0.97 version of SAPI code.  First version open sourced.
diff --git a/systemApi/Test/tpmclient/tpmclient.cpp b/systemApi/Test/tpmclient/tpmclient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f3a32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systemApi/Test/tpmclient/tpmclient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,6081 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// tpmclient.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console test application.
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifndef UNICODE
+#define UNICODE 1
+#ifdef _WIN32
+// link with Ws2_32.lib
+#pragma comment(lib,"Ws2_32.lib")
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+#define sprintf_s   snprintf
+#define sscanf_s    sscanf
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>   // Needed for _wtoi
+#include <string.h>
+#include "tpm20.h"
+#include "sample.h"
+#include "resourcemgr.h"
+#include "tpmclient.h"
+#include "tss2_sysapi_util.h"
+#include "tpmsockets.h"
+#include "syscontext.h"
+// TPM indices and sizes
+#define NV_AUX_INDEX_SIZE     96
+#define NV_PS_INDEX_SIZE      34
+#define NV_PO_INDEX_SIZE      34
+#define INDEX_AUX                       0x01800003 // NV Storage
+#define INDEX_LCP_OWN                   0x01400001 // Launch Policy Owner
+#define INDEX_LCP_SUP                   0x01800001 // Launch Policy Default (Supplier)
+#define TPM20_INDEX_TEST1               0x01500015
+#define TPM20_INDEX_TEST2               0x01500016
+#define TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST       0x01500020
+#define SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection, pcr ) \
+                                                (pcrSelection).pcrSelect[( (pcr)/8 )] |= ( 1 << ( (pcr) % 8) );
+#define CLEAR_PCR_SELECT_BITS( pcrSelection ) \
+                                              (pcrSelection).pcrSelect[0] = 0; \
+                                              (pcrSelection).pcrSelect[1] = 0; \
+                                              (pcrSelection).pcrSelect[2] = 0;
+#define SET_PCR_SELECT_SIZE( pcrSelection, size ) \
+                                                  (pcrSelection).sizeofSelect = size; 
+char outFileName[200] = "";
+TPM_CC currentCommandCode;
+TPM_CC *currentCommandCodePtr = &currentCommandCode;
+#define errorStringSize 200
+char errorString[errorStringSize];
+UINT32 tpmMaxResponseLen = TPMBUF_LEN;
+UINT8 pcrAfterExtend[20];
+TPM_HANDLE loadedRsaKeyHandle;
+TPM_HANDLE loadedSha1KeyHandle;
+TPM2B_AUTH loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+TPM_HANDLE handle1024, handle2048sha1, handle2048rsa;
+UINT32 passCount = 1;
+UINT32 demoDelay = 0;
+int debugLevel = 0;
+int startAuthSessionTestOnly = 0;
+UINT8 indent = 0;
+TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext;
+#define rmInterfaceConfigSize 250
+char rmInterfaceConfig[rmInterfaceConfigSize];
+TSS2_TCTI_DRIVER_INFO resMgrInterfaceInfo = { "resMgr", "", InitTcti, TeardownTcti };
+TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *resMgrTctiContext = 0;
+UINT32 tpmSpecVersion = 0;
+// These are helper functions that are called through function pointers so that
+// they could be swapped easily to point to different functions.
+// Currently they are set to functions that use the TPM to perform the function, but SW-only
+// implementations could be substituted as well.
+UINT32 ( *ComputeSessionHmacPtr )(
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext,
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *cmdAuth, // Pointer to session input struct
+    TPM_HANDLE entityHandle,             // Used to determine if we're accessing a different
+    // resource than the bound resoure.
+    TPM_RC responseCode,                 // Response code for the command, 0xffff for "none" is
+    // used to indicate that no response code is present
+    // (used for calculating command HMACs vs response HMACs).
+    TPM_HANDLE handle1,                  // First handle == 0xff000000 indicates no handle
+    TPM_HANDLE handle2,                  // Second handle == 0xff000000 indicates no handle
+    TPMA_SESSION sessionAttributes,      // Current session attributes
+    TPM2B_DIGEST *result,                // Where the result hash is saved.
+    TPM_RC sessionCmdRval    
+    ) = TpmComputeSessionHmac;
+TPM_RC ( *GetSessionAlgIdPtr )( TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION authHandle, TPMI_ALG_HASH *sessionAlgId ) = GetSessionAlgId;
+TPM_RC ( *CalcPHash )( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext,TPM_HANDLE handle1, TPM_HANDLE handle2, TPMI_ALG_HASH authHash,
+    TPM_RC responseCode, TPM2B_DIGEST *pHash ) = TpmCalcPHash;
+UINT32 (*HmacFunctionPtr)( TPM_ALG_ID hashAlg, TPM2B *key,TPM2B **bufferList, TPM2B_DIGEST *result ) = TpmHmac;
+UINT32 (*HashFunctionPtr)( TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, UINT16 size, BYTE *data, TPM2B_DIGEST *result ) = TpmHash;
+UINT32 (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( TPM_HANDLE handle, TPM2B_NAME *name ) = TpmHandleToName;
+TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION StartPolicySession();
+TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION InitNvAuxPolicySession();
+FILE *outFp;
+// Used by some high level sample routines to copy the results.
+void copyData( UINT8 *to, UINT8 *from, UINT32 length )
+    if( to != 0 && from != 0 )
+        memcpy( to, from, length );
+int TpmClientPrintf( UINT8 type, const char *format, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    int rval = 0;
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+    if( outFp )
+    {
+        if( type == RM_PREFIX )
+        {
+            PrintRMDebugPrefix();
+        }
+        va_start( args, format );
+        rval = vfprintf( outFp, format, args );
+        va_end (args);
+        CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf( "TpmClientPrintf failed\n" );
+    }
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC CompareTPM2B( TPM2B *buffer1, TPM2B *buffer2 )
+    if( buffer1->size != buffer2->size )
+        return TPM_RC_FAILURE;
+    for( int i = 0; i < buffer1->size; i++ )
+    {
+        if( buffer1->buffer[0] != buffer2->buffer[0] )
+            return TPM_RC_FAILURE;
+    }
+    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+void PrintSizedBufferOpen( TPM2B *sizedBuffer )
+    int i;
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+    if( outFp )
+    {
+        for( i = 0; i < sizedBuffer->size; i++ )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "%2.2x ", sizedBuffer->buffer[i] );
+            if( ( (i+1) % 16 ) == 0 )
+            {
+                TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n" );
+            }
+        }
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n" );
+        CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf( "PrintSizedBufferOpen failed\n" );
+    }
+void PrintSizedBuffer( TPM2B *sizedBuffer )
+    int i;
+    for( i = 0; i < sizedBuffer->size; i++ )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "%2.2x ", sizedBuffer->buffer[i] );
+        if( ( (i+1) % 16 ) == 0 )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n" );
+        }
+    }
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n" );
+void ErrorHandler( UINT32 rval )
+    UINT32 errorLevel = rval & TSS2_ERROR_LEVEL_MASK;
+    char levelString[LEVEL_STRING_SIZE + 1];
+    switch( errorLevel )
+    {
+        case TSS2_TPM_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "TPM", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_APP_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "Application", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_SYS_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "System API", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_SYS_PART2_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "System API TPM encoded", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_TCTI_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "TCTI", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+            strncpy( levelString, "Resource Mgr TPM encoded", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_RESMGR_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "Resource Mgr", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        case TSS2_DRIVER_ERROR_LEVEL:
+            strncpy( levelString, "Driver", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+        default:
+            strncpy( levelString, "Unknown Level", LEVEL_STRING_SIZE );
+            break;
+	}
+    sprintf_s( errorString, errorStringSize, "%s Error: 0x%x\n", levelString, rval );
+char resMgrInterfaceName[] = "Resource Manager";
+TSS2_RC InitTctiResMgrContext( char *rmInterfaceConfig, TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT **tctiContext, char *name )
+    size_t size;
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    rval = resMgrInterfaceInfo.initialize(NULL, &size, rmInterfaceConfig, 0, 0, &resMgrInterfaceName[0], 0 );
+    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
+        return rval;
+    *tctiContext = (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *)malloc(size);
+    if( *tctiContext )
+    {
+        rval = resMgrInterfaceInfo.initialize(*tctiContext, &size, rmInterfaceConfig, 0, 0, resMgrInterfaceName, 0 );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_CONTEXT;
+    }
+    return rval;
+TSS2_RC TeardownTctiResMgrContext( char *interfaceConfig, TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext, char *name )
+    return resMgrInterfaceInfo.teardown( tctiContext, interfaceConfig, name );
+void Cleanup()
+    fflush( stdout );
+    PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_OFF );
+    TeardownTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, resMgrTctiContext, &resMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+#ifdef _WIN32        
+    WSACleanup();
+    exit(1);
+void InitSysContextFailure()
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "InitSysContext failed, exiting...\n" );
+    Cleanup();
+void Delay( UINT16 delay)
+    volatile UINT32 i, j;
+    for( j = 0; j < delay; j++ )
+    {
+        for( i = 0; i < 10000000; i++ )
+            ;
+    }
+void CheckPassed( UINT32 rval )
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tpassing case:  " );
+    if ( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
+        ErrorHandler( rval);
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tFAILED!  %s\n", errorString );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tPASSED!\n" );
+    }
+    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    Delay(demoDelay);
+TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nullSessionData;
+TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE nullSessionDataOut;
+TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nullSessionDataArray[1] = { &nullSessionData };
+TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *nullSessionDataOutArray[1] = { &nullSessionDataOut };
+TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nullSessionsData = { 1, &nullSessionDataArray[0] };
+TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nullSessionsDataOut = { 1, &nullSessionDataOutArray[0] };
+TPM2B_NONCE nullSessionNonce, nullSessionNonceOut;
+TPM2B_AUTH nullSessionHmac;
+void CheckFailed( UINT32 rval, UINT32 expectedTpmErrorCode )
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tfailing case: " );
+    if ( rval != expectedTpmErrorCode) {
+        ErrorHandler( rval);
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tFAILED!  Ret code s/b: %x, but was: %x\n", expectedTpmErrorCode, rval );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\tPASSED!\n" );
+    }
+    fflush( stdout );
+    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    Delay(demoDelay);
+TSS2_RC TpmReset()
+    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    rval = (TSS2_RC)PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_OFF );
+    if( rval == TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        rval = (TSS2_RC)PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_ON );
+    }
+    return rval;
+void GetTpmVersion()
+    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMS_CAPABILITY_DATA capabilityData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0,
+            1, 0, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    if( capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.count == 1 && 
+            (capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].property == TPM_PT_REVISION) )
+    {
+        tpmSpecVersion = capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].value;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Failed to get TPM spec version!!\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }   
+void TestDictionaryAttackLockReset()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nDICTIONARY ATTACK LOCK RESET TEST  :\n" );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_DictionaryAttackLockReset ( sysContext, TPM_RH_LOCKOUT, &sessionsData, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+TSS2_RC StartPolicySession( TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION *sessionHandle )
+    UINT8 i;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller, nonceTpm;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    UINT16 digestSize;
+    UINT32 rval;
+    digestSize = GetDigestSize( TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+    nonceCaller.t.size = digestSize;
+    for( i = 0; i < nonceCaller.t.size; i++ )
+        nonceCaller.t.buffer[i] = 0; 
+    salt.t.size = 0;
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    // Create policy session
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_StartAuthSession ( sysContext, TPM_RH_NULL, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &salt,
+            TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA1, sessionHandle, &nonceTpm, 0 );
+    return( rval );
+void TestTpmStartup()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSTARTUP TESTS:\n" );
+    //
+    // First test the one-call interface.
+    //
+    // First must do TPM reset.
+    rval = TpmReset();
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // This one should pass.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // This one should fail.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_INITIALIZE );
+    // Cycle power using simulator interface.
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_OFF );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_ON );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Now test the syncronous, non-one-call interface.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup_Prepare( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Execute the command syncronously.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Execute( sysContext );
+    // Cycle power using simulator interface.
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_OFF );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_ON );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Now test the asyncronous, non-one-call interface.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup_Prepare( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Execute the command asyncronously.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Get the command response. Wait a maximum of 20ms
+    // for response.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+void TestSapiApis()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER    outData = { { MAX_DIGEST_BUFFER, } };
+    TPM_RC              testResult;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nGET TEST RESULT TESTS:\n" );
+    //
+    // First test the one-call interface.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTestResult( sysContext, 0, &outData, &testResult, 0 );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    //
+    // Now test the syncronous, non-one-call interface.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTestResult_Prepare( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Execute the command syncronously.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Execute( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Get the command results
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTestResult_Complete( sysContext, &outData, &testResult );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    //
+    // Now test the asyncronous, non-one-call interface.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTestResult_Prepare( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Execute the command asyncronously.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Get the command response. Wait a maximum of 20ms
+    // for response.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Get the command results
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTestResult_Complete( sysContext, &outData, &testResult );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Check case of ExecuteFinish receving TPM error code.
+    // Subsequent _Complete call should fail with SEQUENCE error.
