Crosperf schedv2 (1) - new option and integrating new scheduler.

This Cl introduces a new option '--schedv2' which uses the new
scheduler to allocate jobs (benchmark_runs) to duts.

With this option, schedv2 takes control of storing/allocating jobs and
reimage machines using the new algorithm. This CL leaves actual
reimaging and running jobs non-op (a random time sleep is used for
each such op, which would be replace in later CLs.)

You may try this CL like this and see how schedv2 works -
  crosperf --locks_dir=/usr/local/google/home/shenhan/tmp --use_file_locks=True --logging_level=verbose --schedv2 some.exp

Change-Id: If5bb7751b466c39e54c93fe8f0b4e363be6d9165
Commit-Queue: Han Shen <>
Tested-by: Han Shen <>
Reviewed-by: Han Shen <>
11 files changed