Remove release asserts.

A handful of changes were added to investigate a bug occurring rarely.
The bug has been found and those changes can be reverted.


diff --git a/src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp b/src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp
index 7eb728f..55fb47a 100644
--- a/src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp
+++ b/src/image/SkImage_Gpu.cpp
@@ -625,11 +625,11 @@
             mipmaps->getLevel(generatedMipLevelIndex, &mipLevel);
             // Make sure the mipmap data is after the start of the buffer
-            SkASSERT_RELEASE(mipLevelPtr > bufferAsInt);
+            SkASSERT(mipLevelPtr > bufferAsInt);
             // Make sure the mipmap data starts before the end of the buffer
-            SkASSERT_RELEASE(static_cast<size_t>(mipLevelPtr) < bufferAsInt + pixelOffset + pixelSize);
+            SkASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(mipLevelPtr) < bufferAsInt + pixelOffset + pixelSize);
             // Make sure the mipmap data ends before the end of the buffer
-            SkASSERT_RELEASE(mipLevelPtr + mipLevel.fPixmap.getSafeSize() <=
+            SkASSERT(mipLevelPtr + mipLevel.fPixmap.getSafeSize() <=
                      bufferAsInt + pixelOffset + pixelSize);
             // getSafeSize includes rowbyte padding except for the last row,