Remove obsolete bench analysis scripts

diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
deleted file mode 100755
index f4f7734..0000000
--- a/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Created on May 16, 2011
-@author: bungeman
-import sys
-import getopt
-import bench_util
-def usage():
-    """Prints simple usage information."""
-    print '-o <file> the old bench output file.'
-    print '-n <file> the new bench output file.'
-    print '-h causes headers to be output.'
-    print '-s <stat> the type of statistical analysis used'
-    print '   Not specifying is the same as -s "avg".'
-    print '  avg: average of all data points'
-    print '  min: minimum of all data points'
-    print '  med: median of all data points'
-    print '  25th: twenty-fifth percentile for all data points'
-    print '-f <fieldSpec> which fields to output and in what order.'
-    print '   Not specifying is the same as -f "bctondp".'
-    print '  b: bench'
-    print '  c: config'
-    print '  t: time type'
-    print '  o: old time'
-    print '  n: new time'
-    print '  d: diff'
-    print '  p: percent diff'
-    print '-t use tab delimited format for output.'
-    print '--match <bench> only matches benches which begin with <bench>.'
-class BenchDiff:
-    """A compare between data points produced by bench.
-    (BenchDataPoint, BenchDataPoint)"""
-    def __init__(self, old, new):
-        self.old = old
- = new
-        self.diff = old.time - new.time
-        diffp = 0
-        if old.time != 0:
-            diffp = self.diff / old.time
-        self.diffp = diffp
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "BenchDiff(%s, %s)" % (
-                   str(,
-                   str(self.old),
-               )
-def main():
-    """Parses command line and writes output."""
-    try:
-        opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:o:n:s:ht", ['match='])
-    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
-        print str(err) 
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    old = None
-    new = None
-    column_format = ""
-    header_format = ""
-    columns = 'bctondp'
-    header = False
-    stat_type = "avg"
-    use_tabs = False
-    match_bench = None;
-    for option, value in opts:
-        if option == "-o":
-            old = value
-        elif option == "-n":
-            new = value
-        elif option == "-h":
-            header = True
-        elif option == "-f":
-            columns = value
-        elif option == "-s":
-            stat_type = value
-        elif option == "-t":
-            use_tabs = True
-        elif option == "--match":
-            match_bench = value
-        else:
-            usage()
-            assert False, "unhandled option"
-    if old is None or new is None:
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    old_benches = bench_util.parse({}, open(old, 'r'), stat_type)
-    new_benches = bench_util.parse({}, open(new, 'r'), stat_type)
-    bench_diffs = []
-    for old_bench in old_benches:
-        #filter benches by the match criteria
-        if match_bench and not old_bench.bench.startswith(match_bench):
-            continue
-        #filter new_benches for benches that match old_bench
-        new_bench_match = [bench for bench in new_benches
-            if old_bench.bench == bench.bench and
-               old_bench.config == bench.config and
-               old_bench.time_type == bench.time_type
-        ]
-        if (len(new_bench_match) < 1):
-            continue
-        bench_diffs.append(BenchDiff(old_bench, new_bench_match[0]))
-    if use_tabs:
-        column_formats = {
-            'b' : '{bench}\t',
-            'c' : '{config}\t',
-            't' : '{time_type}\t',
-            'o' : '{old_time: 0.2f}\t',
-            'n' : '{new_time: 0.2f}\t',
-            'd' : '{diff: 0.2f}\t',
-            'p' : '{diffp: 0.1%}\t',
-        }
-        header_formats = {
-            'b' : '{bench}\t',
-            'c' : '{config}\t',
-            't' : '{time_type}\t',
-            'o' : '{old_time}\t',
-            'n' : '{new_time}\t',
-            'd' : '{diff}\t',
-            'p' : '{diffp}\t',
-        }
-    else:
-        bench_max_len = max(map(lambda b: len(b.old.bench), bench_diffs))
-        config_max_len = max(map(lambda b: len(b.old.config), bench_diffs))
-        column_formats = {
-            'b' : '{bench: >%d} ' % (bench_max_len),
-            'c' : '{config: <%d} ' % (config_max_len),
-            't' : '{time_type: <4} ',
-            'o' : '{old_time: >10.2f} ',
-            'n' : '{new_time: >10.2f} ',
-            'd' : '{diff: >+10.2f} ',
-            'p' : '{diffp: >+8.1%} ',
-        }
-        header_formats = {
-            'b' : '{bench: >%d} ' % (bench_max_len),
-            'c' : '{config: <%d} ' % (config_max_len),
-            't' : '{time_type: <4} ',
-            'o' : '{old_time: >10} ',
-            'n' : '{new_time: >10} ',
-            'd' : '{diff: >10} ',
-            'p' : '{diffp: >8} ',
-        }
-    for column_char in columns:
-        if column_formats[column_char]:
-            column_format += column_formats[column_char]
-            header_format += header_formats[column_char]
-        else:
-            usage()
-            sys.exit(2)
-    if header:
-        print header_format.format(
-            bench='bench'
-            , config='conf'
-            , time_type='time'
-            , old_time='old'
-            , new_time='new'
-            , diff='diff'
-            , diffp='diffP'
-        )
-    bench_diffs.sort(key=lambda d : [d.diffp,
-                                     d.old.bench,
-                                     d.old.config,
-                                     d.old.time_type,
-                                    ])
-    for bench_diff in bench_diffs:
-        print column_format.format(
-            bench=bench_diff.old.bench.strip()
-            , config=bench_diff.old.config.strip()
-            , time_type=bench_diff.old.time_type
-            , old_time=bench_diff.old.time
-            ,
-            , diff=bench_diff.diff
-            , diffp=bench_diff.diffp
-        )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6fecb7..0000000
--- a/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-Created on May 19, 2011
-@author: bungeman
-import os
-import re
-import math
-# bench representation algorithm constant names
-# Regular expressions used throughout.
