new batch of docs

new batch of docs

Bug: skia:
Change-Id: I5a285778baaee2734495374adeb7359d524e47e3
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
Commit-Queue: Cary Clark <>
Auto-Submit: Cary Clark <>
diff --git a/docs/SkRegion_Reference.bmh b/docs/SkRegion_Reference.bmh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b664e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/SkRegion_Reference.bmh
@@ -0,0 +1,1954 @@
+#Topic Region
+#Alias Region_Reference ##
+#Alias Regions ##
+Region is a compressed one bit mask. Region describes an aliased clipping area
+on integer boundaries. Region can also describe an array of integer rectangles.
+Canvas uses Region to reduce the current clip. Region may be drawn to Canvas;
+Paint determines if Region is filled or stroked, its Color, and so on.
+Region may be constructed from IRect array or Path. Diagonal lines and curves
+in Path become integer rectangle edges. Regions operators compute union,
+intersection, difference, and so on. Canvas allows only intersection and
+difference; successive clips can only reduce available Canvas area.
+#PhraseDef list_of_op_types
+kDifference_Op, kIntersect_Op, kUnion_Op, kXOR_Op, kReverseDifference_Op,
+#Class SkRegion
+SkRegion describes the set of pixels used to clip Canvas. SkRegion is compact,
+efficiently storing a single integer rectangle, or a run length encoded array
+of rectangles. SkRegion may reduce the current Canvas_Clip, or may be drawn as
+one or more integer rectangles. SkRegion iterator returns the scan lines or
+rectangles contained by it, optionally intersecting a bounding rectangle.
+#Subtopic Overview
+#Subtopic Constant
+#Subtopic Class
+#Subtopic Constructor
+#Subtopic Operator
+#Subtopic Member_Function
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Class Iterator
+#Line # iterator returning IRect  ##
+    class Iterator {
+    public:
+        Iterator();
+        Iterator(const SkRegion& region);
+        bool rewind();
+        void reset(const SkRegion& region);
+        bool done() const;
+        void next();
+        const SkIRect& rect();
+        const SkRegion* rgn();
+    };
+Returns sequence of rectangles, sorted along y-axis, then x-axis, that make
+up Region.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method Iterator()
+#Line # constructs Region iterator ##
+Initializes Iterator with an empty Region. done() on Iterator returns true.
+Call reset() to initialized Iterator at a later time.
+#Return empty Region ierator ##
+    SkRegion::Iterator iter;
+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    iter.reset(region);

+    auto r = iter.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);


+#SeeAlso reset SkRegion
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method Iterator(const SkRegion& region)
+#Line # constructs Region iterator ##
+Sets Iterator to return elements of IRect array in region.
+#Param region  Region to iterate ##
+#Return Region iterator ##
+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    auto r = iter.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);


+#SeeAlso reset SkRegion Cliperator Spanerator
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool rewind()
+#Line # points Iterator to start ##
+Points Iterator to start of Region.
+Returns true if Region was set; otherwise, returns false.
+#Return true if Region was set ##
+#Bug 8186
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion::Iterator& iter, bool addRewind) -> void {

+        if (addRewind) {

+            bool success = iter.rewind();

+            SkDebugf("%14s rewind success=%s\n", label, success ? "true" : "false");

+        }

+        auto r = iter.rect();

+        SkDebugf("%14s rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter;

+    debugster("empty iter", iter, true);

+    SkRegion region;

+    iter.reset(region);

+    debugster("empty region", iter, true);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    iter.reset(region);

+    debugster("after set rect", iter, false);

+    debugster("after rewind", iter, true);


+    empty iter rewind success=false

+    empty iter rect={0,0,0,0}

+  empty region rewind success=true

+  empty region rect={0,0,0,0}

+after set rect rect={1,2,3,4}

+  after rewind rewind success=true

+  after rewind rect={1,2,3,4}


+#SeeAlso reset
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void reset(const SkRegion& region)
+#Line # sets Region to iterate ##
+Resets iterator, using the new Region.
+#Param region  Region to iterate ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion::Iterator& iter) -> void {

+        SkDebugf("%14s: done=%s\n", label, iter.done() ? "true" : "false");

+    };

+    SkRegion region;

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    debugster("empty region", iter);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("after set rect", iter);

+    iter.reset(region);

+    debugster("after reset", iter);


+  empty region: done=true

+after set rect: done=true

+   after reset: done=false


+#SeeAlso rewind
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool done() const
+#Line # returns if data parsing is complete ##
+Returns true if Iterator is pointing to final IRect in Region.
+#Return true if data parsing is complete ##
+    SkRegion region;

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    SkDebugf("done=%s\n", iter.done() ? "true" : "false"); 

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    iter.rewind();

+    SkDebugf("done=%s\n", iter.done() ? "true" : "false"); 


+#SeeAlso next rect
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void next()
+#Line # advances to next IRect ##
+Advances Iterator to next IRect in Region if it is not done.
+    SkRegion region;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}};

