SkPDF: Optionally output PDF/A-2b  archive format.

Note: this format does not yet pass validation tests.

Add skia_pdf_generate_pdfa GYP flag.  Default to off for now.
PDF/A files are not reproducable, so they make correctness
testing harder.

Turn the Metadata struct into te SkPDFMetadata struct.  This
splits out a lot of functionality around both kinds of metadata.

When PDF/A is used, add an ID entry to the trailer.

Add SkPDFObjNumMap::addObjectRecursively.

Test with

    GYP_DEFINES=skia_pdf_generate_pdfa=1 bin/sync-and-gyp
    ninja -C out/Release dm
    out/Release/dm --config pdf --src skp gm -w /tmp/dm

With skia_pdf_generate_pdfa=0, all PDFs generated from GMs and
SKPs are identical.  With skia_pdf_generate_pdfa=1, all PDFs
generated from GMs and SKPs render identically in Pdfium.


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9 files changed