-PER_SETTING_RE = '([^\s=]+)(?:=(\S+))?'
-SETTINGS_RE = 'skia bench:((?:\s+' + PER_SETTING_RE + ')*)'
-BENCH_RE = 'running bench (?:\[\d+ \d+\] )?\s*(\S+)'
-TIME_RE = '(?:(\w*)msecs = )?\s*((?:\d+\.\d+)(?:,\s*\d+\.\d+)*)'
-# non-per-tile benches have configs that don't end with ']' or '>'
-CONFIG_RE = '(\S+[^\]>]):\s+((?:' + TIME_RE + '\s+)+)'
-# per-tile bench lines are in the following format. Note that there are
-# non-averaged bench numbers in separate lines, which we ignore now due to
-# their inaccuracy.
-TILE_RE = ('  tile_(\S+): tile \[\d+,\d+\] out of \[\d+,\d+\] <averaged>:'
-           ' ((?:' + TIME_RE + '\s+)+)')
-# for extracting tile layout
-TILE_LAYOUT_RE = ' out of \[(\d+),(\d+)\] <averaged>: '
-class BenchDataPoint:
-    """A single data point produced by bench.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, bench, config, time_type, time, settings,
-                 tile_layout='', per_tile_values=[], per_iter_time=[]):
-        # string name of the benchmark to measure
-        self.bench = bench
-        # string name of the configurations to run
-        self.config = config
-        # type of the timer in string: '' (walltime), 'c' (cpu) or 'g' (gpu)
-        self.time_type = time_type
-        # float number of the bench time value
-        self.time = time
-        # dictionary of the run settings
-        self.settings = settings
-        # how tiles cover the whole picture: '5x3' means 5 columns and 3 rows
-        self.tile_layout = tile_layout
-        # list of float for per_tile bench values, if applicable
-        self.per_tile_values = per_tile_values
-        # list of float for per-iteration bench time, if applicable
-        self.per_iter_time = per_iter_time
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "BenchDataPoint(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
-                   str(self.bench),
-                   str(self.config),
-                   str(self.time_type),
-                   str(self.time),
-                   str(self.settings),
-               )
-class _ExtremeType(object):
-    """Instances of this class compare greater or less than other objects."""
-    def __init__(self, cmpr, rep):
-        object.__init__(self)
-        self._cmpr = cmpr
-        self._rep = rep
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other._cmpr == self._cmpr:
-            return 0
-        return self._cmpr
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self._rep
-Max = _ExtremeType(1, "Max")
-Min = _ExtremeType(-1, "Min")
-class _ListAlgorithm(object):
-    """Algorithm for selecting the representation value from a given list.
-    representation is one of the ALGORITHM_XXX representation types."""
-    def __init__(self, data, representation=None):
-        if not representation:
-            representation = ALGORITHM_AVERAGE  # default algorithm
-        self._data = data
-        self._len = len(data)
-        if representation == ALGORITHM_AVERAGE:
-            self._rep = sum(self._data) / self._len
-        else:
-            self._data.sort()
-            if representation == ALGORITHM_MINIMUM:
-                self._rep = self._data[0]
-            else:
-                # for percentiles, we use the value below which x% of values are
-                # found, which allows for better detection of quantum behaviors.