+    region.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    do {

+        auto r2 = iter.rect();

+        SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r2.fLeft, r2.fTop, r2.fRight, r2.fBottom);


+    } while (!iter.done());


+#SeeAlso done rect
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method const SkIRect& rect() const
+#Line # returns part of Region as IRect ##
+Returns IRect element in Region. Does not return predictable results if Region
+is empty.
+#Return part of Region as IRect ##
+#Bug 8186
+    SkRegion region;

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    auto r1 = iter.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r1.fLeft, r1.fTop, r1.fRight, r1.fBottom); 

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    iter.rewind();

+    auto r2 = iter.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r2.fLeft, r2.fTop, r2.fRight, r2.fBottom); 

+#SeeAlso next done
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method const SkRegion* rgn() const
+#Line # returns original Region ##
+Returns Region if set; otherwise, returns nullptr.
+#Return iterated Region ##
+    SkRegion region;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5, 6}};

+    region.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

+    auto r = iter.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    auto b = iter.rgn()->getBounds();

+    SkDebugf("bounds={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", b.fLeft, b.fTop, b.fRight, b.fBottom);
+#SeeAlso Iterator reset
+#Method ##
+#Class Iterator ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Class Cliperator
+#Line # iterator returning IRect within clip ##
+    class SK_API Cliperator {
+    public:
+        Cliperator(const SkRegion&, const SkIRect& clip);
+        bool done();
+        void next();
+        const SkIRect& rect() const;
+    };
+Returns the sequence of rectangles, sorted along y-axis, then x-axis, that make
+up Region intersected with the specified clip rectangle.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method Cliperator(const SkRegion& region, const SkIRect& clip)
+#Line # constructs Region iterator with clip ##
+Sets Cliperator to return elements of IRect array in Region within clip.
+#Param region  Region to iterate ##
+#Param clip  bounds of iteration ##
+#Return Region iterator ##
+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkRegion::Cliperator clipper(region, {0, 0, 2, 3});

+    auto r = clipper.rect();

+    SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);


+#SeeAlso SkRegion Iterator Spanerator
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool done()
+#Line # returns if data parsing is complete ##
+Returns true if Cliperator is pointing to final IRect in Region.
+#Return true if data parsing is complete ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        SkRegion::Cliperator clipper(region, {0, 0, 5, 5});

+        SkDebugf("%14s done=%s\n", label, clipper.done() ? "true" : "false"); 
+    };

+    SkRegion region;

+    debugster("empty region", region);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("after add rect", region);


+  empty region done=true

+after add rect done=false
+#SeeAlso next rect
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void  next()
+#Line # advances to next IRect within clip ##
+Advances iterator to next IRect in Region contained by clip.
+    SkRegion region;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}};

+    region.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkRegion::Cliperator clipper(region, {0, 3, 8, 7});

+    do {

+        auto r2 = clipper.rect();

+        SkDebugf("rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r2.fLeft, r2.fTop, r2.fRight, r2.fBottom);


+    } while (!clipper.done());

+#SeeAlso done
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method const SkIRect& rect() const
+#Line # returns part of Region as IRect intersected with clip ##
+Returns IRect element in Region, intersected with clip passed to Cliperator
+constructor. Does not return predictable results if Region
+is empty.
+#Return part of Region inside clip as IRect  ##
+#Bug 8186
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        SkRegion::Cliperator clipper(region, {0, 0, 5, 3});

+        auto r = clipper.rect();

+        SkDebugf("%14s rect={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom); 

+    };
+    SkRegion region;

+    debugster("empty region", region);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("after set rect", region);


+  empty region rect={1094713344,1065353216,0,-1}

+after set rect rect={1,2,3,3}


+#SeeAlso next done
+#Method ##
+#Class Cliperator ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Class Spanerator
+#Line # horizontal line segment iterator ##
+    class Spanerator {
+    public:
+        Spanerator(const SkRegion& region, int y, int left, int right);
+        bool next(int* left, int* right);
+    };
+Returns the line segment ends within Region that intersect a horizontal line.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method Spanerator(const SkRegion& region, int y, int left, int right)
+#Line # constructs Region iterator on scan line ##
+Sets Spanerator to return line segments in Region on scan line.
+#Param region  Region to iterate ##
+#Param y  horizontal line to intersect ##
+#Param left  bounds of iteration ##
+#Param right  bounds of iteration ##
+#Return Region iterator ##
+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkRegion::Spanerator spanner(region, 3, 2, 4);

+    int left, right;

+    bool result =, &right);

+    SkDebugf("result=%s left=%d right=%d\n", result ? "true" : "false", left, right);

+#SeeAlso SkRegion Iterator Cliperator
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool next(int* left, int* right)
+#Line # advances to next span on horizontal line ##
+Advances iterator to next span intersecting Region within line segment provided
+in constructor. Returns true if interval was found.
+#Param left  pointer to span start; may be nullptr ##
+#Param right  pointer to span end; may be nullptr ##
+#Return true if interval was found ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        SkRegion::Spanerator spanner(region, 3, 2, 4);

