starlark: add 'bytes' data type, for binary strings (#330)


This change defines a 'bytes' data type, an immutable string of
bytes. In this Go implementation of Starlark, ordinary strings
are also strings of bytes, so the behavior of the two is very similar.
However, that is not required by the spec. Other implementations of
Starlark, notably in Java, may use strings of UTF-16 codes for the
ordinary string type, and thus need a distinct type for byte strings.

See testdata/ for a tour of the API, and some remaining
questions. See the attached issue for an outline of the proposed
spec change. A Java implementation is underway, but is greatly
complicated by Bazel's unfortunate misdecoding of UTF-8 files as

The string.elems iterable view is now indexable.

The old syntax.quote function (which was in fact not used
except in tests) has been replaced by syntax.Quote,
which is similar to Go's strconv.Quote.

This change removes

IMPORTANT: string literals that previously used hex escapes
\xXX or octal escapes \OOO to denote byte values greater than 127
will now result in a compile error advising you to use \u
escapes instead if you want the UTF-8 encoding of a code point
in the range U+80 to U+FF. A string literal can no longer
denote invalid text, such as the 1-element string formerly
written "\xff".

diff --git a/starlark/value.go b/starlark/value.go
index bcec750..81e29ed 100644
--- a/starlark/value.go
+++ b/starlark/value.go
@@ -499,13 +499,20 @@
 	return nil, nil
-// String is the type of a Starlark string.
+// String is the type of a Starlark text string.
 // A String encapsulates an an immutable sequence of bytes,
 // but strings are not directly iterable. Instead, iterate
 // over the result of calling one of these four methods:
 // codepoints, codepoint_ords, elems, elem_ords.
+// Strings typically contain text; use Bytes for binary strings.
+// The Starlark spec defines text strings as sequences of UTF-k
+// codes that encode Unicode code points. In this Go implementation,
+// k=8, whereas in a Java implementation, k=16. For portability,
+// operations on strings should aim to avoid assumptions about
+// the value of k.
 // Warning: the contract of the Value interface's String method is that
 // it returns the value printed in Starlark notation,
 // so s.String() or fmt.Sprintf("%s", s) returns a quoted string.
@@ -513,7 +520,7 @@
 // of a Starlark string as a Go string.
 type String string
-func (s String) String() string        { return strconv.Quote(string(s)) }
+func (s String) String() string        { return syntax.Quote(string(s), false) }
 func (s String) GoString() string      { return string(s) }
 func (s String) Type() string          { return "string" }
 func (s String) Freeze()               {} // immutable
@@ -545,73 +552,106 @@
 func AsString(x Value) (string, bool) { v, ok := x.(String); return string(v), ok }
-// A stringIterable is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of
-// either Unicode code points or elements (bytes),
-// either numerically or as successive substrings.
-type stringIterable struct {
-	s          String
-	ords       bool
-	codepoints bool
+// A stringElems is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of
+// elements (bytes), either numerically or as successive substrings.
+// It is an indexable sequence.
+type stringElems struct {
+	s    String
+	ords bool
-var _ Iterable = (*stringIterable)(nil)
+var (
+	_ Iterable  = (*stringElems)(nil)
+	_ Indexable = (*stringElems)(nil)
-func (si stringIterable) String() string {
-	var etype string
-	if si.codepoints {
-		etype = "codepoint"
-	} else {
-		etype = "elem"
-	}
+func (si stringElems) String() string {
 	if si.ords {
-		return si.s.String() + "." + etype + "_ords()"
+		return si.s.String() + ".elem_ords()"
 	} else {
-		return si.s.String() + "." + etype + "s()"
+		return si.s.String() + ".elems()"
-func (si stringIterable) Type() string {
-	if si.codepoints {
-		return "codepoints"
+func (si stringElems) Type() string          { return "string.elems" }
+func (si stringElems) Freeze()               {} // immutable
+func (si stringElems) Truth() Bool           { return True }
+func (si stringElems) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) }
+func (si stringElems) Iterate() Iterator     { return &stringElemsIterator{si, 0} }
+func (si stringElems) Len() int              { return len(si.s) }
+func (si stringElems) Index(i int) Value {
+	if si.ords {
+		return MakeInt(int(si.s[i]))
 	} else {
-		return "elems"
+		// TODO(adonovan): opt: preallocate canonical 1-byte strings
+		// to avoid interface allocation.
+		return si.s[i : i+1]
-func (si stringIterable) Freeze()               {} // immutable
