Move most recipes into modules

The modules will eventually move into a shared repository.


Change-Id: I622265d98a5446f9f3ebf2c6a197770398623769
Reviewed-by: Ravi Mistry <>
Commit-Queue: Eric Boren <>
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219eff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'core',
+  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/platform',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/python',
+  'flavor',
+  'run',
+  'vars',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f332c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/compile/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe module for Skia Swarming compile.
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+def build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict):
+  """Return a list of targets to build, depending on the builder type."""
+  if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS':
+    return ['iOSShell']
+  return ['most']
+def get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict):
+  env = {}
+  if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
+    env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang'
+    env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++'
+  extra_config = builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')
+  if extra_config.startswith('SK') and extra_config.isupper():
+    env['CPPFLAGS'] = '-D' + extra_config
+  return env
+def get_gyp_defines(builder_dict):
+  gyp_defs = {}
+  if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'iOS' or
+      builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS'):
+    gyp_defs['skia_arch_type']  = 'arm'
+    gyp_defs['skia_clang_build'] = '1'
+    gyp_defs['skia_os'] = 'ios'
+    gyp_defs['skia_warnings_as_errors'] = 1
+  return gyp_defs
+class CompileApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def run(self):
+    self.m.core.setup()
+    env = get_extra_env_vars(self.m.vars.builder_cfg)
+    gyp_defs = get_gyp_defines(self.m.vars.builder_cfg)
+    gyp_defs_list = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gyp_defs.iteritems()]
+    gyp_defs_list.sort()
+    env['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gyp_defs_list)
+    build_targets = build_targets_from_builder_dict(self.m.vars.builder_cfg)
+    try:
+      for target in build_targets:
+        self.m.flavor.compile(target, env=env)
+          self.m.flavor.out_dir,
+          self.m.vars.swarming_out_dir.join(
+              'out', self.m.vars.configuration))
+      self.m.flavor.copy_extra_build_products(self.m.vars.swarming_out_dir)
+    finally:
+      if 'Win' in self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('os', ''):
+        self.m.python.inline(
+            name='cleanup',
+            program='''import psutil
+for p in psutil.process_iter():
+  try:
+    if in ('mspdbsrv.exe', 'vctip.exe', 'cl.exe', 'link.exe'):
+      p.kill()
+  except psutil._error.AccessDenied:
+    pass
+            infra_step=True)
+    self.m.flavor.cleanup_steps()
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10649df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'build/file',
+  'core',
+  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/platform',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/raw_io',
+  'recipe_engine/time',
+  'run',
+  'flavor',
+  'vars',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ea32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe module for Skia Swarming perf.
+import calendar
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+def nanobench_flags(bot):
+  args = ['--pre_log']
+  if 'GPU' in bot:
+    args.append('--images')
+    args.extend(['--gpuStatsDump', 'true'])
+  if 'Android' in bot and 'GPU' in bot:
+    args.extend(['--useThermalManager', '1,1,10,1000'])
+  args.extend(['--scales', '1.0', '1.1'])
+  if 'iOS' in bot:
+    args.extend(['--skps', 'ignore_skps'])
+  config = ['8888', 'gpu', 'nonrendering', 'hwui' ]
+  if 'AndroidOne' not in bot:
+    config += [ 'f16', 'srgb' ]
+  if '-GCE-' in bot:
+    config += [ '565' ]
+  # The NP produces a long error stream when we run with MSAA.
+  if 'NexusPlayer' not in bot:
+    if 'Android' in bot:
+      # The NVIDIA_Shield has a regular OpenGL implementation. We bench that
+      # instead of ES.
+      if 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
+        config.remove('gpu')
+        config.extend(['gl', 'glmsaa4', 'glnvpr4', 'glnvprdit4'])
+      else:
+        config.extend(['msaa4', 'nvpr4', 'nvprdit4'])
+    else:
+      config.extend(['msaa16', 'nvpr16', 'nvprdit16'])
+  # Bench instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
+  if 'Nexus6' in bot:
+    config.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
+  elif 'PixelC' in bot:
+    config.extend(['esinst', 'esinst4'])
+  elif 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
+    config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst4'])
+  elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
+    config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
+  if 'CommandBuffer' in bot:
+    config = ['commandbuffer']
+  if 'Vulkan' in bot:
+    config = ['vk']
+  if 'ANGLE' in bot:
+    config.extend(['angle_d3d11_es2'])
+    # The GL backend of ANGLE crashes on the perf bot currently.
+    if 'Win' not in bot:
+      config.extend(['angle_gl_es2'])
+  args.append('--config')
+  args.extend(config)
+  if 'Valgrind' in bot:
+    # Don't care about Valgrind performance.
+    args.extend(['--loops',   '1'])
+    args.extend(['--samples', '1'])
+    # Ensure that the bot framework does not think we have timed out.
+    args.extend(['--keepAlive', 'true'])
+  match = []
+  if 'Android' in bot:
+    # Segfaults when run as GPU bench. Very large texture?
+    match.append('~blurroundrect')
+    match.append('~patch_grid')  # skia:2847
+    match.append('~desk_carsvg')
+  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
+    match.append('~desk_unicodetable')
+  if 'Nexus5' in bot:
+    match.append('~keymobi_shop_mobileweb_ebay_com.skp')  # skia:5178
+  if 'iOS' in bot:
+    match.append('~blurroundrect')
+    match.append('~patch_grid')  # skia:2847
+    match.append('~desk_carsvg')
+    match.append('~keymobi')
+    match.append('~path_hairline')
+    match.append('~GLInstancedArraysBench') # skia:4714
+  if 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'ANGLE' in bot:
+    match.append('~tile_image_filter_tiled_64')  # skia:6082
+  # We do not need or want to benchmark the decodes of incomplete images.
+  # In fact, in nanobench we assert that the full image decode succeeds.
+  match.append('~inc0.gif')
+  match.append('~inc1.gif')
+  match.append('~incInterlaced.gif')
+  match.append('~inc0.jpg')
+  match.append('~incGray.jpg')
+  match.append('~inc0.wbmp')
+  match.append('~inc1.wbmp')
+  match.append('~inc0.webp')
+  match.append('~inc1.webp')
+  match.append('~inc0.ico')
+  match.append('~inc1.ico')
+  match.append('~inc0.png')
+  match.append('~inc1.png')
+  match.append('~inc2.png')
+  match.append('~inc12.png')
+  match.append('~inc13.png')
+  match.append('~inc14.png')
+  match.append('~inc0.webp')
+  match.append('~inc1.webp')
+  if match:
+    args.append('--match')
+    args.extend(match)
+  return args
+def perf_steps(api):
+  """Run Skia benchmarks."""
+  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
+    api.flavor.create_clean_device_dir(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir)
+  # Run nanobench.
+  properties = [
+    '--properties',
+    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
+    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
+  ]
+  if api.vars.is_trybot:
+    properties.extend([
+      'issue',    api.vars.issue,
+      'patchset', api.vars.patchset,
+      'patch_storage', api.vars.patch_storage,
+    ])
+  if api.vars.no_buildbot:
+    properties.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
+    properties.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
+    properties.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
+  target = 'nanobench'
+  args = [
+      target,
+      '--undefok',   # This helps branches that may not know new flags.
+      '-i',       api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir,
+      '--skps',   api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir,
+      '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join(
+          api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'nanobench'),
+  ]
+  # Do not run svgs on Valgrind.
+  if 'Valgrind' not in api.vars.builder_name:
+    args.extend(['--svgs',  api.flavor.device_dirs.svg_dir])
+  skip_flag = None
+  if api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
+    skip_flag = '--nogpu'
+  elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU':
+    skip_flag = '--nocpu'
+  if skip_flag:
+    args.append(skip_flag)
+  args.extend(nanobench_flags(api.vars.builder_name))
+  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
+    now = api.time.utcnow()
+    ts = int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple()))
+    json_path = api.flavor.device_path_join(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir,
+        'nanobench_%s_%d.json' % (api.vars.got_revision, ts))
+    args.extend(['--outResultsFile', json_path])
+    args.extend(properties)
+    keys_blacklist = ['configuration', 'role', 'is_trybot']
+    args.append('--key')
+    for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
+      if not k in keys_blacklist:
+        args.extend([k, api.vars.builder_cfg[k]])
+, target, cmd=args,
+          abort_on_failure=False,
+          env=api.vars.default_env)
+  # See skia:2789.