+        int left, right;

+        bool result =, &right);

+        SkDebugf("%14s: result=%s", label, result ? "true" : "false");

+        if (result) SkDebugf(" left=%d right=%d", left, right);

+        SkDebugf("\n");

+    };

+    SkRegion region;

+    debugster("empty region", region);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("after set rect", region);
+  empty region: result=false

+after set rect: result=true left=2 right=3
+#SeeAlso done
+#Method ##
+#Class Spanerator ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRegion()
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs with default values ##
+Constructs an empty Region. Region is set to empty bounds
+at (0, 0) with zero width and height.
+#Return empty Region ##
+SkRegion region;
+SkIRect r = region.getBounds();
+SkDebugf("region bounds: {%d, %d, %d, %d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);
+region bounds: {0, 0, 0, 0}
+#SeeAlso setEmpty
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # makes a shallow copy ##
+Constructs a copy of an existing region.
+Copy constructor makes two regions identical by value. Internally, region and
+the returned result share pointer values. The underlying Rect array is
+copied when modified.
+Creating a Region copy is very efficient and never allocates memory.
+Regions are always copied by value from the interface; the underlying shared
+pointers are not exposed.
+#Param region  Region to copy by value ##
+#Return copy of Region ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2(region);
+    debugster("region bounds", region);
+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);
+    region.setEmpty();
+    SkDebugf("    after region set empty:\n");
+    debugster("region bounds", region);
+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);
+ region bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+    after region set empty:

+ region bounds: {0,0,0,0}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}
+#SeeAlso setRegion operator=(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method explicit SkRegion(const SkIRect& rect)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs Region matching IRect ##
+Constructs a rectangular Region matching the bounds of rect.
+#Param rect  bounds of constructed Region ##
+#Return rectangular Region ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2;
+    region2.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkDebugf("region %c= region2\n", region == region2 ? '=' : '!');
+#SeeAlso setRect setRegion
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method ~SkRegion()
+#In Constructor
+#Line # decreases Reference_Count of owned objects ##
+Releases ownership of any shared data and deletes data if Region is sole owner.
+delete calls Region Destructor, but copy of original in region2 is unaffected.
+    SkRegion* region = new SkRegion({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2(*region);
+    delete region;
+    auto r = region2.getBounds();

+    SkDebugf("region2 bounds: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);


+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}


+#SeeAlso SkRegion() SkRegion(const SkRegion& region) SkRegion(const SkIRect& rect) operator=(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method SkRegion& operator=(const SkRegion& region)
+#In Operator
+#Line # makes a shallow copy ##
+Constructs a copy of an existing region.
+Makes two regions identical by value. Internally, region and
+the returned result share pointer values. The underlying Rect array is
+copied when modified.
+Creating a Region copy is very efficient and never allocates memory.
+Regions are always copied by value from the interface; the underlying shared
+pointers are not exposed.
+#Param region  Region to copy by value ##
+#Return Region to copy by value ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region1({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2 = region1;
+    debugster("region1 bounds", region1);
+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);

+region1 bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}


+#SeeAlso set swap SkRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool operator==(const SkRegion& other)_const
+#In Operator
+#Line # compares Regions for equality ##
+Compares Region and other; returns true if they enclose exactly
+the same area.
+#Param other  Region to compare ##
+#Return true if Region pair are equivalent ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* prefix, const SkRegion& a, const SkRegion& b) -> void {
+                SkDebugf("%s one %c= two\n", prefix, a == b ? '=' : '!');
+    };
+    SkRegion one;
+    SkRegion two;
+    debugster("empty", one, two);
+    one.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    debugster("set rect", one, two);
+    one.setEmpty();
+    debugster("set empty", one, two);
+empty one == two

+set rect one != two

+set empty one == two
+#SeeAlso operator!=(const SkRegion& other)_const operator=(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool operator!=(const SkRegion& other)_const
+#In Operator
+#Line # compares Regions for inequality ##
+Compares Region and other; returns true if they do not enclose the same area.
+#Param other  Region to compare ##
+#Return true if Region pair are not equivalent ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* prefix, const SkRegion& a, const SkRegion& b) -> void {
+                SkDebugf("%s one %c= two\n", prefix, a != b ? '!' : '=');
+    };
+    SkRegion one;
+    SkRegion two;
+    debugster("empty", one, two);
+    one.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    two.setRect({1, 2, 3, 3});
+    debugster("set rect", one, two);
+    two.op({1, 3, 3, 4}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
+    debugster("union rect", one, two);
+empty one == two

+set rect one != two

+union rect one == two
+#SeeAlso operator==(const SkRegion& other)_const operator=(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool set(const SkRegion& src)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # makes a shallow copy ##
+Sets Region to src, and returns true if src bounds is not empty.
+This makes Region and src identical by value. Internally, 
+Region and src share pointer values. The underlying Rect array is
+copied when modified.
+Creating a Region copy is very efficient and never allocates memory.
+Regions are always copied by value from the interface; the underlying shared
+pointers are not exposed.
+#Param src  Region to copy ##
+#Return copy of src ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region1({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2;
+    region2.set(region1);
+    debugster("region1 bounds", region1);
+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);

