Update nightly tests (and weekly report stuff) to use official builds.

This CL changes the nightly tests to download and use the official
image for our 'vanilla' image, rather than building the vanilla image
ourselves.  It also updates the code that creates & copies the tar
files of the images, for the weekly reports, to look for and copy the
official images.

TEST=Tested the changes by hand.  Also let them run for a couple of
nights for our nightly tests.

Change-Id: I8c3215aab7550dc9f148ed79095295f702141017
Reviewed-on: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/166477
Reviewed-by: Luis Lozano <llozano@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com>
Tested-by: Caroline Tice <cmtice@google.com>
diff --git a/test_toolchains.py b/test_toolchains.py
index 0135c0d..57051e7 100644
--- a/test_toolchains.py
+++ b/test_toolchains.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
     self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
     self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
     self._l = logger.GetLogger()
+    self._build_num = None
   def _DeleteChroot(self):
     command = "cd %s; cros_sdk --delete" % self._chromeos_root
@@ -40,6 +41,31 @@
     command = "sudo rm -rf %s" % os.path.join(self._chromeos_root, ".cache")
     return self._ce.RunCommand(command)
+  def _GetBuildNumber(self):
+    """ This function assumes a ChromeOS image has been built in the chroot.
+    It translates the 'latest' symlink in the
+    <chroot>/src/build/images/<board> directory, to find the actual
+    ChromeOS build number for the image that was built.  For example, if
+    src/build/image/lumpy/latest ->  R37-5982.0.2014_06_23_0454-a1, then
+    This function would parse it out and assign 'R37-5982' to self._build_num.
+    This is used to determine the official, vanilla build to use for
+    comparison tests.
+    """
+    # Get the path to 'latest'
+    sym_path = os.path.join (misc.GetImageDir(self._chromeos_root,
+                                              self._board),
+                             "latest")
+    # Translate the symlink to its 'real' path.
+    real_path = os.path.realpath(sym_path)
+    # Break up the path and get the last piece
+    # (e.g. 'R37-5982.0.2014_06_23_0454-a1"
+    path_pieces = real_path.split("/")
+    last_piece = path_pieces[-1]
+    # Break this piece into the image number + other pieces, and get the
+    # image number [ 'R37-5982', '0', '2014_06_23_0454-a1']
+    image_parts = last_piece.split(".")
+    self._build_num = image_parts[0]
   def _BuildAndImage(self, label=""):
     if (not label or
         not misc.DoesLabelExist(self._chromeos_root, self._board, label)):
@@ -49,24 +75,36 @@
       if self._public:
-      if label == "vanilla":
-        build_chromeos_args.append("--vanilla_image")
       ret = build_chromeos.Main(build_chromeos_args)
       if ret:
         raise Exception("Couldn't build ChromeOS!")
-      if label:
+      if not  self._build_num:
+        self._GetBuildNumber()
+      # Check to see if we need to create the symbolic link for the vanilla
+      # image, and do so if appropriate.
+      if not misc.DoesLabelExist(self._chromeos_root, self._board, "vanilla"):
+        build_name = "%s-release/%s.0.0" % (self._board, self._build_num)
+        full_vanilla_path = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), self._chromeos_root,
+                                          'chroot/tmp', build_name)
+        misc.LabelLatestImage(self._chromeos_root, self._board, label,
+                              full_vanilla_path)
+      else:
         misc.LabelLatestImage(self._chromeos_root, self._board, label)
     return label
-  def _SetupBoard(self, env_dict):
+  def _SetupBoard(self, env_dict, usepkg_flag, clobber_flag):
     env_string = misc.GetEnvStringFromDict(env_dict)
     command = ("%s %s" %
-                                          usepkg=False)))
+                                          usepkg=usepkg_flag,
+                                          force=clobber_flag)))
     ret = self._ce.ChrootRunCommand(self._chromeos_root,
-    assert ret == 0, "Could not setup board with new toolchain."
+    error_str = "Could not setup board: '%s'" % command
+    assert ret == 0, error_str
   def _UnInstallToolchain(self):
     command = ("sudo CLEAN_DELAY=0 emerge -C cross-%s/gcc" %
@@ -90,10 +128,15 @@
   def _BuildToolchain(self, config):
+    # Call setup_board for basic, vanilla setup.
+    self._SetupBoard({}, usepkg_flag=True, clobber_flag=False)
+    # Now uninstall the vanilla compiler and setup/build our custom
+    # compiler.
-    self._SetupBoard({"USE": "git_gcc",
-                      "GCC_GITHASH": config.gcc_config.githash,
-                      "EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS": "--exclude=gcc"})
+    envdict = {"USE": "git_gcc",
+               "GCC_GITHASH": config.gcc_config.githash,
+               "EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS": "--exclude=gcc"}
+    self._SetupBoard(envdict, usepkg_flag=False, clobber_flag=False)
 class ToolchainComparator(ChromeOSCheckout):
@@ -155,39 +198,33 @@
         crosperf_label = crosperf_label.replace("-", "minus")
         crosperf_label = crosperf_label.replace("+", "plus")
         crosperf_label = crosperf_label.replace(".", "")
-        experiment_image = """
-        %s {
-          chromeos_image: %s
-          image_args: %s
-        }
-        """ % (crosperf_label,
