starlark: add missing binary ops to doc comment
diff --git a/starlark/value.go b/starlark/value.go
index 1907ecb..6f56fbc 100644
--- a/starlark/value.go
+++ b/starlark/value.go
@@ -268,7 +268,8 @@
 var _ HasSetKey = (*Dict)(nil)
 // A HasBinary value may be used as either operand of these binary operators:
-//     +   -   *   /   %   in   not in   |   &
+//     +   -   *   /   //   %   in   not in   |   &   ^   <<   >>
 // The Side argument indicates whether the receiver is the left or right operand.
 // An implementation may decline to handle an operation by returning (nil, nil).