MediaTesting: Add Sonivox Unit Test

Test: atest SonivoxTest -- --enable-module-dynamic-download=true

Bug: 153170568

Change-Id: Ib87546ff3fd8d5f69d03338579657548e8949007
diff --git a/test/SonivoxTest.cpp b/test/SonivoxTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5894b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SonivoxTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#define LOG_TAG "SonivoxTest"
+#include <utils/Log.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <libsonivox/eas.h>
+#include <libsonivox/eas_reverb.h>
+#include "SonivoxTestEnvironment.h"
+#define OUTPUT_FILE "/data/local/tmp/output_midi.pcm"
+// number of Sonivox output buffers to aggregate into one MediaBuffer
+static constexpr uint32_t kNumBuffersToCombine = 4;
+static constexpr uint32_t kSeekBeyondPlayTimeOffsetMs = 10;
+static SonivoxTestEnvironment *gEnv = nullptr;
+static int readAt(void *, void *, int, int);
+static int getSize(void *);
+class SonivoxTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<tuple</*fileName*/ string,
+                                                          /*audioPlayTimeMs*/ uint32_t,
+                                                          /*totalChannels*/ uint32_t,
+                                                          /*sampleRateHz*/ uint32_t>> {
+  public:
+    SonivoxTest()
+        : mFd(-1),
+          mInputFp(nullptr),
+          mEASDataHandle(nullptr),
+          mEASStreamHandle(nullptr),
+          mPCMBuffer(nullptr),
+          mAudioBuffer(nullptr),
+          mEASConfig(nullptr) {}
+    ~SonivoxTest() {
+        if (mInputFp) fclose(mInputFp);
+        if (mFd >= 0) close(mFd);
+        if (mPCMBuffer) {
+            delete[] mPCMBuffer;
+            mPCMBuffer = nullptr;
+        }
+        if (mAudioBuffer) {
+            delete[] mAudioBuffer;
+            mAudioBuffer = nullptr;
+        }
+        if (gEnv->cleanUp()) remove(OUTPUT_FILE);
+    }
+    virtual void SetUp() override {
+        tuple<string, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> params = GetParam();
+        mInputMediaFile = gEnv->getRes() + get<0>(params);
+        mAudioplayTimeMs = get<1>(params);
+        mTotalAudioChannels = get<2>(params);
+        mAudioSampleRate = get<3>(params);
+        mFd = open(mInputMediaFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
+        ASSERT_GE(mFd, 0) << "Failed to get the file descriptor for file: " << mInputMediaFile;
+        struct stat buf;
+        int8_t err = stat(mInputMediaFile.c_str(), &buf);
+        ASSERT_EQ(err, 0) << "Failed to get information for file: " << mInputMediaFile;
+        mBase = 0;
+        mLength = buf.st_size;
+        mEasFile.handle = this;
+        mEasFile.readAt = ::readAt;
+        mEasFile.size = ::getSize;
+        EAS_RESULT result = EAS_Init(&mEASDataHandle);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to initialize synthesizer library";
+        ASSERT_NE(mEASDataHandle, nullptr) << "Failed to initialize EAS data handle";
+        result = EAS_OpenFile(mEASDataHandle, &mEasFile, &mEASStreamHandle);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to open file";
+        ASSERT_NE(mEASStreamHandle, nullptr) << "Failed to initialize EAS stream handle";
+        result = EAS_Prepare(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to prepare EAS data and stream handles";
+        EAS_I32 playTimeMs;
+        result = EAS_ParseMetaData(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &playTimeMs);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to parse meta data";
+        ASSERT_EQ(playTimeMs, mAudioplayTimeMs)
+                << "Invalid audio play time found for file: " << mInputMediaFile;
+        EAS_I32 locationMs = -1;
+        /* EAS_ParseMetaData resets the parser to the starting of file */
+        result = EAS_GetLocation(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &locationMs);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get the location after parsing meta data";
+        ASSERT_EQ(locationMs, 0) << "Expected position: 0, found: " << locationMs;
+        mEASConfig = EAS_Config();
+        ASSERT_NE(mEASConfig, nullptr) << "Failed to configure the library";
+        ASSERT_GT(mEASConfig->mixBufferSize, 0) << "Mix buffer size must be greater than 0";
+        ASSERT_GT(mEASConfig->numChannels, 0) << "Number of channels must be greater than 0";
+        mPCMBufferSize = sizeof(EAS_PCM) * mEASConfig->mixBufferSize * mEASConfig->numChannels *
+                         kNumBuffersToCombine;
+        mPCMBuffer = new (std::nothrow) EAS_PCM[mPCMBufferSize];
+        ASSERT_NE(mPCMBuffer, nullptr) << "Failed to allocate a memory of size: " << mPCMBufferSize;
