Improve float-based dither logic

This code simulates the integer-based ordered-dither using step/mod
with only floating point values. Produces similar results.

Bug: skia:4430
Change-Id: I1406f751f0ddd6bfd14e532dfb4efc0bb5784992
Commit-Queue: Eric Karl <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
diff --git a/src/gpu/effects/GrDitherEffect.cpp b/src/gpu/effects/GrDitherEffect.cpp
index 17b94ff..f2fc678 100644
--- a/src/gpu/effects/GrDitherEffect.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/effects/GrDitherEffect.cpp
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
                 "float value;\nfloat range;\n@switch (%d) {\n    case 0:\n        range = "
                 "0.0039215686274509803;\n        break;\n    case 1:\n        range = "
                 "0.015873015873015872;\n        break;\n    default:\n        range = "
-                "0.0083333333333333332;\n        break;\n}\n@if (sk_Caps.integerSupport) {\n    "
+                "0.066666666666666666;\n        break;\n}\n@if (sk_Caps.integerSupport) {\n    "
                 "uint x = uint(sk_FragCoord.x);\n    uint y = uint(sk_FragCoord.y);\n    uint m = "
                 "(((((y & 1) << 5 | (x & 1) << 4) | (y & 2) << 2) | (x & 2) << 1) | (y & 4) >> 1) "
-                "| (x & 4) >> 2;\n    value = float(m) / 64.0 - 0.4921875;\n} else {\n    value = "
-                "fract(sin(dot(sk_FragCoord.xy, float2(12.989800000000001, 78.233000000000004))) * "
-                "43758.545299999998) - 0.5;\n}\n%s = float4(clamp( + value * range, 0.0, "
-                "%s.w), %s.w);\n",
+                "| (x & 4) >> 2;\n    value = float(m) / 64.0 - 0.4921875;\n} else {\n    float4 "
+                "modValues = mod(sk_FragCoord.xyxy, float4(2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0));\n    float4 "
+                "stepValues = step(modValues, float4(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0));\n    value = "
+                "dot(stepValues, float4(0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625)) - 0.46875;\n}\n%s = "
+                "float4(clamp( + value * range, 0.0, %s.w), %s.w);\n",
                 _outer.rangeType(), args.fOutputColor,
                 args.fInputColor ? args.fInputColor : "float4(1)",
                 args.fInputColor ? args.fInputColor : "float4(1)",