+region1 bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}


+#SeeAlso operator=(const SkRegion& region) swap SkRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void swap(SkRegion& other)
+#In Operator
+#Line # exchanges Region pair ##
+Exchanges IRect array of Region and other. swap() internally exchanges pointers,
+so it is lightweight and does not allocate memory.
+swap() usage has largely been replaced by operator=(const SkRegion& region).
+Paths do not copy their content on assignment until they are written to,
+making assignment as efficient as swap().
+#Param other  operator=(const SkRegion& region) set ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region1({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkRegion region2;
+    region1.swap(region2);
+    debugster("region1 bounds", region1);
+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);

+region1 bounds: {0,0,0,0}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}


+#SeeAlso operator=(const SkRegion& region) set SkRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isEmpty() const
+#In Property
+#Line # returns if bounds has no width or height ##
+Returns true if Region is empty.
+Empty Region has bounds width or height less than or equal to zero.
+SkRegion() constructs empty Region; setEmpty
+and setRect with dimensionless data make Region empty.
+#Return true if bounds has no width or height ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        SkDebugf("%14s: region is %s" "empty\n", label, region.isEmpty() ? "" : "not ");

+    };
+    SkRegion region;
+    debugster("initial", region);
+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    debugster("set rect", region);
+    region.setEmpty();
+    debugster("set empty", region);
+       initial: region is empty

+      set rect: region is not empty

+     set empty: region is empty
+#SeeAlso isRect isComplex operator==(const SkRegion& other)_const
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isRect() const
+#In Property
+#Line # returns if Region contains one IRect ##
+Returns true if Region is one IRect with positive dimensions.
+#Return true if Region contains one IRect ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, const SkRegion& region) -> void {
+                SkDebugf("%s: region is %s" "rect\n", label, region.isRect() ? "" : "not ");
+    };
+    SkRegion region;
+    debugster("initial", region);
+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    debugster("set rect", region);
+    region.setEmpty();
+    debugster("set empty", region);
+initial: region is not rect

+set rect: region is rect

+set empty: region is not rect
+#SeeAlso isEmpty isComplex
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool isComplex() const
+#In Property
+#Line # returns true if Region contains more than one IRect ##
+Returns true if Region is described by more than one rectangle.
+#Return true if Region contains more than one IRect ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, const SkRegion& region) -> void {

+                SkDebugf("%s: region is %s" "complex\n", label, region.isComplex() ? "" : "not ");

+    };

+    SkRegion region;

+    debugster("initial", region);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("set rect", region);

+    region.op({2, 3, 4, 5}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    debugster("op rect", region);
+initial: region is not complex

+set rect: region is not complex

+op rect: region is complex
+#SeeAlso isEmpty isRect
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method const SkIRect& getBounds() const
+#In Property
+#Line # returns maximum and minimum of IRect array ##
+Returns minimum and maximum axes values of IRect array.
+Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if Region is empty.
+#Return combined bounds of all IRect elements ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    region.op({2, 3, 4, 5}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    auto r = region.getBounds();

+    SkDebugf("bounds: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);


+bounds: {1,2,4,5}


+#SeeAlso isEmpty isRect
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method int computeRegionComplexity() const
+#In Property
+#Line # returns relative complexity ##
+Returns a value that increases with the number of
+elements in Region. Returns zero if Region is empty.
+Returns one if Region equals IRect; otherwise, returns
+value greater than one indicating that Region is complex.
+Call to compare Regions for relative complexity.
+#Return relative complexity ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, const SkRegion& region) -> void {

+                SkDebugf("%s: region complexity %d\n", label, region.computeRegionComplexity());

+    };

+    SkRegion region;

+    debugster("initial", region);

+    region.setRect({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("set rect", region);

+    region.op({2, 3, 4, 5}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    debugster("op rect", region);
+initial: region complexity 0

+set rect: region complexity 1

+op rect: region complexity 3
+#SeeAlso isRect isComplex
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool getBoundaryPath(SkPath* path) const
+#In Property
+#Line # appends Region outline to Path ##
+Appends outline of Region to path.
+Returns true if Region is not empty; otherwise, returns false, and leaves path
+#Param path  Path to append to ##
+#Return true if path changed ##
+#Height 100
+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRect({10, 20, 90, 60});

+    region.op({30, 40, 60, 80}, SkRegion::kXOR_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(region, SkPaint());

+    SkPath path;

+    region.getBoundaryPath(&path);

+    path.offset(100, 0);

