;
+            int count = paint.textToGlyphs(utf8, sizeof(utf8), nullptr);
+            glyphs.resize(count);
+            (void) paint.textToGlyphs(utf8, sizeof(utf8), &glyphs.front());
+            paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
+            paint.setTextSize(32);
+            canvas->drawText(&glyphs.front(), glyphs.size() * sizeof(SkGlyphID), 10, 40, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method int countText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
+    Returns the number of glyphs in text.
+    Uses Text_Encoding to count the glyphs.
+    Returns the same result as textToGlyphs.
+#Param text        character stroage encoded with Text_Encoding ##
+#Param byteLength  length of character storage in bytes ##
+#Return            number of glyphs represented by text of length byteLength ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        const uint8_t utf8[] = { 0x24, 0xC2, 0xA2, 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, 0xC2, 0xA5, 0xC2, 0xA3 };
+        SkDebugf("count = %d\n", paint.countText(utf8, sizeof(utf8)));
+        #StdOut
+            count = 5
+        ##
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool containsText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
+    Returns true if all text corresponds to a non-zero glyph index. 
+    Returns false if any characters in text are not supported in
+    Typeface.
+    If Text_Encoding is kGlyphID_TextEncoding, containsText
+    returns true if all glyph indices in text are non-zero; containsText
+    does not check to see if text contains valid glyph indices for Typeface.
+    Returns true if bytelength is zero.
+    #Param text  array of characters or glyphs ##
+    #Param byteLength  number of bytes in text array ##
+    #Return  true if all text corresponds to a non-zero glyph index ##
+    #Example
+    #Description
+    containsText succeeds for degree symbol, but cannot find a glyph index
+    corresponding to the Unicode surrogate code point.
+    ##
+        SkPaint paint;
+        const uint16_t goodChar = 0x00B0;  // degree symbol
+        const uint16_t badChar = 0xD800;   // Unicode surrogate
+        paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding);
+        SkDebugf("0x%04x %c= has char\n", goodChar, 
+                paint.containsText(&goodChar, 2) ? '=' : '!');
+        SkDebugf("0x%04x %c= has char\n", badChar,
+                paint.containsText(&badChar, 2) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            0x00b0 == has char
+            0xd800 != has char
+        ##
+    ##
+    #Example
+    #Description
+    containsText returns true that glyph index is greater than zero, not
+    that it corresponds to an entry in Typeface.
+    ##
+        SkPaint paint;
+        const uint16_t goodGlyph = 511;
+        const uint16_t zeroGlyph = 0;
+        const uint16_t badGlyph = 65535; // larger than glyph count in font
+        paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
+        SkDebugf("0x%04x %c= has glyph\n", goodGlyph, 
+                paint.containsText(&goodGlyph, 2) ? '=' : '!');
+        SkDebugf("0x%04x %c= has glyph\n", zeroGlyph,
+                paint.containsText(&zeroGlyph, 2) ? '=' : '!');
+        SkDebugf("0x%04x %c= has glyph\n", badGlyph,
+                paint.containsText(&badGlyph, 2) ? '=' : '!');
+        #StdOut
+            0x01ff == has glyph
+            0x0000 != has glyph
+            0xffff == has glyph
+        ##
+    ##
+#SeeAlso setTextEncoding Typeface
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void glyphsToUnichars(const SkGlyphID glyphs[],
+                              int count, SkUnichar text[]) const
+    Converts glyphs into text if possible. 
+    Glyph values without direct Unicode equivalents are mapped to zero. 
+    Uses the Typeface, but is unaffected
+    by Text_Encoding; the text values returned are equivalent to kUTF32_TextEncoding.
+    Only supported on platforms that use FreeType as the Font_Engine.
+    #Param glyphs  array of indices into font ##
+    #Param count   length of glyph array ##
+    #Param text    storage for character codes, one per glyph ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+    #Description
+    Convert UTF-8 text to glyphs; then convert glyphs to Unichar code points.
