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diff --git a/src/Renderer/PixelProcessor.cpp b/src/Renderer/PixelProcessor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b285a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Renderer/PixelProcessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+// SwiftShader Software Renderer
+// Copyright(c) 2005-2011 TransGaming Inc.
+// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
+// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
+// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
+// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
+// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
+#include "PixelProcessor.hpp"
+#include "QuadRasterizer.hpp"
+#include "PixelShader.hpp"
+#include "MetaMacro.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "Primitive.hpp"
+#include "Constants.hpp"
+#include "Debug.hpp"
+namespace sw
+	extern bool complementaryDepthBuffer;
+	extern Context::TransparencyAntialiasing transparencyAntialiasing;
+	extern bool perspectiveCorrection;
+	unsigned int PixelProcessor::States::computeHash()
+	{
+		unsigned int *state = (unsigned int*)this;
+		unsigned int hash = 0;
+		for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(States) / 4; i++)
+		{
+			hash ^= state[i];
+		}
+		return hash;
+	}
+	PixelProcessor::State::State()
+	{
+		memset(this, 0, sizeof(State));
+	}
+	bool PixelProcessor::State::operator==(const State &state) const
+	{
+		if(hash != state.hash)
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+		return memcmp(static_cast<const States*>(this), static_cast<const States*>(&state), sizeof(States)) == 0;
+	}
+	PixelProcessor::PixelProcessor(Context *context) : context(context)
+	{
+		setGlobalMipmapBias(0.0f);   // Round to highest LOD [0.5, 1.0]: -0.5
+		                             // Round to nearest LOD [0.7, 1.4]:  0.0
+		                             // Round to lowest LOD  [1.0, 2.0]:  0.5
+		routineCache = 0;
+		setRoutineCacheSize(1024);
+	}
+	PixelProcessor::~PixelProcessor()
+	{
+		delete routineCache;
+		routineCache = 0;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFloatConstant(unsigned int index, const float value[4])
+	{
+		if(index < 224)
+		{
+			c[index][0] = value[0];
+			c[index][1] = value[1];
+			c[index][2] = value[2];
+			c[index][3] = value[3];
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+		if(index < 8)   // ps_1_x constants
+		{
+			// FIXME: Compact into generic function
+			short x = iround(4095 * clamp(value[0], -1.0f, 1.0f));
+			short y = iround(4095 * clamp(value[1], -1.0f, 1.0f));
+			short z = iround(4095 * clamp(value[2], -1.0f, 1.0f));
+			short w = iround(4095 * clamp(value[3], -1.0f, 1.0f));
+			cW[index][0][0] = x;
+			cW[index][0][1] = x;
+			cW[index][0][2] = x;
+			cW[index][0][3] = x;
+			cW[index][1][0] = y;
+			cW[index][1][1] = y;
+			cW[index][1][2] = y;
+			cW[index][1][3] = y;
+			cW[index][2][0] = z;
+			cW[index][2][1] = z;
+			cW[index][2][2] = z;
+			cW[index][2][3] = z;
+			cW[index][3][0] = w;
+			cW[index][3][1] = w;
+			cW[index][3][2] = w;
+			cW[index][3][3] = w;
+		}
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setIntegerConstant(unsigned int index, const int value[4])
+	{
+		if(index < 16)
+		{
+			i[index][0] = value[0];
+			i[index][1] = value[1];
+			i[index][2] = value[2];
+			i[index][3] = value[3];
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBooleanConstant(unsigned int index, int boolean)
+	{
+		if(index < 16)
+		{
+			b[index] = boolean != 0;
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setRenderTarget(int index, Surface *renderTarget)
+	{
+		context->renderTarget[index] = renderTarget;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDepthStencil(Surface *depthStencil)
+	{
+		context->depthStencil = depthStencil;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setTexCoordIndex(unsigned int stage, int texCoordIndex)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setTexCoordIndex(texCoordIndex);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStageOperation(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::StageOperation stageOperation)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setStageOperation(stageOperation);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFirstArgument(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument firstArgument)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setFirstArgument(firstArgument);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSecondArgument(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument secondArgument)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setSecondArgument(secondArgument);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setThirdArgument(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument thirdArgument)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setThirdArgument(thirdArgument);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStageOperationAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::StageOperation stageOperationAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setStageOperationAlpha(stageOperationAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFirstArgumentAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument firstArgumentAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setFirstArgumentAlpha(firstArgumentAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSecondArgumentAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument secondArgumentAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setSecondArgumentAlpha(secondArgumentAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setThirdArgumentAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::SourceArgument thirdArgumentAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setThirdArgumentAlpha(thirdArgumentAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFirstModifier(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier firstModifier)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setFirstModifier(firstModifier);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSecondModifier(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier secondModifier)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setSecondModifier(secondModifier);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setThirdModifier(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier thirdModifier)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setThirdModifier(thirdModifier);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFirstModifierAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier firstModifierAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setFirstModifierAlpha(firstModifierAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSecondModifierAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier secondModifierAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setSecondModifierAlpha(secondModifierAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setThirdModifierAlpha(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::ArgumentModifier thirdModifierAlpha)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setThirdModifierAlpha(thirdModifierAlpha);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDestinationArgument(unsigned int stage, TextureStage::DestinationArgument destinationArgument)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setDestinationArgument(destinationArgument);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setConstantColor(unsigned int stage, const Color<float> &constantColor)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setConstantColor(constantColor);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBumpmapMatrix(unsigned int stage, int element, float value)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setBumpmapMatrix(element, value);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setLuminanceScale(unsigned int stage, float value)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setLuminanceScale(value);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setLuminanceOffset(unsigned int stage, float value)
+	{
+		if(stage < 8)
+		{
+			context->textureStage[stage].setLuminanceOffset(value);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setTextureFilter(unsigned int sampler, FilterType textureFilter)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setTextureFilter(textureFilter);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setMipmapFilter(unsigned int sampler, MipmapType mipmapFilter)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setMipmapFilter(mipmapFilter);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setGatherEnable(unsigned int sampler, bool enable)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setGatherEnable(enable);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAddressingModeU(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressMode)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setAddressingModeU(addressMode);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAddressingModeV(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressMode)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setAddressingModeV(addressMode);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAddressingModeW(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressMode)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setAddressingModeW(addressMode);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setReadSRGB(unsigned int sampler, bool sRGB)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setReadSRGB(sRGB);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setMipmapLOD(unsigned int sampler, float bias)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setMipmapLOD(bias);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBorderColor(unsigned int sampler, const Color<float> &borderColor)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setBorderColor(borderColor);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setMaxAnisotropy(unsigned int sampler, unsigned int maxAnisotropy)