-                if representation == ALGORITHM_MEDIAN:
-                    x = int(round(0.5 * self._len + 0.5))
-                elif representation == ALGORITHM_25TH_PERCENTILE:
-                    x = int(round(0.25 * self._len + 0.5))
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("invalid representation algorithm %s!" %
-                                    representation)
-                self._rep = self._data[x - 1]
-    def compute(self):
-        return self._rep
-def _ParseAndStoreTimes(config_re_compiled, is_per_tile, line, bench,
-                        value_dic, layout_dic):
-    """Parses given bench time line with regex and adds data to value_dic.
-    config_re_compiled: precompiled regular expression for parsing the config
-        line.
-    is_per_tile: boolean indicating whether this is a per-tile bench.
-        If so, we add tile layout into layout_dic as well.
-    line: input string line to parse.
-    bench: name of bench for the time values.
-    value_dic: dictionary to store bench values. See bench_dic in parse() below.
-    layout_dic: dictionary to store tile layouts. See parse() for descriptions.
-    """
-    for config in config_re_compiled.finditer(line):
-        current_config =
-        tile_layout = ''
-        if is_per_tile:  # per-tile bench, add name prefix
-            current_config = 'tile_' + current_config
-            layouts =
-            if layouts and len(layouts.groups()) == 2:
-              tile_layout = '%sx%s' % layouts.groups()
-        times =
-        for new_time in TIME_RE_COMPILED.finditer(times):
-            current_time_type =
-            iters = [float(i) for i in
-           ',')]
-            value_dic.setdefault(bench, {}).setdefault(
-                current_config, {}).setdefault(current_time_type, []).append(
-                    iters)
-            layout_dic.setdefault(bench, {}).setdefault(
-                current_config, {}).setdefault(current_time_type, tile_layout)
-def parse_skp_bench_data(directory, revision, rep, default_settings=None):
-    """Parses all the skp bench data in the given directory.
-    Args:
-      directory: string of path to input data directory.
-      revision: git hash revision that matches the data to process.
-      rep: bench representation algorithm, see
-      default_settings: dictionary of other run settings. See writer.option() in
-          bench/benchmain.cpp.
-    Returns:
-      A list of BenchDataPoint objects.
-    """
-    revision_data_points = []
-    file_list = os.listdir(directory)
-    file_list.sort()
-    for bench_file in file_list:
-        scalar_type = None
-        # Scalar type, if any, is in the bench filename after 'scalar_'.
-        if (bench_file.startswith('bench_' + revision + '_data_')):
-            if bench_file.find('scalar_') > 0:
-                components = bench_file.split('_')
-                scalar_type = components[components.index('scalar') + 1]
-        else:  # Skips non skp bench files.
-            continue
-        with open('/'.join([directory, bench_file]), 'r') as file_handle:
-          settings = dict(default_settings or {})
-          settings['scalar'] = scalar_type
-          revision_data_points.extend(parse(settings, file_handle, rep))
-    return revision_data_points
-# TODO(bensong): switch to reading JSON output when available. This way we don't
-# need the RE complexities.
-def parse(settings, lines, representation=None):
-    """Parses bench output into a useful data structure.
-    ({str:str}, __iter__ -> str) -> [BenchDataPoint]
-    representation is one of the ALGORITHM_XXX types."""
-    benches = []
-    current_bench = None
-    # [bench][config][time_type] -> [[per-iter values]] where per-tile config
-    # has per-iter value list for each tile [[<tile1_iter1>,<tile1_iter2>,...],
-    # [<tile2_iter1>,<tile2_iter2>,...],...], while non-per-tile config only
-    # contains one list of iterations [[iter1, iter2, ...]].
-    bench_dic = {}
-    # [bench][config][time_type] -> tile_layout
-    layout_dic = {}
-    for line in lines:
-        # see if this line is a settings line
-        settingsMatch =
-        if (settingsMatch):
-            settings = dict(settings)
-            for settingMatch in PER_SETTING_RE_COMPILED.finditer(
-                if (
-                    settings[] =
-                else:
-                    settings[] = True
-        # see if this line starts a new bench
-        new_bench =
-        if new_bench:
-            current_bench =
-        # add configs on this line to the bench_dic
-        if current_bench:
-            if line.startswith('  tile_') :
-                _ParseAndStoreTimes(TILE_RE_COMPILED, True, line, current_bench,
-                                    bench_dic, layout_dic)
-            else:
-                _ParseAndStoreTimes(CONFIG_RE_COMPILED, False, line,
-                                    current_bench, bench_dic, layout_dic)
-    # append benches to list
-    for bench in bench_dic:
-        for config in bench_dic[bench]:
-            for time_type in bench_dic[bench][config]:
-                tile_layout = ''
-                per_tile_values = []  # empty for non-per-tile configs
-                per_iter_time = []  # empty for per-tile configs
-                bench_summary = None  # a single final bench value
-                if len(bench_dic[bench][config][time_type]) > 1:
-                    # per-tile config; compute representation for each tile
-                    per_tile_values = [
-                        _ListAlgorithm(iters, representation).compute()
-                            for iters in bench_dic[bench][config][time_type]]
-                    # use sum of each tile representation for total bench value
-                    bench_summary = sum(per_tile_values)
-                    # extract tile layout
-                    tile_layout = layout_dic[bench][config][time_type]
-                else:
-                    # get the list of per-iteration values
-                    per_iter_time = bench_dic[bench][config][time_type][0]
-                    bench_summary = _ListAlgorithm(
-                        per_iter_time, representation).compute()
-                benches.append(BenchDataPoint(
-                    bench,
-                    config,
-                    time_type,
-                    bench_summary,
-                    settings,
-                    tile_layout,
-                    per_tile_values,
-                    per_iter_time))
-    return benches
-class LinearRegression:
-    """Linear regression data based on a set of data points.