+    ##
+    void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+        SkPaint paint;
+        const char hello[] = "Hello!";
+        const int count = sizeof(hello) - 1;
+        SkGlyphID glyphs[count];
+        if (count != paint.textToGlyphs(hello, count, glyphs)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        SkUnichar unichars[count];
+        paint.glyphsToUnichars(glyphs, count, unichars);
+        paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding);
+        canvas->drawText(unichars, sizeof(unichars), 10, 30, paint);
+    }
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Measure_Text
+#Method SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t length, SkRect* bounds) const
+    Returns the advance width of text if kVerticalText_Flag is clear,
+    and the height of text if kVerticalText_Flag is set.
+    The advance is the normal distance to move before drawing additional text.
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics,
+    and Text_Size, Text_Scale_X, Text_Skew_X, Stroke_Width, and
+    Path_Effect to scale the metrics and bounds.
+    Returns the bounding box of text if bounds is not nullptr.
+    The bounding box is computed as if the text was drawn at the origin.
+    #Param text         character codes or glyph indices to be measured ##
+    #Param length       number of bytes of text to measure ##
+    #Param bounds       returns bounding box relative to (0, 0) if not nullptr ##
+    #Return             advance width or height ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 64
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+            paint.setTextSize(50);
+            const char str[] = "ay^jZ";
+            const int count = sizeof(str) - 1;
+            canvas->drawText(str, count, 25, 50, paint);
+            SkRect bounds;
+            paint.measureText(str, count, &bounds);
+            canvas->translate(25, 50);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            canvas->drawRect(bounds, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t length) const
+    Returns the advance width of text if kVerticalText_Flag is clear,
+    and the height of text if kVerticalText_Flag is set.
+    The advance is the normal distance to move before drawing additional text.
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics,
+    and Text_Size to scale the metrics.
+    Does not scale the advance or bounds by Fake_Bold or Path_Effect.
+    #Param text         character codes or glyph indices to be measured ##
+    #Param length       number of bytes of text to measure ##
+    #Return             advance width or height ##
+    #Example
+        SkPaint paint;
+        SkDebugf("default width = %g\n", paint.measureText("!", 1));
+        paint.setTextSize(paint.getTextSize() * 2);
+        SkDebugf("double width = %g\n", paint.measureText("!", 1));
+        #StdOut
+            default width = 5
+            double width = 10
+        ##
+    ##
+#Method size_t breakText(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar maxWidth,
+                      SkScalar* measuredWidth = NULL) const
+    Returns the bytes of text that fit within maxWidth.
+    If kVerticalText_Flag is clear, the text fragment fits if its advance width is less than or
+    equal to maxWidth.
+    If kVerticalText_Flag is set, the text fragment fits if its advance height is less than or
+    equal to maxWidth.
+    Measures only while the advance is less than or equal to maxWidth.
+    Returns the advance or the text fragment in measuredWidth if it not nullptr.
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics,
+    and Text_Size to scale the metrics.
+    Does not scale the advance or bounds by Fake_Bold or Path_Effect.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices to be measured ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text to measure ##
+    #Param maxWidth      advance limit; text is measured while advance is less than maxWidth ##
+    #Param measuredWidth returns the width of the text less than or equal to maxWidth ##
+    #Return              bytes of text that fit, always less than or equal to length  ##
+    #Example
+    #Description
+    Line under "Breakfast" shows desired width, shorter than available characters.
+    Line under "Bre" shows measured width after breaking text.
+    ##
+    #Height 128
+    #Width 280
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+            paint.setTextSize(50);
+            const char str[] = "Breakfast";
+            const int count = sizeof(str) - 1;
+            canvas->drawText(str, count, 25, 50, paint);
+            SkScalar measuredWidth;
+            int partialBytes = paint.breakText(str, count, 100, &measuredWidth);
+            canvas->drawText(str, partialBytes, 25, 100, paint);
+            canvas->drawLine(25, 60, 25 + 100, 60, paint);
+            canvas->drawLine(25, 110, 25 + measuredWidth, 110, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method int getTextWidths(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar widths[],
+                      SkRect bounds[] = NULL) const
+    Retrieves the advance and bounds for each glyph in text, and returns
+    the glyph count in text.
