C2VdaBqBlockPool: Remove unneeded check in fetchGraphicBlock()

Originally when changing resolution, C2VDAComponent would fetch all the
output buffers before recycling them. Then C2VdaBqBlockPool checks if
the managed buffers count is equal to the requested count when the
fetched buffers are recycled.

Now V4L2DecodeComponent doesn't fetch all the output buffers first.
The check becomes meaningless. This CL removes the check to fix the
e2e test.

Bug: 161499716
Test: pass tast.arc.VideoDecodeAccel.h264_vm
Change-Id: I3d55ae4349758531a8aa472ce339d44d2e955542
1 file changed
tree: 633f3f34b764814e5ec3744ec392cebabc0868c5
  1. accel/
  2. common/
  3. components/
  4. include/
  5. plugin_store/
  6. service/
  7. store/
  8. tests/
  9. .clang-format
  10. Android.mk
  11. C2VDAAdaptor.cpp
  12. C2VDAAdaptorProxy.cpp
  13. C2VDAComponent.cpp
  15. NOTICE
  16. OWNERS
  17. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  18. README.md

V4L2-based Codec2 Component Implementation

Description of Sub-folders

  • accel/ Core V4L2 API and codec utilities, ported from Chromium project.

  • common/ Common helper classes for both components/ and store/.

  • components/ The C2Component implementations based on V4L2 API.

  • store/ The implementation of C2ComponentStore. It is used for creating all the C2Components implemented at components/ folder.

  • service/ The Codec2's V4L2 IComponentStore service. The service initiates the component store implemented at store/ folder, and registers it as the default service.