+  if ('Valgrind' in api.vars.builder_name and
+      api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU'):
+    abandonGpuContext = list(args)
+    abandonGpuContext.extend(['--abandonGpuContext', '--nocpu'])
+            '%s --abandonGpuContext' % target,
+            cmd=abandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False,
+            env=api.vars.default_env)
+  # Copy results to swarming out dir.
+  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
+    api.file.makedirs('perf_dir', api.vars.perf_data_dir)
+    api.flavor.copy_directory_contents_to_host(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir,
+        api.vars.perf_data_dir)
+class PerfApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def run(self):
+    self.m.core.setup()
+    try:
+      self.m.flavor.install_everything()
+      perf_steps(self.m)
+    finally:
+      self.m.flavor.cleanup_steps()
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a0bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'build/file',
+  'core',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/python',
+  'recipe_engine/raw_io',
+  'recipe_engine/step',
+  'recipe_engine/time',
+  'run',
+  'flavor',
+  'vars',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85efd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/skpbench/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe module for Skia Swarming skpbench.
+import calendar
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+def _run(api, title, *cmd, **kwargs):
+  return, title, cmd=list(cmd),
+                 cwd=api.vars.skia_dir, **kwargs)
+def _adb(api, title, *cmd, **kwargs):
+  if 'infra_step' not in kwargs:
+    kwargs['infra_step'] = True
+  return _run(api, title, 'adb', *cmd, **kwargs)
+def skpbench_steps(api):
+  """benchmark Skia using skpbench."""
+  app = api.vars.skia_out.join(api.vars.configuration, 'skpbench')
+  _adb(api, 'push skpbench', 'push', app, api.vars.android_bin_dir)
+  skpbench_dir = api.vars.slave_dir.join('skia', 'tools', 'skpbench')
+  table = api.path.join(api.vars.swarming_out_dir, 'table')
+  config = 'gpu,esinst4'
+  if 'Vulkan' in api.vars.builder_name:
+    config = 'vk'
+  skpbench_args = [
+        api.path.join(api.vars.android_bin_dir, 'skpbench'),
+        api.path.join(api.vars.android_data_dir, 'skps'),
+        '--adb',
+        '--resultsfile', table,
+        '--config', config]
+, 'skpbench',
+      script=skpbench_dir.join(''),
+      args=skpbench_args)
+  skiaperf_args = [
+    table,
+    '--properties',
+    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
+    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
+  ]
+  skiaperf_args.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
+  skiaperf_args.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
+  skiaperf_args.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
+  now = api.time.utcnow()
+  ts = int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple()))
+  api.file.makedirs('perf_dir', api.vars.perf_data_dir)
+  json_path = api.path.join(
+      api.vars.perf_data_dir,
+      'skpbench_%s_%d.json' % (api.vars.got_revision, ts))
+  skiaperf_args.extend([
+    '--outfile', json_path
+  ])
+  keys_blacklist = ['configuration', 'role', 'is_trybot']
+  skiaperf_args.append('--key')
+  for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
+    if not k in keys_blacklist:
+      skiaperf_args.extend([k, api.vars.builder_cfg[k]])
+, 'Parse skpbench output into Perf json',
+      script=skpbench_dir.join(''),
+      args=skiaperf_args)
+class SkpBenchApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def run(self):
+    self.m.core.setup()
+    try:
+      self.m.flavor.install(skps=True)
+      skpbench_steps(self.m)
+    finally:
+      self.m.flavor.cleanup_steps()
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578c162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'build/file',
+  'core',
+  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/platform',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/python',
+  'recipe_engine/raw_io',
+  'flavor',
+  'run',
+  'vars',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2406158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/sktest/
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe module for Skia Swarming test.
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+def dm_flags(bot):
+  args = []
+  # 32-bit desktop bots tend to run out of memory, because they have relatively
+  # far more cores than RAM (e.g. 32 cores, 3G RAM).  Hold them back a bit.
+  if '-x86-' in bot and not 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
+    args.extend('--threads 4'.split(' '))
+  # These are the canonical configs that we would ideally run on all bots. We
+  # may opt out or substitute some below for specific bots
+  configs = ['8888', 'srgb', 'gpu', 'gpudft', 'gpusrgb', 'pdf']
+  # Add in either msaa4 or msaa16 to the canonical set of configs to run
+  if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+    configs.append('msaa4')
+  else:
+    configs.append('msaa16')
+  # The NP produces a long error stream when we run with MSAA. The Tegra3 just
+  # doesn't support it.
+  if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or
+      'Tegra3'      in bot or
+      # We aren't interested in fixing msaa bugs on iPad4.
+      'iPad4' in bot or
+      # skia:5792
+      'iHD530'       in bot or
+      'IntelIris540' in bot):
+    configs = [x for x in configs if 'msaa' not in x]
+  # The NP produces different images for dft on every run.
+  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
+    configs = [x for x in configs if 'gpudft' not in x]
+  # Runs out of memory on Android bots.  Everyone else seems fine.
+  if 'Android' in bot:
+    configs.remove('pdf')
+  if '-GCE-' in bot:
+    configs.extend(['565'])
+    configs.extend(['f16'])
+    configs.extend(['sp-8888', '2ndpic-8888'])   # Test niche uses of SkPicture.
+    configs.extend(['lite-8888'])                # Experimental display list.
+  if '-TSAN' not in bot:
+    if ('TegraK1'  in bot or
+        'TegraX1'  in bot or
+        'GTX550Ti' in bot or
+        'GTX660'   in bot or
+        'GT610'    in bot):
+      if 'Android' in bot:
+        configs.append('nvprdit4')
+      else:
+        configs.append('nvprdit16')
+  # We want to test the OpenGL config not the GLES config on the Shield
+  if 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
+    configs = [x.replace('gpu', 'gl') for x in configs]
+    configs = [x.replace('msaa', 'glmsaa') for x in configs]
+    configs = [x.replace('nvpr', 'glnvpr') for x in configs]
+  # NP is running out of RAM when we run all these modes.  skia:3255
+  if 'NexusPlayer' not in bot:
+    configs.extend(mode + '-8888' for mode in
+                   ['serialize', 'tiles_rt', 'pic'])
+  # Test instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
+  if 'Nexus6' in bot:
+    configs.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
+  elif 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
+    # Multisampled instanced configs use nvpr.
+    configs = [x.replace('glnvpr', 'glinst') for x in configs]
+    configs.append('glinst')
+  elif 'PixelC' in bot:
+    # Multisampled instanced configs use nvpr.
+    configs = [x.replace('nvpr', 'esinst') for x in configs]
+    configs.append('esinst')
+  elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
+    configs.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
+  # CommandBuffer bot *only* runs the command_buffer config.
+  if 'CommandBuffer' in bot:
+    configs = ['commandbuffer']
+  # ANGLE bot *only* runs the angle configs
+  if 'ANGLE' in bot:
+    configs = ['angle_d3d11_es2',
+               'angle_d3d9_es2',
+               'angle_d3d11_es2_msaa4',
+               'angle_gl_es2']
+  # Vulkan bot *only* runs the vk config.
+  if 'Vulkan' in bot:
+    configs = ['vk']
+  args.append('--config')
+  args.extend(configs)
+  # Run tests, gms, and image decoding tests everywhere.
+  args.extend('--src tests gm image colorImage svg'.split(' '))
+  if 'GalaxyS' in bot:
+    args.extend(('--threads', '0'))
+  blacklisted = []
+  def blacklist(quad):
+    config, src, options, name = quad.split(' ') if type(quad) is str else quad
+    if config == '_' or config in configs:
+      blacklisted.extend([config, src, options, name])
+  # TODO: ???
+  blacklist('f16 _ _ dstreadshuffle')
+  blacklist('f16 image _ _')
+  blacklist('gpusrgb image _ _')
+  blacklist('glsrgb image _ _')
+  # Decoder tests are now performing gamma correct decodes.  This means
+  # that, when viewing the results, we need to perform a gamma correct
+  # encode to PNG.  Therefore, we run the image tests in srgb mode instead
+  # of 8888.
+  blacklist('8888 image _ _')
+  if 'Valgrind' in bot:
+    # These take 18+ hours to run.
