Remove legacy build script.

Change-Id: If348bb5dd92c1160e57f1db15929a2e02d1f253d
Reviewed-by: Greg Hartman <>
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Capens <>
Tested-by: Nicolas Capens <>
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4110e4f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Invoke this from the root of an internal Android tree. It will create
-# links to build swiftshader as vendor code in vendor/swiftshader
-set -o errexit
-pushd $(dirname "$0") > /dev/null 2>&1
-popd > /dev/null 2>&1
-# The Android build configurations to use. There should be one representative
-# configuration per TARGET_ARCH, ideally the primary user of SwiftShader
-JOBS=$(grep '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
-# Doing this first verifies that we're at the top of the tree
-. build/
-# It's ok to reference gce_x86 here. The java version is controlled by
-# the branch, not the device. The config file lives in gce_x86 because
-# it's a repository that we control
-. device/google/gce_x86/
-# Ensure that our source links are correct by throwing away anthing that is
-# already linked and linking again
-rm -rf "${SOURCE_DIR_LINKED}"
-mkdir -p "${SOURCE_DIR_LINKED}"
-ln -s "${SOURCE_DIR}/.dir-locals.el" "${SOURCE_DIR_LINKED}"
-# Android JB needs some encouragement to find the makefiles
-echo 'include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)' > "${SOURCE_DIR_LINKED}/"
-for i in $(find "${SOURCE_DIR}/src" -name -print); do
-  ln -s "$(dirname "${i}" )" "${SOURCE_DIR_LINKED}"
-unset IFS
-# Build for each configuration in the list
-for config in ${CONFIGS}; do
-  lunch ${config}
-  # Get the actual architecture from the build configuration
-  TARGET_ARCH=$(get_build_var TARGET_ARCH)
-  rm -rf ${OBJECT_DIR}/${TARGET_ARCH}
-  make -j ${JOBS} \
-     showcommands \
-     libEGL_swiftshader_vendor_debug \
-     libEGL_swiftshader_vendor_release \
-     libGLESv1_CM_swiftshader_vendor_debug \
-     libGLESv1_CM_swiftshader_vendor_release \
-     libGLESv2_swiftshader_vendor_debug \
-     libGLESv2_swiftshader_vendor_release 2>&1 | tee vendor_build.out
-  # We don't need the obj files since they can be generated from the syms
-  mkdir -p ${OBJECT_DIR}/${TARGET_ARCH}
-  rm -rf ${OBJECT_DIR}/${TARGET_ARCH}/*/obj
-  # JBMR2 (and earlier?) doesn't allow the library name to differ from the
-  # module name. Rename the generated libraries.
-  IFS=$'\n'
-  for i in $(find ${OBJECT_DIR}/${TARGET_ARCH} -name '*_vendor_*'); do
-    j="${i/_vendor_debug/}"
-    j="${j/_vendor_release/}"
-    if [[ "$i" != "$j" ]]; then
-      mv "$i" "$j"
-    fi
-  done
-  unset IFS
-  pushd "${OBJECT_DIR}"
-  git add ${TARGET_ARCH}
-  popd
-# Decide if we need any warning in the commit message
-if [[ "$(cd ${SOURCE_DIR}; git diff HEAD)" != "" ]]; then
-elif [[ "$(cd ${SOURCE_DIR}; git diff origin/master)" != "" ]]; then
-# Do the commit
-pushd "${OBJECT_DIR}"
-git commit \
-  -m "${WARN} SwiftShader build as of:" \
-  -m "    git hash: $( cd ${SOURCE_DIR}; git log -n1 | grep commit | head -1 | awk '{ print $2; }')" \
-  -m "$(cd ${SOURCE_DIR}; git log -n1 | grep '^ *Change-Id:' | tail -1 | sed 's,-, ,')" \
-  -m "    At $(cd ${SOURCE_DIR}; git remote -v | grep ^origin | head -1 | awk '{ print $2; }')" \
-  -m "$1"