Wrap NV_path_rendering API with GrGLPathRendering

Adds a GrGLPathRendering class that wraps the NV_path_rendering
extension and manages its various API versions. It also provides
backup implementations when certain NVpr methods from later API
versions are not present on the current system.

R=bungeman@google.com, bsalomon@google.com, kkinnunen@nvidia.com

Author: cdalton@nvidia.com

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/444223002
diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLAssembleInterface.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLAssembleInterface.cpp
index 4ae50ba..8fd173d 100644
--- a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLAssembleInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLAssembleInterface.cpp
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@
 #define GET_PROC_SUFFIX(F, S) functions->f ## F = (GrGL ## F ## Proc) get(ctx, "gl" #F #S)
 #define GET_PROC_LOCAL(F) GrGL ## F ## Proc F = (GrGL ## F ## Proc) get(ctx, "gl" #F)
-// The glStencilThenCover* methods are a new addition to NV_path_rendering. They
-// aren't available on all drivers. In the event that they are not present, this
-// function can be used to add methods to the given GrGLInterface that emulate
-// them using the existing glStencil*/glCover* methods.
-static void emulate_nvpr_stencil_then_cover(GrGLInterface*);
 const GrGLInterface* GrGLAssembleGLInterface(void* ctx, GrGLGetProc get) {
@@ -245,18 +239,13 @@
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(CoverStrokePath, NV);
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(CoverFillPathInstanced, NV);
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(CoverStrokePathInstanced, NV);
+        // NV_path_rendering v1.2 (These methods may not be present)
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(StencilThenCoverFillPath, NV);
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(StencilThenCoverStrokePath, NV);
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(StencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced, NV);
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstanced, NV);
+        // NV_path_rendering v1.3 (These methods may not be present)
         GET_PROC_SUFFIX(ProgramPathFragmentInputGen, NV);
-        if (NULL == interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverFillPath ||
-            NULL == interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverStrokePath ||
-            NULL == interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced ||
-            NULL == interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced) {
-            emulate_nvpr_stencil_then_cover(interface);
-        }
     if (extensions.has("GL_EXT_debug_marker")) {
@@ -283,101 +272,3 @@
     return interface;
-static GrGLStencilFillPathProc gStencilFillPath;
-static GrGLCoverFillPathProc gCoverFillPath;
-static GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE stencil_then_cover_fill_path(
-                                        GrGLuint path, GrGLenum fillMode,
-                                        GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode) {
-    gStencilFillPath(path, fillMode, mask);
-    gCoverFillPath(path, coverMode);
-static GrGLStencilStrokePathProc gStencilStrokePath;
-static GrGLCoverStrokePathProc gCoverStrokePath;
-static GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE stencil_then_cover_stroke_path(
-                                        GrGLuint path, GrGLint reference,
-                                        GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode) {
-    gStencilStrokePath(path, reference, mask);
-    gCoverStrokePath(path, coverMode);
-static GrGLStencilFillPathInstancedProc gStencilFillPathInstanced;
-static GrGLCoverFillPathInstancedProc gCoverFillPathInstanced;
-static GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE stencil_then_cover_fill_path_instanced(
-                                        GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType,
-                                        const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase,
-                                        GrGLenum fillMode, GrGLuint mask,
-                                        GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType,
-                                        const GrGLfloat *transformValues) {
-    gStencilFillPathInstanced(numPaths, pathNameType, paths, pathBase,
-                              fillMode, mask, transformType, transformValues);
-    gCoverFillPathInstanced(numPaths, pathNameType, paths, pathBase,
-                            coverMode, transformType, transformValues);
-static GrGLStencilStrokePathInstancedProc gStencilStrokePathInstanced;
-static GrGLCoverStrokePathInstancedProc gCoverStrokePathInstanced;
-static GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE stencil_then_cover_stroke_path_instanced(
-                                        GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType,
-                                        const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase,
-                                        GrGLint reference, GrGLuint mask,
-                                        GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType,
-                                        const GrGLfloat *transformValues) {
-    gStencilStrokePathInstanced(numPaths, pathNameType, paths, pathBase,
-                                reference, mask, transformType, transformValues);
-    gCoverStrokePathInstanced(numPaths, pathNameType, paths, pathBase,
-                              coverMode, transformType, transformValues);
-static void emulate_nvpr_stencil_then_cover(GrGLInterface* interface) {
-    if (NULL == gStencilFillPath) {
-        gStencilFillPath = (GrGLStencilFillPathProc)interface->fFunctions.fStencilFillPath;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gCoverFillPath) {
-        gCoverFillPath = (GrGLCoverFillPathProc)interface->fFunctions.fCoverFillPath;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gStencilStrokePath) {
-        gStencilStrokePath = (GrGLStencilStrokePathProc)interface->fFunctions.fStencilStrokePath;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gCoverStrokePath) {
-        gCoverStrokePath = (GrGLCoverStrokePathProc)interface->fFunctions.fCoverStrokePath;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gStencilFillPathInstanced) {
-        gStencilFillPathInstanced = (GrGLStencilFillPathInstancedProc)
-            interface->fFunctions.fStencilFillPathInstanced;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gCoverFillPathInstanced) {
-        gCoverFillPathInstanced = (GrGLCoverFillPathInstancedProc)
-            interface->fFunctions.fCoverFillPathInstanced;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gStencilStrokePathInstanced) {
-        gStencilStrokePathInstanced = (GrGLStencilStrokePathInstancedProc)
-            interface->fFunctions.fStencilStrokePathInstanced;
-    }
-    if (NULL == gCoverStrokePathInstanced) {
-        gCoverStrokePathInstanced = (GrGLCoverStrokePathInstancedProc)
-            interface->fFunctions.fCoverStrokePathInstanced;
-    }
-    if (interface->fFunctions.fStencilFillPath != gStencilFillPath ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fCoverFillPath != gCoverFillPath ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fStencilStrokePath != gStencilStrokePath ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fCoverStrokePath != gCoverStrokePath ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fStencilFillPathInstanced != gStencilFillPathInstanced ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fCoverFillPathInstanced != gCoverFillPathInstanced ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fStencilStrokePathInstanced != gStencilStrokePathInstanced ||
-        interface->fFunctions.fCoverStrokePathInstanced != gCoverStrokePathInstanced) {
-        // While not every windowing system requires GetProcAddress to return
-        // the same addresses in different contexts, it is guaranteed to do so
-        // in any context that supports NV_path_rendering.
-        SkFAIL("GetProcAddress returned different addresses for the same nvpr functions");
-        return;
-    }
-    interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverFillPath = &stencil_then_cover_fill_path;
-    interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverStrokePath = &stencil_then_cover_stroke_path;
-    interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced = &stencil_then_cover_fill_path_instanced;
-    interface->fFunctions.fStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstanced = &stencil_then_cover_stroke_path_instanced;