+    canvas->drawPath(path, SkPaint());
+#SeeAlso isEmpty isComplex
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setEmpty()
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs with default values ##
+Constructs an empty Region. Region is set to empty bounds
+at (0, 0) with zero width and height. Always returns false.
+#Return false ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    debugster("region bounds", region);
+    region.setEmpty();
+    SkDebugf("    after region set empty:\n");
+    debugster("region bounds", region);
+ region bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+    after region set empty:

+ region bounds: {0,0,0,0}

+#SeeAlso SkRegion()
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setRect(const SkIRect& rect)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs Region matching IRect ##
+Constructs a rectangular Region matching the bounds of rect.
+If rect is empty, constructs empty and returns false.
+#Param rect  bounds of constructed Region ##
+#Return true if rect is not empty ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});
+    SkDebugf("region is %s" "empty\n", region.isEmpty() ? "" : "not ");
+    bool setEmpty = region.setRect({1, 2, 1, 4});
+    SkDebugf("region is %s" "empty\n", region.isEmpty() ? "" : "not ");
+    SkDebugf("setEmpty: %s\n", setEmpty ? "true" : "false");
+region is not empty

+region is empty

+setEmpty: false
+#SeeAlso SkRegion(const SkIRect& rect)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setRect(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs Region matching bounds ##
+Constructs Region with bounds (left, top, right, bottom).
+Returns true if left is less than right and top is less than bottom; otherwise,
+constructs empty Region and returns false.
+#Param left edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param top  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Param right  edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param bottom  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Return rectangular Region ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, bool success, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: success:%s {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, success ? "true" : "false",

+                 r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };
+    SkRegion region;
+    bool success = region.setRect(1, 2, 3, 4);
+    debugster("set to: 1,2,3,4", success, region);
+    success = region.setRect(3, 2, 1, 4);
+    debugster("set to: 3,2,1,4", success, region);
+set to: 1,2,3,4: success:true {1,2,3,4}

+set to: 3,2,1,4: success:false {0,0,0,0}
+#SeeAlso SkRegion(const SkIRect& rect)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setRects(const SkIRect rects[], int count)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # sets IRect array ##
+Constructs Region as the union of IRect in rects array. If count is
+zero, constructs empty Region. Returns false if constructed Region is empty.
+May be faster than repeated calls to op().
+#Param rects  array of IRects ##
+#Param count  array size ##
+#Return  true if constructed Region is not empty ##
+#Height 70
+    SkIRect rects[] = { {10, 10, 40, 40}, {20, 20, 50, 50}, {30, 30, 60, 60} };

+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    canvas->drawRegion(region, SkPaint());

+    region.setEmpty();

+    for (auto add : rects) {

+        region.op(add, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    }

+    region.translate(100, 0);

+    canvas->drawRegion(region, SkPaint());
+#SeeAlso setRect op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # copies Region ##
+Constructs a copy of an existing region.
+Makes two regions identical by value. Internally, region and
+the returned result share pointer values. The underlying Rect array is
+copied when modified.
+Creating a Region copy is very efficient and never allocates memory.
+Regions are always copied by value from the interface; the underlying shared
+pointers are not exposed.
+#Param region  Region to copy by value ##
+#Return Region to copy by value ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        auto r = region.getBounds();

+        SkDebugf("%14s: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", label, r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);

+    };

+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkRegion region2;

+    region2.setRegion(region);

+    debugster("region bounds", region);

+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);

+    region2.setEmpty();

+    SkDebugf("    after region set empty:\n");

+    debugster("region bounds", region);

+    debugster("region2 bounds", region2);
+ region bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+region2 bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+    after region set empty:

+ region bounds: {1,2,3,4}

+region2 bounds: {0,0,0,0}
+#SeeAlso SkRegion(const SkRegion& region)
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool setPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRegion& clip)
+#In Constructor
+#Line # constructs Region from clipped Path ##
+Constructs Region to match outline of path within clip.
+Returns false if constructed Region is empty.
+Constructed Region draws the same pixels as path through clip when
+Anti_Aliasing is disabled.
+#Param path  Path providing outline ##
+#Param clip  Region containing path ##
+#Return true if constructed Region is not empty ##
+#Height 120
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath textPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("Q", 1, 0, 110, &textPath);

+    SkIRect clipRect = {20, 20, 100, 120};

+    SkRegion clipRegion(clipRect);

+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setPath(textPath, clipRegion);

+    canvas->drawRegion(region, SkPaint());

+    clipRect.offset(100, 0);

+    textPath.offset(100, 0);

+    canvas->clipRect(SkRect::Make(clipRect), false);

+    canvas->drawPath(textPath, SkPaint());

+#SeeAlso setRects op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool intersects(const SkIRect& rect) const
+#In Intersection
+#Line # returns true if areas overlap ##
+Returns true if Region intersects rect.
+Returns false if either rect or Region is empty, or do not intersect.
+#Param rect  IRect to intersect ##
+#Return true if rect and Region have area in common ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath textPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("W", 1, 20, 110, &textPath);

+    SkRegion region;

+    region.setPath(textPath, SkRegion({0, 0, 256, 256}));

