Merge in branches/DCAS.

This branch adds proper support for atomic instructions, proper in the
sense that the atomicity is preserved through the compilation
pipeline, and thus in the instrumented code.

These changes track the IR changes added by vex r1901.  They primarily
update the instrumentation functions in all tools to handle the
changes, with the exception of exp-ptrcheck, which needs some further
work in order to be able to run threaded code.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_translate.c b/memcheck/mc_translate.c
index bc8d698..65b266a 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_translate.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_translate.c
@@ -126,25 +126,56 @@
 /*--- Memcheck running state, and tmp management.          ---*/
+/* Carries info about a particular tmp.  The tmp's number is not
+   recorded, as this is implied by (equal to) its index in the tmpMap
+   in MCEnv.  The tmp's type is also not recorded, as this is present
+   in>tyenv.
+   When .kind is Orig, .shadowV and .shadowB may give the identities
+   of the temps currently holding the associated definedness (shadowV)
+   and origin (shadowB) values, or these may be IRTemp_INVALID if code
+   to compute such values has not yet been emitted.
+   When .kind is VSh or BSh then the tmp is holds a V- or B- value,
+   and so .shadowV and .shadowB must be IRTemp_INVALID, since it is
+   illogical for a shadow tmp itself to be shadowed.
+   enum { Orig=1, VSh=2, BSh=3 }
+   TempKind;
+   struct {
+      TempKind kind;
+      IRTemp   shadowV;
+      IRTemp   shadowB;
+   }
+   TempMapEnt;
 /* Carries around state during memcheck instrumentation. */
    struct _MCEnv {
       /* MODIFIED: the superblock being constructed.  IRStmts are
          added. */
-      IRSB* bb;
+      IRSB* sb;
       Bool  trace;
-      /* MODIFIED: a table [0 .. #temps_in_original_bb-1] which maps
-         original temps to their current their current shadow temp.
-         Initially all entries are IRTemp_INVALID.  Entries are added
-         lazily since many original temps are not used due to
-         optimisation prior to instrumentation.  Note that floating
-         point original tmps are shadowed by integer tmps of the same
-         size, and Bit-typed original tmps are shadowed by the type
-         Ity_I8.  See comment below. */
-      IRTemp* tmpMapV;        /* V-bit tmp shadows */
-      IRTemp* tmpMapB; /* origin tracking tmp shadows */
-      Int     n_originalTmps; /* for range checking */
+      /* MODIFIED: a table [0 .. #temps_in_sb-1] which gives the
+         current kind and possibly shadow temps for each temp in the
+         IRSB being constructed.  Note that it does not contain the
+         type of each tmp.  If you want to know the type, look at the
+         relevant entry in sb->tyenv.  It follows that at all times
+         during the instrumentation process, the valid indices for
+         tmpMap and sb->tyenv are identical, being 0 .. N-1 where N is
+         total number of Orig, V- and B- temps allocated so far.
+         The reason for this strange split (types in one place, all
+         other info in another) is that we need the types to be
+         attached to sb so as to make it possible to do
+         "typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, ...)" at various places in the
+         instrumentation process. */
+      XArray* /* of TempMapEnt */ tmpMap;
       /* MODIFIED: indicates whether "bogus" literals have so far been
          found.  Starts off False, and may change to True. */
@@ -185,17 +216,44 @@
    sanity checker should catch all such anomalies, however.  