+    rval = TpmReset();
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability_Prepare( sysContext,
+            1 );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Execute the command asyncronously.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    // Get the command response. Wait a maximum of 20ms
+    // for response.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_INITIALIZE );
+    // Get the command results
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability_Complete( sysContext, 0, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+void TestTpmSelftest()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSELFTEST TESTS:\n" );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SelfTest( sysContext, 0, YES, 0);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SelfTest( sysContext, 0, NO, 0);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SelfTest( sysContext, 0, YES, 0);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestTpmGetCapability()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    char manuID[5] = "    ";
+    char *manuIDPtr = &manuID[0];
+    TPMI_YES_NO moreData;
+    TPMS_CAPABILITY_DATA capabilityData;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nGET_CAPABILITY TESTS:\n" );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0, TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES, TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER, 1, &moreData, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    *( (UINT32 *)manuIDPtr ) = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].value );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\t\tcount: %d, property: %x, manuId: %s\n",
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.count,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].property,
+            manuID );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0, TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES, TPM_PT_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, 1, &moreData, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\t\tcount: %d, property: %x, max cmd size: %d\n",
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.count,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].property,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].value );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0, TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES, TPM_PT_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, 40, &moreData, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\t\tcount: %d, property: %x, max cmd size: %d\n",
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.count,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].property,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].value );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0, TPM_CAP_TPM_PROPERTIES, TPM_PT_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, 1, &moreData, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\t count: %d, property: %x, max response size: %d\n",
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.count,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].property,
+            capabilityData.data.tpmProperties.tpmProperty[0].value );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCapability( sysContext, 0, 0xff, TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER, 1, &moreData, &capabilityData, 0 );
+    if( tpmSpecVersion == 115 || tpmSpecVersion == 119 )
+    {
+        CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_VALUE );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_VALUE+TPM_RC_1+TPM_RC_P );
+    }
+void TestTpmClear()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH      hmac;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPM2B_NONCE     nonce;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsDataIn;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nCLEAR and CLEAR CONTROL TESTS:\n" );
+    // Init sessionHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    nonce.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.nonce = nonce;
+    // init hmac
+    hmac.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.hmac = hmac;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Clear ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ClearControl ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, YES, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Clear ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_DISABLED );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ClearControl ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, NO, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0xff;
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Clear ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_9 + TPM_RC_RESERVED_BITS );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ClearControl ( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsDataIn, NO, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_9 + TPM_RC_RESERVED_BITS );
+    hmac.t.size = 0;
+//    SESSION sessions[DEBUG_GAP_MAX*3];
+    SESSION *sessions[300];
+    SESSION *sessions[5];
+void TestStartAuthSession()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    SESSION *authSession;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    UINT16 i, debugGapMax = DEBUG_GAP_MAX, debugMaxActiveSessions = DEBUG_MAX_ACTIVE_SESSIONS;
+    TPMA_LOCALITY locality;
+    TPM_HANDLE badSessionHandle = 0x03010000;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPM2B_NONCE     nonce;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsDataIn;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPM2B_AUTH      hmac;
+    TPMS_CONTEXT    evictedSessionContext;
+    TPM_HANDLE   evictedHandle;
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataIn.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    // Init sessionHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = badSessionHandle;
+    // Init nonce.
+    nonce.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.nonce = nonce;
+    // init hmac
+    hmac.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.hmac = hmac;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSTART_AUTH_SESSION TESTS:\n" );
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    symmetric.keyBits.sym = 0;
+    symmetric.mode.sym = 0;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+     // Init session
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &authSession, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, authSession->sessionHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    EndAuthSession( authSession );
+    // Init session
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &authSession, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, 0xff, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_VALUE + TPM_RC_P + TPM_RC_3 );
+    // Try starting a bunch to see if resource manager handles this correctly.
+    for( i = 0; i < debugMaxActiveSessions*3; i++ )
+    for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof(sessions) / sizeof (SESSION *) ); i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        // Init session struct
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[i], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Number of sessions created: %d\n\n", i );
+        if( i == 0 )
+        {
+           // Save evicted session's context so we can use it for a test.
+           rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextSave( sysContext, sessions[i]->sessionHandle, &evictedSessionContext );
+           CheckPassed( rval );
+        }
+    }
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "loading evicted session's context\n" );
+    // Now try loading an evicted session's context.
+    // NOTE: simulator versions 01.19 and earlier this test will fail due to a
+    // simulator bug (unless patches have been applied).
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextLoad( sysContext, &evictedSessionContext, &evictedHandle );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_HANDLE + TPM_RC_P + ( 1 << 8  ));
+    // Now try two ways of using a bad session handle.  Both should fail.
+    // first way is to use as command parameter.
+    *(UINT8 *)( (void *)&locality ) = 0;
+    locality.TPM_LOC_THREE = 1;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyLocality( sysContext, badSessionHandle, 0, locality, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_RESMGRTPM_ERROR_LEVEL + TPM_RC_HANDLE + ( 1 << 8 ) );
+    // Second way is to use as handle in session area.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyLocality( sysContext, sessions[0]->sessionHandle, &sessionsDataIn, locality, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_RESMGRTPM_ERROR_LEVEL + TPM_RC_VALUE + TPM_RC_S + ( 1 << 8 ) );
+    // clean up the sessions that I don't want here.
+    for( i = 0; i < ( debugMaxActiveSessions*3); i++ )
+    for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof(sessions) / sizeof (SESSION *)); i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i(2) = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[i]->sessionHandle );
+        rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[i] );
+    }
+    // Now do some gap tests.
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[0], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+//    for( i = 1; i < debugGapMax/2; i++ )
+    for( i = 1; i < 300; i++ )
+    for( i = 1; i < ( sizeof(sessions) / sizeof (SESSION *) ); i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i(3) = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[i], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[i]->sessionHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[i] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Now do some gap tests.
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[8], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    for( i = 9; i < debugGapMax; i++ )
+    for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof(sessions) / sizeof (SESSION *) ); i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i(4) = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[i], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[i]->sessionHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[i] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i(5) = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &sessions[i+16], TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
+    {
+//        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "i(6) = 0x%4.4x\n", i );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[i+16]->sessionHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[i+16] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[0]->sessionHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[0] );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, sessions[8]->sessionHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = EndAuthSession( sessions[8] );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestChangeEps()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nCHANGE_EPS TESTS:\n" );
+	sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ChangeEPS( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0x10;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ChangeEPS( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_BAD_AUTH );
+void TestChangePps()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nCHANGE_PPS TESTS:\n" );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ChangePPS( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0x10;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ChangePPS( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_BAD_AUTH );
+void TestHierarchyChangeAuth()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH      newAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    int i;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nHIERARCHY_CHANGE_AUTH TESTS:\n" );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    newAuth.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Init new auth
+    newAuth.t.size = 20;
+    for( i = 0; i < newAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        newAuth.t.buffer[i] = i;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionData.hmac = newAuth;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Init new auth
+    newAuth.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_BAD_AUTH );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyChangeAuth( sysContext, 0, &sessionsData, &newAuth, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_VALUE );
+#define PCR_0   0
+#define PCR_1   1
+#define PCR_2   2
+#define PCR_3   3
+#define PCR_4   4
+#define PCR_5   5
+#define PCR_6   6
+#define PCR_7   7
+#define PCR_8   8
+#define PCR_9   9
+#define PCR_10  10
+#define PCR_11  11
+#define PCR_12  12
+#define PCR_13  13
+#define PCR_14  14
+#define PCR_15  15
+#define PCR_16  16
+#define PCR_17  17
+#define PCR_18  18
+#define PCR_SIZE 20
+void TestPcrExtend()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    UINT16 i, digestSize;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION  pcrSelection;
+    UINT32 pcrUpdateCounterBeforeExtend;
+    UINT32 pcrUpdateCounterAfterExtend;
+    UINT8 pcrBeforeExtend[PCR_SIZE];
+    TPM2B_EVENT eventData;
+    TPML_DIGEST pcrValues;
+    TPML_DIGEST_VALUES digests;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcrSelectionOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPCR_EXTEND, PCR_EVENT, PCR_ALLOCATE, and PCR_READ TESTS:\n" );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    // Init digests
+    digests.count = 1;
+    digests.digests[0].hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    digestSize = GetDigestSize( digests.digests[0].hashAlg );
+    for( i = 0; i < digestSize; i++ )
+    {
+        digests.digests[0].digest.sha1[i] = (UINT8)(i % 256);
+    }
+    pcrSelection.count = 1;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect = 3;
+    // Clear out PCR select bit field
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[0] = 0;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1] = 0;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2] = 0;
+    // Now set the PCR you want to read
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0], PCR_17 );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Read( sysContext, 0, &pcrSelection, &pcrUpdateCounterBeforeExtend, &pcrSelectionOut, &pcrValues, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    if( pcrValues.digests[0].t.size <= PCR_SIZE &&
+            pcrValues.digests[0].t.size <= sizeof( pcrValues.digests[0].t.buffer ) )
+        memcpy( &( pcrBeforeExtend[0] ), &( pcrValues.digests[0].t.buffer[0] ), pcrValues.digests[0].t.size );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Extend( sysContext, PCR_17, &sessionsData, &digests, 0  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Read( sysContext, 0, &pcrSelection, &pcrUpdateCounterAfterExtend, &pcrSelectionOut, &pcrValues, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    memcpy( &( pcrAfterExtend[0] ), &( pcrValues.digests[0].t.buffer[0] ), pcrValues.digests[0].t.size );
+    if( pcrUpdateCounterBeforeExtend == pcrUpdateCounterAfterExtend )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! pcrUpdateCounter didn't change value\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    if( 0 == memcmp( &( pcrBeforeExtend[0] ), &( pcrAfterExtend[0] ), 20 ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! PCR didn't change value\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect = 4;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Read( sysContext, 0, &pcrSelection, &pcrUpdateCounterAfterExtend, 0, 0, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_P + TPM_RC_VALUE );
+    eventData.t.size = 4;
+    eventData.t.buffer[0] = 0;
+    eventData.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    eventData.t.buffer[2] = 0x55;
+    eventData.t.buffer[3] = 0xaa;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Event( sysContext, PCR_18, &sessionsData, &eventData, &digests, 0  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestGetRandom()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST        randomBytes1, randomBytes2;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nGET_RANDOM TESTS:\n" );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetRandom( sysContext, 0, 20, &randomBytes1, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetRandom( sysContext, 0, 20, &randomBytes2, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    if( 0 == memcmp( &randomBytes1, &randomBytes2, 20 ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! Random value is the same\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+void TestShutdown()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSHUTDOWN TESTS:\n" );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Shutdown( sysContext, 0, TPM_SU_STATE, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Shutdown( sysContext, 0, TPM_SU_CLEAR, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    if( !( tpmSpecVersion == 115 || tpmSpecVersion == 119 ) )
+    {
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Shutdown( sysContext, 0, 0xff, 0 );
+        CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_VALUE+TPM_RC_1+TPM_RC_P );
+    }
+void TestNV()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvData;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC nvPublic;
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nNV INDEX TESTS:\n" );
+    nvAuth.t.size = 20;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = (UINT8)i;
+	publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = TPM20_INDEX_TEST1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First zero out attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes ) = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_WRITE_STCLEAR = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = 32;
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_2 + TPM_RC_HANDLE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvPublic.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_ReadPublic( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, 0, &nvPublic, &nvName, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_NV_UNINITIALIZED );
+    // Should fail since index is already defined.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_NV_DEFINED );
+    nvWriteData.t.size = 4;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = 0xff - i;
+#if 1
+    //
+    // Following, at one point, was commented out so that NVDefine will work on successive
+    // invocations of client app.
+    //
+    // Noticed on 12/13/12, this doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.  Maybe something else
+    // I did fixed it.
+    //
+    // Seems to be a bug in TPM 2.0 simulator that if:
+    //   First pass of tpmclient.exe after restarting TPM 2.0 simulator will work fine.
+    //   If NVWrite is done, subsequent invocations of tpmclient.exe will ALWAYS fail on
+    //      first call to Tpm2NVDefineSpace with 0x2cb error. Removing NVWrite removes this.
+    //      And restarting TPM 2.0 simulator will make it work the first time and fail
+    //      subsequent times.
+    //      Removing NVWrite works around this problem.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_WriteLock( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_NV_LOCKED );
+    // Now undefine the index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now undefine the index so that next run will work correctly.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPREAD = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPWRITE = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_OWNERREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_OWNERWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = TPM20_INDEX_TEST2;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_OWNER, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvPublic.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_ReadPublic( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST2, 0, &nvPublic, &nvName, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST2, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, 0 ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_NV_AUTHORIZATION );
+    // Now undefine the index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_OWNER, TPM20_INDEX_TEST2, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_OWNER, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now undefine the index so that next run will work correctly.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_OWNER, TPM20_INDEX_TEST2, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+#if 0
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nStart of NVUndefineSpaceSpecial test\n" );
+    // Init nonceNewer
+    digestSize = GetDigestSize( TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+    nonceNewer.t.size = digestSize;
+    for( i = 0; i < nonceNewer.t.size; i++ )
+        nonceNewer.t.buffer[i] = 0; 
+    // Init salt
+    salt.t.size = 0;
+    // Init symmetric.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    symmetric.keyBits.sym = 0;
+    symmetric.mode.sym = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_StartAuthSession ( sysContext, TPM_RH_NULL, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceNewer, &salt,
+            TPM_SE_TRIAL, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA1, &nvSessionHandle, &nvSessionNonce );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvSessionHandle = ( ( TPM20_StartAuthSession_Out *)(TpmOutBuff) )->sessionHandle;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyCommandCode ( sysContext, nvSessionHandle, 0, TPM_CC_NV_UndefineSpaceSpecial, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, nvSessionHandle, 0, &nvAuth1, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, nvSessionHandle );
+    nvAuth1 = (TPM2B_AUTH *)&( ( ( TPM20_PolicyGetDigest_Out *)(TpmOutBuff) )->otherData );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = nvAuth1->t.size;
+    memcpy( &( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.buffer[0] ),c
+            &( nvAuth1->t.buffer[0] ),
+            publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_POLICY_DELETE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_OWNERREAD = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_OWNERWRITE = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    InitNullSession( &nvSession );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_StartAuthSession ( sysContext, TPM_RH_NULL, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0, &nonceCaller, &salt,
+            TPM_SE_POLICY, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA1, &nvSessionHandle, &nvSessionNonce );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvSession.sessionHandle = nvSessionHandle = ( ( TPM20_StartAuthSession_Out *)(TpmOutBuff) )->sessionHandle;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyCommandCode ( sysContext, nvSessionHandle, 0, TPM_CC_NV_UndefineSpaceSpecial, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvSession->hmac = publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy;
+    nvSessions.cmdAuthsCount = 2;
+    nvSessions.session[0] = nvSession;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NVUndefineSpaceSpecial( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST2, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &nvSessions, &sessionsData );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestHierarchyControl()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC nvPublic;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nHIERARCHY CONTROL TESTS:\n" );
+    nvAuth.t.size = 20;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = i;
+	publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = TPM20_INDEX_TEST1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First zero out attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes ) = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PPWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_WRITE_STCLEAR = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = 32;
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test SAPI for case where nvPublic.t.size != 0
+    nvPublic.t.size = 0xff;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_ReadPublic( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, 0, &nvPublic, &nvName, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_VALUE );
+    nvPublic.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_ReadPublic( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, 0, &nvPublic, &nvName, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_NV_UNINITIALIZED );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyControl( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, NO, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 32, 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_HIERARCHY );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyControl( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, YES, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_HIERARCHY );
+    // Need to do TPM reset and Startup to re-enable platform hierarchy.