+    canvas->drawRegion(region, SkPaint());

+    SkIRect iRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(frame * 160, 55, 10, 10);

+    paint.setColor(region.intersects(iRect) ? SK_ColorBLUE : SK_ColorRED);

+    canvas->drawRect(SkRect::Make(iRect), paint);
+#SeeAlso contains SkRect::intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool intersects(const SkRegion& other) const
+Returns true if Region intersects other.
+Returns false if either other or Region is empty, or do not intersect.
+#Param other  Region to intersect ##
+#Return true if other and Region have area in common ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath hPath, dotPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("H", 1, 40, 110, &hPath);

+    paint.getTextPath(",", 1, frame * 180, 95, &dotPath);

+    SkRegion hRegion, dotRegion;

+    hRegion.setPath(hPath, SkRegion({0, 0, 256, 256}));

+    dotRegion.setPath(dotPath, SkRegion({0, 0, 256, 256}));

+    canvas->drawRegion(hRegion, paint);

+    paint.setColor(hRegion.intersects(dotRegion) ? SK_ColorBLUE : SK_ColorRED);

+    canvas->drawRegion(dotRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso contains SkRect::intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool contains(int32_t x, int32_t y) const
+#In Intersection
+#Line # returns true if points are equal or inside ##
+Returns true if IPoint (x, y) is inside Region.
+Returns false if Region is empty.
+#Param x  test IPoint x-coordinate ##
+#Param y  test IPoint y-coordinate ##
+#Return true if (x, y) is inside Region ##
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    SkRegion xRegion;

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion({0, 0, 256, 256}));

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);

+    for (int y = 0; y < 128; y += 8) {

+        for (int x = 0; x < 128; x += 8) {

+           paint.setColor(xRegion.contains(x, y) ? SK_ColorWHITE : SK_ColorRED);

+           canvas->drawPoint(x, y, paint);

+        }

+    }

+#SeeAlso intersects SkRect::contains
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool contains(const SkIRect& other) const
+Returns true if other is completely inside Region.
+Returns false if Region or other is empty.
+#Param other IRect to contain ##
+#Return true if other is inside Region ##
+#Height 128
+#Duration 4
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    SkRegion xRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.op(drawBounds, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);

+    SkIRect test = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(frame* 128, 64, 5, 5);

+    if (xRegion.contains(test)) {

+        paint.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW);

+        canvas->drawRect(SkRect::Make(test), paint);

+    }

+#SeeAlso intersects SkRect::contains
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool contains(const SkRegion& other) const
+Returns true if other is completely inside Region.
+Returns false if Region or other is empty.
+#Param other  Region to contain ##
+#Return true if other is inside Region ##
+#Height 128
+#Duration 4
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath, testPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    paint.getTextPath("`", 1, frame * 150 - 40, 150, &testPath);

+    SkRegion xRegion, testRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    testRegion.setPath(testPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.op(drawBounds, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);

+    if (xRegion.contains(testRegion)) {

+        paint.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW);

+        canvas->drawRegion(testRegion, paint);

+    }
+#SeeAlso intersects SkRect::contains
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool quickContains(const SkIRect& r) const
+#In Intersection
+#Line # returns true quickly if points are equal or inside ##
+Returns true if Region is a single rectangle and contains r.
+May return false even though Region contains r.
+#Param r  IRect to contain ##
+#Return true quickly if r points are equal or inside ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkIRect test = {2, 2, 3, 3};

+    SkDebugf("quickContains 1: %s\n", region.quickContains(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({1, 4, 3, 6}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickContains 2: %s\n", region.quickContains(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({1, 7, 3, 8}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickContains 3: %s\n", region.quickContains(test) ? "true" : "false");
+quickContains 1: true

+quickContains 2: true

+quickContains 3: false
+#SeeAlso contains quickReject intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool quickContains(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right,
+                       int32_t bottom) const
+Returns true if Region is a single rectangle and contains IRect
+(left, top, right, bottom).
+Returns false if Region is empty or IRect (left, top, right, bottom) is empty.
+May return false even though Region contains (left, top, right, bottom).
+#Param left edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param top  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Param right  edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param bottom  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Return true quickly if IRect are equal or inside ##
+    auto debugster = [](const char* label, SkRegion& region) -> void {

+        SkDebugf("%s: %s\n", label, region.quickContains(2, 2, 3, 3) ? "true" : "false");

+    };
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    debugster("quickContains 1", region);

+    region.op({1, 4, 3, 6}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    debugster("quickContains 2", region);

+    region.op({1, 7, 3, 8}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    debugster("quickContains 3", region);

+quickContains 1: true

+quickContains 2: true

+quickContains 3: false
+#SeeAlso contains quickReject intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool quickReject(const SkIRect& rect) const
+#In Intersection
+#Line # returns true quickly if points are outside ##
+Returns true if Region does not intersect rect.
+Returns true if rect is empty or Region is empty.
+May return false even though Region does not intersect rect.
+#Param rect  IRect to intersect ##
+#Return true if rect does not intersect ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkIRect test = {4, 2, 5, 3};

