Support serialization in SkRecord-backed SkPictures.

Update DM to test SkRecord through SkPictureRecorder API.



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diff --git a/dm/DMSKPTask.cpp b/dm/DMSKPTask.cpp
index 760138f..68fbb60 100644
--- a/dm/DMSKPTask.cpp
+++ b/dm/DMSKPTask.cpp
@@ -1,23 +1,59 @@
-#include "DMRecordTask.h"
 #include "DMSKPTask.h"
 #include "DMUtil.h"
 #include "DMWriteTask.h"
+#include "SkCommandLineFlags.h"
+#include "SkPictureRecorder.h"
+DECLARE_bool(skr);  // in DMReplayTask.cpp
 namespace DM {
-SKPTask::SKPTask(Reporter* r, TaskRunner* tr, SkPicture* pic, SkString filename)
+// Test that an SkPicture plays back the same when re-recorded into an
+// SkPicture backed by SkRecord.
+class SkrComparisonTask : public CpuTask {
+    SkrComparisonTask(const Task& parent, const SkPicture* picture, SkBitmap reference)
+        : CpuTask(parent)
+        , fPicture(picture)
+        , fReference(reference)
+        , fName(UnderJoin(, "skr")) {}
+    virtual bool shouldSkip() const SK_OVERRIDE { return !FLAGS_skr; }
+    virtual SkString name() const SK_OVERRIDE { return fName; }
+    virtual void draw() SK_OVERRIDE {
+        SkPictureRecorder recorder;
+        fPicture->draw(recorder.EXPERIMENTAL_beginRecording(fPicture->width(), fPicture->height()));
+        SkAutoTDelete<const SkPicture> skrPicture(recorder.endRecording());
+        SkBitmap bitmap;
+        AllocatePixels(kN32_SkColorType, fPicture->width(), fPicture->height(), &bitmap);
+        DrawPicture(*skrPicture, &bitmap);
+        if (!BitmapsEqual(fReference, bitmap)) {
+            this->fail();
+            this->spawnChild(SkNEW_ARGS(WriteTask, (*this, bitmap)));
+        }
+    }
+    SkAutoTUnref<const SkPicture> fPicture;
+    const SkBitmap fReference;
+    const SkString fName;
+SKPTask::SKPTask(Reporter* r, TaskRunner* tr, const SkPicture* pic, SkString filename)
     : CpuTask(r, tr), fPicture(SkRef(pic)), fName(FileToTaskName(filename)) {}
 void SKPTask::draw() {
     SkBitmap bitmap;
     AllocatePixels(kN32_SkColorType, fPicture->width(), fPicture->height(), &bitmap);
-    DrawPicture(fPicture, &bitmap);
+    DrawPicture(*fPicture, &bitmap);
-    this->spawnChild(SkNEW_ARGS(RecordTask,
-                                (*this, fPicture, bitmap, RecordTask::kNoOptimize_Mode)));
-    this->spawnChild(SkNEW_ARGS(RecordTask,
-                                (*this, fPicture, bitmap, RecordTask::kOptimize_Mode)));
     this->spawnChild(SkNEW_ARGS(WriteTask, (*this, bitmap)));
+    this->spawnChild(SkNEW_ARGS(SkrComparisonTask, (*this, fPicture.get(), bitmap)));
 }  // namespace DM