Add support for Meson as build system

The Meson build system is being adopted by projects
such as GNOME, PulseAudio, GStreamer, VLC, systemd, Mesa,
Wayland,, and many others. Having a meson build
upstream in tinyalsa would allow for easy use of tinyalsa
as a Meson subproject in other projects.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09a8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+project ('tinyalsa', 'c', version : '1.1.1', meson_version : '>= 0.48.0')
+tinyalsa_includes = include_directories('.', 'include')
+tinyalsa = library('tinyalsa',
+  'src/mixer.c', 'src/pcm.c',
+  include_directories: tinyalsa_includes,
+  install: true)
+# For use as a Meson subproject
+tinyalsa_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: tinyalsa,
+  include_directories: include_directories('include'))
+if not get_option('docs').disabled()
+  # subdir('docs') # FIXME
+if not get_option('examples').disabled()
+  subdir('examples')
+if not get_option('utils').disabled()
+  subdir('utils')
+pkg = import('pkgconfig')
+pkg.generate(tinyalsa, description: 'TinyALSA Library')