- Made sure that C++ compilers do not complain about the header files
  include/pub_tool_libcassert.h and include/pub_tool_basics.h.
- Added the source file none/tests/valgrind_cpp_test.cpp. This source file
  is compiled together with the regression tests in order to verify that
  Valgrind's public header files compile cleanly with a C++ compiler.
These modifications are based on a patch provided by Konstantin Serebryany.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/include/pub_tool_libcassert.h b/include/pub_tool_libcassert.h
index 6e4f69a..c560938 100644
--- a/include/pub_tool_libcassert.h
+++ b/include/pub_tool_libcassert.h
@@ -33,15 +33,17 @@
 #define tl_assert(expr)                                                 \
   ((void) ((expr) ? 0 :                                                 \
-           (VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore?*/False, #expr,                  \
-                              __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,  \
-                              ""),                                      \
+           (VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore?*/False, (const Char*)#expr,     \
+                              (const Char*)__FILE__, __LINE__,          \
+                              (const Char*)__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,         \
+                              (const HChar*)""),                        \
 #define tl_assert2(expr, format, args...)                               \
   ((void) ((expr) ? 0 :                                                 \
-           (VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore?*/False, #expr,                  \
-                              __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,  \
+           (VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore?*/False, (const Char*)#expr,     \
+                              (const Char*)__FILE__, __LINE__,          \
+                              (const Char*)__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,         \
                               format, ##args),                          \