PDF: Now threadsafe!

The PDF canvas is now just as threadsafe as any other Skia canvas.

DM updated to thread PDF tests.

SkDocument_PDF now owns SkPDFCanon, and pointers to that canon are
passed around to all classes that need access to the canon.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/944643002
diff --git a/src/doc/SkDocument_PDF.cpp b/src/doc/SkDocument_PDF.cpp
index e73b888..468111c 100644
--- a/src/doc/SkDocument_PDF.cpp
+++ b/src/doc/SkDocument_PDF.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 class SkDocument_PDF : public SkDocument {
     SkDocument_PDF(SkWStream* stream,
-                   void (*doneProc)(SkWStream*,bool),
+                   void (*doneProc)(SkWStream*, bool),
                    SkScalar rasterDpi)
         : SkDocument(stream, doneProc)
         , fDoc(SkNEW(SkPDFDocument))