+    rval = TpmReset();
+    CheckPassed(rval);
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Startup ( sysContext, TPM_SU_CLEAR );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HierarchyControl( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, YES, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now undefine the index so that next run will work correctly.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+TPM2B_PUBLIC    inPublic = { { sizeof( TPM2B_PUBLIC ) - 2, } };
+void TestCreate(){
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE  inSensitive = { { sizeof( TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_DATA              outsideInfo = { { sizeof( TPM2B_DATA ) - 2, } };
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION      creationPCR;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+	TPM2B_NAME name = { { sizeof( TPM2B_NAME ) - 2, } };
+	TPM2B_NAME name1 = { { sizeof( TPM2B_NAME ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate = { { sizeof( TPM2B_PRIVATE ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic = { { sizeof( TPM2B_PUBLIC ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData =  { { sizeof( TPM2B_CREATION_DATA ) - 2, } };
+	TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash = { { sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2, } };
+	TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket = { 0, 0, { { sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2, } } };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nCREATE, CREATE PRIMARY, and LOAD TESTS:\n" );
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.size = loadedSha1KeyAuth.b.size + 2;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First clear attributes bit field.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.restricted = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.userWithAuth = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedTPM = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedParent = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sensitiveDataOrigin = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_ECB;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 1024;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    creationPCR.count = 0;
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 2048;
+    // Do SAPI test for non-zero sized outPublic
+    outPublic.t.size = 0xff;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR, &handle2048rsa, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash,
+            &creationTicket, &name, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_VALUE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, handle2048rsa );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+#if 0    
+    // Do SAPI test for non-zero sized creationData
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0x10;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR, &handle2048rsa, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash,
+            &creationTicket, &name, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = sizeof( TPM2B_CREATION_DATA ) - 2;
+    outPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2;
+    outPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR, &handle2048rsa, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash,
+            &creationTicket, &name, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nNew key successfully created in platform hierarchy (RSA 2048).  Handle: 0x%8.8x\n",
+            handle2048rsa );
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 2;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sign = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_HMAC;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.details.hmac.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Load ( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &outPrivate, &outPublic,
+            &loadedSha1KeyHandle, &name, &sessionsDataOut);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( loadedSha1KeyHandle, &name1 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Name of loaded key: " );
+    PrintSizedBuffer( (TPM2B *)&name1 );
+    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    rval = CompareTPM2B( &name.b, &name1.b );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nLoaded key handle:  %8.8x\n", loadedSha1KeyHandle );
+void TestEvict()
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE  inSensitive = { { sizeof( TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_DATA              outsideInfo = { { sizeof( TPM2B_DATA ) - 2, } };
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION      creationPCR;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate = { { sizeof( TPM2B_PRIVATE ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic = { { sizeof( TPM2B_PUBLIC ) - 2, } };
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData =  { { sizeof( TPM2B_CREATION_DATA ) - 2, } };
+	TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash = { { sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2, } };
+	TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket = { 0, 0, { { sizeof( TPM2B_DIGEST ) - 2, } } };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *otherResMgrTctiContext = 0;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *otherSysContext;
+    char otherResMgrInterfaceName[] = "Other Resource Manager";
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    creationPCR.count = 0;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nEVICT CONTROL TESTS:\n" );
+    // Make transient key persistent.
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_EvictControl( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, 0x81800000, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    // Create new key under persistent one.
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 2;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sign = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_HMAC;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.details.hmac.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.size = loadedSha1KeyAuth.b.size + 2;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    // Try creating a key under the persistent key using a different context.
+    rval = InitTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, &otherResMgrTctiContext, &otherResMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Resource Mgr, %s, failed initialization: 0x%x.  Exiting...\n", resMgrInterfaceInfo.shortName, rval );
+        Cleanup();
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        (( TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)otherResMgrTctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel = debugLevel;
+    }
+    otherSysContext = InitSysContext( 0, otherResMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( otherSysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( otherSysContext, 0x81800000, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = TeardownTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, otherResMgrTctiContext, &otherResMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TeardownSysContext( &otherSysContext );
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    // Try creating a key under the transient key.  This should work, too.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Reset persistent key to be transitent.
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_EvictControl( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, 0x81800000, &sessionsData, 0x81800000, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+TPM_RC DefineNvIndex( TPMI_RH_PROVISION authHandle, TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION sessionAuthHandle, TPM2B_AUTH *auth, TPM2B_DIGEST *authPolicy,
+    TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX nvIndex, TPMI_ALG_HASH nameAlg, TPMA_NV attributes, UINT16 size  )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    // Command and response session data structures.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData = { sessionAuthHandle, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1] = { &sessionData };
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1] = { &sessionDataOut };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData = { 1, &sessionDataArray[0] };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, &sessionDataOutArray[0] };
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    // Init public info structure.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes = attributes;
+    CopySizedByteBuffer( &publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.b, &authPolicy->b );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = size;
+    publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = nvIndex;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = nameAlg;
+    // Create the index
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, authHandle, &sessionsData, auth, &publicInfo, &sessionsDataOut );
+    return rval;
+typedef struct {
+    char name[50];
+    TPM_RC (*buildPolicyFn )( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *trialPolicySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest );
+    TPM_RC (*createObjectFn )( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION **policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest );
+    TPM_RC (*testPolicyFn )( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession );
+TPM_RC BuildPolicy( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION **policySession,
+    TPM_RC (*buildPolicyFn )( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest ),
+    TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest, bool trialSession )
+    // NOTE:  this policySession will be either a trial or normal policy session
+    // depending on the value of the passed in trialSession parameter.
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET  encryptedSalt = { {0}, };
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPM_RC rval;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    // Start policy session.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( policySession, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, trialSession ? TPM_SE_TRIAL : TPM_SE_POLICY , &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    if( rval != TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+        return rval;
+    // Send policy command.
+    rval = ( *buildPolicyFn )( sysContext, *policySession, policyDigest );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get policy hash.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, (*policySession)->sessionHandle,
+            0, policyDigest, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    if( trialSession )
+    {
+        // Need to flush the session here.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, (*policySession)->sessionHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // And remove the session from sessions table.
+        rval = EndAuthSession( *policySession );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC CreateNVIndex( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION **policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMA_LOCALITY locality;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt = { {0}, };
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    // Since locality is a fairly simple command and we can guarantee
+    // its correctness, we don't need a trial session for this.
+    // Start real policy session
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( policySession, TPM_RH_NULL,
+            0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY,
+            &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Send PolicyLocality command
+    *(UINT8 *)( (void *)&locality ) = 0;
+    locality.TPM_LOC_THREE = 1;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyLocality( sysContext, (*policySession)->sessionHandle,
+            0, locality, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Read policyHash
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext,
+            (*policySession)->sessionHandle, 0, policyDigest, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYREAD = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYWRITE = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW, &nvAuth, policyDigest,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM_ALG_SHA256, nvAttributes, 32  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    AddEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvAuth );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC TestLocality( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession )
+    TSS2_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    // Init write data.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = policySession->sessionHandle;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    *(UINT8 *)( (void *)&( sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+     sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    rval = SetLocality( sysContext, 2 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Do NV write using open session's policy.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_LOCALITY );
+    rval = SetLocality( sysContext, 3 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Do NV write using open session's policy.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Do another NV write using open session's policy.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_POLICY_FAIL + TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_1 );
+    // Delete NV index
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Now undefine the index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = DeleteEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+UINT8 passwordPCRTestPassword[] = "password PCR";
+UINT8 dataBlob[] = "some data";
+TPM_HANDLE blobHandle;
+TPM2B_AUTH blobAuth;
+TPM_RC BuildPasswordPolicy( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyPassword( sysContext, policySession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC BuildAuthValuePolicy( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( sysContext, policySession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC BuildPasswordPcrPolicy( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST pcrDigest;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcrs;                         
+    TPML_DIGEST pcrValues;
+    UINT32 pcrUpdateCounter;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcrSelectionOut;
+    pcrDigest.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyPassword( sysContext, policySession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    pcrs.count = 1;
+    pcrs.pcrSelections[0].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    pcrs.pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect = 3;
+    pcrs.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[0] = 0;
+    pcrs.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1] = 0;
+    pcrs.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2] = 0;
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrs.pcrSelections[0], PCR_0 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrs.pcrSelections[0], PCR_3 );
+    //
+    // Compute pcrDigest
+    //
+    // Read PCRs
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Read( sysContext, 0, &pcrs, &pcrUpdateCounter, &pcrSelectionOut, &pcrValues, 0 );               
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Hash them together
+    rval = TpmHashSequence( policySession->authHash, pcrValues.count, &pcrValues.digests[0], &pcrDigest );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyPCR( sysContext, policySession->sessionHandle, 0, &pcrDigest, &pcrs, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC CreateDataBlob( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION **policySession, TPM2B_DIGEST *policyDigest )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *cmdSessionArray[1] = { &cmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS cmdAuthArray = { 1, &cmdSessionArray[0] };
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE inSensitive;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC inPublic;
+    TPM2B_DATA outsideInfo = { { 0, } };
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION creationPcr = { 0 };
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic;
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData;
+    TPM_HANDLE srkHandle;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash;
+    TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket;
+    TPM2B_NAME srkName, blobName;
+	TPM2B_DIGEST data;
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate;
+    cmdAuth.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    cmdAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&cmdAuth.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    cmdAuth.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    *(UINT32 *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.restricted = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.userWithAuth = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedTPM = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedParent = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sensitiveDataOrigin = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_CBC; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 2048; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = 0; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size = 0; 
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &cmdAuthArray,
+            &inSensitive, &inPublic, &outsideInfo, &creationPcr,
+            &srkHandle, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash,
+            &creationTicket, &srkName, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    cmdAuth.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth.t.size = 0;
+    blobAuth.t.size = sizeof( passwordPCRTestPassword );
+    memcpy( &blobAuth.t.buffer, passwordPCRTestPassword, sizeof( passwordPCRTestPassword ) );
+    CopySizedByteBuffer( &(inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth.b ), &blobAuth.b );
+    data.t.size = sizeof( dataBlob );
+    memcpy( &data.t.buffer, dataBlob, sizeof( dataBlob ) );
+    CopySizedByteBuffer( &(inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.b ), &data.b );
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.restricted = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sensitiveDataOrigin = 0;
+    CopySizedByteBuffer( &( inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.b), &( policyDigest->b ) );
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL; 
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = 0;
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( sysContext, srkHandle, &cmdAuthArray,
+            &inSensitive, &inPublic, &outsideInfo, &creationPcr,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash,
+            &creationTicket, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now we need to load the object.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Load( sysContext, srkHandle, &cmdAuthArray, &outPrivate, &outPublic, &blobHandle, &blobName, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC AuthValueUnseal( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *cmdSessionArray[1] = { &cmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS cmdAuthArray = { 1, &cmdSessionArray[0] };
+    cmdAuth.sessionHandle = policySession->sessionHandle;
+    cmdAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&cmdAuth.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    cmdAuth.sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    cmdAuth.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Now try to unseal the blob without setting the HMAC.
+    // This test should fail.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal( sysContext, blobHandle, &cmdAuthArray, &outData, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_AUTH_FAIL );
+    // Clear DA lockout.
+    TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+    //
+    // Now try to unseal the blob after setting the HMAC.
+    // This test should pass.
+    //
+    // First, call Prepare.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal_Prepare( sysContext, blobHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = AddEntity( blobHandle, &blobAuth );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Roll nonces for command.
+    RollNonces( policySession, &cmdAuth.nonce );
+    // Now generate the HMAC.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( sysContext,
+            blobHandle,
+            TPM_HT_NO_HANDLE, &cmdAuthArray, 1 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal( sysContext, blobHandle, &cmdAuthArray, &outData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = DeleteEntity( blobHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Add test to make sure we unsealed correctly.
+    // Now we'll want to flush the data blob and remove it
+    // from resource manager tables.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, blobHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+TPM_RC PasswordUnseal( TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext, SESSION *policySession )
+    TPM_RC rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *cmdSessionArray[1] = { &cmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS cmdAuthArray = { 1, &cmdSessionArray[0] };
+    cmdAuth.sessionHandle = policySession->sessionHandle;
+    cmdAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&cmdAuth.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    cmdAuth.sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    cmdAuth.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Now try to unseal the blob without setting the password.
+    // This test should fail.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal( sysContext, blobHandle, &cmdAuthArray, &outData, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_AUTH_FAIL );
+    // Clear DA lockout.
+    TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+    // Now try to unseal the blob after setting the password.
+    // This test should pass.
+    cmdAuth.hmac.t.size = sizeof( passwordPCRTestPassword );
+    memcpy( &cmdAuth.hmac.t.buffer, passwordPCRTestPassword, sizeof( passwordPCRTestPassword ) );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal( sysContext, blobHandle, &cmdAuthArray, &outData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Add test to make sure we unsealed correctly.
+    // Now we'll want to flush the data blob and remove it
+    // from resource manager tables.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, blobHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    return rval;
+POLICY_TEST_SETUP policyTestSetups[] =
+    // NOTE:  Since locality is a fairly simple command and we
+    // can guarantee its correctness, we don't need a trial
+    // session for this. buildPolicyFn pointer can be 0 in
+    // this case.
+    { "LOCALITY", 0, CreateNVIndex, TestLocality },
+    { "PASSWORD", BuildPasswordPolicy, CreateDataBlob, PasswordUnseal },
+    { "PASSWORD/PCR", BuildPasswordPcrPolicy, CreateDataBlob, PasswordUnseal },
+    { "AUTHVALUE", BuildAuthValuePolicy, CreateDataBlob, AuthValueUnseal },
+    // TBD...        
+void TestPolicy()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    unsigned int i;
+    SESSION *policySession = 0;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPOLICY TESTS:\n" );
+    for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( policyTestSetups ) / sizeof( POLICY_TEST_SETUP ) ); i++ )
+    {
+        TPM2B_DIGEST policyDigest;
+        rval = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Policy Test: %s\n", policyTestSetups[i].name );
+        // Create trial policy session and run policy commands, in order to create policyDigest.
+        if( policyTestSetups[i].buildPolicyFn != 0)
+        {
+            rval = BuildPolicy( sysContext, &policySession, policyTestSetups[i].buildPolicyFn, &policyDigest, true );
+            CheckPassed( rval );
+        }
+        // Create entity that will use that policyDigest as authPolicy.
+        if( policyTestSetups[i].createObjectFn != 0 )
+        {
+            rval = ( *policyTestSetups[i].createObjectFn )( sysContext, &policySession, &policyDigest);
+            CheckPassed( rval );
+        }
+        // Create real policy session and run policy commands; after this we're ready
+        // to authorize actions on the entity.
