These steps should closely follow building on Mac OS X. Those steps seem slightly out of date.
To build SampleApp on XCode 4.5 using the IDE these steps should work:
GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0" ./gyp_skia xed out/gyp/SampleApp.xcodeproj # opens the SampleApp project in the IDE
Note that if you run make at the command line the gyp_skia script will rerun and you'll lose the effect of the GYP_DEFINES. To avoid this do:
export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0"
Use GYP_DEFINES to tell gyp_skia how to build for iOS. Here's a bash shell snippet that sets the world up to build SampleApp with XCode 3:
function buildSampleApp() { sdkVersion="4.3" if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] ; then export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='x86' \ ios_sdk_dir='/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator' \ ios_sdk_version='$sdkVersion'" elif [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] ; then export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7='1' arm_neon='0' \ ios_sdk_dir='/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS' \ ios_sdk_version='$sdkVersion'" elif [[ "$1" == "mac" ]] ; then export GYP_DEFINES="" else echo "buildSampleApp expects 'sim', 'iphone', or 'mac'" fi if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] || [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] || [[ "$1" == "mac" ]] ; then save=`pwd` cd /chrome/nih/skia/trunk echo "$GYP_DEFINES ./gyp_skia gyp/SampleApp.gyp" ./gyp_skia gyp/SampleApp.gyp cd $save fi if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] ; then setiossdk iphonesimulator$sdkVersion elif [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] ; then setiossdk iphoneos$sdkVersion fi }
The script function setiossdk called by buildSampleApp is a not-completely-working hackery. When gyp builds an iOS-targeted project, it is hard-coded for the iOS simulator. To point the project at either the iOS simulator, or an iOS device, the project file must be opened to create a custom pbxuser file.
This is accomplished by:
function setiossdk() { osascript -e 'tell app "Xcode" to quit' osascript -e 'repeat until appIsRunning("Xcode") is false' -e \ 'do shell script "sleep 1"' -e 'end repeat' save=`pwd` skia cd out/gyp for project in *.xcodeproj; do open $project done osascript -e 'tell app "Xcode" to quit' osascript -e 'repeat until appIsRunning("Xcode") is false' -e \ 'do shell script "sleep 1"' -e 'end repeat' for project in *.xcodeproj; do lsave=`pwd` cd $project filename=`eval whoami`.pbxuser while [[ ! -s $filename ]] ; do sleep 1 echo -n "." done sed -e '/activeSDKPreference/ d' <$filename | sed -e '/activeTarget/ i\ \ activeSDKPreference = '$1';' >x$filename if [[ -s x$filename ]] ; then mv x$filename $filename else echo "mv x$filename $project/$filename failed" fi cd $lsave done open SampleApp.xcodeproj cd $save }
In particular, the calls to osascript to wait for Xcode to quit use faulty syntax.