blob: 883b341e30e4ea74f2a24153d7f304b8a84601d7 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#include <sapi/tpm20.h>
#include "sys_api_marshalUnmarshal.h"
#include "sysapi_util.h"
* This tests the "common case" for the CheckOverflow. We define this as:
* nexData > buffer, nextData + size <= bufferSize.
CheckOverflow_good (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = 0x0, *nextData = (UINT8*)0x2;
UINT32 bufferSize = 0x4, size = 0x2;
rc = CheckOverflow (buffer, bufferSize, nextData, size);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_RC_SUCCESS);
* This tests an edge case where nextData == buffer and bufferSize == size.
* CheckOverflow should be successful in this case.
CheckOverflow_whole_buffer (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = 0x0, *nextData = buffer;
UINT32 bufferSize = 0x4, size = 0x4;
rc = CheckOverflow (buffer, bufferSize, nextData, size);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_RC_SUCCESS);
* Test the case that CheckOverflow is designed to catch. Specifically this
* is the case where nextData > buffer, nextData + size > bufferSize
CheckOverflow_overflow(void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)0x1, *nextData = (UINT8*)0x4;
UINT32 bufferSize = 0x5, size = 0x6;
rc = CheckOverflow (buffer, bufferSize, nextData, size);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_CONTEXT);
* Test an edge case for the CheckOverflow function: buffer == nextData,
* nextData + size < bufferSize.
CheckOverflow_buf_next_equal (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)0x5, *nextData = buffer;
UINT32 bufferSize = 0x5, size = 0x1;
rc = CheckOverflow (buffer, bufferSize, nextData, size);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_RC_SUCCESS);
* This tests another edge case: nextData in this case is beyond the end of
* the provided buffer.
CheckOverflow_nextData_gt_buffer_end (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT32 bufferSize = 0x1, size = 0x5;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)0x5, *nextData = buffer + size;
rc = CheckOverflow (buffer, bufferSize, nextData, size);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_CONTEXT);
* Pass the CheckDataPointers function a NULL first parameter.
* This should return a bad reference error.
CheckDataPointers_null_buffer (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = NULL, *nextData = (UINT8*)5;
rc = CheckDataPointers (buffer, &nextData);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE);
* Pass the CheckDataPointers function a reference to a null pointer
* in the second parameter. This should result in a bad reference RC.
CheckDataPointers_null_nextData (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)5, *nextData = NULL;
rc = CheckDataPointers (buffer, &nextData);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE);
* Pass the CheckDataPointers function a NULL second paraemter. This should
* result in a bad reference RC.
CheckDataPointers_null_nextData_ptr (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)5, **nextData = NULL;
rc = CheckDataPointers (buffer, nextData);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE);
* Test an error case where nextData < buffer. Regardless of the size of the
* data buffer this should fail.
CheckDataPointers_nextData_lt_buffer_start (void **state)
TSS2_RC rc;
UINT8 *buffer = (UINT8*)0x5, *nextData = buffer - 1;
rc = CheckDataPointers (buffer, &nextData);
assert_int_equal (rc, TSS2_SYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE);
main (void)
const UnitTest tests [] = {
unit_test (CheckOverflow_good),
unit_test (CheckOverflow_whole_buffer),
unit_test (CheckOverflow_overflow),
unit_test (CheckOverflow_buf_next_equal),
unit_test (CheckOverflow_nextData_gt_buffer_end),
unit_test (CheckDataPointers_null_buffer),
unit_test (CheckDataPointers_null_nextData),
unit_test (CheckDataPointers_null_nextData_ptr),
unit_test (CheckDataPointers_nextData_lt_buffer_start),
return run_tests (tests);