Merge in branches/DCAS.

This branch adds proper support for atomic instructions, proper in the
sense that the atomicity is preserved through the compilation
pipeline, and thus in the instrumented code.

These changes track the IR changes added by vex r1901.  They primarily
update the instrumentation functions in all tools to handle the
changes, with the exception of exp-ptrcheck, which needs some further
work in order to be able to run threaded code.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_main.c b/helgrind/hg_main.c
index bff2fd5..9080ca6 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_main.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_main.c
@@ -3603,40 +3603,6 @@
-//static void instrument_memory_bus_event ( IRSB* bbOut, IRMBusEvent event )
-//   switch (event) {
-//      case Imbe_SnoopedStoreBegin:
-//      case Imbe_SnoopedStoreEnd:
-//         /* These arise from ppc stwcx. insns.  They should perhaps be
-//            handled better. */
-//         break;
-//      case Imbe_Fence:
-//         break; /* not interesting */
-//      case Imbe_BusLock:
-//      case Imbe_BusUnlock:
-//         addStmtToIRSB(
-//            bbOut,
-//            IRStmt_Dirty(
-//               unsafeIRDirty_0_N( 
-//                  0/*regparms*/, 
-//                  event == Imbe_BusLock ? "evh__bus_lock"
-//                                        : "evh__bus_unlock",
-//                  VG_(fnptr_to_fnentry)(
-//                     event == Imbe_BusLock ? &evh__bus_lock 
-//                                           : &evh__bus_unlock 
-//                  ),
-//                  mkIRExprVec_0() 
-//               )
-//            )
-//         );
-//         break;
-//      default:
-//         tl_assert(0);
-//   }
 IRSB* hg_instrument ( VgCallbackClosure* closure,
                       IRSB* bbIn,
@@ -3644,10 +3610,10 @@
                       VexGuestExtents* vge,
                       IRType gWordTy, IRType hWordTy )
-   Int   i;
-   IRSB* bbOut;
-   Bool  x86busLocked   = False;
-   Bool  isSnoopedStore = False;
+   Int     i;
+   IRSB*   bbOut;
+   Addr64  cia; /* address of current insn */
+   IRStmt* st;
    if (gWordTy != hWordTy) {
       /* We don't currently support this case. */
@@ -3667,8 +3633,16 @@
+   // Get the first statement, and initial cia from it
+   tl_assert(bbIn->stmts_used > 0);
+   tl_assert(i < bbIn->stmts_used);
+   st = bbIn->stmts[i];
+   tl_assert(Ist_IMark == st->tag);
+   cia = st->Ist.IMark.addr;
+   st = NULL;
    for (/*use current i*/; i < bbIn->stmts_used; i++) {
-      IRStmt* st = bbIn->stmts[i];
+      st = bbIn->stmts[i];
       switch (st->tag) {
@@ -3676,43 +3650,45 @@
          case Ist_AbiHint:
          case Ist_Put:
          case Ist_PutI:
-         case Ist_IMark:
          case Ist_Exit:
             /* None of these can contain any memory references. */
+         case Ist_IMark:
+            /* no mem refs, but note the insn address. */
+            cia = st->Ist.IMark.addr;
+            break;
          case Ist_MBE:
             //instrument_memory_bus_event( bbOut, st->Ist.MBE.event );
             switch (st->Ist.MBE.event) {
                case Imbe_Fence:
                   break; /* not interesting */
-               /* Imbe_Bus{Lock,Unlock} arise from x86/amd64 LOCK
-                  prefixed instructions. */
-               case Imbe_BusLock:
-                  tl_assert(x86busLocked == False);
-                  x86busLocked = True;
-                  break;
-               case Imbe_BusUnlock:
-                  tl_assert(x86busLocked == True);
-                  x86busLocked = False;
-                  break;
-                  /* Imbe_SnoopedStore{Begin,End} arise from ppc
-                     stwcx. instructions. */
-               case Imbe_SnoopedStoreBegin:
-                  tl_assert(isSnoopedStore == False);
-                  isSnoopedStore = True;
-                  break;
-               case Imbe_SnoopedStoreEnd:
-                  tl_assert(isSnoopedStore == True);
-                  isSnoopedStore = False;
-                  break;
                   goto unhandled;
+         case Ist_CAS: {
+            /* Atomic read-modify-write cycle.  Just pretend it's a
+               read. */
+            IRCAS* cas    = st->Ist.CAS.details;
+            Bool   isDCAS = cas->dataHi != NULL;
+            instrument_mem_access(
+               bbOut,
+               cas->addr,
+               (isDCAS ? 2 : 1)
+                  * sizeofIRType(typeOfIRExpr(bbIn->tyenv, cas->dataLo)),
+               False/*!isStore*/,
+               sizeofIRType(hWordTy)
+            );
+            break;
+         }
          case Ist_Store:
-            if (!x86busLocked && !isSnoopedStore)
+            /* It seems we pretend that store-conditionals don't
+               exist, viz, just ignore them ... */
+            if (st->Ist.Store.resSC == IRTemp_INVALID) {
@@ -3720,9 +3696,12 @@
+            }
          case Ist_WrTmp: {
+            /* ... whereas here we don't care whether a load is a
+               vanilla one or a load-linked. */
             IRExpr* data = st->;
             if (data->tag == Iex_Load) {
@@ -3751,11 +3730,6 @@
-               /* This isn't really correct.  Really the
-                  instrumentation should be only added when
-                  (!x86busLocked && !isSnoopedStore), just like with
-                  Ist_Store.  Still, I don't think this is
-                  particularly important. */
                if (d->mFx == Ifx_Write || d->mFx == Ifx_Modify) {
                      bbOut, d->mAddr, dataSize, True/*isStore*/,