-    ([(Number,Number)])
-    There must be at least two points for this to make sense."""
-    def __init__(self, points):
-        n = len(points)
-        max_x = Min
-        min_x = Max
-        Sx = 0.0
-        Sy = 0.0
-        Sxx = 0.0
-        Sxy = 0.0
-        Syy = 0.0
-        for point in points:
-            x = point[0]
-            y = point[1]
-            max_x = max(max_x, x)
-            min_x = min(min_x, x)
-            Sx += x
-            Sy += y
-            Sxx += x*x
-            Sxy += x*y
-            Syy += y*y
-        denom = n*Sxx - Sx*Sx
-        if (denom != 0.0):
-            B = (n*Sxy - Sx*Sy) / denom
-        else:
-            B = 0.0
-        a = (1.0/n)*(Sy - B*Sx)
-        se2 = 0
-        sB2 = 0
-        sa2 = 0
-        if (n >= 3 and denom != 0.0):
-            se2 = (1.0/(n*(n-2)) * (n*Syy - Sy*Sy - B*B*denom))
-            sB2 = (n*se2) / denom
-            sa2 = sB2 * (1.0/n) * Sxx
-        self.slope = B
-        self.intercept = a
-        self.serror = math.sqrt(max(0, se2))
-        self.serror_slope = math.sqrt(max(0, sB2))
-        self.serror_intercept = math.sqrt(max(0, sa2))
-        self.max_x = max_x
-        self.min_x = min_x
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "LinearRegression(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
-                   str(self.slope),
-                   str(self.intercept),
-                   str(self.serror),
-                   str(self.serror_slope),
-                   str(self.serror_intercept),
-               )
-    def find_min_slope(self):
-        """Finds the minimal slope given one standard deviation."""
-        slope = self.slope
-        intercept = self.intercept
-        error = self.serror
-        regr_start = self.min_x
-        regr_end = self.max_x
-        regr_width = regr_end - regr_start
-        if slope < 0:
-            lower_left_y = slope*regr_start + intercept - error
-            upper_right_y = slope*regr_end + intercept + error
-            return min(0, (upper_right_y - lower_left_y) / regr_width)
-        elif slope > 0:
-            upper_left_y = slope*regr_start + intercept + error
-            lower_right_y = slope*regr_end + intercept - error
-            return max(0, (lower_right_y - upper_left_y) / regr_width)
-        return 0
-def CreateRevisionLink(revision_number):
-    """Returns HTML displaying the given revision number and linking to
-    that revision's change page at, e.g.
-    """
-    return '<a href="">%s</a>'%(
-        revision_number, revision_number)
-def main():
-    foo = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 2.0], [0.0, 3.0]]
-    LinearRegression(foo)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4edc38c..0000000
--- a/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-""" Generate bench_expectations file from a given set of bench data files. """
-import argparse
-import bench_util
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import urllib2
-# Parameters for calculating bench ranges.
-RANGE_RATIO_UPPER = 1.5  # Ratio of range for upper bounds.
-RANGE_RATIO_LOWER = 2.0  # Ratio of range for lower bounds.
-ERR_RATIO = 0.08  # Further widens the range by the ratio of average value.
-ERR_UB = 1.0  # Adds an absolute upper error to cope with small benches.
-ERR_LB = 1.5
-# List of bench configs to monitor. Ignore all other configs.