+        mAudioBuffer =
+                new (std::nothrow) EAS_PCM[mEASConfig->mixBufferSize * mEASConfig->numChannels];
+        ASSERT_NE(mAudioBuffer, nullptr) << "Failed to allocate a memory of size: "
+                                         << mEASConfig->mixBufferSize * mEASConfig->numChannels;
+    }
+    virtual void TearDown() {
+        EAS_RESULT result;
+        if (mEASDataHandle) {
+            if (mEASStreamHandle) {
+                result = EAS_CloseFile(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle);
+                ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to close audio file/stream";
+            }
+            result = EAS_Shutdown(mEASDataHandle);
+            ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS)
+                    << "Failed to deallocate the resources for synthesizer library";
+        }
+    }
+    bool seekToLocation(EAS_I32);
+    bool renderAudio();
+    int readAt(void *buf, int offset, int size);
+    int getSize();
+    string mInputMediaFile;
+    uint32_t mAudioplayTimeMs;
+    uint32_t mTotalAudioChannels;
+    uint32_t mAudioSampleRate;
+    off64_t mBase;
+    int64_t mLength;
+    int mFd;
+    FILE *mInputFp;
+    EAS_DATA_HANDLE mEASDataHandle;
+    EAS_HANDLE mEASStreamHandle;
+    EAS_FILE mEasFile;
+    EAS_PCM *mPCMBuffer;
+    EAS_PCM *mAudioBuffer;
+    EAS_I32 mPCMBufferSize;
+    const S_EAS_LIB_CONFIG *mEASConfig;
+static int readAt(void *handle, void *buffer, int offset, int size) {
+    return ((SonivoxTest *)handle)->readAt(buffer, offset, size);
+static int getSize(void *handle) {
+    return ((SonivoxTest *)handle)->getSize();
+int SonivoxTest::readAt(void *buffer, int offset, int size) {
+    if (offset > mLength) offset = mLength;
+    lseek(mFd, mBase + offset, SEEK_SET);
+    if (offset + size > mLength) {
+        size = mLength - offset;
+    }
+    return read(mFd, buffer, size);
+int SonivoxTest::getSize() {
+    return mLength;
+bool SonivoxTest::seekToLocation(EAS_I32 locationExpectedMs) {
+    EAS_RESULT result = EAS_Locate(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, locationExpectedMs, false);
+    if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) return false;
+    // position in milliseconds
+    EAS_I32 locationReceivedMs;
+    result = EAS_GetLocation(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &locationReceivedMs);
+    if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) return false;
+    if (locationReceivedMs != locationExpectedMs) return false;
+    return true;
+bool SonivoxTest::renderAudio() {
+    EAS_I32 count = -1;
+    EAS_PCM *pcm = mAudioBuffer;
+    EAS_RESULT result = EAS_Render(mEASDataHandle, pcm, mEASConfig->mixBufferSize, &count);
+    if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
+        ALOGE("Failed to render audio");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (count != mEASConfig->mixBufferSize) {
+        ALOGE("%ld of %ld bytes rendered", count, mEASConfig->mixBufferSize);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+TEST_P(SonivoxTest, DecodeTest) {
+    EAS_I32 totalChannels = mEASConfig->numChannels;
+    ASSERT_EQ(totalChannels, mTotalAudioChannels)
+            << "Expected: " << mTotalAudioChannels << " channels, Found: " << totalChannels;
+    EAS_I32 sampleRate = mEASConfig->sampleRate;
+    ASSERT_EQ(sampleRate, mAudioSampleRate)
+            << "Expected: " << mAudioSampleRate << " sample rate, Found: " << sampleRate;
+    // TODO(b/158231824): Check and verify the output with other parameters present at eas_reverb.h
+    // select reverb preset and enable
+                                         EAS_PARAM_REVERB_CHAMBER);
+            << "Failed to set reverberation preset parameter in reverb module";
+    result =
+            << "Failed to set reverberation bypass parameter in reverb module";
+    EAS_I32 count;
+    EAS_STATE state;
+    FILE *filePtr = fopen(OUTPUT_FILE, "wb");
+    ASSERT_NE(filePtr, nullptr) << "Failed to open file: " << OUTPUT_FILE;
+    while (1) {
+        EAS_PCM *pcm = mPCMBuffer;
+        int32_t numBytesOutput = 0;
+        result = EAS_State(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &state);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get EAS State";
+        ASSERT_NE(state, EAS_STATE_ERROR) << "Error state found";
+        /* is playback complete */
+        if (state == EAS_STATE_STOPPED) {
+            break;
+        }
+        EAS_I32 locationMs;
+        result = EAS_GetLocation(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &locationMs);
+        ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get the current location in ms";
