blob: fec7b88d3725d05b66bb27a0f1cfef9d7d68b39c [file] [log] [blame]
* This externs file prevents the Closure JS compiler from minifying away
* names of objects created by Emscripten.
* Basically, by defining empty objects and functions here, Closure will
* know not to rename them. This is needed because of our pre-js files,
* that is, the JS we hand-write to bundle into the output. That JS will be
* hit by the closure compiler and thus needs to know about what functions
* have special names and should not be minified.
* Emscripten does not support automatically generating an externs file, so we
* do it by hand. The general process is to write some JS code, and then put any
* calls to CanvasKit or related things in here. Running ./ and then
* looking at the minified results or running the Release trybot should
* verify nothing was missed. Optionally, looking directly at the minified
* pathkit.js can be useful when developing locally.
* Docs:
* Example externs:
var CanvasKit = {
// public API (i.e. things we declare in the pre-js file)
Color: function() {},
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkRect} */
LTRBRect: function() {},
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkRect} */
XYWHRect: function() {},
MakeBlurMaskFilter: function() {},
MakeCanvas: function() {},
MakeCanvasSurface: function() {},
MakeImageShader: function() {},
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkImage} */
MakeImageFromEncoded: function() {},
/** @return {LinearCanvasGradient} */
MakeLinearGradientShader: function() {},
MakeRadialGradientShader: function() {},
MakeSWCanvasSurface: function() {},
MakeSkDashPathEffect: function() {},
MakeSkVertices: function() {},
MakeSurface: function() {},
/** @return {RadialCanvasGradient} */
MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader: function() {},
MakeWebGLCanvasSurface: function() {},
currentContext: function() {},
getColorComponents: function() {},
getSkDataBytes: function() {},
initFonts: function() {},
multiplyByAlpha: function() {},
setCurrentContext: function() {},
// private API (i.e. things declared in the bindings that we use
// in the pre-js file)
_MakeImageShader: function() {},
_MakeLinearGradientShader: function() {},
_MakeRadialGradientShader: function() {},
_MakeSkDashPathEffect: function() {},
_MakeSkVertices: function() {},
_MakeTwoPointConicalGradientShader: function() {},
_decodeImage: function() {},
_getRasterDirectSurface: function() {},
_getRasterN32PremulSurface: function() {},
_getWebGLSurface: function() {},
// The testing object is meant to expose internal functions
// for more fine-grained testing, e.g. parseColor
_testing: {},
// Objects and properties on CanvasKit
SkCanvas: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
clear: function() {},
clipPath: function() {},
drawImage: function() {},
drawImageRect: function() {},
drawPaint: function() {},
drawPath: function() {},
drawRect: function() {},
drawShadow: function() {},
drawText: function() {},
drawVertices: function() {},
flush: function() {},
restore: function() {},
rotate: function() {},
save: function() {},
scale: function() {},
setMatrix: function() {},
skew: function() {},
translate: function() {},
// private API
delete: function() {},
SkImage: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
height: function() {},
width: function() {},
// private API
_encodeToData: function() {},
_encodeToDataWithFormat: function() {},
SkMatrix: {
identity: function() {},
mapPoints: function() {},
multiply: function() {},
rotated: function() {},
scaled: function() {},
skewed: function() {},
translated: function() {},
SkPaint: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkPaint} */
copy: function() {},
getBlendMode: function() {},
getColor: function() {},
getFilterQuality: function() {},
getStrokeCap: function() {},
getStrokeJoin: function() {},
getStrokeMiter: function() {},
getStrokeWidth: function() {},
getTextSize: function() {},
measureText: function() {},
setAntiAlias: function() {},
setBlendMode: function() {},
setColor: function() {},
setFilterQuality: function() {},
setMaskFilter: function() {},
setPathEffect: function() {},
setShader: function() {},
setStrokeCap: function() {},
setStrokeJoin: function() {},
setStrokeMiter: function() {},
setStrokeWidth: function() {},
setStyle: function() {},
setTextSize: function() {},
//private API
delete: function() {},
SkPath: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
computeTightBounds: function() {},
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkPath} */
copy: function() {},
countPoints: function() {},
equals: function() {},
getBounds: function() {},
getFillType: function() {},
getPoint: function() {},
setFillType: function() {},
toSVGString: function() {},
// private API
_addArc: function() {},
_addPath: function() {},
_addRect: function() {},
_arc: function() {},
_arcTo: function() {},
_close: function() {},
_conicTo: function() {},
_cubicTo: function() {},
_dash: function() {},
_lineTo: function() {},
_moveTo: function() {},
_op: function() {},
_quadTo: function() {},
_rect: function() {},
_simplify: function() {},
_stroke: function() {},
_transform: function() {},
_trim: function() {},
delete: function() {},
dump: function() {},
dumpHex: function() {},
SkRect: {
fLeft: {},
fTop: {},
fRight: {},
fBottom: {},
SkSurface: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkCanvas} */
getCanvas: function() {},
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkImage} */
makeImageSnapshot: function() {},
// private API
_flush: function() {},
_getRasterN32PremulSurface: function() {},
_readPixels: function() {},
delete: function() {},
SkVertices: {
// public API (from C++ bindings)
bounds: function() {},
mode: function() {},
uniqueID: function() {},