+        if( policyTestSetups[i].buildPolicyFn != 0)
+        {
+            rval = BuildPolicy( sysContext, &policySession, policyTestSetups[i].buildPolicyFn, &policyDigest, false );
+            CheckPassed( rval );
+        }
+        if( policySession )
+        {
+            // Now do tests by authorizing actions on the entity.
+            rval = ( *policyTestSetups[i].testPolicyFn)( sysContext, policySession );
+            CheckPassed( rval );
+            // Need to flush the session here.
+            rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, policySession->sessionHandle );
+            CheckPassed( rval );
+            // And remove the session from test app session table.
+            rval = EndAuthSession( policySession );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            CheckFailed( rval, 0xffffffff );
+        }
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+void TestHash()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH      auth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData, sessionData1;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut, sessionDataOut1;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER dataToHash;
+    UINT8           memoryToHash[] =
+    {
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+          0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfb, 0xfa, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0xf6, 0xf5, 0xf4, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0xf0,
+          0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef
+    };
+    // Known good hash of above memory.
+    UINT8           goodHashValue[] =
+            { 0xB3, 0xFD, 0x6A, 0xD2, 0x9F, 0xD0, 0x13, 0x52, 0xBA, 0xFC,
+              0x8B, 0x22, 0xC9, 0x6D, 0x88, 0x42, 0xA3, 0x3C, 0xB0, 0xC9 };
+    // Hash to be calculated by TPM.
+    TPM2B_DIGEST result;
+    TPMT_TK_HASHCHECK validation;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[2];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[2];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionDataArray[1] = &sessionData1;
+    sessionDataOutArray[1] = &sessionDataOut1;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nHASH TESTS:\n" );
+    auth.t.size = 2;
+    auth.t.buffer[0] = 0;
+    auth.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_HashSequenceStart ( sysContext, 0, &auth, TPM_ALG_SHA1, &sequenceHandle[0], 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac = auth;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    dataToHash.t.size = MAX_DIGEST_BUFFER;
+    memcpy( &dataToHash.t.buffer[0], &memoryToHash[0], dataToHash.t.size );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SequenceUpdate ( sysContext, sequenceHandle[0], &sessionsData, &dataToHash, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now try starting a bunch of sequences to see what happens.
+    // This checks that the resource manager properly saves and restores the context
+    // of the interrupted original sequence.
+    for( i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
+    {
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_HashSequenceStart ( sysContext, 0, &auth, TPM_ALG_SHA1, &sequenceHandle[i], 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Now end the created sequences.
+    dataToHash.t.size = 0;
+    for( i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
+    {
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SequenceComplete ( sysContext, sequenceHandle[i], &sessionsData, &dataToHash,
+                TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &result, &validation, &sessionsDataOut );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    //  Now try to finish the interrupted sequence.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SequenceUpdate ( sysContext, sequenceHandle[0], &sessionsData, &dataToHash, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    dataToHash.t.size = sizeof( memoryToHash ) - MAX_DIGEST_BUFFER;
+    memcpy( &dataToHash.t.buffer[0], &memoryToHash[MAX_DIGEST_BUFFER], dataToHash.t.size );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SequenceComplete ( sysContext, sequenceHandle[0], &sessionsData, &dataToHash,
+            TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &result, &validation, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test the resulting hash.
+    if( memcmp( (void *)&( result.t.buffer[0] ), (void *)&( goodHashValue[0] ), result.t.size ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! resulting hash is incorrect.\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    // Now try starting a bunch of sequences to see what happens.
+    // This stresses the resource manager.
+    for( i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_SEQUENCES; i++ )
+    {
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_HashSequenceStart ( sysContext, 0, &auth, TPM_ALG_SHA1, &sequenceHandle[i], 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Now end them all
+    dataToHash.t.size = 0;
+    for( i = (MAX_TEST_SEQUENCES - 1); i >= 0; i-- )
+//    for( i = 0; i < MAX_TEST_SEQUENCES; i++ )
+    {
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SequenceComplete ( sysContext, sequenceHandle[i], &sessionsData, &dataToHash,
+                TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &result, &validation, &sessionsDataOut );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+void TestQuote()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_DATA qualifyingData;
+    UINT8 qualDataString[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
+    TPMT_SIG_SCHEME inScheme;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION  pcrSelection;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_ATTEST quoted;
+    TPMT_SIGNATURE signature;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nQUOTE CONTROL TESTS:\n" );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 2;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    qualifyingData.t.size = sizeof( qualDataString );
+    memcpy( &( qualifyingData.t.buffer[0] ), qualDataString, sizeof( qualDataString ) );        
+    inScheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    pcrSelection.count = 1;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect = 3;
+    // Clear out PCR select bit field
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[0] = 0;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1] = 0;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2] = 0;
+    // Now set the PCR you want 
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[( PCR_17/8 )] = ( 1 << ( PCR_18 % 8) );
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    // Test with wrong type of key.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Quote ( sysContext, loadedSha1KeyHandle, &sessionsData, &qualifyingData, &inScheme,
+            &pcrSelection,  &quoted, &signature, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Create signing key
+    // Now test quote operation
+//    Tpm20Quote ( ??TPMI_DH_OBJECT signHandle, TPM2B_DATA *qualifyingData,
+//    TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *inScheme, TPML_PCR_SELECTION *pcrSelect,
+//    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionsData)
+void ProvisionOtherIndices()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION otherIndicesPolicyAuthHandle;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST  nvPolicyHash;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND otherIndicesSessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE otherIndicesSessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS otherIndicesSessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS otherIndicesSessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &otherIndicesSessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &otherIndicesSessionDataOut;
+    otherIndicesSessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    otherIndicesSessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    otherIndicesSessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPROVISION OTHER NV INDICES:\n" );
+    //
+    // AUX index: Write is controlled by TPM2_PolicyLocality; Read is controlled by authValue and is unrestricted since authValue is set to emptyBuffer
+    // Do this by setting up two policies and ORing them together when creating AuxIndex:
+    // 1.  PolicyLocality(3) && PolicyCommand(NVWrite)
+    // 2.  EmptyAuth policy && PolicyCommand(NVRead)
+    // Page 126 of Part 1 describes how to do this.
+    //
+    // Steps:
+    rval = StartPolicySession( &otherIndicesPolicyAuthHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // 3.  GetPolicyDigest and save it
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, otherIndicesPolicyAuthHandle, 0, &nvPolicyHash, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now save the policy digest from the first OR branch.
+    DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( &( nvPolicyHash.t.buffer[0] ), nvPolicyHash.t.size );
+    // 4.  CreateNvIndex
+    otherIndicesSessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    otherIndicesSessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    otherIndicesSessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // init nvAuth
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&otherIndicesSessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = INDEX_LCP_SUP;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First zero out attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes ) = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // Following commented out for convenience during development.
+    // publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_POLICY_DELETE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_WRITEDEFINE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = NV_PS_INDEX_SIZE;
+    otherIndicesSessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    otherIndicesSessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &otherIndicesSessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &otherIndicesSessionsData,
+            &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &otherIndicesSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = INDEX_LCP_OWN;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &otherIndicesSessionsData,
+            &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &otherIndicesSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now teardown session
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, otherIndicesPolicyAuthHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+TSS2_RC InitNvAuxPolicySession( TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION *nvAuxPolicySessionHandle )
+    TPMA_LOCALITY locality;
+    TPM_RC rval;
+    rval = StartPolicySession( nvAuxPolicySessionHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // 2.  PolicyLocality(3)
+    *(UINT8 *)((void *)&locality) = 0;
+    locality.TPM_LOC_THREE = 1;
+    locality.TPM_LOC_FOUR = 1;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyLocality( sysContext, *nvAuxPolicySessionHandle, 0, locality, 0 );
+    return( rval );
+void ProvisionNvAux()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST  nvPolicyHash;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvAuxSessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE nvAuxSessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvAuxSessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nvAuxSessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &nvAuxSessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &nvAuxSessionDataOut;
+    nvAuxSessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    nvAuxSessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    nvAuxSessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPROVISION NV AUX:\n" );
+    //
+    // AUX index: Write is controlled by TPM2_PolicyLocality; Read is controlled by authValue and is unrestricted since authValue is set to emptyBuffer
+    // Do this by setting up two policies and ORing them together when creating AuxIndex:
+    // 1.  PolicyLocality(3) && PolicyCommand(NVWrite)
+    // 2.  EmptyAuth policy && PolicyCommand(NVRead)
+    // Page 126 of Part 1 describes how to do this.
+    //
+    // Steps:
+    rval = InitNvAuxPolicySession( &nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // 3.  GetPolicyDigest and save it
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle, 0, &nvPolicyHash, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now save the policy digest.
+    DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( &( nvPolicyHash.t.buffer[0] ), nvPolicyHash.t.size );
+    // 4.  CreateNvIndex
+    nvAuxSessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    nvAuxSessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    nvAuxSessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // init nvAuth
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&nvAuxSessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    nvAuxSessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    nvAuxSessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &nvAuxSessionData;
+    publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = INDEX_AUX;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First zero out attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes ) = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // Following commented out for convenience during development.
+    // publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_POLICY_DELETE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = GetDigestSize( TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+    memcpy( (UINT8 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.buffer ), (UINT8 *)&(nvPolicyHash.t.buffer[0]),
+            nvPolicyHash.t.size );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = NV_AUX_INDEX_SIZE;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &nvAuxSessionsData,
+            &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &nvAuxSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now teardown session
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TpmAuxWrite( int locality)
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    int i;
+    TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    rval = InitNvAuxPolicySession( &nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now we're going to test it.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = 4;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = 0xff - i;
+    nullSessionData.sessionHandle = nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle;
+    // Make sure that session terminates after NVWrite completes.
+    nullSessionData.sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+    rval = SetLocality( sysContext, locality );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nullSessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    nullSessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &nullSessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, INDEX_AUX, INDEX_AUX, &nullSessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+    {
+        TSS2_RC setLocalityRval;
+        setLocalityRval = SetLocality( sysContext, 3 );
+        CheckPassed( setLocalityRval );
+    }
+    if( locality == 3 || locality == 4 )
+    {
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // No teardown of session needed, since the authorization was
+        // successful.
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_LOCALITY );
+        // Now teardown session
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, nvAuxPolicyAuthHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+void TpmAuxReadWriteTest()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    int testLocality;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvData;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "TPM AUX READ/WRITE TEST\n" );
+    nullSessionData.sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+    // Try writing it from all localities.  Only locality 3 should work.
+    for( testLocality = 0; testLocality < 5; testLocality++ )
+    {
+        TpmAuxWrite( testLocality );
+    }
+    nullSessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    nullSessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &nullSessionData;
+    // Try reading it from all localities.  They all should work.
+    for( testLocality = 0; testLocality < 5; testLocality++ )
+    {
+        rval = SetLocality( sysContext, testLocality );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, INDEX_AUX, INDEX_AUX, &nullSessionsData, 4, 0, &nvData, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = SetLocality( sysContext, 3 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+void TpmOtherIndicesReadWriteTest()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvData;
+    nullSessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "TPM OTHER READ/WRITE TEST\n" );
+    nvWriteData.t.size = 4;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = 0xff - i;
+    nullSessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    nullSessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &nullSessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, INDEX_LCP_SUP, INDEX_LCP_SUP, &nullSessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, INDEX_LCP_OWN, INDEX_LCP_OWN, &nullSessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, INDEX_LCP_SUP, INDEX_LCP_SUP, &nullSessionsData, 4, 0, &nvData, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, INDEX_LCP_OWN, INDEX_LCP_OWN, &nullSessionsData, 4, 0, &nvData, &nullSessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void NvIndexProto()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nNV INDEX PROTOTYPE TESTS:\n" );
+    // AUX index: Write is controlled by TPM2_PolicyLocality; Read is controlled by authValue and is unrestricted since authValue is set to emptyBuffer
+    // PS index: Write and read are unrestricted until TPM2_WriteLock. After that content is write protected
+    // PO index: Write is restricted by ownerAuth; Read is controlled by authValue and is unrestricted since authValue is set to emptyBuffer
+    // Now we need to configure NV indices
+    ProvisionNvAux();
+    ProvisionOtherIndices();
+    TpmAuxReadWriteTest();
+    TpmOtherIndicesReadWriteTest();
+    // Now undefine the aux index, so that subsequent test passes will work.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, INDEX_AUX, &nullSessionsData, &nullSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now undefine the other indices, so that subsequent test passes will work.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, INDEX_LCP_SUP, &nullSessionsData, &nullSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, INDEX_LCP_OWN, &nullSessionsData, &nullSessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestPcrAllocate()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION  pcrSelection;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPMI_YES_NO allocationSuccess;
+    UINT32 maxPcr;
+    UINT32 sizeNeeded;
+    UINT32 sizeAvailable;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPCR ALLOCATE TEST  :\n" );
+    // Init authHandle
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    pcrSelection.count = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Allocate( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &pcrSelection,
+            &allocationSuccess, &maxPcr, &sizeNeeded, &sizeAvailable, &sessionsDataOut);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    pcrSelection.count = 3;
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+    CLEAR_PCR_SELECT_BITS( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0] );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_SIZE( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0], 3 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0], PCR_5 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[0], PCR_7 );
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[1].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA384;
+    CLEAR_PCR_SELECT_BITS( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[1] );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_SIZE( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[1], 3 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[1], PCR_5 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[1], PCR_8 );
+    pcrSelection.pcrSelections[2].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+    CLEAR_PCR_SELECT_BITS( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[2] ); 
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_SIZE( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[2], 3 );
+    SET_PCR_SELECT_BIT( pcrSelection.pcrSelections[2], PCR_6 );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PCR_Allocate( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &sessionsData, &pcrSelection,
+            &allocationSuccess, &maxPcr, &sizeNeeded, &sizeAvailable, &sessionsDataOut);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestUnseal()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE  inSensitive;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION      creationPCR;
+    TPM2B_DATA              outsideInfo;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC            inPublic;
+    TPM_HANDLE loadedObjectHandle;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic;
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash;
+    TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket;
+    TPM2B_NAME name;
+    const char authStr[] = "test";
+    const char sensitiveData[] = "this is sensitive";
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nUNSEAL TEST  :\n" );
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 2;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth.t.size = sizeof( authStr ) - 1;
+    memcpy( &( inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth.t.buffer[0] ), authStr, sizeof( authStr ) - 1 );
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = sizeof( sensitiveData ) - 1;
+    memcpy( &( inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.buffer[0] ), sensitiveData, sizeof( sensitiveData ) - 1 );
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;    
+    creationPCR.count = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    *(UINT32 *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.userWithAuth = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.keyedHashDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.keyedHash.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;    
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]  = &sessionData;
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_LoadExternal ( sysContext, 0, 0, &outPublic,
+            TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &loadedObjectHandle, &name, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, loadedObjectHandle ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Load ( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &outPrivate, &outPublic,
+            &loadedObjectHandle, &name, &sessionsDataOut);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = sizeof( authStr ) - 1;
+    memcpy( &( sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] ), authStr, sizeof( authStr ) - 1 );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Unseal( sysContext, loadedObjectHandle, &sessionsData, &outData, &sessionsDataOut );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, loadedObjectHandle ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void CreatePasswordTestNV( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX nvIndex, char * password )
+    UINT32 rval;
+    int i;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC publicInfo;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    nvAuth.t.size = strlen( password );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = password[i];
+	publicInfo.t.size = sizeof( TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX ) +
+            sizeof( TPMI_ALG_HASH ) + sizeof( TPMA_NV ) + sizeof( UINT16) +
+            sizeof( UINT16 );
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nvIndex = nvIndex;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First zero out attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes ) = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.attributes.TPMA_NV_ORDERLY = 1;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    publicInfo.t.nvPublic.dataSize = 32;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_DefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM,
+            &sessionsData, &nvAuth, &publicInfo, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+// Password used to authorize access to the NV index.