+    Both widths and bounds may be nullptr.
+    If widths is not nullptr, widths must be an array of glyph count entries.
+    if bounds is not nullptr, bounds must be an array of glyph count entries. 
+    If kVerticalText_Flag is clear, widths returns the horizontal advance.
+    If kVerticalText_Flag is set, widths returns the vertical advance.
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the font metrics,
+    and Text_Size to scale the widths and bounds.
+    Does not scale the advance by Fake_Bold or Path_Effect.
+    Does include Fake_Bold and Path_Effect in the bounds.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices to be measured ##
+    #Param byteLength    number of bytes of text to measure ##
+    #Param widths        returns text advances for each glyph; may be nullptr ##
+    #Param bounds        returns bounds for each glyph relative to (0, 0); may be nullptr ##
+    #Return              glyph count in text ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 160
+    #Description
+    Bounds of glyphs increase for stroked text, but text advance remains the same.
+    The underlines show the text advance, spaced to keep them distinct.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+            paint.setTextSize(50);
+            const char str[] = "abc";
+            const int bytes = sizeof(str) - 1;
+            int count = paint.getTextWidths(str, bytes, nullptr);
+            std::vector<SkScalar> widths;
+            std::vector<SkRect> bounds;
+            widths.resize(count);
+            bounds.resize(count);
+            for (int loop = 0; loop < 2; ++loop) {
+                (void) paint.getTextWidths(str, count, &widths.front(), &bounds.front());
+                SkPoint loc = { 25, 50 };
+                canvas->drawText(str, bytes, loc.fX, loc.fY, paint);
+                paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+                paint.setStrokeWidth(0);
+                SkScalar advanceY = loc.fY + 10;
+                for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
+                    bounds[index].offset(loc.fX, loc.fY);
+                    canvas->drawRect(bounds[index], paint);
+                    canvas->drawLine(loc.fX, advanceY, loc.fX + widths[index], advanceY, paint);
+                    loc.fX += widths[index];
+                    advanceY += 5;
+                }
+                canvas->translate(0, 80);
+                paint.setStrokeWidth(3);
+            }
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Path
+Text_Path describes the geometry of glyphs used to draw text.
+#Method void getTextPath(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
+                     SkPath* path) const
+Returns the geometry as Path equivalent to the drawn text.
+Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+All of the glyph paths are stored in path.
+getTextPath uses x, y, and Text_Align to position path.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text ##
+    #Param x             x-coordinate of the origin of the text ##
+    #Param y             y-coordinate of the origin of the text ##
+    #Param path          geometry of the glyphs ##
+    #Example
+    #Description
+    Text is added to Path, offset, and subtracted from Path, then added at
+    the offset location. The result is rendered with one draw call.
+    ##
+    #Height 128
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(80);
+            SkPath path, path2;
+            paint.getTextPath("ABC", 3, 20, 80, &path);
+            path.offset(20, 20, &path2);
+            Op(path, path2, SkPathOp::kDifference_SkPathOp, &path);
+            path.addPath(path2);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method void getPosTextPath(const void* text, size_t length,
+                        const SkPoint pos[], SkPath* path) const
+Returns the geometry as Path equivalent to the drawn text.
+Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+All of the glyph paths are stored in path.
+Uses pos array and Text_Align to position path.
+pos contains a position for each glyph.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text ##
+    #Param pos           positions of each glyph ##
+    #Param path          geometry of the glyphs ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 85
+    #Description
+    Simplifies three glyphs to eliminate overlaps, and strokes the result.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(80);
+            SkPath path, path2;
+            SkPoint pos[] = {{20, 60}, {30, 70}, {40, 80}};
+            paint.getPosTextPath("ABC", 3, pos, &path);
+            Simplify(path, &path);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Text_Intercepts
+Text_Intercepts describe the intersection of drawn text glyphs with a pair
+of lines parallel to the text advance. Text_Intercepts permits creating a
+underline that skips descenders.