+	{
+		if(sampler < 16)
+		{
+			context->sampler[sampler].setMaxAnisotropy(maxAnisotropy);
+		}
+		else ASSERT(false);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setWriteSRGB(bool sRGB)
+	{
+		context->setWriteSRGB(sRGB);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDepthBufferEnable(bool depthBufferEnable)
+	{
+		context->setDepthBufferEnable(depthBufferEnable);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDepthCompare(Context::DepthCompareMode depthCompareMode)
+	{
+		context->depthCompareMode = depthCompareMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAlphaCompare(Context::AlphaCompareMode alphaCompareMode)
+	{
+		context->alphaCompareMode = alphaCompareMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDepthWriteEnable(bool depthWriteEnable)
+	{
+		context->depthWriteEnable = depthWriteEnable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAlphaTestEnable(bool alphaTestEnable)
+	{
+		context->alphaTestEnable = alphaTestEnable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setCullMode(Context::CullMode cullMode)
+	{
+		context->cullMode = cullMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setColorWriteMask(int index, int rgbaMask)
+	{
+		context->setColorWriteMask(index, rgbaMask);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilEnable(bool stencilEnable)
+	{
+		context->stencilEnable = stencilEnable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilCompare(Context::StencilCompareMode stencilCompareMode)
+	{
+		context->stencilCompareMode = stencilCompareMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilReference(int stencilReference)
+	{
+		context->stencilReference = stencilReference;
+		stencil.set(stencilReference, context->stencilMask, context->stencilWriteMask);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilReferenceCCW(int stencilReferenceCCW)
+	{
+		context->stencilReferenceCCW = stencilReferenceCCW;
+		stencilCCW.set(stencilReferenceCCW, context->stencilMaskCCW, context->stencilWriteMaskCCW);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilMask(int stencilMask)
+	{
+		context->stencilMask = stencilMask;
+		stencil.set(context->stencilReference, stencilMask, context->stencilWriteMask);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilMaskCCW(int stencilMaskCCW)
+	{
+		context->stencilMaskCCW = stencilMaskCCW;
+		stencilCCW.set(context->stencilReferenceCCW, stencilMaskCCW, context->stencilWriteMaskCCW);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilFailOperation(Context::StencilOperation stencilFailOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilFailOperation = stencilFailOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilPassOperation(Context::StencilOperation stencilPassOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilPassOperation = stencilPassOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilZFailOperation(Context::StencilOperation stencilZFailOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilZFailOperation = stencilZFailOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilWriteMask(int stencilWriteMask)
+	{
+		context->stencilWriteMask = stencilWriteMask;
+		stencil.set(context->stencilReference, context->stencilMask, stencilWriteMask);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilWriteMaskCCW(int stencilWriteMaskCCW)
+	{
+		context->stencilWriteMaskCCW = stencilWriteMaskCCW;
+		stencilCCW.set(context->stencilReferenceCCW, context->stencilMaskCCW, stencilWriteMaskCCW);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setTwoSidedStencil(bool enable)
+	{
+		context->twoSidedStencil = enable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilCompareCCW(Context::StencilCompareMode stencilCompareMode)
+	{
+		context->stencilCompareModeCCW = stencilCompareMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilFailOperationCCW(Context::StencilOperation stencilFailOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilFailOperationCCW = stencilFailOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilPassOperationCCW(Context::StencilOperation stencilPassOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilPassOperationCCW = stencilPassOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setStencilZFailOperationCCW(Context::StencilOperation stencilZFailOperation)
+	{
+		context->stencilZFailOperationCCW = stencilZFailOperation;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setTextureFactor(const Color<float> &textureFactor)