-CONFIGS_TO_INCLUDE = ['simple_viewport_1000x1000',
-                      'simple_viewport_1000x1000_angle',
-                      'simple_viewport_1000x1000_gpu',
-                      'simple_viewport_1000x1000_scalar_1.100000',
-                      'simple_viewport_1000x1000_scalar_1.100000_gpu',
-                     ]
-# List of flaky entries that should be excluded. Each entry is defined by a list
-# of 3 strings, corresponding to the substrings of [bench, config, builder] to
-# search for. A bench expectations line is excluded when each of the 3 strings
-# in the list is a substring of the corresponding element of the given line. For
-# instance, ['desk_yahooanswers', 'gpu', 'Ubuntu'] will skip expectation entries
-# of SKP benchs whose name contains 'desk_yahooanswers' on all gpu-related
-# configs of all Ubuntu builders.
-                     ]
-def compute_ranges(benches, more_benches=None):
-  """Given a list of bench numbers, calculate the alert range.
-  Args:
-    benches: a list of float bench values.
-    more_benches: a tuple of lists of additional bench values.
-      The first value of each tuple is the number of commits before the current
-      one that set of values is at, and the second value is a list of
-      bench results.
-  Returns:
-    a list of float [lower_bound, upper_bound].
-  """
-  avg = sum(benches)/len(benches)
-  minimum = min(benches)
-  maximum = max(benches)
-  diff = maximum - minimum
-  return [minimum - diff*RANGE_RATIO_LOWER - avg*ERR_RATIO - ERR_LB,
-          maximum + diff*RANGE_RATIO_UPPER + avg*ERR_RATIO + ERR_UB]
-def create_expectations_dict(revision_data_points, builder, extra_data=None):
-  """Convert list of bench data points into a dictionary of expectations data.
-  Args:
-    revision_data_points: a list of BenchDataPoint objects.
-    builder: string of the corresponding buildbot builder name.
-  Returns:
-    a dictionary of this form:
-        keys = tuple of (config, bench) strings.
-        values = list of float [expected, lower_bound, upper_bound] for the key.
-  """
-  bench_dict = {}
-  for point in revision_data_points:
-    if (point.time_type or  # Not walltime which has time_type ''
-        not point.config in CONFIGS_TO_INCLUDE):
-      continue
-    to_skip = False
-    for bench_substr, config_substr, builder_substr in ENTRIES_TO_EXCLUDE:
-      if (bench_substr in point.bench and config_substr in point.config and
-          builder_substr in builder):
-        to_skip = True
-        break
-    if to_skip:
-      continue
-    key = (point.config, point.bench)
-    extras = []
-    for idx, dataset in extra_data:
-      for data in dataset:
-        if (data.bench == point.bench and data.config == point.config and
-              data.time_type == point.time_type and data.per_iter_time):
-          extras.append((idx, data.per_iter_time))
-    if key in bench_dict:
-      raise Exception('Duplicate bench entry: ' + str(key))
-    bench_dict[key] = [point.time] + compute_ranges(point.per_iter_time, extras)
-  return bench_dict
-def get_parent_commits(start_hash, num_back):
-  """Returns a list of commits that are the parent of the commit passed in."""
-  list_commits = urllib2.urlopen(
-      '' %
-      (start_hash, num_back))
-  # NOTE: Very brittle. Removes the four extraneous characters
-  # so json can be read successfully
-  trunc_list =[4:]
-  json_data = json.loads(trunc_list)
-  return [revision['commit'] for revision in json_data['log']]
-def get_file_suffixes(commit_hash, directory):
-  """Gets all the suffixes available in the directory"""
-  possible_files = os.listdir(directory)
-  prefix = 'bench_' + commit_hash + '_data_'
-  return [name[len(prefix):] for name in possible_files
-      if name.startswith(prefix)]
-def download_bench_data(builder, commit_hash, suffixes, directory):
-  """Downloads data, returns the number successfully downloaded"""
-  cur_files = os.listdir(directory)
-  count = 0
-  for suffix in suffixes:
-    file_name = 'bench_'+commit_hash+'_data_'+suffix
-    if file_name in cur_files:
-      continue
-    try:
-      src = urllib2.urlopen(_GS_CLOUD_FORMAT % (builder, file_name))
-      with open(os.path.join(directory, file_name), 'w') as dest:
-        dest.writelines(src)
-        count += 1
-    except urllib2.HTTPError:
-      pass
-  return count
-def main():
-    """Reads bench data points, then calculate and export expectations.