+    blacklist('pdf gm _ fontmgr_iter')
+    blacklist('pdf _ _ PANO_20121023_214540.jpg')
+    blacklist('pdf skp _ worldjournal')
+    blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_baidu.skp')
+    blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_wikipedia.skp')
+    blacklist('_ svg _ _')
+  if 'iOS' in bot:
+    blacklist('gpu skp _ _')
+    blacklist('msaa skp _ _')
+    blacklist('msaa16 gm _ tilemodesProcess')
+  if 'Mac' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+    # CG fails on questionable bmps
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    # CG has unpredictable behavior on this questionable gif
+    # It's probably using uninitialized memory
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf frame_larger_than_image.gif')
+    # CG has unpredictable behavior on incomplete pngs
+    #
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc0.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc1.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc2.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc3.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc4.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc5.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc6.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc7.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc8.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc9.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc10.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc11.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc12.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc13.png')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc14.png')
+  # WIC fails on questionable bmps
+  if 'Win' in bot:
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle8-height-negative.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle4-height-negative.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2-16.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
+    if 'x86_64' in bot and 'CPU' in bot:
+      # This GM triggers a SkSmallAllocator assert.
+      blacklist('_ gm _ composeshader_bitmap')
+  if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
+    # This test crashes the N9 (perhaps because of large malloc/frees). It also
+    # is fairly slow and not platform-specific. So we just disable it on all of
+    # Android and iOS. skia:5438
+    blacklist('_ test _ GrShape')
+  if 'Win8' in bot:
+    # bungeman: "Doesn't work on Windows anyway, produces unstable GMs with
+    # 'Unexpected error' from DirectWrite"
+    blacklist('_ gm _ fontscalerdistortable')
+    # skia:5636
+    blacklist('_ svg _ Nebraska-StateSeal.svg')
+  # skia:4095
+  bad_serialize_gms = ['bleed_image',
+                       'c_gms',
+                       'colortype',
+                       'colortype_xfermodes',
+                       'drawfilter',
+                       'fontmgr_bounds_0.75_0',
+                       'fontmgr_bounds_1_-0.25',
+                       'fontmgr_bounds',
+                       'fontmgr_match',
+                       'fontmgr_iter',
+                       'imagemasksubset']
+  # skia:5589
+  bad_serialize_gms.extend(['bitmapfilters',
+                            'bitmapshaders',
+                            'bleed',
+                            'bleed_alpha_bmp',
+                            'bleed_alpha_bmp_shader',
+                            'convex_poly_clip',
+                            'extractalpha',
+                            'filterbitmap_checkerboard_32_32_g8',
+                            'filterbitmap_image_mandrill_64',
+                            'shadows',
+                            'simpleaaclip_aaclip'])
+  # skia:5595
+  bad_serialize_gms.extend(['composeshader_bitmap',
+                            'scaled_tilemodes_npot',
+                            'scaled_tilemodes'])
+  # skia:5778
+  bad_serialize_gms.append('typefacerendering_pfaMac')
+  # skia:5942
+  bad_serialize_gms.append('parsedpaths')
+  # these use a custom image generator which doesn't serialize
+  bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_rect')
+  bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_shader')
+  for test in bad_serialize_gms:
+    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  if 'Mac' not in bot:
+    for test in ['bleed_alpha_image', 'bleed_alpha_image_shader']:
+      blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # It looks like we skip these only for out-of-memory concerns.
+  if 'Win' in bot or 'Android' in bot:
+    for test in ['verylargebitmap', 'verylarge_picture_image']:
+      blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # skia:4769
+  for test in ['drawfilter']:
+    blacklist([    'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([   'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist(['2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([  'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # skia:4703
+  for test in ['image-cacherator-from-picture',
+               'image-cacherator-from-raster',
+               'image-cacherator-from-ctable']:
+    blacklist([       'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([      'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([   '2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # GM that requires raster-backed canvas
+  for test in ['gamut', 'complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']:
+    blacklist([       'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([      'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([     'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist([   '2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # GM that not support tiles_rt
+  for test in ['complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']:
+    blacklist([ 'tiles_rt-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
+  # Extensions for RAW images
+  r = ["arw", "cr2", "dng", "nef", "nrw", "orf", "raf", "rw2", "pef", "srw",
+       "ARW", "CR2", "DNG", "NEF", "NRW", "ORF", "RAF", "RW2", "PEF", "SRW"]
+  #
+  # Blacklist RAW images (and a few large PNGs) on GPU bots
+  # until we can resolve failures
+  if 'GPU' in bot:
+    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced1.png')
+    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced2.png')
+    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced3.png')
+    for raw_ext in r:
+      blacklist('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext)
+  # Large image that overwhelms older Mac bots
+  if 'MacMini4.1-GPU' in bot:
+    blacklist('_ image _ abnormal.wbmp')
+    blacklist(['msaa16', 'gm', '_', 'blurcircles'])
+  if 'Nexus5' in bot:
+    # skia:5876
+    blacklist(['msaa4', 'gm', '_', 'encode-platform'])
+  match = []
+  if 'Valgrind' in bot: # skia:3021
+    match.append('~Threaded')
+  if 'AndroidOne' in bot:  # skia:4711
+    match.append('~WritePixels')
+  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
+    match.append('~ResourceCache')
+  if 'Nexus10' in bot:
+    match.append('~CopySurface') # skia:5509
+    match.append('~SRGBReadWritePixels') # skia:6097
+  if 'ANGLE' in bot and 'Debug' in bot:
+    match.append('~GLPrograms') # skia:4717
+  if 'MSAN' in bot:
+    match.extend(['~Once', '~Shared'])  # Not sure what's up with these tests.
+  if 'TSAN' in bot:
+    match.extend(['~ReadWriteAlpha'])   # Flaky on TSAN-covered on nvidia bots.
+    match.extend(['~RGBA4444TextureTest',  # Flakier than they are important.
+                  '~RGB565TextureTest'])
+  if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'Adreno' in bot:
+    # skia:5777
+    match.extend(['~XfermodeImageFilterCroppedInput',
+                  '~GrTextureStripAtlasFlush',
+                  '~CopySurface'])
+  if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'GTX1070' in bot and 'Win' in bot:
+    # skia:6092
+    match.append('~GPUMemorySize')
+  if 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'ANGLE' in bot:
+    match.append('~IntTexture') # skia:6086
+  if blacklisted:
+    args.append('--blacklist')
+    args.extend(blacklisted)
+  if match:
+    args.append('--match')
+    args.extend(match)
+  # These bots run out of memory running RAW codec tests. Do not run them in
+  # parallel
+  if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or 'Nexus5' in bot or 'Nexus9' in bot
+      or 'Win8-MSVC-ShuttleB' in bot):
+    args.append('--noRAW_threading')
+  return args
+def key_params(api):
+  """Build a unique key from the builder name (as a list).
+  E.g.  arch x86 gpu GeForce320M mode MacMini4.1 os Mac10.6
+  """
+  # Don't bother to include role, which is always Test.
+  # TryBots are uploaded elsewhere so they can use the same key.
+  blacklist = ['role', 'is_trybot']
+  flat = []
+  for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
+    if k not in blacklist:
+      flat.append(k)
+      flat.append(api.vars.builder_cfg[k])
+  return flat
+def test_steps(api):
+  """Run the DM test."""
+  use_hash_file = False
+  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
+    # This must run before we write anything into
+    # api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir or we may end up deleting our
+    # output on machines where they're the same.
+    api.flavor.create_clean_host_dir(api.vars.dm_dir)
+    host_dm_dir = str(api.vars.dm_dir)
+    device_dm_dir = str(api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir)
+    if host_dm_dir != device_dm_dir:
+      api.flavor.create_clean_device_dir(device_dm_dir)
+    # Obtain the list of already-generated hashes.
+    hash_filename = 'uninteresting_hashes.txt'
+    # Ensure that the tmp_dir exists.