+	{
+		// FIXME: Compact into generic function   // FIXME: Clamp
+		short textureFactorR = iround(4095 * textureFactor.r);
+		short textureFactorG = iround(4095 * textureFactor.g);
+		short textureFactorB = iround(4095 * textureFactor.b);
+		short textureFactorA = iround(4095 * textureFactor.a);
+		factor.textureFactor4[0][0] = textureFactorR;
+		factor.textureFactor4[0][1] = textureFactorR;
+		factor.textureFactor4[0][2] = textureFactorR;
+		factor.textureFactor4[0][3] = textureFactorR;
+		factor.textureFactor4[1][0] = textureFactorG;
+		factor.textureFactor4[1][1] = textureFactorG;
+		factor.textureFactor4[1][2] = textureFactorG;
+		factor.textureFactor4[1][3] = textureFactorG;
+		factor.textureFactor4[2][0] = textureFactorB;
+		factor.textureFactor4[2][1] = textureFactorB;
+		factor.textureFactor4[2][2] = textureFactorB;
+		factor.textureFactor4[2][3] = textureFactorB;
+		factor.textureFactor4[3][0] = textureFactorA;
+		factor.textureFactor4[3][1] = textureFactorA;
+		factor.textureFactor4[3][2] = textureFactorA;
+		factor.textureFactor4[3][3] = textureFactorA;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBlendConstant(const Color<float> &blendConstant)
+	{
+		// FIXME: Compact into generic function   // FIXME: Clamp
+		short blendConstantR = iround(65535 * blendConstant.r);
+		short blendConstantG = iround(65535 * blendConstant.g);
+		short blendConstantB = iround(65535 * blendConstant.b);
+		short blendConstantA = iround(65535 * blendConstant.a);
+		factor.blendConstant4W[0][0] = blendConstantR;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[0][1] = blendConstantR;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[0][2] = blendConstantR;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[0][3] = blendConstantR;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[1][0] = blendConstantG;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[1][1] = blendConstantG;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[1][2] = blendConstantG;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[1][3] = blendConstantG;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[2][0] = blendConstantB;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[2][1] = blendConstantB;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[2][2] = blendConstantB;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[2][3] = blendConstantB;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[3][0] = blendConstantA;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[3][1] = blendConstantA;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[3][2] = blendConstantA;
+		factor.blendConstant4W[3][3] = blendConstantA;
+		// FIXME: Compact into generic function   // FIXME: Clamp
+		short invBlendConstantR = iround(65535 * (1 - blendConstant.r));
+		short invBlendConstantG = iround(65535 * (1 - blendConstant.g));
+		short invBlendConstantB = iround(65535 * (1 - blendConstant.b));
+		short invBlendConstantA = iround(65535 * (1 - blendConstant.a));
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[0][0] = invBlendConstantR;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[0][1] = invBlendConstantR;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[0][2] = invBlendConstantR;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[0][3] = invBlendConstantR;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[1][0] = invBlendConstantG;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[1][1] = invBlendConstantG;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[1][2] = invBlendConstantG;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[1][3] = invBlendConstantG;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[2][0] = invBlendConstantB;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[2][1] = invBlendConstantB;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[2][2] = invBlendConstantB;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[2][3] = invBlendConstantB;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[3][0] = invBlendConstantA;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[3][1] = invBlendConstantA;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[3][2] = invBlendConstantA;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4W[3][3] = invBlendConstantA;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[0][0] = blendConstant.r;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[0][1] = blendConstant.r;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[0][2] = blendConstant.r;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[0][3] = blendConstant.r;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[1][0] = blendConstant.g;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[1][1] = blendConstant.g;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[1][2] = blendConstant.g;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[1][3] = blendConstant.g;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[2][0] = blendConstant.b;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[2][1] = blendConstant.b;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[2][2] = blendConstant.b;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[2][3] = blendConstant.b;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[3][0] = blendConstant.a;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[3][1] = blendConstant.a;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[3][2] = blendConstant.a;
