Add support for normalizing virtual methods

This is useful, for example, when comparing the result of deodexing with
the original dex file, to remove the "false" differences caused by the
different potential ways to reference a given virtual method.
16 files changed
tree: 32275c8843e419ee79e49d182881552e884e5cf8
  1. baksmali/
  2. deodexerant/
  3. dexlib2/
  4. examples/
  5. gradle/
  6. scripts/
  7. smali/
  8. smali-integration-tests/
  9. util/
  10. .gitignore
  11. build.gradle
  13. gradlew
  14. gradlew.bat
  15. NOTICE
  17. settings.gradle


smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation. The syntax is loosely based on Jasmin's/dedexer's syntax, and supports the full functionality of the dex format (annotations, debug info, line info, etc.)

Downloads are at If you are interested in submitting a patch, feel free to send me a pull request here.


  • github Issue tracker - For any bugs/issues/feature requests
  • #smali on freenode - Free free to drop by and ask a question. Don't expect an instant response, but if you hang around someone will respond.

Some useful links for getting started with smali