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 1: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({1, 4, 3, 6}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 2: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({4, 7, 5, 8}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 3: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");
+quickReject 1: true

+quickReject 2: true

+quickReject 3: false
+#SeeAlso quickContains contains intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool quickReject(const SkRegion& rgn) const
+Returns true if Region does not intersect rgn.
+Returns true if rgn is empty or Region is empty.
+May return false even though Region does not intersect rgn.
+#Param rgn  Region to intersect ##
+#Return true if rgn does not intersect ##
+    SkRegion region({1, 2, 3, 4});

+    SkRegion test;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{4, 2, 5, 3}, {7, 2, 8, 3}};

+    test.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 1: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({1, 4, 3, 6}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 2: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");

+    region.op({4, 7, 5, 8}, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    SkDebugf("quickReject 3: %s\n", region.quickReject(test) ? "true" : "false");
+quickReject 1: true

+quickReject 2: true

+quickReject 3: false
+#SeeAlso quickContains contains intersects
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void translate(int dx, int dy)
+#In Transform
+#Line # translates IPoints in Region ##
+Offsets Region by IVector (dx, dy). Has no effect if Region is empty.
+#Param dx  x-axis offset ##
+#Param dy  y-axis offset ##
+#Height 90
+    SkRegion test;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{40, 20, 50, 30}, {70, 40, 80, 50}, { 60, 10, 70, 20}};

+    test.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkPaint paint;

+    for (auto color :  { SK_ColorRED, SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorGREEN, SK_ColorMAGENTA } ) {

+        paint.setColor(color);

+        canvas->drawRegion(test, paint);

+        test.translate(10, 10);

+    }
+#SeeAlso SkCanvas::translate SkIRect::offset SkPath::offset
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method void translate(int dx, int dy, SkRegion* dst) const
+Offsets Region by IVector (dx, dy), writing result to dst. Region may be passed
+as dst parameter, translating Region in place. Has no effect if dst is nullptr.
+If Region is empty, sets dst to empty.
+#Param dx  x-axis offset ##
+#Param dy  y-axis offset ##
+#Param dst  translated result ##
+    SkRegion test;

+    SkIRect rects[] = {{40, 20, 50, 30}, {70, 40, 80, 50}, { 60, 10, 70, 20}};

+    test.setRects(rects, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(rects));

+    SkPaint paint;

+    for (auto color :  { SK_ColorRED, SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorGREEN, SK_ColorMAGENTA } ) {

+        paint.setColor(color);

+        canvas->drawRegion(test, paint);

+        SkRegion second;

+        test.translate(10, test.getBounds().fBottom, &second);

+        test.op(second, SkRegion::kXOR_Op);

+        test.translate(30, 0);

+    }

+#SeeAlso SkCanvas::translate SkIRect::offset SkPath::offset
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Enum Op
+#Line # binary operator combining Regions ##
+    enum Op {
+        kDifference_Op,
+        kIntersect_Op,
+        kUnion_Op,
+        kXOR_Op,
+        kReverseDifference_Op,
+        kReplace_Op,
+        kLastOp = kReplace_Op,
+    };
+The logical operations that can be performed when combining two Regions.
+#Const kDifference_Op 0
+#Line # target minus operand ##
+Subtracts operand Region from target Region.
+#Const kIntersect_Op 1
+#Line # target intersected with operand ##
+Intersects operand Region and target Region.
+#Const kUnion_Op 2
+#Line # target unioned with operand ##
+Unions operand Region and target Region.
+#Const kXOR_Op 3
+#Line # target exclusive or with operand ##
+Replaces target Region with area exclusive to both Regions.
+#Const kReverseDifference_Op 4
+#Line # operand minus target ##
+Subtracts target Region from operand Region.
+#Const kReplace_Op 5
+#Line # replace target with operand ##
+Replaces target Region with operand Region.
+#Const kLastOp 5
+#Line # last operator ##
+    SkRegion operand({35, 35, 85, 85});

+    const char* labels[] = {"difference", "intersect", "union", "xor", "reverse diff", "replace"};

+    int index = 0;

+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kCenter_Align);

+    for (auto op : { SkRegion::kDifference_Op, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op, SkRegion::kUnion_Op,

+                     SkRegion::kXOR_Op, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op, SkRegion::kReplace_Op } ) {

+        SkRegion target({10, 10, 60, 60});

+        target.op(operand, op);

+        canvas->drawRegion(target, paint);

+        canvas->drawString(labels[index++], 40, 100, paint);

+        canvas->translate(80, 0);

+        if (SkRegion::kUnion_Op == op) {

+            canvas->translate(-240, 120);