+		factor.blendConstant4F[3][3] = blendConstant.a;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[0][0] = 1 - blendConstant.r;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[0][1] = 1 - blendConstant.r;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[0][2] = 1 - blendConstant.r;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[0][3] = 1 - blendConstant.r;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[1][0] = 1 - blendConstant.g;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[1][1] = 1 - blendConstant.g;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[1][2] = 1 - blendConstant.g;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[1][3] = 1 - blendConstant.g;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[2][0] = 1 - blendConstant.b;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[2][1] = 1 - blendConstant.b;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[2][2] = 1 - blendConstant.b;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[2][3] = 1 - blendConstant.b;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[3][0] = 1 - blendConstant.a;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[3][1] = 1 - blendConstant.a;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[3][2] = 1 - blendConstant.a;
+		factor.invBlendConstant4F[3][3] = 1 - blendConstant.a;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFillMode(Context::FillMode fillMode)
+	{
+		context->fillMode = fillMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setShadingMode(Context::ShadingMode shadingMode)
+	{
+		context->shadingMode = shadingMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAlphaBlendEnable(bool alphaBlendEnable)
+	{
+		context->setAlphaBlendEnable(alphaBlendEnable);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSourceBlendFactor(Context::BlendFactor sourceBlendFactor)
+	{
+		context->setSourceBlendFactor(sourceBlendFactor);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDestBlendFactor(Context::BlendFactor destBlendFactor)
+	{
+		context->setDestBlendFactor(destBlendFactor);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBlendOperation(Context::BlendOperation blendOperation)
+	{
+		context->setBlendOperation(blendOperation);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSeparateAlphaBlendEnable(bool separateAlphaBlendEnable)
+	{
+		context->setSeparateAlphaBlendEnable(separateAlphaBlendEnable);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setSourceBlendFactorAlpha(Context::BlendFactor sourceBlendFactorAlpha)
+	{
+		context->setSourceBlendFactorAlpha(sourceBlendFactorAlpha);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setDestBlendFactorAlpha(Context::BlendFactor destBlendFactorAlpha)
+	{
+		context->setDestBlendFactorAlpha(destBlendFactorAlpha);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setBlendOperationAlpha(Context::BlendOperation blendOperationAlpha)
+	{
+		context->setBlendOperationAlpha(blendOperationAlpha);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setAlphaReference(int alphaReference)
+	{
+		context->alphaReference = alphaReference;
+		factor.alphaReference4[0] = (word)iround((float)alphaReference * 0x1000 / 0xFF);
+		factor.alphaReference4[1] = (word)iround((float)alphaReference * 0x1000 / 0xFF);
+		factor.alphaReference4[2] = (word)iround((float)alphaReference * 0x1000 / 0xFF);
+		factor.alphaReference4[3] = (word)iround((float)alphaReference * 0x1000 / 0xFF);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setGlobalMipmapBias(float bias)
+	{
+		context->setGlobalMipmapBias(bias);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFogStart(float start)
+	{
+		setFogRanges(start, context->fogEnd);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFogEnd(float end)
+	{
+		setFogRanges(context->fogStart, end);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFogColor(Color<float> fogColor)
+	{
+		// TODO: Compact into generic function
+		word fogR = (unsigned short)(65535 * fogColor.r);
+		word fogG = (unsigned short)(65535 * fogColor.g);
+		word fogB = (unsigned short)(65535 * fogColor.b);
+		fog.color4[0][0] = fogR;
+		fog.color4[0][1] = fogR;
+		fog.color4[0][2] = fogR;
+		fog.color4[0][3] = fogR;
