This file contains instructions to build and install the TSS libraries.


To build and install the tpm2-tss software the following software packages are required. In many cases dependencies are platform specific and so the following sections describe them for the supported platforms.


  • GNU Autoconf
  • GNU Autoconf archive
  • GNU Automake
  • GNU Libtool
  • C compiler
  • C library development libraries and header files
  • pkg-config
  • uriparser development libraries and header files
  • libgcrypt development libraries and header files

The following are dependencies only required when building test suites.

  • Integration test suite (see ./configure option --with-simulatorbin):
  • OpenSSL development libraries and header files
  • Unit test suite (see ./configure option --enable-unit):
  • cmocka unit test framework, version >= 1.0
  • Code coverage analysis:
  • lcov
  • autoconf-archives
  • uthash development libraries and header files

Most users will not need to install these dependencies.


$ sudo apt -y update
$ sudo apt -y install \
  autoconf-archive \
  libcmocka0 \
  libcmocka-dev \
  build-essential \
  git \
  pkg-config \
  gcc \
  g++ \
  m4 \
  libtool \
  automake \
  liburiparser-dev \
  libgcrypt20-dev \
  libssl-dev \

Note: In some Ubuntu versions, the lcov and autoconf-archive packages are incompatible with each other. Recommend downloading autoconf-archives directly from upstream and copy ax_code_coverage.m4.


There is a package already, so the package build dependencies information can be used to make sure that the needed packages to compile from source are installed:

$ sudo dnf builddep tpm2-tss


Windows dlls built using the Clang/LLVM "Platform Toolset" are currently prototypes. We have only tested using Visual Studio 2017 with the Universal C Runtime (UCRT) version 10.0.16299.0. Building the type marshaling library (tss2-mu.dll) and the system API (tss2-sapi.dll) should be as simple as loading the tpm2-tss solution (tpm2-tss.sln) with a compatible and properly configured version of Visual Studio 2017 and pressing the 'build' button.


Visual Studio 2017 with "Clang for Windows": Universal CRT overview & setup instructions:

Building From Source

Bootstrapping the Build

To configure the tpm2-tss source code first run the bootstrap script, which generates list of source files, and creates the configure script:

$ ./bootstrap

Configuring the Build

Then run the configure script, which generates the makefiles:

$ ./configure

Compiling the Libraries

Then compile the code using make:

$ make -j$(nproc)

Installing the Libraries

Once you've built the tpm2-tss software it can be installed with:

$ sudo make install

This will install the libraries to a location determined at configure time. See the output of ./configure --help for the available options. Typically you won't need to do much more than provide an alternative --prefix option at configure time, and maybe DESTDIR at install time if you're packaging for a distro.

NOTE: It may be necessary to run ldconfig (as root) to update the run-time bindings before executing a program that links against libsapi or a TCTI library:

$ sudo ldconfig

Building In A Container

If you are having trouble installing the dependencies on your machine you can build in a container.

$ docker build -t tpm2 .
$ docker run --name temp tpm2 /bin/true
$ docker cp temp:/tpm2-tss tpm2-tss
$ docker rm temp

tpm2-tss is now in your working directory and contains all the built files.

Doxygen Documentation

To build Doxygen documentation files, first install package Doxygen. Then generate the documentation with:

$ ./configure --enable-doxygen-doc
$ make doxygen-doc

The generated documentation will appear here:

  • doc/html HTML format (start with file doc/html/index.html)
  • doc/rtf/refman.rtf RTF format