+        }

+    }

+#SeeAlso SkPathOp
+#Enum ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Const kOpCnt 6
+#Line # number of operators defined ##
+May be used to verify that Op is a legal value.
+#Const ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(const SkIRect& rect, Op op)
+#In Transform
+#Line # applies binary operator ##
+Replaces Region with the result of Region op rect.
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param rect IRect operand ##
+#Param op   operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    SkRegion xRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.op(drawBounds, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Op op)
+Replaces Region with the result of Region op IRect (left, top, right, bottom).
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param left edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param top  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Param right  edge of bounds on x-axis ##
+#Param bottom  edge of bounds on y-axis ##
+#Param op   operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    SkRegion xRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.op(drawBounds.fLeft + frame * drawBounds.width(), drawBounds.fTop,

+               drawBounds.fRight, drawBounds.fBottom, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(const SkRegion& rgn, Op op)
+Replaces Region with the result of Region op rgn.
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param rgn  Region operand ##
+#Param op   operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath, opPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    opPath.addCircle(64, 64, frame * 64);

+    SkRegion xRegion, opRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    opRegion.setPath(opPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.op(opRegion, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(const SkIRect& rect, const SkRegion& rgn, Op op)
+Replaces Region with the result of rect op rgn.
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param rect  IRect operand ##
+#Param rgn  Region operand ##
+#Param op   operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath, opPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    opPath.addCircle(64, 64, frame * 64);

+    SkRegion xRegion, opRegion, rectRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    opRegion.setPath(opPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    drawBounds.inset(frame * drawBounds.width() / 2, 0);    

+    rectRegion.op(drawBounds, opRegion, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);

+    xRegion.op(rectRegion, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(const SkRegion& rgn, const SkIRect& rect, Op op)
+Replaces Region with the result of rgn op rect.
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param rgn  Region operand ##
+#Param rect  IRect operand ##
+#Param op   operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath, opPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    opPath.addCircle(64, 64, frame * 64);

+    SkRegion xRegion, opRegion, rectRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    opRegion.setPath(opPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    drawBounds.inset(frame * drawBounds.width() / 2, 0);    

+    rectRegion.op(opRegion, drawBounds, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);

+    xRegion.op(rectRegion, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method bool op(const SkRegion& rgna, const SkRegion& rgnb, Op op)
+Replaces Region with the result of rgna op rgnb.
+Returns true if replaced Region is not empty.
+#Param rgna  Region operand ##
+#Param rgnb  Region operand ##
+#Param op  operator, one of: #list_of_op_types#
+#Return false if result is empty ##
+#Duration 4
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath, opPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    xPath.setFillType(SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType);

+    opPath.addCircle(64, 64, frame * 64);

+    opPath.setFillType(SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType);

+    SkRegion xRegion, opRegion, rectRegion;

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    opRegion.setPath(opPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    drawBounds.inset(frame * drawBounds.width() / 2, 0);

+    rectRegion.setRect(drawBounds);    

+    rectRegion.op(xRegion, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);

+    xRegion.op(rectRegion, opRegion, SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);

+    canvas->drawRegion(xRegion, paint);
+#SeeAlso setRects Op
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method char* toString()
+#In Utility
+#Line # exists for Android framework only ##
+Android framework only.
+#Return string representation of Region ##
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method size_t writeToMemory(void* buffer) const
+#In Utility
+#Line # writes to buffer ##
+Writes Region to buffer, and returns number of bytes written.
+If buffer is nullptr, returns number number of bytes that would be written.
+#Param buffer  storage for binary data ##
+#Return size of Region ##
+#Height 128
+    SkPaint paint;

+    paint.setTextSize(128);

+    SkPath xPath;

+    paint.getTextPath("X", 1, 20, 110, &xPath);

+    SkIRect drawBounds = {0, 0, 128, 128};

+    SkRegion xRegion;

+    xRegion.setPath(xPath, SkRegion(drawBounds));

+    size_t size = xRegion.writeToMemory(nullptr);

+    sk_sp<SkData> data = SkData::MakeUninitialized(size);

+    xRegion.writeToMemory(data->writable_data());

+    SkRegion copy;

+    copy.readFromMemory(data->data(), data->size());

+    canvas->drawRegion(copy, paint);
+#SeeAlso readFromMemory
+#Method ##
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#Method size_t readFromMemory(const void* buffer, size_t length)
+#In Utility
+#Line # reads from buffer ##
+Constructs Region from buffer of size length. Returns bytes read.
+Returned value will be multiple of four or zero if length was too small.
+#Param buffer  storage for binary data ##
+#Param length  size of buffer ##
+#Return  bytes read ##
+#Height 100
+    SkRegion region({20, 20, 80, 80});

+    size_t size = region.writeToMemory(nullptr);

+    sk_sp<SkData> data = SkData::MakeUninitialized(size);

+    region.writeToMemory(data->writable_data());

+    SkRegion copy;

+    copy.readFromMemory(data->data(), data->size());

+    canvas->drawRegion(copy, SkPaint());
+#SeeAlso writeToMemory
+#Method ##
+#Class SkRegion ##
+#Topic Region ##