Snap for 6856668 from 25c3c32f40307e211630744ca03545c5bcaeb5fa to rvc-d2-release

Change-Id: Idae67e54da6f6ea0deaa87ddb98b6fc152f2cd97
tree: b207ce2b6cb08f3ba9b14ea81e060885101abb7a
  1. accel/
  2. common/
  3. components/
  4. plugin_store/
  5. service/
  6. store/
  7. tests/
  8. .clang-format
  10. NOTICE
  11. OWNERS
  12. PREUPLOAD.cfg

V4L2-based Codec2 Component Implementation

Description of Sub-folders

  • accel/ Core V4L2 API and codec utilities, ported from Chromium project.

  • common/ Common helper classes for both components/ and store/.

  • components/ The C2Component implementations based on V4L2 API.

  • store/ The implementation of C2ComponentStore. It is used for creating all the C2Components implemented at components/ folder.

  • service/ The Codec2's V4L2 IComponentStore service. The service initiates the component store implemented at store/ folder, and registers it as the default service.