+                           'tmp_dir',
+                           api.vars.tmp_dir,
+                           infra_step=True)
+    host_hashes_file = api.vars.tmp_dir.join(hash_filename)
+    hashes_file = api.flavor.device_path_join(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.tmp_dir, hash_filename)
+        api.python.inline,
+        'get uninteresting hashes',
+        program="""
+        import contextlib
+        import math
+        import socket
+        import sys
+        import time
+        import urllib2
+        HASHES_URL = ''
+        RETRIES = 5
+        TIMEOUT = 60
+        WAIT_BASE = 15
+        socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT)
+        for retry in range(RETRIES):
+          try:
+            with contextlib.closing(
+                urllib2.urlopen(HASHES_URL, timeout=TIMEOUT)) as w:
+              hashes =
+              with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
+                f.write(hashes)
+                break
+          except Exception as e:
+            print 'Failed to get uninteresting hashes from %s:' % HASHES_URL
+            print e
+            if retry == RETRIES:
+              raise
+            waittime = WAIT_BASE * math.pow(2, retry)
+            print 'Retry in %d seconds.' % waittime
+            time.sleep(waittime)
+        """,
+        args=[host_hashes_file],
+        cwd=api.vars.skia_dir,
+        abort_on_failure=False,
+        fail_build_on_failure=False,
+        infra_step=True)
+    if api.path.exists(host_hashes_file):
+      api.flavor.copy_file_to_device(host_hashes_file, hashes_file)
+      use_hash_file = True
+  # Run DM.
+  properties = [
+    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
+    'master',       api.vars.master_name,
+    'builder',      api.vars.builder_name,
+    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
+  ]
+  if api.vars.is_trybot:
+    properties.extend([
+      'issue',         api.vars.issue,
+      'patchset',      api.vars.patchset,
+      'patch_storage', api.vars.patch_storage,
+    ])
+  if api.vars.no_buildbot:
+    properties.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
+    properties.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
+    properties.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
+  args = [
+    'dm',
+    '--undefok',   # This helps branches that may not know new flags.
+    '--resourcePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir,
+    '--skps', api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir,
+    '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'dm'),
+    '--colorImages', api.flavor.device_path_join(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'colorspace'),
+    '--nameByHash',
+    '--properties'
+  ] + properties
+  args.extend(['--svgs', api.flavor.device_dirs.svg_dir])
+  args.append('--key')
+  args.extend(key_params(api))
+  if use_hash_file:
+    args.extend(['--uninterestingHashesFile', hashes_file])
+  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
+    args.extend(['--writePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir])
+  skip_flag = None
+  if api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
+    skip_flag = '--nogpu'
+  elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU':
+    skip_flag = '--nocpu'
+  if skip_flag:
+    args.append(skip_flag)
+  args.extend(dm_flags(api.vars.builder_name))
+, 'dm', cmd=args,
+          abort_on_failure=False,
+          env=api.vars.default_env)
+  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
+    # Copy images and JSON to host machine if needed.
+    api.flavor.copy_directory_contents_to_host(
+        api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir, api.vars.dm_dir)
+  # See skia:2789.
+  if ('Valgrind' in api.vars.builder_name and
+      api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU'):
+    abandonGpuContext = list(args)
+    abandonGpuContext.append('--abandonGpuContext')
+, 'dm --abandonGpuContext',
+                  cmd=abandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False)
+    preAbandonGpuContext = list(args)
+    preAbandonGpuContext.append('--preAbandonGpuContext')
+, 'dm --preAbandonGpuContext',
+                  cmd=preAbandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False,
+                  env=api.vars.default_env)
+class TestApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def run(self):
+    self.m.core.setup()
+    try:
+      self.m.flavor.install_everything()
+      test_steps(self.m)
+    finally:
+      self.m.flavor.cleanup_steps()
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2e005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'build/file',
+  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/shutil',
+  'recipe_engine/step',
+  'recipe_engine/time',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc395fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_dm_results/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe for uploading DM results.
+import calendar
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+DM_JSON = 'dm.json'
+GS_BUCKET = 'gs://skia-infra-gm'
+VERBOSE_LOG = 'verbose.log'
+class UploadDmResultsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def cp(self, name, src, dst, extra_args=None):
+    cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp']
+    if extra_args:
+      cmd.extend(extra_args)
+    cmd.extend([src, dst])
+    name = 'upload %s' % name
+    for i in xrange(UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS):
+      step_name = name
+      if i > 0:
+        step_name += ' (attempt %d)' % (i+1)
+      try:
+        self.m.step(step_name, cmd=cmd)
+        break
+      except self.m.step.StepFailure:
+        if i == UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS - 1:
+          raise
+  def run(self):
+    builder_name =['buildername']
+    revision =['revision']
+    results_dir = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('dm')
+    # Move dm.json and verbose.log to their own directory.
+    json_file = results_dir.join(DM_JSON)
+    log_file = results_dir.join(VERBOSE_LOG)
+    tmp_dir = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('tmp_upload')
+    self.m.shutil.makedirs('tmp dir', tmp_dir, infra_step=True)
+    self.m.shutil.copy('copy dm.json', json_file, tmp_dir)
+    self.m.shutil.copy('copy verbose.log', log_file, tmp_dir)
+    self.m.shutil.remove('rm old dm.json', json_file)
+    self.m.shutil.remove('rm old verbose.log', log_file)
+    # Upload the images.
+    image_dest_path = '/'.join((GS_BUCKET, 'dm-images-v1'))
+    files_to_upload = self.m.file.glob(
+        'find images',
+        results_dir.join('*'),
+        test_data=['someimage.png'],
+        infra_step=True)
+    if len(files_to_upload) > 0:
+      self.cp('images', results_dir.join('*'), image_dest_path)
+    # Upload the JSON summary and verbose.log.
+    now = self.m.time.utcnow()
+    summary_dest_path = '/'.join([
+        'dm-json-v1',
+        str(now.year ).zfill(4),
+        str(now.month).zfill(2),
+        str(  ).zfill(2),
+        str(now.hour ).zfill(2),
+        revision,
+        builder_name,
+        str(int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple())))])
+    # Trybot results are further siloed by issue/patchset.
+    issue = str('issue', ''))
+    patchset = str('patchset', ''))
+    if'patch_storage', '') == 'gerrit':
+      issue = str(['patch_issue'])
+      patchset = str(['patch_set'])
+    if issue and patchset:
+      summary_dest_path = '/'.join((
+          'trybot', summary_dest_path, issue, patchset))
+    summary_dest_path = '/'.join((GS_BUCKET, summary_dest_path))
+    self.cp('JSON and logs', tmp_dir.join('*'), summary_dest_path,
+       ['-z', 'json,log'])
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac65b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+  'build/file',
+  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'recipe_engine/properties',
+  'recipe_engine/step',
+  'recipe_engine/time',
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515c982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipe_modules/upload_nano_results/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Recipe for uploading nanobench results.
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+class UploadNanoResultsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  def run(self):
+    # Upload the nanobench resuls.
+    builder_name =['buildername']
+    now = self.m.time.utcnow()
+    src_path = self.m.path['start_dir'].join(
+        'perfdata', builder_name, 'data')
+    results = self.m.file.glob(
+        'find results',
+        '*.json',
+        cwd=src_path,
+        test_data=['nanobench_abc123.json'],
+        infra_step=True)
+    if len(results) != 1:  # pragma: nocover
+      raise Exception('Unable to find nanobench or skpbench JSON file!')
+    src = src_path.join(results[0])
+    basename = self.m.path.basename(src)
+    gs_path = '/'.join((
+        'nano-json-v1', str(now.year).zfill(4),
+        str(now.month).zfill(2), str(, str(now.hour).zfill(2),
+        builder_name))
+    issue = str('issue', ''))
+    patchset = str('patchset', ''))
+    if'patch_storage', '') == 'gerrit':
+      issue = str(['patch_issue'])
+      patchset = str(['patch_set'])
+    if issue and patchset:
+      gs_path = '/'.join(('trybot', gs_path, issue, patchset))
+    dst = '/'.join(('gs://skia-perf', gs_path, basename))
+    self.m.step(
+        'upload',
+        cmd=['gsutil', 'cp', '-a', 'public-read', '-z', 'json', src, dst],
+        infra_step=True)
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index d888663..2d00bb8 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,15 +7,10 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'core',
-  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'compile',
-  'recipe_engine/python',
-  'flavor',
-  'run',
-  'vars',
@@ -56,75 +51,8 @@
-def build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict):
-  """Return a list of targets to build, depending on the builder type."""