-func (si stringIterable) Truth() Bool           { return True }
-func (si stringIterable) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) }
-func (si stringIterable) Iterate() Iterator     { return &stringIterator{si, 0} }
-type stringIterator struct {
-	si stringIterable
+type stringElemsIterator struct {
+	si stringElems
 	i  int
-func (it *stringIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
+func (it *stringElemsIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
+	if it.i == len( {
+		return false
+	}
+	*p =
+	it.i++
+	return true
+func (*stringElemsIterator) Done() {}
+// A stringCodepoints is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of
+// Unicode code points, either numerically or as successive substrings.
+// It is not indexable.
+type stringCodepoints struct {
+	s    String
+	ords bool
+var _ Iterable = (*stringCodepoints)(nil)
+func (si stringCodepoints) String() string {
+	if si.ords {
+		return si.s.String() + ".codepoint_ords()"
+	} else {
+		return si.s.String() + ".codepoints()"
+	}
+func (si stringCodepoints) Type() string          { return "string.codepoints" }
+func (si stringCodepoints) Freeze()               {} // immutable
+func (si stringCodepoints) Truth() Bool           { return True }
+func (si stringCodepoints) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) }
+func (si stringCodepoints) Iterate() Iterator     { return &stringCodepointsIterator{si, 0} }
+type stringCodepointsIterator struct {
+	si stringCodepoints
+	i  int
+func (it *stringCodepointsIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
 	s :=[it.i:]
 	if s == "" {
 		return false
-	if {
-		r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(s))
-		if ! {
+	r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(s))
+	if ! {
+		if r == utf8.RuneError {
+			*p = String(r)
+		} else {
 			*p = s[:sz]
-		} else {
-			*p = MakeInt(int(r))
-		it.i += sz
 	} else {
-		b := int(s[0])
-		if ! {
-			*p = s[:1]
-		} else {
-			*p = MakeInt(b)
-		}
-		it.i += 1
+		*p = MakeInt(int(r))
+	it.i += sz
 	return true
-func (*stringIterator) Done() {}
+func (*stringCodepointsIterator) Done() {}
 // A Function is a function defined by a Starlark def statement or lambda expression.
 // The initialization behavior of a Starlark module is also represented by a Function.
@@ -1084,6 +1124,7 @@
 	case nil:
 		out.WriteString("<nil>") // indicates a bug
+	// These four cases are duplicates of T.String(), for efficiency.
 	case NoneType:
@@ -1098,7 +1139,7 @@
 	case String:
-		fmt.Fprintf(out, "%q", string(x))
+		out.WriteString(syntax.Quote(string(x), false))
 	case *List:
@@ -1318,6 +1359,8 @@
 	switch x := x.(type) {
 	case String:
 		return x.Len()
+	case Indexable:
+		return x.Len()
 	case Sequence:
 		return x.Len()
@@ -1335,3 +1378,54 @@
 	return nil
+// Bytes is the type of a Starlark binary string.
+// A Bytes encapsulates an immutable sequence of bytes.
+// It is comparable, indexable, and sliceable, but not direcly iterable;
+// use bytes.elems() for an iterable view.
+// In this Go implementation, the elements of 'string' and 'bytes' are
+// both bytes, but in other implementations, notably Java, the elements
+// of a 'string' are UTF-16 codes (Java chars). The spec abstracts text
+// strings as sequences of UTF-k codes that encode Unicode code points,
+// and operations that convert from text to binary incur UTF-k-to-UTF-8
+// transcoding; conversely, conversion from binary to text incurs
+// UTF-8-to-UTF-k transcoding. Because k=8 for Go, these operations
+// are the identity function, at least for valid encodings of text.
+type Bytes string
+var (
+	_ Comparable = Bytes("")
+	_ Sliceable  = Bytes("")
+	_ Indexable  = Bytes("")
+func (b Bytes) String() string        { return syntax.Quote(string(b), true) }
+func (b Bytes) Type() string          { return "bytes" }
+func (b Bytes) Freeze()               {} // immutable
+func (b Bytes) Truth() Bool           { return len(b) > 0 }
+func (b Bytes) Hash() (uint32, error) { return String(b).Hash() }
+func (b Bytes) Len() int              { return len(b) }
+func (b Bytes) Index(i int) Value     { return b[i : i+1] }
+func (b Bytes) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(b, name, bytesMethods) }
+func (b Bytes) AttrNames() []string             { return builtinAttrNames(bytesMethods) }
+func (b Bytes) Slice(start, end, step int) Value {
+	if step == 1 {
+		return b[start:end]
+	}
+	sign := signum(step)
+	var str []byte
+	for i := start; signum(end-i) == sign; i += step {
+		str = append(str, b[i])
+	}
+	return Bytes(str)
+func (x Bytes) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
+	y := y_.(Bytes)
+	return threeway(op, strings.Compare(string(x), string(y))), nil