vertexCount: function() {},
// private API
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkVertices} */
_applyBones: function() {},
// Constants and Enums
gpu: {},
skottie: {},
RED: {},
BLUE: {},
CYAN: {},
BLACK: {},
WHITE: {},
AlphaType: {
Opaque: {},
Premul: {},
Unpremul: {},
BlendMode: {
Clear: {},
Src: {},
Dst: {},
SrcOver: {},
DstOver: {},
SrcIn: {},
DstIn: {},
SrcOut: {},
DstOut: {},
SrcATop: {},
DstATop: {},
Xor: {},
Plus: {},
Modulate: {},
Screen: {},
Overlay: {},
Darken: {},
Lighten: {},
ColorDodge: {},
ColorBurn: {},
HardLight: {},
SoftLight: {},
Difference: {},
Exclusion: {},
Multiply: {},
Hue: {},
Saturation: {},
Color: {},
Luminosity: {},
BlurStyle: {
Normal: {},
Solid: {},
Outer: {},
Inner: {},
ClipOp: {
Difference: {},
Intersect: {},
ColorType: {
Alpha_8: {},
RGB_565: {},
ARGB_4444: {},
RGBA_8888: {},
RGB_888x: {},
BGRA_8888: {},
RGBA_1010102: {},
RGB_101010x: {},
Gray_8: {},
RGBA_F16: {},
RGBA_F32: {},
FillType: {
Winding: {},
EvenOdd: {},
InverseWinding: {},
InverseEvenOdd: {},
FilterQuality: {
None: {},
Low: {},
Medium: {},
High: {},
ImageFormat: {
PNG: {},
JPEG: {},
PaintStyle: {
Fill: {},
Stroke: {},
StrokeAndFill: {},
PathOp: {
Difference: {},
Intersect: {},
Union: {},
XOR: {},
ReverseDifference: {},
StrokeCap: {
Butt: {},
Round: {},
Square: {},
StrokeJoin: {
Miter: {},
Round: {},
Bevel: {},
TileMode: {
Clamp: {},
Repeat: {},
Mirror: {},
VertexMode: {
Triangles: {},
TrianglesStrip: {},
TriangleFan: {},
// Things Enscriptem adds for us
/** Represents the heap of the WASM code
* @type {ArrayBuffer}
buffer: {},
* @type {Float32Array}
HEAPF32: {},
* @type {Uint8Array}
HEAPU8: {},
* @type {Uint16Array}
HEAPU16: {},
* @type {Int32Array}
HEAP32: {},
_malloc: function() {},
_free: function() {},
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {},
// Public API things that are newly declared in the JS should go here.
// It's not enough to declare them above, because closure can still erase them
// unless they go on the prototype.
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addArc = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addPath = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.addRect = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.arc = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.arcTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.close = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.conicTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.cubicTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.dash = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.lineTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.moveTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.op = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.quadTo = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.rect = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.simplify = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.stroke = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.transform = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkPath.prototype.trim = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkSurface.prototype.flush = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkSurface.prototype.dispose = function() {};
/** @return {CanvasKit.SkVertices} */
CanvasKit.SkVertices.prototype.applyBones = function() {};
CanvasKit.SkImage.prototype.encodeToData = function() {};
// Define StrokeOpts object
var StrokeOpts = {};
// Define everything created in the canvas2d spec here
var HTMLCanvas = {};
HTMLCanvas.prototype.decodeImage = function() {};
HTMLCanvas.prototype.dispose = function() {};
HTMLCanvas.prototype.getContext = function() {};
HTMLCanvas.prototype.toDataURL = function() {};
var CanvasRenderingContext2D = {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.addHitRegion = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arc = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arcTo = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearHitRegions = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clip = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createLinearGradient = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createRadialGradient = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawFocusIfNeeded = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.ellipse = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fill = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getLineDash = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.lineTo = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureText = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.moveTo = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rect = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.removeHitRegion = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.resetTransform = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rotate = function() {}; = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scale = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scrollPathIntoView = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setLineDash = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.stroke = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeRect = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.transform = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.translate = function() {};
var LinearCanvasGradient = {};
LinearCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {};
var RadialCanvasGradient = {};
RadialCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {};
// Not sure why this is needed - might be a bug in emsdk that this isn't properly declared.
function loadWebAssemblyModule() {};
var DOMMatrix = {};