Remove instances of calling marshal functions with NULL pointer.

In the code scraped from the TCG TPM2.0 Library specification, there
are several instances where the intent is to marshal data into a buffer,
but NULL pointer is passed in as size.

Part 4 section states: "If size is a NULL pointer, then no
data is marshaled and the routine will compute the size of the memory
required to marshal the indicated type."

Implying these usages are bugs. This CL removes all instances of passing
in NULL as size to a Marshal function when the intent is to marshal data.

TEST=$ sudo emerge tpm2
     builds libtpm2.a. Currently this is the only test we have for the
     scraped code.

Change-Id: If7b2a60f6a8e875b4a6eceab513dc22325bf4999
Reviewed-by: Utkarsh Sanghi <>
Commit-Queue: Jocelyn Bohr <>
Tested-by: Jocelyn Bohr <>
diff --git a/Object_spt.c b/Object_spt.c
index 11014e0..9139bbe 100644
--- a/Object_spt.c
+++ b/Object_spt.c
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
    BYTE                     params1[sizeof(TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS)];
    BYTE                     params2[sizeof(TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS)];
    BYTE                     *buffer;
+   INT32                    bufferSize;
    // Compare name hash
    if(publicArea1->nameAlg != publicArea2->nameAlg)
        return TPM_RC_HASH;
@@ -42,11 +43,13 @@
        return TPM_RC_TYPE;
    // TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS field should be identical
    buffer = params1;
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS);
    size1 = TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS_Marshal(&publicArea1->parameters, &buffer,
-                                     NULL, publicArea1->type);
+                                     &bufferSize, publicArea1->type);
    buffer = params2;
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS);
    size2 = TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS_Marshal(&publicArea2->parameters, &buffer,
-                                     NULL, publicArea2->type);
+                                     &bufferSize, publicArea2->type);
    if(size1 != size2 || !MemoryEqual(params1, params2, size1))
        return TPM_RC_ASYMMETRIC;
    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
@@ -231,13 +234,15 @@
     TPM2B_DIGEST             integrity;
     UINT16                   integritySize;
     BYTE                     *buffer;             // Auxiliary buffer pointer
+    INT32                    bufferSize;
     // sensitiveData points to the beginning of sensitive data in innerBuffer
     integritySize = sizeof(UINT16) + CryptGetHashDigestSize(hashAlg);
     sensitiveData = innerBuffer + integritySize;
     ComputeInnerIntegrity(hashAlg, name, dataSize, sensitiveData, &integrity);
     // Add integrity at the beginning of inner buffer
     buffer = innerBuffer;
-    TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&integrity, &buffer, NULL);
+    bufferSize = sizeof(TPM2B_DIGEST);
+    TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&integrity, &buffer, &bufferSize);
     return dataSize + integritySize;
@@ -592,6 +597,7 @@
    BYTE                     creationBuffer[sizeof(TPMS_CREATION_DATA)];
    BYTE                    *buffer;
+   INT32                    bufferSize;
    HASH_STATE               hashState;
    // Fill in TPMS_CREATION_DATA in outCreation
    // Compute PCR digest
@@ -608,8 +614,9 @@
    if(HandleGetType(parentHandle) == TPM_HT_PERMANENT)
        BYTE         *buffer = &outCreation->[0];
+       INT32         bufferSize = outCreation->t.creationData.parentName.t.size;
        outCreation->t.creationData.parentName.t.size =
-            TPM_HANDLE_Marshal(&parentHandle, &buffer, NULL);
+            TPM_HANDLE_Marshal(&parentHandle, &buffer, &bufferSize);
          // Parent qualified name of a Temporary Object is the same as parent's
          // name
@@ -632,8 +639,9 @@
    outCreation->t.creationData.outsideInfo = *outsideData;
    // Marshal creation data to canonical form
    buffer = creationBuffer;
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPMS_CREATION_DATA);
    outCreation->t.size = TPMS_CREATION_DATA_Marshal(&outCreation->t.creationData,
-                         &buffer, NULL);
+                         &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Compute hash for creation field in public template
    creationDigest->t.size = CryptStartHash(nameHashAlg, &hashState);
    CryptUpdateDigest(&hashState, outCreation->t.size, creationBuffer);