+char password[] = "test password";
+void PasswordTest()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    int i;
+    // Authorization structure for command.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    // Authorization structure for response.
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    // Create and init authorization area for command:
+    // only 1 authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1] = { &sessionData };
+    // Create authorization area for response:
+    // only 1 authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1] = { &sessionDataOut };
+    // Authorization array for command (only has one auth structure).
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData = { 1, &sessionDataArray[0] };
+    // Authorization array for response (only has one auth structure).
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, &sessionDataOutArray[0] };
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nPASSWORD TESTS:\n" );
+    // Create an NV index that will use password
+    // authorizations the password will be
+    // "test password".
+    CreatePasswordTestNV( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, password );
+    //
+    // Initialize the command authorization area.
+    //
+    // Init sessionHandle, nonce, session
+    // attributes, and hmac (password).
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Set zero sized nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // sessionAttributes is a bit field.  To initialize
+    // it to 0, cast to a pointer to UINT8 and
+    // write 0 to that pointer.
+    *( (UINT8 *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) = 0;
+    // Init password (HMAC field in authorization structure).
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = strlen( password );
+    memcpy( &( sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] ),
+            &( password[0] ), sessionData.hmac.t.size );
+    // Initialize write data.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = 4;
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = 0xff - i;
+    // Attempt write with the correct password.
+    // It should pass.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext,
+            &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0,
+            &sessionsDataOut );
+    // Check that the function passed as
+    // expected.  Otherwise, exit.
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Alter the password so it's incorrect.
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[4] = 0xff;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext,
+            &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0,
+            &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    // Check that the function failed as expected,
+    // since password was incorrect.  If wrong
+    // response code received, exit.
+    CheckFailed( rval,
+            TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_AUTH_FAIL );
+    // Change hmac to null one, since null auth is
+    // used to undefine the index.
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Now undefine the index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void SimplePolicyTest()
+    UINT32 rval, sessionCmdRval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    SESSION *nvSession, *trialPolicySession;
+    TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy;
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData, nvReadData;
+    UINT8 dataToWrite[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPMA_SESSION sessionAttributes;
+    // Command authorization area: one password session.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvCmdAuth = { TPM_RS_PW, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nvCmdAuthArray[1] = { &nvCmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvCmdAuths = { 1, &nvCmdAuthArray[0] };
+    // Response authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *nvRspAuthArray[1] = { &nvRspAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nvRspAuths = { 1, &nvRspAuthArray[0] };
+    TPM_ALG_ID sessionAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSIMPLE POLICY TEST:\n" );
+    //
+    // Create NV index.
+    //
+    // Setup the NV index's authorization value.
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    // Zero sized encrypted salt, since the session
+    // is unsalted.
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+    // No symmetric algorithm.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    // 
+    // Create the NV index's authorization policy
+    // using a trial policy session.
+    //
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &trialPolicySession, TPM_RH_NULL,
+            0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_TRIAL,
+            &symmetric, sessionAlg );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( sysContext, trialPolicySession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get policy digest.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, trialPolicySession->sessionHandle,
+            0, &authPolicy, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // End the trial session by flushing it.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, trialPolicySession->sessionHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // And remove the trial policy session from sessions table.
+    rval = EndAuthSession( trialPolicySession );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now set the NV index's attributes:
+    // policyRead, authWrite, and platormCreate.
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYREAD = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYWRITE = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // Create the NV index.
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW,
+            &nvAuth, &authPolicy, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            sessionAlg, nvAttributes, 32  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Add index and associated authorization value to
+    // entity table.  This helps when we need
+    // to calculate HMACs.
+    AddEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvAuth );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the NV index.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            &nvName );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Start real (non-trial) policy authorization session:
+    // it's an unbound and unsalted session, no symmetric
+    // encryption algorithm, and SHA256 is the session's
+    // hash algorithm.
+    //
+    // Zero sized encrypted salt, since the session
+    // is unsalted.
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+    // No symmetric algorithm.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    // Create the session.
+    // Session state (session handle, nonces, etc.) gets
+    // saved into nvSession structure for later use.
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &nvSession, TPM_RH_NULL,
+            0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_POLICY,
+            &symmetric, sessionAlg );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the session and save it in
+    // the nvSession structure.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( nvSession->sessionHandle,
+            &nvSession->name );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Initialize NV write data.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = sizeof( dataToWrite );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+    {
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = dataToWrite[i];
+    }
+    //
+    // Now setup for writing the NV index.
+    //
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( sysContext, nvSession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get policy digest.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( sysContext, trialPolicySession->sessionHandle,
+            0, &authPolicy, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Configure command authorization area, except for HMAC.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = nvSession->sessionHandle;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 1;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes = sessionAttributes;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( sysContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Finally!!  Write the data to the NV index.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, &nvWriteData, 0, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( sysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( sysContext, nvSession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // End the session after next command.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( sysContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // And now read the data back.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0,
+            &nvReadData, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( sysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Check that write and read data are equal.
+    if( memcmp( (void *)&nvReadData.t.buffer[0],
+            (void *)&nvWriteData.t.buffer[0], nvReadData.t.size ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! read data not equal to written data\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // Now cleanup:  undefine the NV index and delete
+    // the NV index's entity table entry.
+    //
+    // Setup authorization for undefining the NV index.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Undefine the NV index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Delete the NV index's entry in the entity table.
+    rval = DeleteEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void SimpleHmacTest()
+    UINT32 rval, sessionCmdRval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    SESSION *nvSession;
+    TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy;
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData, nvReadData;
+    UINT8 dataToWrite[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
+    char sharedSecret[] = "shared secret";
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPMA_SESSION sessionAttributes;
+    // Command authorization area: one password session.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvCmdAuth = { TPM_RS_PW, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nvCmdAuthArray[1] = { &nvCmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvCmdAuths = { 1, &nvCmdAuthArray[0] };
+    // Response authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *nvRspAuthArray[1] = { &nvRspAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nvRspAuths = { 1, &nvRspAuthArray[0] };
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSIMPLE HMAC SESSION TEST:\n" );
+    //
+    // Create NV index.
+    //
+    // Setup the NV index's authorization value.
+    nvAuth.t.size = strlen( sharedSecret );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = sharedSecret[i];
+    // Set NV index's authorization policy
+    // to zero sized policy since we won't be
+    // using policy to authorize.
+    authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    // Now set the NV index's attributes:
+    // policyRead, authWrite, and platormCreate.
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // Create the NV index.
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW,
+            &nvAuth, &authPolicy, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM_ALG_SHA256, nvAttributes, 32  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Add index and associated authorization value to
+    // entity table.  This helps when we need
+    // to calculate HMACs.
+    AddEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvAuth );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the NV index.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            &nvName );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Start HMAC authorization session:  it's an
+    // unbound and unsalted session, no symmetric
+    // encryption algorithm, and SHA256 is the session's
+    // hash algorithm.
+    //
+    // Zero sized encrypted salt, since the session
+    // is unsalted.
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+    // No symmetric algorithm.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    // Create the session.
+    // Session state (session handle, nonces, etc.) gets
+    // saved into nvSession structure for later use.
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &nvSession, TPM_RH_NULL,
+            0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_HMAC,
+            &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the session and save it in
+    // the nvSession structure.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( nvSession->sessionHandle,
+            &nvSession->name );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Initialize NV write data.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = sizeof( dataToWrite );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+    {
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = dataToWrite[i];
+    }
+    //
+    // Now setup for writing the NV index.
+    //
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Configure command authorization area, except for HMAC.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = nvSession->sessionHandle;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 1;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+    *( (UINT8 *)(&sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes = sessionAttributes;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( sysContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Finally!!  Write the data to the NV index.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, &nvWriteData, 0, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( sysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // End the session after next command.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( sysContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // And now read the data back.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0,
+            &nvReadData, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( sysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Check that write and read data are equal.
+    if( memcmp( (void *)&nvReadData.t.buffer[0],
+            (void *)&nvWriteData.t.buffer[0], nvReadData.t.size ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! read data not equal to written data\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // Now cleanup:  undefine the NV index and delete
+    // the NV index's entity table entry.
+    //
+    // Setup authorization for undefining the NV index.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Undefine the NV index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Delete the NV index's entry in the entity table.
+    rval = DeleteEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = EndAuthSession( nvSession );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void SimpleHmacOrPolicyTest( bool hmacTest )
+    UINT32 rval, sessionCmdRval;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    SESSION *nvSession, *trialPolicySession;
+    TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy;
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData, nvReadData;
+    UINT8 dataToWrite[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
+    char sharedSecret[] = "shared secret";
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPMA_SESSION sessionAttributes;
+    TPM_SE tpmSe;
+    char *testString;
+    char testStringHmac[] = "HMAC";
+    char testStringPolicy[] = "POLICY";
+    // Command authorization area: one password session.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvCmdAuth = { TPM_RS_PW, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nvCmdAuthArray[1] = { &nvCmdAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvCmdAuths = { 1, &nvCmdAuthArray[0] };
+    // Response authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *nvRspAuthArray[1] = { &nvRspAuth };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nvRspAuths = { 1, &nvRspAuthArray[0] };
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *simpleTestContext;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    if( hmacTest )
+        testString = testStringHmac;
+    else        
+        testString = testStringPolicy;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nSIMPLE %s SESSION TEST:\n", testString );
+    // Create sysContext structure.
+    simpleTestContext = InitSysContext( 1000, resMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( simpleTestContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    // Setup the NV index's authorization value.
+    nvAuth.t.size = strlen( sharedSecret );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+        nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = sharedSecret[i];
+    //
+    // Create NV index.
+    //
+    if( hmacTest )
+    {
+        // Setup the NV index's authorization value.
+        nvAuth.t.size = strlen( sharedSecret );
+        for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+            nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = sharedSecret[i];
+        // Set NV index's authorization policy
+        // to zero sized policy since we won't be
+        // using policy to authorize.
+        authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Zero sized encrypted salt, since the session
+        // is unsalted.
+        encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+        // No symmetric algorithm.
+        symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+        // 
+        // Create the NV index's authorization policy
+        // using a trial policy session.
+        //
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &trialPolicySession,
+                TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt,
+                TPM_SE_TRIAL,
+                &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( simpleTestContext,
+                trialPolicySession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Get policy digest.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyGetDigest( simpleTestContext,
+                trialPolicySession->sessionHandle,
+                0, &authPolicy, 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // End the trial session by flushing it.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( simpleTestContext,
+                trialPolicySession->sessionHandle );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // And remove the trial policy session from
+        // sessions table.
+        rval = EndAuthSession( trialPolicySession );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Now set the NV index's attributes:
+    // policyRead, authWrite, and platormCreate.
+    *(UINT32 *)( &nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    if( hmacTest )
+    {
+        nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+        nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYREAD = 1;
+        nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_POLICYWRITE = 1;
+    }
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // Create the NV index.
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW,
+            &nvAuth, &authPolicy, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM_ALG_SHA256, nvAttributes, 32  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Add index and associated authorization value to
+    // entity table.  This helps when we need
+    // to calculate HMACs.
+    AddEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvAuth );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the NV index.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)(
+            &nvName );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Start HMAC or real (non-trial) policy authorization session:
+    // it's an unbound and unsalted session, no symmetric
+    // encryption algorithm, and SHA256 is the session's
+    // hash algorithm.
+    //
+    // Zero sized encrypted salt, since the session
+    // is unsalted.
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+    // No symmetric algorithm.
+    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    // Create the session, hmac or policy depending
+    // on hmacTest.
+    // Session state (session handle, nonces, etc.) gets
+    // saved into nvSession structure for later use.
+    if( hmacTest )
+        tpmSe = TPM_SE_HMAC;
+    else
+        tpmSe = TPM_SE_POLICY;
+    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &nvSession, TPM_RH_NULL,
+            0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, &encryptedSalt, tpmSe,
+            &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Get the name of the session and save it in
+    // the nvSession structure.
+    rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( nvSession->sessionHandle,
+            &(nvSession->name) );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Initialize NV write data.
+    nvWriteData.t.size = sizeof( dataToWrite );
+    for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+    {
+        nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = dataToWrite[i];
+    }
+    //
+    // Now setup for writing the NV index.
+    //
+    if( !hmacTest )
+    {
+        // Send policy command.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( simpleTestContext,
+                nvSession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( simpleTestContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Configure command authorization area, except for HMAC.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle =
+            nvSession->sessionHandle;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 1;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+    *( (UINT8 *)(&sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes = sessionAttributes;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( simpleTestContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Finally!!  Write the data to the NV index.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( simpleTestContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, &nvWriteData, 0, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( simpleTestContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    if( !hmacTest )
+    {
+        // Send policy command.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_PolicyAuthValue( simpleTestContext,
+                nvSession->sessionHandle, 0, 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // First call prepare in order to create cpBuffer.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( simpleTestContext,
+            sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Roll nonces for command
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+    // End the session after next command.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+    // Complete command authorization area, by computing
+    // HMAC and setting it in nvCmdAuths.
+    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( simpleTestContext,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvCmdAuths,
+            TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // And now read the data back.
+    // If the command is successful, the command
+    // HMAC was correct.
