Attach to the target process before attempting to attach to its siblings
* strace.c (attach_tcb): Attach to tcp->pid first.
diff --git a/strace.c b/strace.c
index 185d669..2e2d4b5 100644
--- a/strace.c
+++ b/strace.c
@@ -1017,71 +1017,6 @@
static void
attach_tcb(struct tcb *const tcp)
- if (followfork && tcp->pid != strace_child) {
- char procdir[sizeof("/proc/%d/task") + sizeof(int) * 3];
- sprintf(procdir, "/proc/%d/task", tcp->pid);
- DIR *dir = opendir(procdir);
- if (dir != NULL) {
- unsigned int ntid = 0, nerr = 0;
- struct_dirent *de;
- while ((de = read_dir(dir)) != NULL) {
- if (de->d_fileno == 0)
- continue;
- int tid = string_to_uint(de->d_name);
- if (tid <= 0)
- continue;
- ++ntid;
- if (ptrace_attach_or_seize(tid) < 0) {
- ++nerr;
- if (debug_flag)
- perror_msg("attach: ptrace(%s, %d)",
- ptrace_attach_cmd, tid);
- continue;
- }
- if (debug_flag)
- error_msg("attach to pid %d succeeded", tid);
- struct tcb *tid_tcp =
- (tid == tcp->pid) ? tcp : alloctcb(tid);
- tid_tcp->flags |= TCB_ATTACHED | TCB_STARTUP | post_attach_sigstop;
- newoutf(tid_tcp);
- }
- closedir(dir);
- ntid -= nerr;
- if (ntid == 0) {
- perror_msg("attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...)");
- droptcb(tcp);
- return;
- }
- if (!qflag) {
- if (ntid > 1)
- error_msg("Process %u attached"
- " with %u threads",
- tcp->pid, ntid);
- else
- error_msg("Process %u attached",
- tcp->pid);
- }
- if (!(tcp->flags & TCB_ATTACHED)) {
- /* -p PID, we failed to attach to PID itself
- * but did attach to some of its sibling threads.
- * Drop PID's tcp.
- */
- droptcb(tcp);
- }
- return;
- } /* if (opendir worked) */
- } /* if (-f) */
if (ptrace_attach_or_seize(tcp->pid) < 0) {
perror_msg("attach: ptrace(%s, %d)",
ptrace_attach_cmd, tcp->pid);
@@ -1094,8 +1029,52 @@
if (debug_flag)
error_msg("attach to pid %d (main) succeeded", tcp->pid);
- if (!qflag)
- error_msg("Process %u attached", tcp->pid);
+ char procdir[sizeof("/proc/%d/task") + sizeof(int) * 3];
+ DIR *dir;
+ unsigned int ntid = 0, nerr = 0;
+ if (followfork && tcp->pid != strace_child &&
+ sprintf(procdir, "/proc/%d/task", tcp->pid) > 0 &&
+ (dir = opendir(procdir)) != NULL) {
+ struct_dirent *de;
+ while ((de = read_dir(dir)) != NULL) {
+ if (de->d_fileno == 0)
+ continue;
+ int tid = string_to_uint(de->d_name);
+ if (tid <= 0 || tid == tcp->pid)
+ continue;
+ ++ntid;
+ if (ptrace_attach_or_seize(tid) < 0) {
+ ++nerr;
+ if (debug_flag)
+ perror_msg("attach: ptrace(%s, %d)",
+ ptrace_attach_cmd, tid);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (debug_flag)
+ error_msg("attach to pid %d succeeded", tid);
+ struct tcb *tid_tcp = alloctcb(tid);
+ tid_tcp->flags |= TCB_ATTACHED | TCB_STARTUP |
+ post_attach_sigstop;
+ newoutf(tid_tcp);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ if (!qflag) {
+ if (ntid > nerr)
+ error_msg("Process %u attached"
+ " with %u threads",
+ tcp->pid, ntid - nerr + 1);
+ else
+ error_msg("Process %u attached",
+ tcp->pid);
+ }
static void