+		fog.color4[1][0] = fogG;
+		fog.color4[1][1] = fogG;
+		fog.color4[1][2] = fogG;
+		fog.color4[1][3] = fogG;
+		fog.color4[2][0] = fogB;
+		fog.color4[2][1] = fogB;
+		fog.color4[2][2] = fogB;
+		fog.color4[2][3] = fogB;
+		fog.colorF[0] = replicate(fogColor.r);
+		fog.colorF[1] = replicate(fogColor.g);
+		fog.colorF[2] = replicate(fogColor.b);
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFogDensity(float fogDensity)
+	{
+		fog.densityE = replicate(-fogDensity * 1.442695f);   // 1/e^x = 2^(-x*1.44)
+		fog.densityE2 = replicate(fogDensity * 1.201122f);   // 1/e^(x^2) = 2^(-(x*1.20)^2)
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setPixelFogMode(Context::FogMode fogMode)
+	{
+		context->pixelFogMode = fogMode;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setPerspectiveCorrection(bool perspectiveEnable)
+	{
+		perspectiveCorrection = perspectiveEnable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setOcclusionEnabled(bool enable)
+	{
+		context->occlusionEnabled = enable;
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setRoutineCacheSize(int cacheSize)
+	{
+		delete routineCache;
+		routineCache = new LRUCache<State, Routine>(clamp(cacheSize, 1, 65536));
+	}
+	void PixelProcessor::setFogRanges(float start, float end)
+	{
+		context->fogStart = start;
+		context->fogEnd = end;
+		if(start == end)
+		{
+			end += 0.001f;   // Hack: ensure there is a small range
+		}
+		float fogScale = -1.0f / (end - start);
+		float fogOffset = end * -fogScale;
+		fog.scale = replicate(fogScale);
+		fog.offset = replicate(fogOffset);
+	}
+	const PixelProcessor::State PixelProcessor::update() const
+	{
+		State state;
+		if(context->pixelShader)
+		{
+			state.shaderHash = context->pixelShader->getHash();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			state.shaderHash = 0;
+		}
+		state.depthOverride = context->pixelShader && context->pixelShader->depthOverride();
+		state.shaderContainsTexkill = context->pixelShader ? context->pixelShader->containsTexkill() : false;
+		if(context->alphaTestActive())
+		{
+			state.alphaCompareMode = context->alphaCompareMode;
+			state.transparencyAntialiasing = context->renderTarget[0]->getMultiSampleCount() > 1 ? transparencyAntialiasing : Context::TRANSPARENCY_NONE;
+		}
+		state.depthWriteEnable = context->depthWriteActive();
+		if(context->stencilActive())
+		{
+			state.stencilActive = true;
+			state.stencilCompareMode = context->stencilCompareMode;
+			state.stencilFailOperation = context->stencilFailOperation;
+			state.stencilPassOperation = context->stencilPassOperation;
+			state.stencilZFailOperation = context->stencilZFailOperation;
+			state.noStencilMask = (context->stencilMask == 0xFF);
+			state.noStencilWriteMask = (context->stencilWriteMask == 0xFF);
+			state.stencilWriteMasked = (context->stencilWriteMask == 0x00);
+			state.twoSidedStencil = context->twoSidedStencil;
+			state.stencilCompareModeCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? context->stencilCompareModeCCW : state.stencilCompareMode;
+			state.stencilFailOperationCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? context->stencilFailOperationCCW : state.stencilFailOperation;
+			state.stencilPassOperationCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? context->stencilPassOperationCCW : state.stencilPassOperation;
+			state.stencilZFailOperationCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? context->stencilZFailOperationCCW : state.stencilZFailOperation;
+			state.noStencilMaskCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? (context->stencilMaskCCW == 0xFF) : state.noStencilMask;
+			state.noStencilWriteMaskCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? (context->stencilWriteMaskCCW == 0xFF) : state.noStencilWriteMask;
+			state.stencilWriteMaskedCCW = context->twoSidedStencil ? (context->stencilWriteMaskCCW == 0x00) : state.stencilWriteMasked;
+		}
+		if(context->depthBufferActive())
+		{
+			state.depthTestActive = true;
+			state.depthCompareMode = context->depthCompareMode;
+			state.quadLayoutDepthBuffer = context->depthStencil->getInternalFormat() != FORMAT_D32F_LOCKABLE &&
+			                              context->depthStencil->getInternalFormat() != FORMAT_D32F_TEXTURE &&
+			                              context->depthStencil->getInternalFormat() != FORMAT_D32F_SHADOW;
+		}
+		state.occlusionEnabled = context->occlusionEnabled;
+		state.fogActive = context->fogActive();
+		state.pixelFogMode = context->pixelFogActive();
+		state.wBasedFog = context->wBasedFog && context->pixelFogActive() != Context::FOG_NONE;
+		state.perspective = context->perspectiveActive();
+		if(context->alphaBlendActive())
+		{
+			state.alphaBlendActive = true;
+			state.sourceBlendFactor = context->sourceBlendFactor();
+			state.destBlendFactor = context->destBlendFactor();