+    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( simpleTestContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0,
+            &nvReadData, &nvRspAuths );
+    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+    // Roll nonces for response
+    RollNonces( nvSession, &nvRspAuths.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        // If the command was successful, check the
+        // response HMAC to make sure that the
+        // response was received correctly.
+        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( simpleTestContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                &nvCmdAuths, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Check that write and read data are equal.
+    if( memcmp( (void *)&nvReadData.t.buffer[0],
+            (void *)&nvWriteData.t.buffer[0], nvReadData.t.size ) )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! read data not equal to written data\n" );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    //
+    // Now cleanup:  undefine the NV index and delete
+    // the NV index's entity table entry.
+    //
+    // Setup authorization for undefining the NV index.
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+    nvCmdAuths.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Undefine the NV index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( simpleTestContext,
+            &nvCmdAuths, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Delete the NV index's entry in the entity table.
+    rval = DeleteEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Remove the real session from sessions table.
+    rval = EndAuthSession( nvSession );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TeardownSysContext( &simpleTestContext );
+typedef struct {
+    TPMI_DH_OBJECT tpmKey;
+    TPMI_DH_ENTITY bound;
+    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *salt;
+    char hmacTestDescription[50];
+TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER nullSalt = { { 0, { 0xa4 } }, };
+TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER nonNullSalt = { { 2, { 0xa5, 0 } } };
+HMAC_TEST_SETUP hmacTestSetups[] =
+    { 0, TPM_RH_NULL, &nonNullSalt, "SALTED SESSION TEST" },
+UINT8 decryptEncryptSetups[] = { PLAINTEXT_SESSION };
+#define CFB_MODE 0
+#define XOR_MODE 1
+void HmacSessionTest()
+    UINT32 rval;
+    unsigned int i, j, k, decryptEncryptMode;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData;
+    UINT8 dataToWrite[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa };
+    TPM2B_NAME nvName;
+    TPM_RC sessionCmdRval;
+    SESSION *nvSession;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *rdSysContext;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *wrSysContext;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF symmetric;
+    TPM2B_NONCE nonceOlder;
+    // Create two sysContext structures.
+    rdSysContext = InitSysContext( 1000, resMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( rdSysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    wrSysContext = InitSysContext( 1000, resMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( wrSysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    char sharedSecret[] = "shared secret";
+    char buffer1contents[] = "test";
+    char buffer2contents[] = "string";
+    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER buffer1;
+    TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER buffer2;
+//    TPM2B_IV ivIn, ivOut;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvData;
+    TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET encryptedSalt;
+    encryptedSalt.t.size = 0;
+//    ivIn.t.size = 0;
+//    ivOut.t.size = 0;
+    buffer1.t.size = strlen( buffer1contents );
+    memcpy (buffer1.t.buffer, buffer1contents, buffer1.t.size );
+    buffer2.t.size = strlen( buffer2contents );
+    memcpy (buffer2.t.buffer, buffer2contents, buffer2.t.size );
+    for( j = 0; j < sizeof( hmacTestSetups ) / sizeof( HMAC_TEST_SETUP ); j++ )
+    {
+        if( hmacTestSetups[j].salt == &nonNullSalt )
+        {
+            hmacTestSetups[j].tpmKey = handle2048rsa;
+        }
+    }
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nHMAC SESSION TESTS:\n" );
+    for( j = 0; j < sizeof( hmacTestSetups ) / sizeof( HMAC_TEST_SETUP ); j++ )
+    {
+        // Iterate through variations of decrypt and encrypt sessions.
+        for( k = 0; k < sizeof( decryptEncryptSetups ); k++ )
+        {
+            for( decryptEncryptMode = CFB_MODE; decryptEncryptMode < XOR_MODE; decryptEncryptMode++ )
+            {
+                TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData = { TPM_RS_PW, };
+                TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+                TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1] = { &sessionData };
+                TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1] = { &sessionDataOut };
+                TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData = { 1, &sessionDataArray[0] };
+                TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, &sessionDataOutArray[0] };
+                TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT  inScheme;
+                TPM2B_DATA label;
+                TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy;
+                TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+                TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\n%s:\n", hmacTestSetups[j].hmacTestDescription );
+                if( hmacTestSetups[j].tpmKey != TPM_RH_NULL )
+                {
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+                    *( (UINT8 *)(&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+                    inScheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_OAEP;
+                    inScheme.details.oaep.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+                    memcpy( &( label.b.buffer ), "SECRET", 1 + strlen( "SECRET" ) );
+                    label.t.size = strlen( "SECRET" ) + 1;
+                    // Encrypt salt with tpmKey.
+                    rval = Tss2_Sys_RSA_Encrypt( sysContext, handle2048rsa,
+                            0, (TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA *)( hmacTestSetups[j].salt ),
+                            &inScheme, &label, (TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA *)&encryptedSalt, 0 );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                }
+                // init hmac
+                sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+                // NOW CREATE THE INDEX
+                authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+                nvAuth.t.size = strlen( sharedSecret );
+                for( i = 0; i < nvAuth.t.size; i++ )
+                    nvAuth.t.buffer[i] = sharedSecret[i];
+                // Now set the attributes.
+                *(UINT32 *)( &nvAttributes ) = 0;
+                nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+                nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+                nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+                rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW, &nvAuth, &authPolicy,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM_ALG_SHA1, nvAttributes, 32  );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                AddEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvAuth );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                // Get the name using TPM function.
+                rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvName );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                //
+                // Start session
+                //
+                nonceOlder.t.size = GetDigestSize( TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+                for( i = 0; i < nonceOlder.t.size; i++ )
+                    nonceOlder.t.buffer[i] = 0;
+                if( decryptEncryptSetups[k] == PLAINTEXT_SESSION )
+                {
+                    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+                }
+                else if( decryptEncryptSetups[k] == DECRYPT_SESSION || decryptEncryptSetups[k] == ENCRYPT_SESSION )
+                {
+                    if( decryptEncryptMode == CFB_MODE )
+                    {
+                        symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+                        symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+                        symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_CFB;
+                    }
+                    else if( decryptEncryptMode == XOR_MODE )
+                    {
+                        symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_XOR;
+                        symmetric.keyBits.exclusiveOr = TPM_ALG_SHA256;
+                    }
+                }
+                rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &nvSession, hmacTestSetups[j].tpmKey,
+                        hmacTestSetups[j].salt, hmacTestSetups[j].bound, &nvAuth, &nonceOlder, &encryptedSalt,
+                        TPM_SE_HMAC, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                // Get and print name of the session.
+                rval = (*HandleToNameFunctionPtr)( nvSession->sessionHandle, &nvSession->name );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+                TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Name of authSession: " );
+                PrintSizedBuffer( (TPM2B *)&nvSession->name );
+                CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+                // Init write data.
+                nvWriteData.t.size = sizeof( dataToWrite );
+                for( i = 0; i < nvWriteData.t.size; i++ )
+                {
+                    nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] = dataToWrite[i];
+                }
+                if( decryptEncryptSetups[k] == DECRYPT_SESSION )
+                {
+                    if( decryptEncryptMode == CFB_MODE )
+                    {
+//                        rval = EncryptCFB( &nvSession, &( nvWriteData.b ) );
+                    }
+                    else if( decryptEncryptMode == XOR_MODE )
+                    {
+//                        rval = EncryptXOR( &nvSession, &( nvWriteData.b ) );
+                    }
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+                }
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.encrypt = 0;
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = nvSession->sessionHandle;
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 1;
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+                // Roll nonces for command
+                RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+                // Now try writing with bad HMAC.
+                rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( wrSysContext,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                // Diddle with HMAC to force failure
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.buffer[0] =
+                        ~( sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->hmac.t.buffer[0] );
+                sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+                CheckFailed( sessionCmdRval, TPM_RC_S + TPM_RC_1 + TPM_RC_AUTH_FAIL );
+                // Since command failed, no need to roll nonces.
+                TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+                // Now try writing with good HMAC.
+                // Do stage 1 of NVRead, followed by stage 1 and 2 of NVWrite, followed by
+                // stage 2 of NVRead.  This tests that the staged processing is thread-safe.
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+                rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0 ); 
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+                rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, sessionCmdRval );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( wrSysContext,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+                CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+                if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+                {
+                    // Roll nonces for response
+                    RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+                    rval = CheckResponseHMACs( wrSysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                            &sessionsData, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsDataOut );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                }
+                // Roll nonces for command
+                RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+                rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                       TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, sessionCmdRval );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                if( decryptEncryptSetups[k] == ENCRYPT_SESSION )
+                {
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.encrypt = 1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.encrypt = 0;
+                }
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+                sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                        TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+                CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+                if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+                {
+                    // Roll nonces for response
+                    RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+                    rval = CheckResponseHMACs( rdSysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                            &sessionsData, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsDataOut );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    if( decryptEncryptSetups[k] == ENCRYPT_SESSION )
+                    {
+                        if( decryptEncryptMode == CFB_MODE )
+                        {
+//                            rval = EncryptCFB( nvSession, &( nvData.b ) );
+                        }
+                        else if( decryptEncryptMode == XOR_MODE )
+                        {
+//                            rval = EncryptXOR( nvSession, &( nvData.b ) );
+                        }
+                        CheckPassed( rval );
+                    }
+                    // Check that write actually worked.
+                    rval = CompareTPM2B( &(nvWriteData.b), &(nvData.b) );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                }
+                //
+                // NOTE:  When running against version of the simulator for TPM spec versions later
+                // than version 0.98, in order for the session to act as a bound session when accessing
+                // the bind entity, we will need to restart the session here since the name of the bound
+                // entity changed.
+                //
+                if( hmacTestSetups[j].bound != TPM_RH_NULL )
+                {
+                    rval = EndAuthSession( nvSession );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    //
+                    // Start session
+                    //
+                    nonceOlder.t.size = GetDigestSize( TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+                    for( i = 0; i < nonceOlder.t.size; i++ )
+                        nonceOlder.t.buffer[i] = 0;
+                    symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+                    symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+                    symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_CFB;
+                    rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &nvSession, hmacTestSetups[j].tpmKey,  hmacTestSetups[j].salt, hmacTestSetups[j].bound, &nvAuth, &nonceOlder, &encryptedSalt, TPM_SE_HMAC, &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA1 );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    CopySizedByteBuffer( &( nvSession->authValueBind.b ), &( nvAuth.b ) );
+                    // Now try writing with good HMAC.
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = nvSession->sessionHandle;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 1;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 1;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+                    // TBD:  Need to encrypt data before sending.
+                    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    // Roll nonces for command
+                    RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+                    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, TPM_RC_FAILURE );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( wrSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+                    CheckPassed( sessionCmdRval );
+                    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+                    {
+                        // Roll nonces for response
+                        RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+                        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( wrSysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                                &sessionsData, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsDataOut );
+                        CheckPassed( rval );
+                    }
+                    // Need to do GetSessionAuditDigest to check that audit digest changed.
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.continueSession = 0;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.encrypt = 1;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.audit = 1;
+                    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0 );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    // Roll nonces for command
+                    RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce );
+                    rval = ComputeCommandHmacs( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, sessionCmdRval );
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    sessionCmdRval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( rdSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+                            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, sizeof( dataToWrite ), 0, &nvData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.encrypt = 0;
+                    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionAttributes.audit = 0;
+                    if( sessionCmdRval == TPM_RC_SUCCESS )
+                    {
+                        // Roll nonces for response
+                        RollNonces( nvSession, &sessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->nonce );
+                        rval = CheckResponseHMACs( rdSysContext, sessionCmdRval,
+                                &sessionsData, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsDataOut );
+                        CheckPassed( rval );
+                    }
+                    // TBD:  Need to decrypt response data.
+                    CheckPassed( rval );
+                    // TBD:  Need to do GetSessionAuditDigest to check that audit digest changed.
+                }
+                // Removed comparison for now until we figure out how to properly
+                // encrypt data before writing to NV index. 
+                //        rval = CompareTPM2B( &(nvWriteData.b), &(nvData.b) );
+                //        CheckPassed( rval );
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.size = 0;
+                sessionsData.cmdAuths[0]->nonce.t.buffer[0] = 0xa5;
+                sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+                // Now undefine the index.
+                rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( wrSysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, 0 );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                rval = DeleteEntity( TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+                rval = EndAuthSession( nvSession );
+                CheckPassed( rval );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    TeardownSysContext( &wrSysContext );
+    TeardownSysContext( &rdSysContext );
+UINT32 writeDataString = 0xdeadbeef;
+void TestEncryptDecryptSession()
+    TSS2_RC             rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    SESSION             *encryptDecryptSession;
+    TPMT_SYM_DEF        symmetric;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER writeData, encryptedWriteData;
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER encryptedReadData, decryptedReadData,
+                        readData;
+    size_t              decryptParamSize;
+    uint8_t             *decryptParamBuffer;
+    size_t              encryptParamSize;
+    uint8_t             *encryptParamBuffer;
+    TPM2B_AUTH          nvAuth;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST        authPolicy;
+    TPMA_NV             nvAttributes;
+    int                 i;
+    TPMA_SESSION        sessionAttributes;
+    TPM2B_NONCE         nonceCaller;
+    nonceCaller.t.size = 0;
+    // Authorization structure for undefine command.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvUndefineAuth;
+    // Create and init authorization area for undefine command:
+    // only 1 authorization area.
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nvUndefineAuthArray[1] = { &nvUndefineAuth };
+    // Authorization array for command (only has one auth structure).
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvUndefineAuths = { 1, &nvUndefineAuthArray[0] };
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n\nDECRYPT/ENCRYPT SESSION TESTS:\n" );
+    writeData.t.size = sizeof( writeDataString );
+    memcpy( (void *)&writeData.t.buffer, (void *)&writeDataString,
+            sizeof( writeDataString ) );
+    // Create NV index with empty auth value.
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    // No authorization required.
+    authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW,
+            &nvAuth, &authPolicy, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1,
+            TPM_ALG_SHA1, nvAttributes,
+            sizeof( writeDataString ) );
+    //
+    // 1st pass with CFB mode.
+    // 2nd pass with XOR mode.
+    //
+    for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
+    {
+        // Authorization structure for NV
+        // read/write commands.
+        TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND nvRdWrCmdAuth;
+        // Authorization structure for
+        // encrypt/decrypt session.
+        TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth;
+        // Create and init authorization area for
+        // NV read/write commands:
+        // 2 authorization areas.