-               os.path.join(misc.GetImageDir(self._chromeos_root, self._board),
-                            label,
-                            "chromiumos_test_image.bin"),
-               image_args)
-        print >>f, experiment_image
-    images_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(self._chromeos_root),
-                               "src/build/images", self._board)
-    weekday = time.strftime("%a")
-    for l in labels:
-      test_path = os.path.join(images_path, l)
-      if os.path.exists(test_path):
-        data_dir = os.path.join(WEEKLY_REPORTS_ROOT, self._board)
-        if l == "vanilla":
-          label_name = l
+        # Use the official build instead of building vanilla ourselves.
+        if label == "vanilla":
+          build_name = '%s-release/%s.0.0' % (self._board, self._build_num)
+          # Now add 'official build' to test file.
+          official_image = """
+          official_image {
+            chromeos_root: %s
+            build: %s
+          }
+          """ % (self._chromeos_root, build_name)
+          print >>f, official_image
-          label_name = "test"
-        tar_file_name = "%s_%s_image.tar" % (weekday, label_name)
-        dest_dir = os.path.join (data_dir, weekday)
-        if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
-          os.makedirs(dest_dir)
-        cmd="cd %s; tar -cvf %s %s/*; cp %s %s/." % (images_path,tar_file_name,
-                                                     l, tar_file_name,
-                                                     dest_dir)
-        tar_ret = self._ce.RunCommand(cmd)
-        if tar_ret:
-          self._l.LogOutput("Error while creating/copying test tar file (%s)."
-                            % tar_file_name)
+          experiment_image = """
+          %s {
+            chromeos_image: %s
+            image_args: %s
+          }
+          """ % (crosperf_label,
+                 os.path.join(misc.GetImageDir(self._chromeos_root,
+                                               self._board),
+                              label, "chromiumos_test_image.bin"),
+                 image_args)
+          print >>f, experiment_image
     crosperf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
@@ -195,12 +232,44 @@
     ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
     if ret:
       raise Exception("Couldn't run crosperf!")
+    return ret
+  def _CopyWeeklyReportFiles(self, labels):
+    """Create tar files of the custom and official images and copy them
+    to the weekly reports directory, so they exist when the weekly report
+    gets generated.  IMPORTANT NOTE: This function must run *after*
+    crosperf has been run; otherwise the vanilla images will not be there.
+    """
+    images_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(self._chromeos_root),
+                               "src/build/images", self._board)
+    weekday = time.strftime("%a")
+    data_dir = os.path.join(WEEKLY_REPORTS_ROOT, self._board)
+    dest_dir = os.path.join (data_dir, weekday)
+    if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
+      os.makedirs(dest_dir)
+    for l in labels:
+      test_path = os.path.join(images_path, l)
+      if os.path.exists(test_path):
+        if l != "vanilla":
+          label_name = "test"
+        else:
+          label_name = "vanilla"
+        tar_file_name = "%s_%s_image.tar" % (weekday, label_name)
+        cmd = "cd %s; tar -cvf %s %s/*; cp %s %s/." % (images_path,
+                                                       tar_file_name,
+                                                       l, tar_file_name,
+                                                       dest_dir)
+        tar_ret = self._ce.RunCommand(cmd)
+        if tar_ret:
+          self._l.LogOutput("Error while creating/copying test tar file(%s)."
+                            % tar_file_name)
   def DoAll(self):
     labels = []
-    vanilla_label = self._BuildAndImage("vanilla")
-    labels.append(vanilla_label)
+    labels.append("vanilla")
     for config in self._configs:
       label = misc.GetFilenameFromString(config.gcc_config.githash)
       if (not misc.DoesLabelExist(self._chromeos_root,
@@ -210,7 +279,9 @@
         label = self._BuildAndImage(label)
-    self._TestLabels(labels)
+    if not self._TestLabels(labels):
+      # Only try to copy the image files if the test runs ran successfully.
+      self._CopyWeeklyReportFiles(labels)
     if self._clean:
       ret = self._DeleteChroot()
       if ret: return ret
diff --git a/utils/misc.py b/utils/misc.py
index 8c9fee7..eda2ae3 100644
--- a/utils/misc.py
+++ b/utils/misc.py
@@ -132,15 +132,23 @@
-def LabelLatestImage(chromeos_root, board, label):
+def LabelLatestImage(chromeos_root, board, label, vanilla_path=None):
   image_dir = GetImageDir(chromeos_root, board)
   latest_image_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, "latest")
   latest_image_dir = os.path.realpath(latest_image_dir)
   latest_image_dir = os.path.basename(latest_image_dir)
+  retval = 0
   with WorkingDirectory(image_dir):
     command = "ln -sf -T %s %s" % (latest_image_dir, label)
     ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
-    return ce.RunCommand(command)
+    retval = ce.RunCommand(command)
+    if retval:
+      return retval
+    if vanilla_path:
+      command = "ln -sf -T %s %s" % (vanilla_path, "vanilla")
+      retval2 = ce.RunCommand(command)
+      return retval2
+  return retval
 def DoesLabelExist(chromeos_root, board, label):