+			state.blendOperation = context->blendOperation();
+			state.sourceBlendFactorAlpha = context->sourceBlendFactorAlpha();
+			state.destBlendFactorAlpha = context->destBlendFactorAlpha();
+			state.blendOperationAlpha = context->blendOperationAlpha();
+		}
+		state.colorWriteMask = (context->colorWriteActive(0) << 0) |
+		                       (context->colorWriteActive(1) << 4) |
+		                       (context->colorWriteActive(2) << 8) |
+		                       (context->colorWriteActive(3) << 12);
+		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+		{
+			state.targetFormat[i] = context->renderTargetInternalFormat(i);
+		}
+		state.writeSRGB	= context->writeSRGB && Surface::isSRGBwritable(context->renderTarget[0]->getExternalFormat());
+		state.multiSample = context->renderTarget[0]->getMultiSampleCount();
+		state.multiSampleMask = context->multiSampleMask;
+		if(state.multiSample > 1 && context->pixelShader)
+		{
+			state.centroid = context->pixelShader->containsCentroid();
+		}
+		if(!context->pixelShader)
+		{
+			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+			{
+				state.textureStage[i] = context->textureStage[i].textureStageState();
+			}
+			state.specularAdd = context->specularActive() && context->specularEnable;
+		}
+		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+		{
+			if(context->pixelShader)
+			{
+				if(context->pixelShader->usesSampler(i))
+				{
+					state.sampler[i] = context->sampler[i].samplerState();
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if(i < 8 && state.textureStage[i].stageOperation != TextureStage::STAGE_DISABLE)
+				{
+					state.sampler[i] = context->sampler[i].samplerState();
+				}
+				else break;
+			}
+		}
+		const bool point = context->isDrawPoint(true);
+		const bool sprite = context->pointSpriteActive();
+		const bool flatShading = (context->shadingMode == Context::SHADING_FLAT) || point;
+		if(context->pixelShaderVersion() < 0x0300)
+		{
+			for(int coordinate = 0; coordinate < 8; coordinate++)
+			{
+				for(int component = 0; component < 4; component++)
+				{
+					if(context->textureActive(coordinate, component))
+					{
+						state.texture[coordinate].component |= 1 << component;
+						if(point && !sprite)
+						{
+							state.texture[coordinate].flat |= 1 << component;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(context->textureTransformProject[coordinate] && context->pixelShaderVersion() <= 0x0103)
+				{
+					if(context->textureTransformCount[coordinate] == 2)
+					{
+						state.texture[coordinate].project = 1;
+					}
+					else if(context->textureTransformCount[coordinate] == 3)
+					{
+						state.texture[coordinate].project = 2;
+					}
+					else if(context->textureTransformCount[coordinate] == 4 || context->textureTransformCount[coordinate] == 0)
+					{
+						state.texture[coordinate].project = 3;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for(int color = 0; color < 2; color++)
+			{
+				for(int component = 0; component < 4; component++)
+				{
+					if(context->colorActive(color, component))
+					{
+						state.color[color].component |= 1 << component;
+						if(point || flatShading)
+						{
+							state.color[color].flat |= 1 << component;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(context->fogActive())
+			{
+				state.fog.component = true;
+				if(point)
+				{
+					state.fog.flat = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			for(int interpolant = 0; interpolant < 10; interpolant++)
+			{
+				for(int component = 0; component < 4; component++)
+				{
+					if(context->pixelShader->semantic[interpolant][component].active())
+					{
+						bool flat = point;
+						switch(context->pixelShader->semantic[interpolant][component].usage)
+						{
+						case ShaderOperation::USAGE_TEXCOORD:	flat = point && !sprite;	break;
+						case ShaderOperation::USAGE_COLOR:		flat = flatShading;			break;
+						}
+						state.interpolant[interpolant].component |= 1 << component;
+						if(flat)
+						{
+							state.interpolant[interpolant].flat |= 1 << component;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(state.centroid)
+		{
+			for(int interpolant = 0; interpolant < 10; interpolant++)
+			{
+				for(int component = 0; component < 4; component++)
+				{
+					state.interpolant[interpolant].centroid = context->pixelShader->semantic[interpolant][0].centroid;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		state.hash = state.computeHash();
+		return state;
+	}
+	Routine *PixelProcessor::routine(const State &state)
+	{
+		Routine *routine = routineCache->query(state);
+		if(!routine)
+		{
+			Rasterizer *generator = new QuadRasterizer(state, context->pixelShader);
+			generator->generate();
+			routine = generator->getRoutine();
+			delete generator;
+			routineCache->add(state, routine);
+		}
+		return routine;
+	}