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-a', '--representation_alg', default='25th',
-        help='bench representation algorithm to use, see')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-b', '--builder', required=True,
-        help='name of the builder whose bench ranges we are computing.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-d', '--input_dir', required=True,
-        help='a directory containing bench data files.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-o', '--output_file', required=True,
-        help='file path and name for storing the output bench expectations.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-r', '--git_revision', required=True,
-        help='the git hash to indicate the revision of input data to use.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-t', '--back_track', required=False, default=10,
-        help='the number of commit hashes backwards to look to include' +
-             'in the calculations.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-m', '--max_commits', required=False, default=1,
-        help='the number of commit hashes to include in the calculations.')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    builder = args.builder
-    data_points = bench_util.parse_skp_bench_data(
-        args.input_dir, args.git_revision, args.representation_alg)
-    parent_commits = get_parent_commits(args.git_revision, args.back_track)
-    print "Using commits: {}".format(parent_commits)
-    suffixes = get_file_suffixes(args.git_revision, args.input_dir)
-    print "Using suffixes: {}".format(suffixes)
-    # TODO(kelvinly): Find a better approach to than directly copying from
-    # the GS server?
-    downloaded_commits = []
-    for idx, commit in enumerate(parent_commits):
-      num_downloaded = download_bench_data(
-          builder, commit, suffixes, args.input_dir)
-      if num_downloaded > 0:
-        downloaded_commits.append((num_downloaded, idx, commit))
-    if len(downloaded_commits) < args.max_commits:
-      print ('Less than desired number of commits found. Please increase'
-            '--back_track in later runs')
-    trunc_commits = sorted(downloaded_commits, reverse=True)[:args.max_commits]
-    extra_data = []
-    for _, idx, commit in trunc_commits:
-      extra_data.append((idx, bench_util.parse_skp_bench_data(
-          args.input_dir, commit, args.representation_alg)))
-    expectations_dict = create_expectations_dict(data_points, builder,
-                                                 extra_data)
-    out_lines = []
-    keys = expectations_dict.keys()
-    keys.sort()
-    for (config, bench) in keys:
-      (expected, lower_bound, upper_bound) = expectations_dict[(config, bench)]
-      out_lines.append('%(bench)s_%(config)s_,%(builder)s-%(representation)s,'
-          '%(expected)s,%(lower_bound)s,%(upper_bound)s' % {
-              'bench': bench,
-              'config': config,
-              'builder': builder,
-              'representation': args.representation_alg,
-              'expected': expected,
-              'lower_bound': lower_bound,
-              'upper_bound': upper_bound})
-    with open(args.output_file, 'w') as file_handle:
-      file_handle.write('\n'.join(out_lines))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
deleted file mode 100755
index 03fe086..0000000
--- a/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
-# in the LICENSE file.
-""" Analyze per-tile and viewport bench data, and output visualized results.
-__author__ = ' (Ben Chen)'
-import bench_util
-import boto
-import math
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-from oauth2_plugin import oauth2_plugin
-# The default platform to analyze. Used when OPTION_PLATFORM flag is not set.
-DEFAULT_PLATFORM = 'Nexus10_4-1_Float_Bench_32'
-# Template for gsutil uri.
-URI_BUCKET = 'chromium-skia-gm'
-# Maximum number of rows of tiles to track for viewport covering.
-# Constants for optparse.
-USAGE_STRING = 'USAGE: %s [options]'
-Note: to read bench data stored in Google Storage, you will need to set up the
-corresponding Python library.
-See for details.
-For the given platform and revision number, find corresponding viewport and
-tile benchmarks for each available picture bench, and output visualization and
-analysis in HTML. By default it reads from Skia's Google Storage location where
-bot data are stored, but if --dir is given, will read from local directory
-OPTION_DIR = '--dir'
-OPTION_PLATFORM = '--platform'
-# Bench representation algorithm flag.
-# Bench representation algorithm. See trunk/bench/
-# Constants for bench file matching.
-# Regular expression for matching format '<integer>x<integer>'.
-DIMENSIONS_RE = '(\d+)x(\d+)'
-# HTML and JS output templates.
-<html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="">
-</script><script type="text/javascript">google.load("visualization", "1.1",
-{packages:["table"]});google.load("prototype", "1.6");</script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script
-type="text/javascript"> systemsbiology.load("visualization", "1.0",
-{packages:["bioheatmap"]});</script><script type="text/javascript">
-google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization); function drawVisualization() {
-HTML_SUFFIX = '</body></html>'
-BAR_CHART_TEMPLATE = ('<img src=",0,'
-    '300&chxt=x&chbh=15,0&chs=600x150&cht=bhg&chco=80C65A,224499,FF0000,0A8C8A,'
-    'EBB671,DE091A,000000,00ffff&chds=a&chdl=%s&chd=t:%s" /><br>\n')
-DRAW_OPTIONS = ('{passThroughBlack:false,useRowLabels:false,cellWidth:30,'
-                'cellHeight:30}')
-TABLE_OPTIONS = '{showRowNumber:true,firstRowNumber:" ",sort:"disable"}'
-def GetFiles(rev, bench_dir, platform):
-  """Reads in bench files of interest into a dictionary.