-  if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS':
-    return ['iOSShell']
-  return ['most']
-def get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict):
-  env = {}
-  if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
-    env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang'
-    env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++'
-  extra_config = builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')
-  if extra_config.startswith('SK') and extra_config.isupper():
-    env['CPPFLAGS'] = '-D' + extra_config
-  return env
-def get_gyp_defines(builder_dict):
-  gyp_defs = {}
-  if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'iOS' or
-      builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS'):
-    gyp_defs['skia_arch_type']  = 'arm'
-    gyp_defs['skia_clang_build'] = '1'
-    gyp_defs['skia_os'] = 'ios'
-    gyp_defs['skia_warnings_as_errors'] = 1
-  return gyp_defs
 def RunSteps(api):
-  api.core.setup()
-  env = get_extra_env_vars(api.vars.builder_cfg)
-  gyp_defs = get_gyp_defines(api.vars.builder_cfg)
-  gyp_defs_list = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gyp_defs.iteritems()]
-  gyp_defs_list.sort()
-  env['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gyp_defs_list)
-  build_targets = build_targets_from_builder_dict(api.vars.builder_cfg)
-  try:
-    for target in build_targets:
-      api.flavor.compile(target, env=env)
-        api.flavor.out_dir,
-        api.vars.swarming_out_dir.join(
-            'out', api.vars.configuration))
-    api.flavor.copy_extra_build_products(api.vars.swarming_out_dir)
-  finally:
-    if 'Win' in api.vars.builder_cfg.get('os', ''):
-      api.python.inline(
-          name='cleanup',
-          program='''import psutil
-for p in psutil.process_iter():
-  try:
-    if in ('mspdbsrv.exe', 'vctip.exe', 'cl.exe', 'link.exe'):
-      p.kill()
-  except psutil._error.AccessDenied:
-    pass
-          infra_step=True)
-  api.flavor.cleanup_steps()
 def GenTests(api):
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index a87c895..643c6d1 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,17 +7,11 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'build/file',
-  'core',
-  'recipe_engine/json',
+  'perf',
-  'recipe_engine/time',
-  'run',
-  'flavor',
-  'vars',
@@ -47,213 +41,8 @@
-import calendar
-def nanobench_flags(bot):
-  args = ['--pre_log']
-  if 'GPU' in bot:
-    args.append('--images')
-    args.extend(['--gpuStatsDump', 'true'])
-  if 'Android' in bot and 'GPU' in bot:
-    args.extend(['--useThermalManager', '1,1,10,1000'])
-  args.extend(['--scales', '1.0', '1.1'])
-  if 'iOS' in bot:
-    args.extend(['--skps', 'ignore_skps'])
-  config = ['8888', 'gpu', 'nonrendering', 'hwui' ]
-  if 'AndroidOne' not in bot:
-    config += [ 'f16', 'srgb' ]
-  if '-GCE-' in bot:
-    config += [ '565' ]
-  # The NP produces a long error stream when we run with MSAA.
-  if 'NexusPlayer' not in bot:
-    if 'Android' in bot:
-      # The NVIDIA_Shield has a regular OpenGL implementation. We bench that
-      # instead of ES.
-      if 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
-        config.remove('gpu')
-        config.extend(['gl', 'glmsaa4', 'glnvpr4', 'glnvprdit4'])
-      else:
-        config.extend(['msaa4', 'nvpr4', 'nvprdit4'])
-    else:
-      config.extend(['msaa16', 'nvpr16', 'nvprdit16'])
-  # Bench instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
-  if 'Nexus6' in bot:
-    config.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
-  elif 'PixelC' in bot:
-    config.extend(['esinst', 'esinst4'])
-  elif 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
-    config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst4'])
-  elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
-    config.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
-  if 'CommandBuffer' in bot:
-    config = ['commandbuffer']
-  if 'Vulkan' in bot:
-    config = ['vk']
-  if 'ANGLE' in bot:
-    config.extend(['angle_d3d11_es2'])
-    # The GL backend of ANGLE crashes on the perf bot currently.
-    if 'Win' not in bot:
-      config.extend(['angle_gl_es2'])
-  args.append('--config')
-  args.extend(config)
-  if 'Valgrind' in bot:
-    # Don't care about Valgrind performance.
-    args.extend(['--loops',   '1'])
-    args.extend(['--samples', '1'])
-    # Ensure that the bot framework does not think we have timed out.
-    args.extend(['--keepAlive', 'true'])
-  match = []
-  if 'Android' in bot:
-    # Segfaults when run as GPU bench. Very large texture?
-    match.append('~blurroundrect')
-    match.append('~patch_grid')  # skia:2847
-    match.append('~desk_carsvg')
-  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
-    match.append('~desk_unicodetable')
-  if 'Nexus5' in bot:
-    match.append('~keymobi_shop_mobileweb_ebay_com.skp')  # skia:5178
-  if 'iOS' in bot:
-    match.append('~blurroundrect')
-    match.append('~patch_grid')  # skia:2847
-    match.append('~desk_carsvg')
-    match.append('~keymobi')
-    match.append('~path_hairline')
-    match.append('~GLInstancedArraysBench') # skia:4714
-  if 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'ANGLE' in bot:
-    match.append('~tile_image_filter_tiled_64')  # skia:6082
-  # We do not need or want to benchmark the decodes of incomplete images.
-  # In fact, in nanobench we assert that the full image decode succeeds.
-  match.append('~inc0.gif')
-  match.append('~inc1.gif')
-  match.append('~incInterlaced.gif')
-  match.append('~inc0.jpg')
-  match.append('~incGray.jpg')
-  match.append('~inc0.wbmp')
-  match.append('~inc1.wbmp')
-  match.append('~inc0.webp')
-  match.append('~inc1.webp')
-  match.append('~inc0.ico')
-  match.append('~inc1.ico')
-  match.append('~inc0.png')
-  match.append('~inc1.png')
-  match.append('~inc2.png')
-  match.append('~inc12.png')
-  match.append('~inc13.png')
-  match.append('~inc14.png')
-  match.append('~inc0.webp')
-  match.append('~inc1.webp')
-  if match:
-    args.append('--match')
-    args.extend(match)
-  return args
-def perf_steps(api):
-  """Run Skia benchmarks."""
-  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
-    api.flavor.create_clean_device_dir(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir)
-  # Run nanobench.
-  properties = [
-    '--properties',
-    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
-    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
-  ]
-  if api.vars.is_trybot:
-    properties.extend([
-      'issue',    api.vars.issue,
-      'patchset', api.vars.patchset,
-      'patch_storage', api.vars.patch_storage,
-    ])
-  if api.vars.no_buildbot:
-    properties.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
-    properties.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
-    properties.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
-  target = 'nanobench'
-  args = [
-      target,
-      '--undefok',   # This helps branches that may not know new flags.
-      '-i',       api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir,
-      '--skps',   api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir,
-      '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join(
-          api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'nanobench'),
-  ]
-  # Do not run svgs on Valgrind.
-  if 'Valgrind' not in api.vars.builder_name:
-    args.extend(['--svgs',  api.flavor.device_dirs.svg_dir])
-  skip_flag = None
-  if api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
-    skip_flag = '--nogpu'
-  elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU':
-    skip_flag = '--nocpu'
-  if skip_flag:
-    args.append(skip_flag)
-  args.extend(nanobench_flags(api.vars.builder_name))
-  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
-    now = api.time.utcnow()
-    ts = int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple()))
-    json_path = api.flavor.device_path_join(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir,
-        'nanobench_%s_%d.json' % (api.vars.got_revision, ts))
-    args.extend(['--outResultsFile', json_path])
-    args.extend(properties)
-    keys_blacklist = ['configuration', 'role', 'is_trybot']
-    args.append('--key')
-    for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
-      if not k in keys_blacklist:
-        args.extend([k, api.vars.builder_cfg[k]])
-, target, cmd=args,
-          abort_on_failure=False,
-          env=api.vars.default_env)
-  # See skia:2789.
-  if ('Valgrind' in api.vars.builder_name and
-      api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU'):
-    abandonGpuContext = list(args)
-    abandonGpuContext.extend(['--abandonGpuContext', '--nocpu'])
-            '%s --abandonGpuContext' % target,
-            cmd=abandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False,
-            env=api.vars.default_env)
-  # Copy results to swarming out dir.
