fix bookmaker

this fixes the build

The checked in code is tricky because bookmaker
doesn't understand the value of the #define
so doesn't know which side of the #ifdef is valid.

So it assumes it should have both.

But then there are two identical functions:

SkFontHinting getHinting() const
Hinting getHinting() const

since just like C, bookmaker can't uniquely
identify a function on its return type alone.

So to fix the build, the second one is commented out
bookmaker-style, using the lines mentioned below.

When legacy flags for hinting enum gets
re-landed, remove these lines to reenable
the documentation for SkFontHinting getHinting() const

" # Disable for now
" #ToDo no spelling errors
" ###$ block comment

" $$$# end of block comment
" #ToDo ##

Bug: skia:
Change-Id: Ibc0e9fac48fd0b57524a35133306728e38b600d6
Commit-Queue: Cary Clark <>
Auto-Submit: Cary Clark <>
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
3 files changed