+        TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *nvRdWrCmdAuthArray[2] =
+                { &nvRdWrCmdAuth, &decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth };
+        // Authorization array for commands
+        // (has two auth structures).
+        TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS nvRdWrCmdAuths =
+                { 2, &nvRdWrCmdAuthArray[0] };
+        // Authorization structure for NV read/write responses.
+        TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE nvRdWrRspAuth;
+        // Authorization structure for decrypt/encrypt
+        // session responses.
+        TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE decryptEncryptSessionRspAuth;
+        // Create and init authorization area for NV
+        // read/write responses:  2 authorization areas.
+        TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *nvRdWrRspAuthArray[2] =
+                { &nvRdWrRspAuth, &decryptEncryptSessionRspAuth };
+        // Authorization array for responses
+        // (has two auth structures).
+        TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS nvRdWrRspAuths =
+                { 2, &nvRdWrRspAuthArray[0] };
+        // Setup session parameters.
+        if( i == 0 )
+        {                
+            // AES encryption/decryption and CFB mode.
+            symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+            symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+            symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_CFB;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // XOR encryption/decryption.
+            symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_XOR;
+            symmetric.keyBits.exclusiveOr = TPM_ALG_SHA256; 
+        }
+        // Start policy session for decrypt/encrypt session.
+        rval = StartAuthSessionWithParams( &encryptDecryptSession,
+                TPM_RH_NULL, 0, TPM_RH_NULL, 0, &nonceCaller, 0, TPM_SE_POLICY,
+                &symmetric, TPM_ALG_SHA256 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        //
+        // Write TPM index with encrypted parameter used
+        // as the data to write.  Set session for encrypt.
+        // Use asyncronous APIs to do this.
+        //
+        // 1st time:  use null buffer, 2nd time use populated one;
+        // this tests different cases for SetDecryptParam function.
+        //
+        // Prepare the input parameters, using unencypted
+        // write data.  This will be encrypted before the
+        // command is sent to the TPM.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( sysContext,
+                TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1,
+                ( i == 0 ? (TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER *)0 : &writeData ),
+                0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Set up password authorization session structure.
+        nvRdWrCmdAuth.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+        nvRdWrCmdAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+        *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&nvRdWrCmdAuth.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+        nvRdWrCmdAuth.hmac.t.size = nvAuth.t.size;
+        memcpy( (void *)&nvRdWrCmdAuth.hmac.t.buffer[0],
+                (void *)&nvAuth.t.buffer[0],
+                nvRdWrCmdAuth.hmac.t.size );
+        // Set up encrypt/decrypt session structure.
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionHandle =
+                encryptDecryptSession->sessionHandle;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+        *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes =
+                sessionAttributes;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes.continueSession
+                = 1;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.hmac.t.size = 0;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SetCmdAuths( sysContext, &nvRdWrCmdAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Get decrypt parameter.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( sysContext,
+                &decryptParamSize,
+                (const uint8_t **)&decryptParamBuffer );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        if( i == 0 )
+        {
+            // 1st pass:  test case of Prepare inputting a NULL decrypt
+            // param; decryptParamSize should be 0.
+            if( decryptParamSize != 0 )
+            {
+                TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! decryptParamSize != 0\n" );
+                Cleanup();
+            }
+        }
+        // Roll nonces for command.
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.nonce );
+        // Encrypt write data.
+        rval = EncryptCommandParam( encryptDecryptSession,
+                (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&encryptedWriteData,
+                (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&writeData, &nvAuth );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Now set decrypt parameter.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( sysContext,
+                (uint8_t )encryptedWriteData.t.size,
+                (uint8_t *)&encryptedWriteData.t.buffer[0] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Now write the data to the NV index.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetRspAuths( sysContext, &nvRdWrRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Roll the nonces for response
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuths[1]->nonce );
+        // Don't need nonces for anything else, so roll
+        // the nonces for next command.
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.nonce );
+        // Now read the data without encrypt set.
+        nvRdWrCmdAuths.cmdAuthsCount = 1;            
+        nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuthsCount = 1;            
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1,
+                TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &nvRdWrCmdAuths,
+                sizeof( writeDataString ), 0, &readData,
+                &nvRdWrRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        nvRdWrCmdAuths.cmdAuthsCount = 2;            
+        nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuthsCount = 2;            
+        // Roll the nonces for response
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuths[1]->nonce );
+        // Check that write and read data are equal.  This
+        // verifies that the decrypt session was setup correctly.
+        // If it wasn't, the data stored in the TPM would still
+        // be encrypted, and this test would fail.
+        if( memcmp( (void *)&readData.t.buffer[0],
+                (void *)&writeData.t.buffer[0], readData.t.size ) )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! read data not equal to written data\n" );
+            Cleanup();
+        }
+        //
+        // Read TPM index with encrypt session; use
+        // syncronous APIs to do this.
+        //
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1,
+                TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, sizeof( writeDataString ), 0 );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Roll the nonces for next command.
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.nonce );
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes.decrypt = 0;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes.encrypt = 1;
+        decryptEncryptSessionCmdAuth.sessionAttributes.continueSession =
+                1;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SetCmdAuths( sysContext, &nvRdWrCmdAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        //
+        // Now Read the data.
+        //
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Execute( sysContext );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize,
+                (const uint8_t **)&encryptParamBuffer );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_GetRspAuths( sysContext, &nvRdWrRspAuths );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Roll the nonces for response
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuths[1]->nonce );
+        // Decrypt read data.
+        encryptedReadData.t.size = encryptParamSize;
+        memcpy( (void *)&encryptedReadData.t.buffer[0],
+                (void *)encryptParamBuffer, encryptParamSize );
+        rval = DecryptResponseParam( encryptDecryptSession,
+                (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&decryptedReadData,
+                (TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *)&encryptedReadData, &nvAuth );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Roll the nonces.
+        RollNonces( encryptDecryptSession,
+                &nvRdWrRspAuths.rspAuths[1]->nonce );
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_SetEncryptParam( sysContext,
+                (uint8_t)decryptedReadData.t.size,
+                (uint8_t *)&decryptedReadData.t.buffer[0] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        // Get the command results, in this case the read data.
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Complete( sysContext, &readData );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Decrypted read data = " );
+        DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( &readData.t.buffer[0], (UINT32 )readData.t.size );
+        // Check that write and read data are equal.
+        if( memcmp( (void *)&readData.t.buffer[0],
+                (void *)&writeData.t.buffer[0], readData.t.size ) )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! read data not equal to written data\n" );
+            Cleanup();
+        }
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext,
+                encryptDecryptSession->sessionHandle ); 
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        rval = EndAuthSession( encryptDecryptSession );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+    }
+    // Set authorization for NV undefine command.
+    nvUndefineAuth.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    nvUndefineAuth.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&nvUndefineAuth.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    nvUndefineAuth.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Undefine NV index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext,
+            TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_TEST1, &nvUndefineAuths, 0 );       
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void TestRsaEncryptDecrypt()
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE  inSensitive;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC            inPublic;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPM2B_DATA              outsideInfo;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION      creationPCR;
+    TPM_RC                  rval;
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic;
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash;
+    TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket;
+    TPM2B_NAME rsaKeyName;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1] = { &sessionData };
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1] = { &sessionDataOut };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData = { 1,  &sessionDataArray[0] };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, &sessionDataOutArray[0] };
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = 0;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    // Create public/private key pair.
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_CTR;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 1024;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;    
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Load private key into TPM
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Load ( sysContext, handle2048rsa, 0, &outPrivate, &outPublic,
+            &loadedSha1KeyHandle, &rsaKeyName, &sessionsDataOut);
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Encrypt message with public key
+    // Print encrypted message.
+    // Decrypt message with private key.
+    // Print decrypted message.
+void GetSetDecryptParamTests()
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData = { { 4, { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, } } };
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData1 = { { 4, { 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, } } };
+    const uint8_t *decryptParamBuffer;
+    size_t decryptParamSize;
+    size_t cpBufferUsedSize1, cpBufferUsedSize2;
+    const uint8_t *cpBuffer1, *cpBuffer2;
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    int i;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *decryptParamTestSysContext;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nGET/SET DECRYPT PARAM TESTS:\n" );
+    // Create two sysContext structures.
+    decryptParamTestSysContext = InitSysContext( MAX_NV_BUFFER_SIZE, resMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( decryptParamTestSysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    // Test for bad sequence
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 4, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    // Do Prepare.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( decryptParamTestSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData1, 0x55aa ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test for bad reference
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( 0, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 0, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 4, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( 0, 4, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    // Test for bad size.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 5, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SIZE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 3, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SIZE );
+    // Test for good size.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 4, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Make sure that the set operation really did the right thing.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+    {
+        if( decryptParamBuffer[i] != nvWriteData.t.buffer[i] )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!!  decryptParamBuffer[%d] s/b: %2.2x, was: %2.2x\n", i, nvWriteData.t.buffer[i], decryptParamBuffer[i] );
+            Cleanup();
+        }
+    }
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCpBuffer( decryptParamTestSysContext, &cpBufferUsedSize1, &cpBuffer1 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "cpBuffer = ");
+    DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( (UINT8 *)cpBuffer1, cpBufferUsedSize1 );
+    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    // Test for no decrypt param.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( decryptParamTestSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, sizeof( nvWriteData ) - 2, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_NO_DECRYPT_PARAM );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 4, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_NO_DECRYPT_PARAM );
+    // Null decrypt param.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( decryptParamTestSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, 0, 0x55aa ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Check that size == 0.
+    if( decryptParamSize != 0 )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!!  decryptParamSize s/b: 0, was: %u\n", (unsigned int)decryptParamSize );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    // Test for insufficient size.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCpBuffer( decryptParamTestSysContext, &cpBufferUsedSize2, &cpBuffer2 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    nvWriteData.t.size = MAX_NV_BUFFER_SIZE - 
+            CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( ( (TPM20_Header_In *)( ( (_TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT_BLOB *)decryptParamTestSysContext )->tpmInBuffPtr ) )->commandSize ) +
+            1;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, nvWriteData.t.size, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
+    // Test that one less will work.  This tests that we're checking the correct corner case.
+    nvWriteData.t.size -= 1;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, nvWriteData.t.size, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( decryptParamTestSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, 0, 0x55aa ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, &decryptParamSize, &decryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 4, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetCpBuffer( decryptParamTestSysContext, &cpBufferUsedSize2, &cpBuffer2 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "cpBuffer = ");
+    DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( (UINT8 *)cpBuffer2, cpBufferUsedSize2 );
+    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+    if( cpBufferUsedSize1 != cpBufferUsedSize2 )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!!  cpBufferUsedSize1(%x) != cpBufferUsedSize2(%x)\n", (UINT32)cpBufferUsedSize1, (UINT32)cpBufferUsedSize2 );
+        Cleanup();
+    }
+    for( i = 0; i < (int)cpBufferUsedSize1; i++ )
+    {
+        if( cpBuffer1[i] != cpBuffer2[i] )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! cpBufferUsedSize1[%d] s/b: %2.2x, was: %2.2x\n", i, cpBuffer1[i], cpBuffer2[i] );
+            Cleanup();
+        }
+    }
+    // Test case of zero sized decrypt param, another case of bad size.
+    nvWriteData1.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( decryptParamTestSysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData1, 0x55aa ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetDecryptParam( decryptParamTestSysContext, 1, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SIZE );
+    TeardownSysContext( &decryptParamTestSysContext );
+void GetSetEncryptParamTests()
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvWriteData = { { 4, { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, } } };
+    const uint8_t *encryptParamBuffer;
+    const uint8_t encryptParamBuffer1[4] = { 01, 02, 03, 04 };
+    size_t encryptParamSize;
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    int i;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy;
+    TPMA_NV nvAttributes;
+    TPM2B_AUTH  nvAuth;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData = { TPM_RS_PW, };
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1] = { &sessionData };
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1] = { &sessionDataOut };
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData = { 1, &sessionDataArray[0] };
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut = { 1, &sessionDataOutArray[0] };
+    TPM2B_MAX_NV_BUFFER nvReadData;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nGET/SET ENCRYPT PARAM TESTS:\n" );
+    // Do Prepare.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test for bad sequence
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetEncryptParam( sysContext, 4, &( nvWriteData.t.buffer[0] ) );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    // Create NV index
+    // Set empty policy and auth value.
+    authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    nvAuth.t.size = 0;
+    // Now set the attributes.
+    *(UINT32 *)( (void *)&nvAttributes ) = 0;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE = 1;
+    nvAttributes.TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE = 1;
+    rval = DefineNvIndex( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM_RS_PW, &nvAuth, &authPolicy,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM_ALG_SHA1, nvAttributes, 32  );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Write the index.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &nvWriteData, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Write( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, &nvWriteData, 0, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_NO_ENCRYPT_PARAM );
+    // Now read it and do tests on get/set encrypt functions
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read_Prepare( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, 4, 0 ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_Read( sysContext, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST,
+            TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, 4, 0, &nvReadData, &sessionsDataOut ); 
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetEncryptParam( sysContext, encryptParamSize, encryptParamBuffer1 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test that encryptParamBuffer is the same as encryptParamBuffer1
+    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+    {
+        if( encryptParamBuffer[i] != encryptParamBuffer1[i] )
+        {
+            TpmClientPrintf( 0, "ERROR!! encryptParamBuffer[%d] s/b: %2.2x, was: %2.2x\n", i, encryptParamBuffer[i], encryptParamBuffer1[i] );
+            Cleanup();
+        }
+    }
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_NV_UndefineSpace( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, TPM20_INDEX_PASSWORD_TEST, &sessionsData, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test for bad reference
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( 0, &encryptParamSize, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, 0, &encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetEncryptParam( sysContext, &encryptParamSize, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetEncryptParam( sysContext, 4, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetEncryptParam( 0, 4, encryptParamBuffer );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+void TestRM()
+    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *otherResMgrTctiContext = 0;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *otherSysContext;
+    TPM2B_SENSITIVE_CREATE  inSensitive;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC            inPublic;
+    TPM2B_DATA              outsideInfo;
+    TPML_PCR_SELECTION      creationPCR;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND sessionData;
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE sessionDataOut;
+    TSS2_SYS_CMD_AUTHS sessionsData;
+    TSS2_SYS_RSP_AUTHS sessionsDataOut;
+    TPM2B_NAME name;
+    TPM2B_PRIVATE outPrivate;
+    TPM2B_PUBLIC outPublic;
+    TPM2B_CREATION_DATA creationData;
+    TPM2B_DIGEST creationHash;
+    TPMT_TK_CREATION creationTicket;
+    TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *sessionDataArray[1];
+    TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE *sessionDataOutArray[1];
+    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    TPMS_CONTEXT context;
+    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext;
+    TPMI_DH_CONTEXT loadedHandle, newHandle, newNewHandle, newHandleDummy;               
+    TPMS_CONTEXT    newContext;
+    char otherResMgrInterfaceName[] = "Test RM Resource Manager";
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nRM TESTS:\n" );
+    sessionDataArray[0] = &sessionData;
+    sessionDataOutArray[0] = &sessionDataOut;
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuths = &sessionDataOutArray[0];
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths = &sessionDataArray[0];
+    sessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.userAuth = loadedSha1KeyAuth;
+    inSensitive.t.sensitive.data.t.size = 0;
+    inSensitive.t.size = loadedSha1KeyAuth.b.size + 2;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First clear attributes bit field.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.restricted = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.userWithAuth = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedTPM = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedParent = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sensitiveDataOrigin = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_ECB;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 1024;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    creationPCR.count = 0;
+    sessionData.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW;
+    // Init nonce.