+#Method int getTextIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
+                          const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
+    Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.
+    bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance.
+    The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of glyphs in
+    the string. 
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+    and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+    Uses x, y, and Text_Align to position intervals.
+    Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
+    intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text ##
+    #Param x             x-coordinate of the origin of the text ##
+    #Param y             y-coordinate of the origin of the text ##
+    #Param bounds        lower and upper line parallel to the advance ##
+    #Param intervals     returned intersections; may be nullptr ##
+    #Return              number of intersections; may be zero ##
+#Height 128
+Underline uses intercepts to draw on either side of the glyph descender.
+void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+    SkPaint paint;
+    paint.setTextSize(120);
+    SkPoint textOrigin = { 20, 100 };
+    SkScalar bounds[] = { 100, 108 };
+    int count = paint.getTextIntercepts("y", 1, textOrigin.fX, textOrigin.fY, bounds, nullptr);
+    std::vector<SkScalar> intervals;
+    intervals.resize(count);
+    (void) paint.getTextIntercepts("y", 1, textOrigin.fX, textOrigin.fY, bounds,
+            &intervals.front());
+    canvas->drawString("y", textOrigin.fX, textOrigin.fY, paint);
+    paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+    SkScalar x = textOrigin.fX;
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
+        canvas->drawRect({x, bounds[0], intervals[i], bounds[1]}, paint);
+        x = intervals[i + 1];
+    }
+    canvas->drawRect({intervals[count - 1], bounds[0],
+        textOrigin.fX + paint.measureText("y", 1), bounds[1]}, paint);
+#Method int getPosTextIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, const SkPoint pos[],
+                             const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar* intervals) const
+    Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.
+    bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance.
+    The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of glyphs in
+    the string. 
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+    and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+    Uses pos array and Text_Align to position intervals.
+    Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
+    intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text ##
+    #Param pos           positions of each glyph ##
+    #Param bounds        lower and upper line parallel to the advance ##
+    #Param intervals     returned intersections; may be nullptr ##
+    #Return              The number of intersections; may be zero ##
+    #Example
+    #Description
+    Text intercepts draw on either side of, but not inside, glyphs in a run.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(120);
+            paint.setVerticalText(true);
+            SkPoint textPos[] = {{ 60, 40 }, { 60, 140 }};
+            SkScalar bounds[] = { 56, 64 };
+            const char str[] = "A-";
+            int len = sizeof(str) - 1;
+            int count = paint.getPosTextIntercepts(str, len, textPos, bounds, nullptr);
+            std::vector<SkScalar> intervals;
+            intervals.resize(count);
+            (void) paint.getPosTextIntercepts(str, len, textPos, bounds, &intervals.front());
+            canvas->drawPosText(str, len, textPos, paint);
+            paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
+            SkScalar y = textPos[0].fY;
+            for (int i = 0; i < count; i+= 2) {
+                canvas->drawRect({bounds[0], y, bounds[1], intervals[i]}, paint);
+                y = intervals[i + 1];
+            }
+            canvas->drawRect({bounds[0], intervals[count - 1], bounds[1], 240}, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method int getPosTextHIntercepts(const void* text, size_t length, const SkScalar xpos[],
+                                  SkScalar constY, const SkScalar bounds[2],
+                                  SkScalar* intervals) const
+    Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.
+    bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance.
+    The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of glyphs in
+    the string. 
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+    and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+    Uses xpos array, constY, and Text_Align to position intervals.
+    Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
+    intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
+    #Param text          character codes or glyph indices ##
+    #Param length        number of bytes of text ##
+    #Param xpos          positions of each glyph in x ##
+    #Param constY        position of each glyph in y ##
+    #Param bounds        lower and upper line parallel to the advance ##
+    #Param intervals     returned intersections; may be nullptr ##
+    #Return              number of intersections; may be zero ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 128
+    #Description
+    Text intercepts do not take stroke thickness into consideration.
