Convert to Android.bp

See build/soong/ for more information.

I verified that all of the users of the previously copied headers also
use libsonivox, so switching to exported c includes should be safe.

The assembly files have been switched to using #include instead of
.include so that the included file gets added to the list of
compiler-generated dependencies.

Test: mma -j
Change-Id: Ic345ce24e839993f731dad1df0a38d76f85d742c
diff --git a/arm-wt-22k/Android.bp b/arm-wt-22k/Android.bp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..977f5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arm-wt-22k/Android.bp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+cc_library_shared {
+    name: "libsonivox",
+    srcs: [
+        "lib_src/eas_chorus.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_chorusdata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_data.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_dlssynth.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_flog.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_ima_tables.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_imaadpcm.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_imelody.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_imelodydata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_math.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_mdls.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_midi.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_mididata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_mixbuf.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_mixer.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_ota.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_otadata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_pan.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_pcm.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_pcmdata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_public.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_reverb.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_reverbdata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_rtttl.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_rtttldata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_smf.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_smfdata.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_voicemgt.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_wtengine.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_wtsynth.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_xmf.c",
+        "lib_src/eas_xmfdata.c",
+        "lib_src/wt_22khz.c",
+        "lib_src/jet.c",
+        "host_src/eas_config.c",
+        "host_src/eas_hostmm.c",
+        "host_src/eas_report.c",
+        // not using these modules
+        //"host_src/eas_main.c",
+        //"host_src/eas_wave.c",
+        //"lib_src/eas_wavefile.c",
+        //"lib_src/eas_wavefiledata.c",
+    ],
+    cflags: [
+        "-O2",
+        "-DEAS_WT_SYNTH",
+        "-D_IMELODY_PARSER",
+        "-D_RTTTL_PARSER",
+        "-D_OTA_PARSER",
+        "-D_XMF_PARSER",
+        "-D_SAMPLE_RATE_22050",
+        "-DMAX_SYNTH_VOICES=64",
+        "-D_8_BIT_SAMPLES",
+        "-D_FILTER_ENABLED",
+        "-D_REVERB_ENABLED",
+        "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+        "-Werror",
+        // not using these options
+        // "-D_WAVE_PARSER",
+        // "-D_IMA_DECODER", // (needed for IMA-ADPCM wave files)
+        // "-D_CHORUS_ENABLED",
+    ],
+    local_include_dirs: [
+        "host_src",
+        "lib_src",
+    ],
+    export_include_dirs: ["include"],
+    shared_libs: [
+        "liblog",
+        "libutils",
+        "libcutils",
+    ],
+    arch: {
+        arm: {
+            instruction_set: "arm",
+            srcs: [
+                "lib_src/ARM-E_filter_gnu.s",
+                "lib_src/ARM-E_interpolate_loop_gnu.s",
+                "lib_src/ARM-E_interpolate_noloop_gnu.s",
+                "lib_src/ARM-E_mastergain_gnu.s",
+                "lib_src/ARM-E_voice_gain_gnu.s",
+            ],
+            asflags: [
+                // In order to use #include instead of .include
+                "-xassembler-with-cpp",
+                "-Wa,--defsym,SAMPLE_RATE_22050=1",
+                "-Wa,--defsym,STEREO_OUTPUT=1",
+                "-Wa,--defsym,FILTER_ENABLED=1",
+                "-Wa,--defsym,SAMPLES_8_BIT=1",
+            ],
+            cflags: [
+                "-DNATIVE_EAS_KERNEL",
+            ],
+            // .s files not ported for Clang assembler yet.
+            clang_asflags: ["-no-integrated-as"],
+        },
+        arm64: {
+            // .s files not ported for Clang assembler yet.
+            clang_asflags: ["-no-integrated-as"],
+        },
+    },