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    // init hmac
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    // Init session attributes
+    *( (UINT8 *)((void *)&sessionData.sessionAttributes ) ) = 0;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuthsCount = 1;
+    sessionsData.cmdAuths[0] = &sessionData;
+    rval = InitTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, &otherResMgrTctiContext, &otherResMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Resource Mgr, %s, failed initialization: 0x%x.  Exiting...\n", resMgrInterfaceInfo.shortName, rval );
+        Cleanup();
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        (( TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)otherResMgrTctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel = debugLevel;
+    }
+    otherSysContext = InitSysContext( 0, otherResMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( otherSysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    // Try to access a key created by the first TCTI context.
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 2;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    sessionData.hmac.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.type = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.nameAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1;
+    // First clear attributes bit field.
+    *(UINT32 *)&( inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes) = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.restricted = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.userWithAuth = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.decrypt = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedTPM = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.fixedParent = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.objectAttributes.sensitiveDataOrigin = 1;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.algorithm = TPM_ALG_AES;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.keyBits.aes = 128;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.symmetric.mode.aes = TPM_ALG_ECB;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.scheme.scheme = TPM_ALG_NULL;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 2048;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.exponent = 0;
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.unique.rsa.t.size = 0;
+    outsideInfo.t.size = 0;
+    // This one should fail, because a different context is trying to use the primary object.
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_Create( otherSysContext, handle2048rsa, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR,
+            &outPrivate, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_RESMGR_UNOWNED_HANDLE );
+    // This one should pass, because the same context is allowed to save the context.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextSave( sysContext, handle2048rsa, &context );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // This one should pass, since we saved the context first.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextLoad( otherSysContext, &context, &loadedHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( otherSysContext, loadedHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Test with null tctiContext ptr.
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->setLocality)( 0, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->setLocality)( otherResMgrTctiContext, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now try changing localities between send and receive.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextLoad( otherSysContext, &context, &loadedHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext_Prepare( otherSysContext, loadedHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( otherSysContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // This should fail because locality is changing between send and receive.
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->setLocality)( otherResMgrTctiContext, 1 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( otherSysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_GetTctiContext( sysContext, &tctiContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Try cancel with null tctiContext ptr.
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->cancel)( 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_REFERENCE );
+    // Try cancel when no commands are pending.
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->cancel)( otherResMgrTctiContext );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    // Then try cancel with a pending command:  send cancel before blocking _Finish call.
+    inPublic.t.publicArea.parameters.rsaDetail.keyBits = 2048;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary_Prepare( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // NOTE: there are race conditions in tests that use cancel and
+    // are expecting to receive the CANCEL response code.  The tests
+    // typically pass, but may occasionally fail on the order of
+    // 1 out of 500 or so test passes.
+    //
+    // The OS could delay the test app long enough for the TPM to
+    // complete the CreatePrimary before the test app gets to run
+    // again.  To make these tests robust would require some way to
+    // create a critical section in the test app.
+    //
+    sessionData.hmac.t.size = 0;
+    sessionData.nonce.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetCmdAuths( sysContext, &sessionsData );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)tctiContext)->cancel)( tctiContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_CANCELED );
+     // Then try cancel with a pending command:  send cancel after non-blocking _Finish call.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary_Prepare( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetCmdAuths( sysContext, &sessionsData );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_TRY_AGAIN );
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)tctiContext)->cancel)( tctiContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+	rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TPM_RC_CANCELED );
+    // Then try cancel from a different connection:  it should just get a sequence error.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary_Prepare( sysContext, TPM_RH_PLATFORM, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_SetCmdAuths( sysContext, &sessionsData );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteAsync( sysContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_COMMON_V1 *)otherResMgrTctiContext)->cancel)( otherResMgrTctiContext );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ExecuteFinish( sysContext, TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary_Complete( sysContext, &newHandle, &outPublic, &creationData,
+            &creationHash, &creationTicket, &name );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Now try saving context for object and loading it using a different connection.
+    //
+    // First save context.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextSave( sysContext, newHandle, &newContext );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    //
+    // Now create an object with different hierarchy.  This will make sure that
+    // RM is getting correct hierarchy in it's table.
+    // NOTE:  this test can only be verified by looking at RM output.
+    //
+	outPublic.t.size = 0;
+    creationData.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_CreatePrimary( sysContext, TPM_RH_ENDORSEMENT, &sessionsData, &inSensitive, &inPublic,
+            &outsideInfo, &creationPCR, &newHandleDummy, &outPublic, &creationData, &creationHash, 
+			&creationTicket, &name, &sessionsDataOut );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now try loading the context using a different connection.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_ContextLoad( otherSysContext, &newContext, &newNewHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Flush original connection's object.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, newHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now try flushing new object from wrong connection.  Shouldn't be able to.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, newNewHandle );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_RESMGR_UNOWNED_HANDLE );
+    // Now flush new object from other connection.  Should work.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( otherSysContext, newNewHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    // Now flush dummy object.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, newHandleDummy );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = TeardownTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, otherResMgrTctiContext, &otherResMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TeardownSysContext( &otherSysContext );
+void EcEphemeralTest()
+    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    UINT16 counter;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nEC Ephemeral TESTS:\n" );
+    // Test SAPI for case of Q size field not being set to 0.
+    Q.t.size = 0xff;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_EC_Ephemeral( sysContext, 0, TPM_ECC_BN_P256, &Q, &counter, 0 );
+    CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_VALUE );
+    Q.t.size = 0;
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_EC_Ephemeral( sysContext, 0, TPM_ECC_BN_P256, &Q, &counter, 0 );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+void AbiVersionTests()
+    UINT32 contextSize = 1000;
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *sysContext;
+    TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\nABI NEGOTIATION TESTS:\n" );
+    // Get the size needed for system context structure.
+    contextSize = Tss2_Sys_GetContextSize( contextSize );
+    // Allocate the space for the system context structure.
+    sysContext = (TSS2_SYS_CONTEXT *)malloc( contextSize );
+    if( sysContext != 0 )
+    {
+        // Initialized the system context structure.
+        tstAbiVersion.tssCreator = 0xF0000000;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Initialize( sysContext, contextSize, resMgrTctiContext, &tstAbiVersion );
+        CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_ABI_MISMATCH );
+        tstAbiVersion.tssCreator = TSSWG_INTEROP;
+        tstAbiVersion.tssFamily = 0xF0000000;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Initialize( sysContext, contextSize, resMgrTctiContext, &tstAbiVersion );
+        CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_ABI_MISMATCH );        
+        tstAbiVersion.tssFamily = TSS_SAPI_FIRST_FAMILY;
+        tstAbiVersion.tssLevel = 0xF0000000;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Initialize( sysContext, contextSize, resMgrTctiContext, &tstAbiVersion );
+        CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_ABI_MISMATCH );        
+        tstAbiVersion.tssLevel = TSS_SAPI_FIRST_LEVEL;
+        tstAbiVersion.tssVersion = 0xF0000000;
+        rval = Tss2_Sys_Initialize( sysContext, contextSize, resMgrTctiContext, &tstAbiVersion );
+        CheckFailed( rval, TSS2_SYS_RC_ABI_MISMATCH );
+    }
+    free( sysContext );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern int dummy_test();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern TSS2_RC SocketSendTpmCommand(
+    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext,       /* in */
+    size_t             command_size,      /* in */
+    uint8_t           *command_buffer     /* in */
+    );
+TSS2_RC SocketReceiveTpmResponse(
+    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext,     /* in */
+    size_t          *response_size,     /* out */
+    unsigned char   *response_buffer,    /* in */
+    int32_t         timeout
+    );
+void TpmTest()
+    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
+    UINT32 i;
+    nullSessionsDataOut.rspAuthsCount = 1;
+    nullSessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->nonce = nullSessionNonceOut;
+    nullSessionsDataOut.rspAuths[0]->hmac = nullSessionHmac;
+    nullSessionNonceOut.t.size = 0;
+    nullSessionNonce.t.size = 0;
+    loadedSha1KeyAuth.t.size = 2;
+    loadedSha1KeyAuth.t.buffer[0] = 0x00;
+    loadedSha1KeyAuth.t.buffer[1] = 0xff;
+    InitEntities();
+    InitNullSession( &nullSessionData);
+    AbiVersionTests();
+    GetSetDecryptParamTests();
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_ON );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_NV_ON );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    TestTpmStartup();
+    GetTpmVersion();
+    // Clear DA lockout.
+    TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+    TestTpmSelftest();
+    TestSapiApis();
+    TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+    TestCreate();
+    if( startAuthSessionTestOnly == 1 )
+    {
+        TestStartAuthSession();
+        goto endTests;
+    }
+    TestHierarchyControl();
+    NvIndexProto();
+    GetSetEncryptParamTests();
+    TestEncryptDecryptSession();
+    SimpleHmacOrPolicyTest( true );
+    SimpleHmacOrPolicyTest( false );
+    for( i = 1; i <= (UINT32)passCount; i++ )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "\n****** PASS #: %d ******\n\n", i );
+        TestTpmGetCapability();
+        TestPcrExtend();
+        TestHash();
+        TestPolicy();
+        TestTpmClear();
+        TestChangeEps();
+        TestChangePps();
+        TestHierarchyChangeAuth();
+        TestGetRandom();
+        if( i < 2 )
+            TestShutdown();
+        TestNV();
+        TestCreate();
+        TestEvict();
+        NvIndexProto();
+        PasswordTest();
+        HmacSessionTest();
+        TestQuote();
+        TestDictionaryAttackLockReset();
+        TestPcrAllocate();
+        TestUnseal();
+        TestRM();
+        EcEphemeralTest();
+#if 0
+        TestRsaEncryptDecrypt();
+    }
+    // Clear out RM entries for objects.
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, handle2048rsa );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    rval = Tss2_Sys_FlushContext( sysContext, loadedSha1KeyHandle );
+    CheckPassed( rval );
+    PlatformCommand( resMgrTctiContext, MS_SIM_POWER_OFF );
+char version[] = "0.90";
+void PrintHelp()
+    printf( "TPM client test app, Version %s\nUsage:  tpmclient [-host hostname|ip_addr] [-port port] [-passes passNum] [-demoDelay delay] [-dbg dbgLevel] [-startAuthSessionTest]\n"
+            "\n"
+            "where:\n"
+            "\n"
+            "-host specifies the host IP address (default: %s)\n"
+            "-port specifies the port number (default: %d)\n"
+            "-passes specifies the number of test passes (default: 1)\n"
+            "-demoDelay specifies a delay in units of loops, not time (default:  0)\n"
+            "-dbgLevel specifies level of debug messages:\n"
+            "   0 (high level test results)\n"
+            "   1 (test app send/receive byte streams)\n"
+            "   2 (resource manager send/receive byte streams)\n"
+            "   3 (resource manager tables)\n"
+            "-startAuthSessionTest enables some special tests of the resource manager for starting sessions\n"
+            "-out selects the output file (default is stdout)\n"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    int port = DEFAULT_RESMGR_TPM_PORT;
+    int count;
+    TSS2_RC rval;
+    setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
+    if( argc > 12 )
+    if( argc > 10 )
+    {
+        PrintHelp();
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for( count = 1; count < argc; count++ )
+        {
+            if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-host" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( strlen( argv[count] ) + 1 <= HOSTNAME_LENGTH )
+                {
+                    if( 1 != sscanf( argv[count], "%199s", &hostName[0] ) )
+                    {
+                        PrintHelp();
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-port" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( 1 != sscanf_s( argv[count], "%d", &port ) )
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-passes" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( 1 != sscanf_s( argv[count], "%d", &passCount ) )
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-demoDelay" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( 1 != sscanf_s( argv[count], "%x", &demoDelay ) )
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }            
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-dbg" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( 1 != sscanf_s( argv[count], "%d", &debugLevel ) )
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }            
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-startAuthSessionTest" ) )
+            {
+                startAuthSessionTestOnly = 1;
+            }            
+            else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[count], "-out" ) )
+            {
+                count++;
+                if( 1 != sscanf_s( argv[count], "%199s", &outFileName, sizeof( outFileName ) ) )
+                {
+                    PrintHelp();
+                    return 1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    OpenOutFile( &outFp );
+                    if( outFp == 0 )
+                    {
+                        printf( "Unable to open file, %s\n", &outFileName[0] );
+                        PrintHelp();
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                    CloseOutFile( &outFp );
+                }
+            }            
+            else
+            {
+                PrintHelp();
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if( 0 == strcmp( outFileName, "" ) )
+    {
+        outFp = stdout;
+    }
+	else
+	{
+		outFp = 0;
+	}
+    sprintf_s( rmInterfaceConfig, rmInterfaceConfigSize, "%s %d ", hostName, port );
+    rval = InitTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, &resMgrTctiContext, &resMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        TpmClientPrintf( 0, "Resource Mgr, %s, failed initialization: 0x%x.  Exiting...\n", resMgrInterfaceInfo.shortName, rval );
+        Cleanup();
+        return( 1 );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        (( TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)resMgrTctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel = debugLevel;
+    }
+    sysContext = InitSysContext( 0, resMgrTctiContext, &abiVersion );
+    if( sysContext == 0 )
+    {
+        InitSysContextFailure();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TpmTest();
+        rval = TeardownTctiResMgrContext( rmInterfaceConfig, resMgrTctiContext, &resMgrInterfaceName[0] );
+        CheckPassed( rval );
+        TeardownSysContext( &sysContext );
+    }
+    return 0;