+    ##
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(120);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
+            paint.setStrokeWidth(4);
+            SkScalar textPosH[] = { 20, 80, 140 };
+            SkScalar y = 100;
+            SkScalar bounds[] = { 56, 78 };
+            const char str[] = "\\-/";
+            int len = sizeof(str) - 1;
+            int count = paint.getPosTextHIntercepts(str, len, textPosH, y, bounds, nullptr);
+            std::vector<SkScalar> intervals;
+            intervals.resize(count);
+            (void) paint.getPosTextHIntercepts(str, len, textPosH, y, bounds, &intervals.front());
+            canvas->drawPosTextH(str, len, textPosH, y, paint);
+            paint.setColor(0xFFFF7777);
+            paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style);
+            SkScalar x = textPosH[0];
+            for (int i = 0; i < count; i+= 2) {
+                canvas->drawRect({x, bounds[0], intervals[i], bounds[1]}, paint);
+                x = intervals[i + 1];
+            }
+            canvas->drawRect({intervals[count - 1], bounds[0], 180, bounds[1]}, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Method int getTextBlobIntercepts(const SkTextBlob* blob, const SkScalar bounds[2],
+                              SkScalar* intervals) const
+    Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.
+    bounds describes a pair of lines parallel to the text advance.
+    The return count is zero or a multiple of two, and is at most twice the number of glyphs in
+    the string. 
+    Uses Text_Encoding to decode text, Typeface to get the glyph paths,
+    and Text_Size, Fake_Bold, and Path_Effect to scale and modify the glyph paths.
+    Uses pos array and Text_Align to position intervals.
+    Pass nullptr for intervals to determine the size of the interval array.
+    intervals are cached to improve performance for multiple calls.
+    #Param blob          glyphs, positions, and text paint attributes ##
+    #Param bounds        lower and upper line parallel to the advance ##
+    #Param intervals     returned intersections; may be nullptr ##
+    #Return              number of intersections; may be zero ##
+    #Example
+    #Height 143
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            SkPaint paint;
+            paint.setTextSize(120);
+            SkPoint textPos = { 20, 110 };
+            int len = 3;
+            SkTextBlobBuilder textBlobBuilder;
+            const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& run = 
+                    textBlobBuilder.allocRun(paint, len, textPos.fX, textPos.fY);
+            run.glyphs[0] = 10;
+            run.glyphs[1] = 20;
+            run.glyphs[2] = 30;       
+            sk_sp<const SkTextBlob> blob = textBlobBuilder.make();
+            canvas->drawTextBlob(blob.get(), textPos.fX, textPos.fY, paint);
+            SkScalar bounds[] = { 116, 134 };
+            int count = paint.getTextBlobIntercepts(blob.get(), bounds, nullptr);
+            std::vector<SkScalar> intervals;
+            intervals.resize(count);
+            (void) paint.getTextBlobIntercepts(blob.get(), bounds, &intervals.front());
+            canvas->drawTextBlob(blob.get(), 0, 0, paint);
+            paint.setColor(0xFFFF7777);
+            SkScalar x = textPos.fX;
+            for (int i = 0; i < count; i+= 2) {
+                canvas->drawRect({x, bounds[0], intervals[i], bounds[1]}, paint);
+                x = intervals[i + 1];
+            }
+            canvas->drawRect({intervals[count - 1], bounds[0], 180, bounds[1]}, paint);
+        }
+    ##
+#Topic ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool nothingToDraw() const
+    Returns true if Paint prevents all drawing.
+    If nothingToDraw returns false, the Paint may or may not allow drawing.
+    Returns true if Blend_Mode and Color_Alpha are enabled,
+    and computed Color_Alpha is zero.