+        if (locationMs >= mAudioplayTimeMs) {
+            ASSERT_NE(state, EAS_STATE_STOPPED)
+                    << "Invalid state reached when rendering is complete";
+            break;
+        }
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumBuffersToCombine; i++) {
+            result = EAS_Render(mEASDataHandle, pcm, mEASConfig->mixBufferSize, &count);
+            ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to render the audio data";
+            pcm += count * mEASConfig->numChannels;
+            numBytesOutput += count * mEASConfig->numChannels * sizeof(EAS_PCM);
+        }
+        int32_t numBytes = fwrite(mPCMBuffer, 1, numBytesOutput, filePtr);
+        ASSERT_EQ(numBytes, numBytesOutput)
+                << "Wrote " << numBytes << " of " << numBytesOutput << " to file: " << OUTPUT_FILE;
+    }
+    fclose(filePtr);
+TEST_P(SonivoxTest, SeekTest) {
+    bool status = seekToLocation(0);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Seek test failed for location(ms): 0";
+    status = seekToLocation(mAudioplayTimeMs / 2);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Seek test failed for location(ms): " << mAudioplayTimeMs / 2;
+    status = seekToLocation(mAudioplayTimeMs);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Seek test failed for location(ms): " << mAudioplayTimeMs;
+    status = seekToLocation(mAudioplayTimeMs + kSeekBeyondPlayTimeOffsetMs);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Invalid seek position: "
+                         << mAudioplayTimeMs + kSeekBeyondPlayTimeOffsetMs;
+TEST_P(SonivoxTest, DecodePauseResumeTest) {
+    EAS_I32 seekPosition = mAudioplayTimeMs / 2;
+    // go to middle of the audio
+    EAS_RESULT result = EAS_Locate(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, seekPosition, false);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to locate to location(ms): " << seekPosition;
+    bool status = renderAudio();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Failed to render audio";
+    result = EAS_Pause(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to pause";
+    // will render previous audio again, no change in audio position
+    status = renderAudio();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "should not move audio position, since we're paused";
+    // current position in milliseconds
+    EAS_I32 currentPosMs = -1;
+    result = EAS_GetLocation(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &currentPosMs);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get current location";
+    ASSERT_EQ(currentPosMs, seekPosition) << "Must not move the audio position after pause";
+    EAS_STATE state;
+    result = EAS_State(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &state);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get EAS state";
+    ASSERT_EQ(state, EAS_STATE_PAUSED) << "Invalid state reached when paused";
+    result = EAS_Resume(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to resume";
+    status = renderAudio();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Failed to render audio after resume";
+    currentPosMs = -1;
+    result = EAS_GetLocation(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &currentPosMs);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get current location";
+    ASSERT_GT(currentPosMs, seekPosition) << "Invalid position after resuming";
+    result = EAS_State(mEASDataHandle, mEASStreamHandle, &state);
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, EAS_SUCCESS) << "Failed to get EAS state";
+    ASSERT_EQ(state, EAS_STATE_PLAY) << "Invalid state reached when resumed";
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SonivoxTestAll, SonivoxTest,
+                         ::testing::Values(make_tuple("midi_a.mid", 2000, 2, 22050),
+                                           make_tuple("midi8sec.mid", 8002, 2, 22050),
+                                           make_tuple("midi_cs.mid", 2000, 2, 22050),
+                                           make_tuple("midi_gs.mid", 2000, 2, 22050),
+                                           make_tuple("ants.mid", 17233, 2, 22050),
+                                           make_tuple("testmxmf.mxmf", 29095, 2, 22050)));
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    gEnv = new SonivoxTestEnvironment();
+    ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(gEnv);
+    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
+    int status = gEnv->initFromOptions(argc, argv);
+    if (status == 0) {
+        status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+        ALOGV("Test result = %d\n", status);
+    }
+    return status;