-  if api.vars.upload_perf_results:
-    api.file.makedirs('perf_dir', api.vars.perf_data_dir)
-    api.flavor.copy_directory_contents_to_host(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.perf_data_dir,
-        api.vars.perf_data_dir)
 def RunSteps(api):
-  api.core.setup()
-  try:
-    api.flavor.install_everything()
-    perf_steps(api)
-  finally:
-    api.flavor.cleanup_steps()
 def GenTests(api):
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index 7cd96f6..91650b2 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,17 +7,10 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'build/file',
-  'core',
-  'recipe_engine/python',
-  'recipe_engine/step',
-  'recipe_engine/time',
-  'run',
-  'flavor',
-  'vars',
+  'skpbench',
@@ -32,84 +25,8 @@
-import calendar
-def _run(api, title, *cmd, **kwargs):
-  return, title, cmd=list(cmd),
-                 cwd=api.vars.skia_dir, **kwargs)
-def _adb(api, title, *cmd, **kwargs):
-  if 'infra_step' not in kwargs:
-    kwargs['infra_step'] = True
-  return _run(api, title, 'adb', *cmd, **kwargs)
-def skpbench_steps(api):
-  """benchmark Skia using skpbench."""
-  app = api.vars.skia_out.join(api.vars.configuration, 'skpbench')
-  _adb(api, 'push skpbench', 'push', app, api.vars.android_bin_dir)
-  skpbench_dir = api.vars.slave_dir.join('skia', 'tools', 'skpbench')
-  table = api.path.join(api.vars.swarming_out_dir, 'table')
-  config = 'gpu,esinst4'
-  if 'Vulkan' in api.vars.builder_name:
-    config = 'vk'
-  skpbench_args = [
-        api.path.join(api.vars.android_bin_dir, 'skpbench'),
-        api.path.join(api.vars.android_data_dir, 'skps'),
-        '--adb',
-        '--resultsfile', table,
-        '--config', config]
-, 'skpbench',
-      script=skpbench_dir.join(''),
-      args=skpbench_args)
-  skiaperf_args = [
-    table,
-    '--properties',
-    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
-    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
-  ]
-  skiaperf_args.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
-  skiaperf_args.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
-  skiaperf_args.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
-  now = api.time.utcnow()
-  ts = int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple()))
-  api.file.makedirs('perf_dir', api.vars.perf_data_dir)
-  json_path = api.path.join(
-      api.vars.perf_data_dir,
-      'skpbench_%s_%d.json' % (api.vars.got_revision, ts))
-  skiaperf_args.extend([
-    '--outfile', json_path
-  ])
-  keys_blacklist = ['configuration', 'role', 'is_trybot']
-  skiaperf_args.append('--key')
-  for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
-    if not k in keys_blacklist:
-      skiaperf_args.extend([k, api.vars.builder_cfg[k]])
-, 'Parse skpbench output into Perf json',
-      script=skpbench_dir.join(''),
-      args=skiaperf_args)
 def RunSteps(api):
-  api.core.setup()
-  try:
-    api.flavor.install(skps=True)
-    skpbench_steps(api)
-  finally:
-    api.flavor.cleanup_steps()
 def GenTests(api):
@@ -137,4 +54,3 @@
         yield test
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index 518eda4..f879f45 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,17 +7,11 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'build/file',
-  'core',
-  'recipe_engine/json',
-  'recipe_engine/python',
-  'flavor',
-  'run',
-  'vars',
+  'sktest',
@@ -56,523 +50,8 @@
-def dm_flags(bot):
-  args = []
-  # 32-bit desktop bots tend to run out of memory, because they have relatively
-  # far more cores than RAM (e.g. 32 cores, 3G RAM).  Hold them back a bit.
-  if '-x86-' in bot and not 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
-    args.extend('--threads 4'.split(' '))
-  # These are the canonical configs that we would ideally run on all bots. We
-  # may opt out or substitute some below for specific bots
-  configs = ['8888', 'srgb', 'gpu', 'gpudft', 'gpusrgb', 'pdf']
-  # Add in either msaa4 or msaa16 to the canonical set of configs to run
-  if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
-    configs.append('msaa4')
-  else:
-    configs.append('msaa16')
-  # The NP produces a long error stream when we run with MSAA. The Tegra3 just
-  # doesn't support it.
-  if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or
-      'Tegra3'      in bot or
-      # We aren't interested in fixing msaa bugs on iPad4.
-      'iPad4' in bot or
-      # skia:5792
-      'iHD530'       in bot or
-      'IntelIris540' in bot):
-    configs = [x for x in configs if 'msaa' not in x]
-  # The NP produces different images for dft on every run.
-  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
-    configs = [x for x in configs if 'gpudft' not in x]
-  # Runs out of memory on Android bots.  Everyone else seems fine.
-  if 'Android' in bot:
-    configs.remove('pdf')
-  if '-GCE-' in bot:
-    configs.extend(['565'])
-    configs.extend(['f16'])
-    configs.extend(['sp-8888', '2ndpic-8888'])   # Test niche uses of SkPicture.
-    configs.extend(['lite-8888'])                # Experimental display list.
-  if '-TSAN' not in bot:
-    if ('TegraK1'  in bot or
-        'TegraX1'  in bot or
-        'GTX550Ti' in bot or
-        'GTX660'   in bot or
-        'GT610'    in bot):
-      if 'Android' in bot:
-        configs.append('nvprdit4')
-      else:
-        configs.append('nvprdit16')
-  # We want to test the OpenGL config not the GLES config on the Shield
-  if 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
-    configs = [x.replace('gpu', 'gl') for x in configs]
-    configs = [x.replace('msaa', 'glmsaa') for x in configs]
-    configs = [x.replace('nvpr', 'glnvpr') for x in configs]
-  # NP is running out of RAM when we run all these modes.  skia:3255
-  if 'NexusPlayer' not in bot:
-    configs.extend(mode + '-8888' for mode in
-                   ['serialize', 'tiles_rt', 'pic'])
-  # Test instanced rendering on a limited number of platforms
-  if 'Nexus6' in bot:
-    configs.append('esinst') # esinst4 isn't working yet on Adreno.
-  elif 'NVIDIA_Shield' in bot:
-    # Multisampled instanced configs use nvpr.
-    configs = [x.replace('glnvpr', 'glinst') for x in configs]
-    configs.append('glinst')
-  elif 'PixelC' in bot:
-    # Multisampled instanced configs use nvpr.
-    configs = [x.replace('nvpr', 'esinst') for x in configs]
-    configs.append('esinst')
-  elif 'MacMini6.2' in bot:
-    configs.extend(['glinst', 'glinst16'])
-  # CommandBuffer bot *only* runs the command_buffer config.
-  if 'CommandBuffer' in bot:
-    configs = ['commandbuffer']
-  # ANGLE bot *only* runs the angle configs
-  if 'ANGLE' in bot:
-    configs = ['angle_d3d11_es2',
-               'angle_d3d9_es2',
-               'angle_d3d11_es2_msaa4',
-               'angle_gl_es2']
-  # Vulkan bot *only* runs the vk config.
-  if 'Vulkan' in bot:
-    configs = ['vk']
-  args.append('--config')
-  args.extend(configs)
-  # Run tests, gms, and image decoding tests everywhere.
-  args.extend('--src tests gm image colorImage svg'.split(' '))
-  if 'GalaxyS' in bot:
-    args.extend(('--threads', '0'))
-  blacklisted = []
-  def blacklist(quad):
-    config, src, options, name = quad.split(' ') if type(quad) is str else quad
-    if config == '_' or config in configs:
-      blacklisted.extend([config, src, options, name])
-  # TODO: ???
-  blacklist('f16 _ _ dstreadshuffle')
-  blacklist('f16 image _ _')
-  blacklist('gpusrgb image _ _')
-  blacklist('glsrgb image _ _')
-  # Decoder tests are now performing gamma correct decodes.  This means
-  # that, when viewing the results, we need to perform a gamma correct
-  # encode to PNG.  Therefore, we run the image tests in srgb mode instead
-  # of 8888.
-  blacklist('8888 image _ _')
-  if 'Valgrind' in bot:
-    # These take 18+ hours to run.
