Add dm target to BUILD and refactor BUILD file. The corresponding google3 BUILD file changes are in google3 cl/105413829.

Fix blaze compilation errors. The default compilation options for blaze require that the initialization list must list fields in initialization order. Also deal with differing versions of libjpeg.

The BUILD changes were started by melanielc in google3 cl/102860957.


Review URL:
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 46d3cd7..bd4a832 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -11,18 +11,52 @@
 # We start by adding some symbols to our namespace that BUILD.public calls.
 import glob
+import os
 import pprint
+import re
 def noop(*args, **kwargs):
+DOUBLE_STAR_RE = re.compile(r'/\*\*/')
+STAR_RE = re.compile(r'\*')
+DOUBLE_STAR_PLACEHOLDER = "xxxdoublestarxxx"
+STAR_PLACEHOLDER = "xxxstarxxx"
+# Returns a set of files that match pattern.
+def BUILD_glob_single(pattern):
+  if pattern.find('**') < 0:
+    # If pattern doesn't include **, glob.glob more-or-less does the right
+    # thing.
+    return glob.glob(pattern)
+  # First transform pattern into a regexp.
+  # Temporarily remove ** and *.
+  pattern2 = DOUBLE_STAR_RE.sub(DOUBLE_STAR_PLACEHOLDER, pattern)
+  pattern3 = STAR_RE.sub(STAR_PLACEHOLDER, pattern2)
+  # Replace any regexp special characters.
+  pattern4 = re.escape(pattern3)
+  # Replace * with [^/]* and ** with .*.
+  pattern5 = pattern4.replace(STAR_PLACEHOLDER, '[^/]*')
+  pattern6 = pattern5.replace(DOUBLE_STAR_PLACEHOLDER, '.*/')
+  # Anchor the match at the beginning and end.
+  pattern7 = "^" + pattern6 + "$"
+  pattern_re = re.compile(pattern7)
+  matches = set()
+  for root, _, files in os.walk('.'):
+    for fname in files:
+      # Remove initial "./".
+      path = os.path.join(root, fname)[2:]
+      if pattern_re.match(path):
+        matches.add(path)
+  return matches
 # Simulates BUILD file glob().
 def BUILD_glob(include, exclude=()):
   files = set()
   for pattern in include:
-    files.update(glob.glob(pattern))
+    files.update(BUILD_glob_single(pattern))
   for pattern in exclude:
-    files.difference_update(glob.glob(pattern))
+    files.difference_update(BUILD_glob_single(pattern))
   return list(sorted(files))
 # With these namespaces, we can treat BUILD.public as if it were
@@ -30,7 +64,12 @@
 # DEFINES, etc.) into local_names.
 global_names = {
   'exports_files': noop,
+  'cc_library': noop,
+  'cc_test': noop,
   'glob': BUILD_glob,
+  'BASE_DIR': "",
 local_names = {}
 execfile('BUILD.public', global_names, local_names)