 It now has callable functions and uses crossdev instead of setup_board.
 This way it is more flexible and things can be reinstalled and be
 incrementally built without changing setup_board.

DELTA=98  (78 added, 13 deleted, 7 changed)
RDATE=2010/11/03 17:22:34

P4 change: 42605540
diff --git a/v14/ b/v14/
index 169165e..d6d87aa 100755
--- a/v14/
+++ b/v14/
@@ -17,27 +17,92 @@
 (rootdir, basename) = utils.GetRoot(sys.argv[0])
 utils.InitLogger(rootdir, basename)
-parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-parser.add_option("-c", "--chromeos_root", dest="chromeos_root",
-                  help="ChromeOS root checkout directory.")
-parser.add_option("-t", "--toolchain_root", dest="toolchain_root",
-                  help="Toolchain root directory.")
-parser.add_option("-b", "--board", dest="board",
-                  help="board is the argument to the setup_board command.")
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+def Main():
+  """The main function."""
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option("-c", "--chromeos_root", dest="chromeos_root",
+                    help="ChromeOS root checkout directory.")
+  parser.add_option("-t", "--toolchain_root", dest="toolchain_root",
+                    help="Toolchain root directory.")
+  parser.add_option("-b", "--board", dest="board",
+                    help="board is the argument to the setup_board command.")
+  parser.add_option("-C", "--clean", dest="clean",
+                    action="store_true", help="Uninstall the toolchain.")
+  parser.add_option("-i", "--incremental", dest="incremental",
+                    help="The toolchain component that should be "
+                    "incrementally compiled.")
-if options.toolchain_root is None or options.board is None:
-  parser.print_help()
-  sys.exit()
+  options = parser.parse_args()[0]
-command = (rootdir + "/")
-if options.chromeos_root is not None:
-  command += " --chromeos_root=" + options.chromeos_root
-if options.toolchain_root is not None:
-  command += " --toolchain_root=" + options.toolchain_root
-command += (" -- ./setup_board --nousepkg --board=" + options.board +
-            " --gcc_version=9999")
+  if options.toolchain_root is None or options.board is None:
+    parser.print_help()
+    sys.exit()
-retval = utils.RunCommand(command)
-assert retval == 0, "Retval should have been 0!"
+  if options.chromeos_root is None:
+    options.chromeos_root = "../.."
+  f = open(options.chromeos_root + "/src/overlays/overlay-" +
+           options.board + "/toolchain.conf", "r")
+  target =
+  f.close()
+  target = target.strip()
+  features = "noclean"
+  env = CreateEnvVarString(" FEATURES", features)
+  toolchain_root = "/home/${USER}/toolchain_root"
+  env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORT_LOGDIR", toolchain_root + "/log")
+  env += CreateEnvVarString(" PKGDIR", toolchain_root + "/pkgs")
+  env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORTAGE_TMPDIR", toolchain_root + "/tmp")
+  BuildTC(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root, env, target,
+          options.clean, options.incremental)
+def CreateEnvVarString(variable, value):
+  return variable + "=" + EscapeQuoteString(value)
+def EscapeQuoteString(string):
+  return "\\\"" + string + "\\\""
+def BuildTC(chromeos_root, toolchain_root, env, target, uninstall,
+            incremental_component):
+  """Build the toolchain."""
+  binutils_version = "2.20.1-r1"
+  gcc_version = "9999"
+  libc_version = "2.10.1-r1"
+  kernel_version = "2.6.30-r1"
+  if incremental_component is not None and len(incremental_component) > 0:
+    env += "FEATURES+=" + EscapeQuoteString("keepwork")
+  if uninstall == True:
+    tflag = " -C "
+  else:
+    tflag = " -t "
+  command = (rootdir + "/")
+  if chromeos_root is not None:
+    command += " --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root
+  if toolchain_root is not None:
+    command += " --toolchain_root=" + toolchain_root
+  command += " -- sudo " + env
+  if incremental_component == "binutils":
+    command += " emerge =cross-" + target + "/binutils-" + binutils_version
+  elif incremental_component == "gcc":
+    command += " emerge =cross-" + target + "/gcc-" + gcc_version
+  elif incremental_component == "libc" or incremental_component == "glibc":
+    command += " emerge =cross-" + target + "/glibc-" + libc_version
+  else:
+    command += (" crossdev -v " + tflag + target +
+                " --binutils " + binutils_version +
+                " --libc " + libc_version +
+                " --gcc " + gcc_version +
+                " --kernel " + kernel_version +
+                " --portage -b --portage --newuse")
+  retval = utils.RunCommand(command)
+  return retval
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  Main()