-    blacklist('pdf gm _ fontmgr_iter')
-    blacklist('pdf _ _ PANO_20121023_214540.jpg')
-    blacklist('pdf skp _ worldjournal')
-    blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_baidu.skp')
-    blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_wikipedia.skp')
-    blacklist('_ svg _ _')
-  if 'iOS' in bot:
-    blacklist('gpu skp _ _')
-    blacklist('msaa skp _ _')
-    blacklist('msaa16 gm _ tilemodesProcess')
-  if 'Mac' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
-    # CG fails on questionable bmps
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    # CG has unpredictable behavior on this questionable gif
-    # It's probably using uninitialized memory
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf frame_larger_than_image.gif')
-    # CG has unpredictable behavior on incomplete pngs
-    #
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc0.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc1.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc2.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc3.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc4.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc5.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc6.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc7.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc8.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc9.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc10.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc11.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc12.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc13.png')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc14.png')
-  # WIC fails on questionable bmps
-  if 'Win' in bot:
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle8-height-negative.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle4-height-negative.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2-16.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp')
-    if 'x86_64' in bot and 'CPU' in bot:
-      # This GM triggers a SkSmallAllocator assert.
-      blacklist('_ gm _ composeshader_bitmap')
-  if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot:
-    # This test crashes the N9 (perhaps because of large malloc/frees). It also
-    # is fairly slow and not platform-specific. So we just disable it on all of
-    # Android and iOS. skia:5438
-    blacklist('_ test _ GrShape')
-  if 'Win8' in bot:
-    # bungeman: "Doesn't work on Windows anyway, produces unstable GMs with
-    # 'Unexpected error' from DirectWrite"
-    blacklist('_ gm _ fontscalerdistortable')
-    # skia:5636
-    blacklist('_ svg _ Nebraska-StateSeal.svg')
-  # skia:4095
-  bad_serialize_gms = ['bleed_image',
-                       'c_gms',
-                       'colortype',
-                       'colortype_xfermodes',
-                       'drawfilter',
-                       'fontmgr_bounds_0.75_0',
-                       'fontmgr_bounds_1_-0.25',
-                       'fontmgr_bounds',
-                       'fontmgr_match',
-                       'fontmgr_iter',
-                       'imagemasksubset']
-  # skia:5589
-  bad_serialize_gms.extend(['bitmapfilters',
-                            'bitmapshaders',
-                            'bleed',
-                            'bleed_alpha_bmp',
-                            'bleed_alpha_bmp_shader',
-                            'convex_poly_clip',
-                            'extractalpha',
-                            'filterbitmap_checkerboard_32_32_g8',
-                            'filterbitmap_image_mandrill_64',
-                            'shadows',
-                            'simpleaaclip_aaclip'])
-  # skia:5595
-  bad_serialize_gms.extend(['composeshader_bitmap',
-                            'scaled_tilemodes_npot',
-                            'scaled_tilemodes'])
-  # skia:5778
-  bad_serialize_gms.append('typefacerendering_pfaMac')
-  # skia:5942
-  bad_serialize_gms.append('parsedpaths')
-  # these use a custom image generator which doesn't serialize
-  bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_rect')
-  bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_shader')
-  for test in bad_serialize_gms:
-    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  if 'Mac' not in bot:
-    for test in ['bleed_alpha_image', 'bleed_alpha_image_shader']:
-      blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # It looks like we skip these only for out-of-memory concerns.
-  if 'Win' in bot or 'Android' in bot:
-    for test in ['verylargebitmap', 'verylarge_picture_image']:
-      blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # skia:4769
-  for test in ['drawfilter']:
-    blacklist([    'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([   'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist(['2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([  'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # skia:4703
-  for test in ['image-cacherator-from-picture',
-               'image-cacherator-from-raster',
-               'image-cacherator-from-ctable']:
-    blacklist([       'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([      'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([   '2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # GM that requires raster-backed canvas
-  for test in ['gamut', 'complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']:
-    blacklist([       'sp-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([      'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([     'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist([   '2ndpic-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-    blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # GM that not support tiles_rt
-  for test in ['complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']:
-    blacklist([ 'tiles_rt-8888', 'gm', '_', test])
-  # Extensions for RAW images
-  r = ["arw", "cr2", "dng", "nef", "nrw", "orf", "raf", "rw2", "pef", "srw",
-       "ARW", "CR2", "DNG", "NEF", "NRW", "ORF", "RAF", "RW2", "PEF", "SRW"]
-  #
-  # Blacklist RAW images (and a few large PNGs) on GPU bots
-  # until we can resolve failures
-  if 'GPU' in bot:
-    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced1.png')
-    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced2.png')
-    blacklist('_ image _ interlaced3.png')
-    for raw_ext in r:
-      blacklist('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext)
-  # Large image that overwhelms older Mac bots
-  if 'MacMini4.1-GPU' in bot:
-    blacklist('_ image _ abnormal.wbmp')
-    blacklist(['msaa16', 'gm', '_', 'blurcircles'])
-  if 'Nexus5' in bot:
-    # skia:5876
-    blacklist(['msaa4', 'gm', '_', 'encode-platform'])
-  match = []
-  if 'Valgrind' in bot: # skia:3021
-    match.append('~Threaded')
-  if 'AndroidOne' in bot:  # skia:4711
-    match.append('~WritePixels')
-  if 'NexusPlayer' in bot:
-    match.append('~ResourceCache')
-  if 'Nexus10' in bot:
-    match.append('~CopySurface') # skia:5509
-    match.append('~SRGBReadWritePixels') # skia:6097
-  if 'ANGLE' in bot and 'Debug' in bot:
-    match.append('~GLPrograms') # skia:4717
-  if 'MSAN' in bot:
-    match.extend(['~Once', '~Shared'])  # Not sure what's up with these tests.
-  if 'TSAN' in bot:
-    match.extend(['~ReadWriteAlpha'])   # Flaky on TSAN-covered on nvidia bots.
-    match.extend(['~RGBA4444TextureTest',  # Flakier than they are important.
-                  '~RGB565TextureTest'])
-  if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'Adreno' in bot:
-    # skia:5777
-    match.extend(['~XfermodeImageFilterCroppedInput',
-                  '~GrTextureStripAtlasFlush',
-                  '~CopySurface'])
-  if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'GTX1070' in bot and 'Win' in bot:
-    # skia:6092
-    match.append('~GPUMemorySize')
-  if 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'ANGLE' in bot:
-    match.append('~IntTexture') # skia:6086
-  if blacklisted:
-    args.append('--blacklist')
-    args.extend(blacklisted)
-  if match:
-    args.append('--match')
-    args.extend(match)
-  # These bots run out of memory running RAW codec tests. Do not run them in
-  # parallel
-  if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or 'Nexus5' in bot or 'Nexus9' in bot
-      or 'Win8-MSVC-ShuttleB' in bot):
-    args.append('--noRAW_threading')
-  return args
-def key_params(api):
-  """Build a unique key from the builder name (as a list).
-  E.g.  arch x86 gpu GeForce320M mode MacMini4.1 os Mac10.6
-  """
-  # Don't bother to include role, which is always Test.
-  # TryBots are uploaded elsewhere so they can use the same key.
-  blacklist = ['role', 'is_trybot']
-  flat = []
-  for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()):
-    if k not in blacklist:
-      flat.append(k)
-      flat.append(api.vars.builder_cfg[k])
-  return flat
-def test_steps(api):
-  """Run the DM test."""
-  use_hash_file = False
-  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
-    # This must run before we write anything into
-    # api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir or we may end up deleting our
-    # output on machines where they're the same.
-    api.flavor.create_clean_host_dir(api.vars.dm_dir)
-    host_dm_dir = str(api.vars.dm_dir)
-    device_dm_dir = str(api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir)
-    if host_dm_dir != device_dm_dir:
-      api.flavor.create_clean_device_dir(device_dm_dir)
-    # Obtain the list of already-generated hashes.
-    hash_filename = 'uninteresting_hashes.txt'
-    # Ensure that the tmp_dir exists.