+    #Return  true if Paint prevents all drawing ##
+    #Example
+        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
+            auto debugster = [](const char* prefix, const SkPaint& p) -> void {
+                SkDebugf("%s nothing to draw: %s\n", prefix, 
+                         p.nothingToDraw() ? "true" : "false");
+            };
+            SkPaint paint;
+            debugster("initial", paint);
+            paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kDst);
+            debugster("blend dst", paint);
+            paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
+            debugster("blend src over", paint);
+            paint.setAlpha(0);
+            debugster("alpha 0", paint);
+        }
+        #StdOut
+            initial nothing to draw: false
+            blend dst nothing to draw: true
+            blend src over nothing to draw: false
+            alpha 0 nothing to draw: true
+        #StdOut  ##
+    ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Topic Fast_Bounds
+    #Private  
+    To be made private. 
+    ##
+Fast_Bounds methods conservatively outset a drawing bounds by additional area
+Paint may draw to.
+#Method bool canComputeFastBounds() const
+    #Private  
+    (to be made private)
+    ##
+    Returns true if Paint does not include elements requiring extensive computation
+    to compute Device bounds of drawn geometry. For instance, Paint with Path_Effect
+    always returns false.
+    #Return  true if Paint allows for fast computation of bounds ##
+#Method const SkRect& computeFastBounds(const SkRect& orig, SkRect* storage) const
+    #Private  
+    (to be made private)
+    ##
+    Only call this if canComputeFastBounds returned true. This takes a
+    raw rectangle (the raw bounds of a shape), and adjusts it for stylistic
+    effects in the paint (e.g. stroking). If needed, it uses the storage
+    rect parameter. It returns the adjusted bounds that can then be used
+    for SkCanvas::quickReject tests.
+    The returned rect will either be orig or storage, thus the caller
+    should not rely on storage being set to the result, but should always
+    use the retured value. It is legal for orig and storage to be the same
+    rect.
+    #Private  
+    e.g.
+    if (paint.canComputeFastBounds()) {
+    SkRect r, storage;
+    path.computeBounds(&r, SkPath::kFast_BoundsType);
+    const SkRect& fastR = paint.computeFastBounds(r, &storage);
+    if (canvas->quickReject(fastR, ...)) {
+    // don't draw the path
+    }
+    }
+    ##
+    #Param orig     geometry modified by Paint when drawn ##
+    #Param storage  computed bounds of geometry; may not be nullptr  ##
+    #Return  fast computed bounds ##
+#Method const SkRect& computeFastStrokeBounds(const SkRect& orig,
+                                              SkRect* storage) const
+    #Private  
+    (to be made private)
+    ##
+    #Param orig     geometry modified by Paint when drawn ##
+    #Param storage  computed bounds of geometry  ##
+    #Return  fast computed bounds ##
+#Method const SkRect& doComputeFastBounds(const SkRect& orig, SkRect* storage,
+                                          Style style) const
+    #Private  
+    (to be made private)
+    ##
+    Take the style explicitly, so the caller can force us to be stroked
+    without having to make a copy of the paint just to change that field.
+    #Param orig     geometry modified by Paint when drawn ##
+    #Param storage  computed bounds of geometry  ##
+    #Param style    overrides Style ##
+    #Return  fast computed bounds ##
+#Topic Fast_Bounds ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void toString(SkString* str) const;
+macro expands to: void toString(SkString* str) const;
+Converts Paint to machine parsable form in developer mode.
+#Param str  storage for string containing parsable Paint ##
+    SkPaint paint;
+    SkString str;
+    paint.toString(&str);
+    const char textSize[] = "TextSize:";
+    const int trailerSize = strlen("</dd><dt>");
+    int textSizeLoc = str.find(textSize) + strlen(textSize) + trailerSize;
+    const char* sizeStart = &str.c_str()[textSizeLoc];
+    int textSizeEnd = SkStrFind(sizeStart, "</dd>");
+    SkDebugf("text size = %.*s\n", textSizeEnd, sizeStart);
+    #StdOut
+    text size = 12
+    ##
+#ToDo incomplete ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Class SkPaint ##
+#Topic Paint ##