@@ -714,6 +722,7 @@
    TPM2B_DIGEST       integrity;
    UINT16             integritySize;
    BYTE               *buffer;         // Auxiliary buffer pointer
+   INT32              bufferSize;
    // Compute the beginning of sensitive data. The outer integrity should
    // always exist if this function function is called to make an outer wrap
    integritySize = sizeof(UINT16) + CryptGetHashDigestSize(hashAlg);
@@ -728,7 +737,8 @@
          CryptGenerateRandom(ivRNG.t.size, ivRNG.t.buffer);
          // Marshal IV to buffer
          buffer = sensitiveData;
-         TPM2B_IV_Marshal(&ivRNG, &buffer, NULL);
+         bufferSize = dataSize;
+         TPM2B_IV_Marshal(&ivRNG, &buffer, &bufferSize);
          // adjust sensitive data starting after IV area
          sensitiveData += ivSize;
          // Use iv for encryption
@@ -747,7 +757,8 @@
                          outerBuffer + integritySize, &integrity);
    // Add integrity at the beginning of outer buffer
    buffer = outerBuffer;
-   TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&integrity, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = integritySize;
+   TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(&integrity, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // return the total size in outer wrap
    return dataSize + integritySize + ivSize;
@@ -855,6 +866,7 @@
     BYTE                     *buffer;                  //   Auxiliary buffer pointer
+    INT32                    bufferSize;
     BYTE                     *sensitiveData;           //   pointer to the sensitive data
     UINT16                   dataSize;                 //   data blob size
     TPMI_ALG_HASH            hashAlg;                  //   hash algorithm for integrity
@@ -884,10 +896,12 @@
    sensitiveData += ivSize;
    // Marshal sensitive area, leaving the leading 2 bytes for size
    buffer = sensitiveData + sizeof(UINT16);
-   dataSize = TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sensitive, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPMT_SENSITIVE);
+   dataSize = TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sensitive, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Adding size before the data area
    buffer = sensitiveData;
-   UINT16_Marshal(&dataSize, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = sizeof(UINT16);
+   UINT16_Marshal(&dataSize, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Adjust the dataSize to include the size field
    dataSize += sizeof(UINT16);
    // Adjust the pointer to inner buffer including the iv
@@ -1027,6 +1041,7 @@
     BYTE                *buffer;        // Auxiliary buffer pointer
+    INT32               bufferSize;
     BYTE                *sensitiveData; // pointer to the sensitive data
     TPMI_ALG_HASH       outerHash = TPM_ALG_NULL;// The hash algorithm for outer wrap
     TPMI_ALG_HASH       innerHash = TPM_ALG_NULL;// The hash algorithm for inner wrap
@@ -1059,10 +1074,12 @@
    // Marshal sensitive area, leaving the leading 2 bytes for size
    buffer = sensitiveData + sizeof(UINT16);
-   dataSize = TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sensitive, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPMT_SENSITIVE);
+   dataSize = TPMT_SENSITIVE_Marshal(sensitive, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Adding size before the data area
    buffer = sensitiveData;
-   UINT16_Marshal(&dataSize, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = sizeof(UINT16);
+   UINT16_Marshal(&dataSize, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Adjust the dataSize to include the size field
    dataSize += sizeof(UINT16);
    // Apply inner wrap for duplication blob. It includes both integrity and
@@ -1238,6 +1255,7 @@
    BYTE                      *buffer;          //   Auxiliary buffer pointer
+   INT32                      bufferSize;
    BYTE                      *sensitiveData;   //   pointer to the sensitive data
    TPMI_ALG_HASH              outerHash;       //   The hash algorithm for outer wrap
    UINT16                     dataSize;        //   data blob size
@@ -1249,7 +1267,8 @@
                    + sizeof(UINT16) + CryptGetHashDigestSize(outerHash);
    // Marshal secret area
    buffer = sensitiveData;
-   dataSize = TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(secret, &buffer, NULL);
+   bufferSize = sizeof(TPM2B_DIGEST);
+   dataSize = TPM2B_DIGEST_Marshal(secret, &buffer, &bufferSize);
    // Apply outer wrap
    outIDObject->t.size = ProduceOuterWrap(protector,