-  If bench_dir is not empty, tries to read in local bench files; otherwise check
-  Google Storage. Filters files by revision (rev) and platform, and ignores
-  non-tile, non-viewport bench files.
-  Outputs dictionary [filename] -> [file content].
-  """
-  file_dic = {}
-  if not bench_dir:
-    uri = boto.storage_uri(URI_BUCKET, GOOGLE_STORAGE_URI_SCHEME)
-    # The boto API does not allow prefix/wildcard matching of Google Storage
-    # objects. And Google Storage has a flat structure instead of being
-    # organized in directories. Therefore, we have to scan all objects in the
-    # Google Storage bucket to find the files we need, which is slow.
-    # The option of implementing prefix matching as in gsutil seems to be
-    # overkill, but gsutil does not provide an API ready for use. If speed is a
-    # big concern, we suggest copying bot bench data from Google Storage using
-    # gsutil and use --log_dir for fast local data reading.
-    for obj in uri.get_bucket():
-      # Filters out files of no interest.
-      if (not or
-          ( < 0 and
-  < 0) or
- < 0 or
- % rev) < 0):
-        continue
-      file_dic[
-['/') + 1 : ]] = obj.get_contents_as_string()
-  else:
-    for f in os.listdir(bench_dir):
-      if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bench_dir, f)) or
-          (f.find(TILING_FILE_NAME_INDICATOR) < 0 and
-           f.find(VIEWPORT_FILE_NAME_INDICATOR) < 0) or
-          not f.startswith(BENCH_FILE_PREFIX_TEMPLATE % rev)):
-        continue
-      file_dic[f] = open(os.path.join(bench_dir, f)).read()
-  if not file_dic:
-    raise Exception('No bench file found in "%s" or Google Storage.' %
-                    bench_dir)
-  return file_dic
-def GetTileMatrix(layout, tile_size, values, viewport):
-  """For the given tile layout and per-tile bench values, returns a matrix of
-  bench values with tiles outside the given viewport set to 0.
-  layout, tile_size and viewport are given in string of format <w>x<h>, where
-  <w> is viewport width or number of tile columns, and <h> is viewport height or
-  number of tile rows. We truncate tile rows to MAX_TILE_ROWS to adjust for very
-  long skp's.
-  values: per-tile benches ordered row-by-row, starting from the top-left tile.
-  Returns [sum, matrix] where sum is the total bench tile time that covers the
-  viewport, and matrix is used for visualizing the tiles.
-  """
-  [tile_cols, tile_rows] = [int(i) for i in layout.split('x')]
-  [tile_x, tile_y] = [int(i) for i in tile_size.split('x')]
-  [viewport_x, viewport_y] = [int(i) for i in viewport.split('x')]
-  viewport_cols = int(math.ceil(viewport_x * 1.0 / tile_x))
-  viewport_rows = int(math.ceil(viewport_y * 1.0 / tile_y))
-  truncated_tile_rows = min(tile_rows, MAX_TILE_ROWS)
-  viewport_tile_sum = 0
-  matrix = [[0 for y in range(tile_cols)] for x in range(truncated_tile_rows)]
-  for y in range(min(viewport_cols, tile_cols)):
-    for x in range(min(truncated_tile_rows, viewport_rows)):
-      matrix[x][y] = values[x * tile_cols + y]
-      viewport_tile_sum += values[x * tile_cols + y]
-  return [viewport_tile_sum, matrix]
-def GetTileVisCodes(suffix, matrix):
-  """Generates and returns strings of [js_codes, row1, row2] which are codes for
-  visualizing the benches from the given tile config and matrix data.
-  row1 is used for the first row of heatmaps; row2 is for corresponding tables.
-  suffix is only used to avoid name conflicts in the whole html output.
-  """
-  this_js = 'var data_%s=new google.visualization.DataTable();' % suffix
-  for i in range(len(matrix[0])):
-    this_js += 'data_%s.addColumn("number","%s");' % (suffix, i)
-  this_js += 'data_%s.addRows(%s);' % (suffix, str(matrix))
-  # Adds heatmap chart.
-  this_js += ('var heat_%s=new org.systemsbiology.visualization' % suffix +
-              '.BioHeatMap(document.getElementById("%s"));' % suffix +
-              'heat_%s.draw(data_%s,%s);' % (suffix, suffix, DRAW_OPTIONS))
-  # Adds data table chart.