-                           'tmp_dir',
-                           api.vars.tmp_dir,
-                           infra_step=True)
-    host_hashes_file = api.vars.tmp_dir.join(hash_filename)
-    hashes_file = api.flavor.device_path_join(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.tmp_dir, hash_filename)
-        api.python.inline,
-        'get uninteresting hashes',
-        program="""
-        import contextlib
-        import math
-        import socket
-        import sys
-        import time
-        import urllib2
-        HASHES_URL = ''
-        RETRIES = 5
-        TIMEOUT = 60
-        WAIT_BASE = 15
-        socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT)
-        for retry in range(RETRIES):
-          try:
-            with contextlib.closing(
-                urllib2.urlopen(HASHES_URL, timeout=TIMEOUT)) as w:
-              hashes =
-              with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
-                f.write(hashes)
-                break
-          except Exception as e:
-            print 'Failed to get uninteresting hashes from %s:' % HASHES_URL
-            print e
-            if retry == RETRIES:
-              raise
-            waittime = WAIT_BASE * math.pow(2, retry)
-            print 'Retry in %d seconds.' % waittime
-            time.sleep(waittime)
-        """,
-        args=[host_hashes_file],
-        cwd=api.vars.skia_dir,
-        abort_on_failure=False,
-        fail_build_on_failure=False,
-        infra_step=True)
-    if api.path.exists(host_hashes_file):
-      api.flavor.copy_file_to_device(host_hashes_file, hashes_file)
-      use_hash_file = True
-  # Run DM.
-  properties = [
-    'gitHash',      api.vars.got_revision,
-    'master',       api.vars.master_name,
-    'builder',      api.vars.builder_name,
-    'build_number', api.vars.build_number,
-  ]
-  if api.vars.is_trybot:
-    properties.extend([
-      'issue',         api.vars.issue,
-      'patchset',      api.vars.patchset,
-      'patch_storage', api.vars.patch_storage,
-    ])
-  if api.vars.no_buildbot:
-    properties.extend(['no_buildbot', 'True'])
-    properties.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id])
-    properties.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id])
-  args = [
-    'dm',
-    '--undefok',   # This helps branches that may not know new flags.
-    '--resourcePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir,
-    '--skps', api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir,
-    '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'dm'),
-    '--colorImages', api.flavor.device_path_join(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'colorspace'),
-    '--nameByHash',
-    '--properties'
-  ] + properties
-  args.extend(['--svgs', api.flavor.device_dirs.svg_dir])
-  args.append('--key')
-  args.extend(key_params(api))
-  if use_hash_file:
-    args.extend(['--uninterestingHashesFile', hashes_file])
-  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
-    args.extend(['--writePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir])
-  skip_flag = None
-  if api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
-    skip_flag = '--nogpu'
-  elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU':
-    skip_flag = '--nocpu'
-  if skip_flag:
-    args.append(skip_flag)
-  args.extend(dm_flags(api.vars.builder_name))
-, 'dm', cmd=args,
-          abort_on_failure=False,
-          env=api.vars.default_env)
-  if api.vars.upload_dm_results:
-    # Copy images and JSON to host machine if needed.
-    api.flavor.copy_directory_contents_to_host(
-        api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir, api.vars.dm_dir)
-  # See skia:2789.
-  if ('Valgrind' in api.vars.builder_name and
-      api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU'):
-    abandonGpuContext = list(args)
-    abandonGpuContext.append('--abandonGpuContext')
-, 'dm --abandonGpuContext',
-                  cmd=abandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False)
-    preAbandonGpuContext = list(args)
-    preAbandonGpuContext.append('--preAbandonGpuContext')
-, 'dm --preAbandonGpuContext',
-                  cmd=preAbandonGpuContext, abort_on_failure=False,
-                  env=api.vars.default_env)
 def RunSteps(api):
-  api.core.setup()
-  try:
-    api.flavor.install_everything()
-    test_steps(api)
-  finally:
-    api.flavor.cleanup_steps()
 def GenTests(api):
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index 946c77b..dd545d2 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,96 +7,13 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'build/file',
-  'recipe_engine/json',
-  'recipe_engine/path',
+  'upload_dm_results',
-  'recipe_engine/shutil',
-  'recipe_engine/step',
-  'recipe_engine/time',
-import calendar
-DM_JSON = 'dm.json'
-GS_BUCKET = 'gs://skia-infra-gm'
-VERBOSE_LOG = 'verbose.log'
-def cp(api, name, src, dst, extra_args=None):
-  cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp']
-  if extra_args:
-    cmd.extend(extra_args)
-  cmd.extend([src, dst])
-  name = 'upload %s' % name
-  for i in xrange(UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS):
-    step_name = name
-    if i > 0:
-      step_name += ' (attempt %d)' % (i+1)
-    try:
-      api.step(step_name, cmd=cmd)
-      break
-    except api.step.StepFailure:
-      if i == UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS - 1:
-        raise
 def RunSteps(api):
-  builder_name =['buildername']
-  revision =['revision']
-  results_dir = api.path['start_dir'].join('dm')
-  # Move dm.json and verbose.log to their own directory.
-  json_file = results_dir.join(DM_JSON)
-  log_file = results_dir.join(VERBOSE_LOG)
-  tmp_dir = api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp_upload')
-  api.shutil.makedirs('tmp dir', tmp_dir, infra_step=True)
-  api.shutil.copy('copy dm.json', json_file, tmp_dir)
-  api.shutil.copy('copy verbose.log', log_file, tmp_dir)
-  api.shutil.remove('rm old dm.json', json_file)
-  api.shutil.remove('rm old verbose.log', log_file)
-  # Upload the images.
-  image_dest_path = '/'.join((GS_BUCKET, 'dm-images-v1'))
-  files_to_upload = api.file.glob(
-      'find images',
-      results_dir.join('*'),
-      test_data=['someimage.png'],
-      infra_step=True)
-  if len(files_to_upload) > 0:
-    cp(api, 'images', results_dir.join('*'), image_dest_path)
-  # Upload the JSON summary and verbose.log.
-  now = api.time.utcnow()
-  summary_dest_path = '/'.join([
-      'dm-json-v1',
-      str(now.year ).zfill(4),
-      str(now.month).zfill(2),
-      str(  ).zfill(2),
-      str(now.hour ).zfill(2),
-      revision,
-      builder_name,
-      str(int(calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple())))])
-  # Trybot results are further siloed by issue/patchset.
-  issue = str('issue', ''))
-  patchset = str('patchset', ''))
-  if'patch_storage', '') == 'gerrit':
-    issue = str(['patch_issue'])
-    patchset = str(['patch_set'])
-  if issue and patchset:
-    summary_dest_path = '/'.join((
-        'trybot', summary_dest_path, issue, patchset))
-  summary_dest_path = '/'.join((GS_BUCKET, summary_dest_path))
-  cp(api, 'JSON and logs', tmp_dir.join('*'), summary_dest_path,
-     ['-z', 'json,log'])
 def GenTests(api):
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/ b/infra/bots/recipes/
index f55fbce..8894ce3 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/
@@ -7,50 +7,13 @@
 DEPS = [
-  'build/file',
-  'recipe_engine/path',
-  'recipe_engine/step',
-  'recipe_engine/time',
+  'upload_nano_results',
 def RunSteps(api):
-  # Upload the nanobench resuls.
-  builder_name =['buildername']
-  now = api.time.utcnow()
-  src_path = api.path['start_dir'].join(
-      'perfdata', builder_name, 'data')
-  results = api.file.glob(
-      'find results',
-      '*.json',
-      cwd=src_path,
-      test_data=['nanobench_abc123.json'],
-      infra_step=True)
-  if len(results) != 1:  # pragma: nocover
-    raise Exception('Unable to find nanobench or skpbench JSON file!')
-  src = src_path.join(results[0])
-  basename = api.path.basename(src)
-  gs_path = '/'.join((
-      'nano-json-v1', str(now.year).zfill(4),
-      str(now.month).zfill(2), str(, str(now.hour).zfill(2),
-      builder_name))
-  issue = str('issue', ''))
-  patchset = str('patchset', ''))
-  if'patch_storage', '') == 'gerrit':
-    issue = str(['patch_issue'])
-    patchset = str(['patch_set'])
-  if issue and patchset:
-    gs_path = '/'.join(('trybot', gs_path, issue, patchset))
-  dst = '/'.join(('gs://skia-perf', gs_path, basename))
-  api.step('upload',
-           cmd=['gsutil', 'cp', '-a', 'public-read', '-z', 'json', src, dst],
-           infra_step=True)
 def GenTests(api):