-  this_js += ('var table_%s=new google.visualization.Table(document.' % suffix +
-              'getElementById("t%s"));table_%s.draw(data_%s,%s);\n' % (
-                  suffix, suffix, suffix, TABLE_OPTIONS))
-  table_row1 = '<td>%s<div id="%s"></div></td>' % (suffix, suffix)
-  table_row2 = '<td><div id="t%s"></div></td>' % suffix
-  return [this_js, table_row1, table_row2]
-def OutputTileAnalysis(rev, representation_alg, bench_dir, platform):
-  """Reads skp bench data and outputs tile vs. viewport analysis for the given
-  platform.
-  Ignores data with revisions other than rev. If bench_dir is not empty, read
-  from the local directory instead of Google Storage.
-  Uses the provided representation_alg for calculating bench representations.
-  Returns (js_codes, body_codes): strings of js/html codes for stats and
-  visualization.
-  """
-  js_codes = ''
-  body_codes = ('}</script></head><body>'
-                '<h3>PLATFORM: %s REVISION: %s</h3><br>' % (platform, rev))
-  bench_dic = {}  # [bench][config] -> [layout, [values]]
-  file_dic = GetFiles(rev, bench_dir, platform)
-  for f in file_dic:
-    for point in bench_util.parse('', file_dic[f].split('\n'),
-                                  representation_alg):
-      if point.time_type:  # Ignores non-walltime time_type.
-        continue
-      bench = point.bench.replace('.skp', '')
-      config = point.config.replace('simple_', '')
-      components = config.split('_')
-      if components[0] == 'viewport':
-        bench_dic.setdefault(bench, {})[config] = [components[1], [point.time]]
-      else:  # Stores per-tile benches.
-        bench_dic.setdefault(bench, {})[config] = [
-          point.tile_layout, point.per_tile_values]
-  benches = bench_dic.keys()
-  benches.sort()
-  for bench in benches:
-    body_codes += '<h4>%s</h4><br><table><tr>' % bench
-    heat_plots = ''  # For table row of heatmap plots.
-    table_plots = ''  # For table row of data table plots.
-    # For bar plot legends and values in URL string.
-    legends = ''
-    values = ''
-    keys = bench_dic[bench].keys()
-    keys.sort()
-    if not keys[-1].startswith('viewport'):  # No viewport to analyze; skip.
-      continue
-    else:
-      # Extracts viewport size, which for all viewport configs is the same.
-      viewport = bench_dic[bench][keys[-1]][0]
-    for config in keys:
-      [layout, value_li] = bench_dic[bench][config]
-      if config.startswith('tile_'):  # For per-tile data, visualize tiles.
-        tile_size = config.split('_')[1]
-        if (not, layout) or
-            not, tile_size) or
-            not, viewport)):
-          continue  # Skip unrecognized formats.
-        [viewport_tile_sum, matrix] = GetTileMatrix(
-            layout, tile_size, value_li, viewport)
-        values += '%s|' % viewport_tile_sum
-        [this_js, row1, row2] = GetTileVisCodes(config + '_' + bench, matrix)
-        heat_plots += row1
-        table_plots += row2
-        js_codes += this_js
-      else:  # For viewport data, there is only one element in value_li.
-        values += '%s|' % sum(value_li)
-      legends += '%s:%s|' % (config, sum(value_li))
-    body_codes += (heat_plots + '</tr><tr>' + table_plots + '</tr></table>' +
-                   '<br>' + BAR_CHART_TEMPLATE % (legends[:-1], values[:-1]))
-  return (js_codes, body_codes)
-def main():
-  """Parses flags and outputs expected Skia picture bench results."""
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE_STRING % '%prog' + HELP_STRING)
-      dest='plat', default=DEFAULT_PLATFORM,
-      help='Platform to analyze. Set to DEFAULT_PLATFORM if not given.')
-      dest='rev',
-      help='(Mandatory) revision number to analyze.')
-  parser.add_option(OPTION_DIR_SHORT, OPTION_DIR,
-      dest='log_dir', default='',
-      help=('(Optional) local directory where bench log files reside. If left '
-            'empty (by default), will try to read from Google Storage.'))
-      dest='alg', default=REPRESENTATION_ALG,
-      help=('Bench representation algorithm. '
-            'Default to "%s".' % REPRESENTATION_ALG))
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not (options.rev and options.rev.isdigit()):
-    parser.error('Please provide correct mandatory flag %s' % OPTION_REVISION)
-    return
-  rev = int(options.rev)
-  (js_codes, body_codes) = OutputTileAnalysis(
-      rev, options.alg, options.log_dir, options.plat)
-  print HTML_PREFIX + js_codes + body_codes + HTML_SUFFIX
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-  main()