+/* Create a new IRTemp of type 'ty' and kind 'kind', and add it to
+   both the table in mce->sb and to our auxiliary mapping.  Note that
+   newTemp may cause mce->tmpMap to resize, hence previous results
+   from VG_(indexXA)(mce->tmpMap) are invalidated. */
+static IRTemp newTemp ( MCEnv* mce, IRType ty, TempKind kind )
+   Word       newIx;
+   TempMapEnt ent;
+   IRTemp     tmp = newIRTemp(mce->sb->tyenv, ty);
+   ent.kind    = kind;
+   ent.shadowV = IRTemp_INVALID;
+   ent.shadowB = IRTemp_INVALID;
+   newIx = VG_(addToXA)( mce->tmpMap, &ent );
+   tl_assert(newIx == (Word)tmp);
+   return tmp;
 /* Find the tmp currently shadowing the given original tmp.  If none
    so far exists, allocate one.  */
 static IRTemp findShadowTmpV ( MCEnv* mce, IRTemp orig )
-   tl_assert(orig < mce->n_originalTmps);
-   if (mce->tmpMapV[orig] == IRTemp_INVALID) {
-      mce->tmpMapV[orig] 
-         = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, 
-                     shadowTypeV(mce->bb->tyenv->types[orig]));
+   TempMapEnt* ent;
+   /* VG_(indexXA) range-checks 'orig', hence no need to check
+      here. */
+   ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+   tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+   if (ent->shadowV == IRTemp_INVALID) {
+      IRTemp tmpV
+        = newTemp( mce, shadowTypeV(mce->sb->tyenv->types[orig]), VSh );
+      /* newTemp may cause mce->tmpMap to resize, hence previous results
+         from VG_(indexXA) are invalid. */
+      ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+      tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+      tl_assert(ent->shadowV == IRTemp_INVALID);
+      ent->shadowV = tmpV;
-   return mce->tmpMapV[orig];
+   return ent->shadowV;
 /* Allocate a new shadow for the given original tmp.  This means any
@@ -203,13 +261,27 @@
    necessary to give a new value to a shadow once it has been tested
    for undefinedness, but unfortunately IR's SSA property disallows
    this.  Instead we must abandon the old shadow, allocate a new one
-   and use that instead. */
+   and use that instead.
+   This is the same as findShadowTmpV, except we don't bother to see
+   if a shadow temp already existed -- we simply allocate a new one
+   regardless. */
 static void newShadowTmpV ( MCEnv* mce, IRTemp orig )
-   tl_assert(orig < mce->n_originalTmps);
-   mce->tmpMapV[orig] 
-      = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, 
-                  shadowTypeV(mce->bb->tyenv->types[orig]));
+   TempMapEnt* ent;
+   /* VG_(indexXA) range-checks 'orig', hence no need to check
+      here. */
+   ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+   tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+   if (1) {
+      IRTemp tmpV
+        = newTemp( mce, shadowTypeV(mce->sb->tyenv->types[orig]), VSh );
+      /* newTemp may cause mce->tmpMap to resize, hence previous results
+         from VG_(indexXA) are invalid. */
+      ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+      tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+      ent->shadowV = tmpV;
+   }
@@ -232,8 +304,10 @@
    if (a1->tag == Iex_Const)
       return True;
-   if (a1->tag == Iex_RdTmp && a1->Iex.RdTmp.tmp < mce->n_originalTmps)
-      return True;
+   if (a1->tag == Iex_RdTmp) {
+      TempMapEnt* ent = VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, a1->Iex.RdTmp.tmp );
+      return ent->kind == Orig;
+   }
    return False;
@@ -243,8 +317,10 @@
    if (a1->tag == Iex_Const)
       return True;
-   if (a1->tag == Iex_RdTmp && a1->Iex.RdTmp.tmp >= mce->n_originalTmps)
-      return True;
+   if (a1->tag == Iex_RdTmp) {
+      TempMapEnt* ent = VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, a1->Iex.RdTmp.tmp );
+      return ent->kind == VSh || ent->kind == BSh;
+   }
    return False;
@@ -312,13 +388,13 @@
-   addStmtToIRSB(mce->bb, st);
+   addStmtToIRSB(mce->sb, st);
 /* assign value to tmp */
 static inline 
 void assign ( HChar cat, MCEnv* mce, IRTemp tmp, IRExpr* expr ) {
-  stmt(cat, mce, IRStmt_WrTmp(tmp,expr));
+   stmt(cat, mce, IRStmt_WrTmp(tmp,expr));
 /* build various kinds of expressions */
@@ -336,14 +412,24 @@
    an atom.
    'ty' is the type of 'e' and hence the type that the new temporary
-   needs to be.  But passing it is redundant, since we can deduce the
-   type merely by inspecting 'e'.  So at least that fact to assert
-   that the two types agree. */
-static IRAtom* assignNew ( HChar cat, MCEnv* mce, IRType ty, IRExpr* e ) {
-   IRTemp t;
-   IRType tyE = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, e);
+   needs to be.  But passing it in is redundant, since we can deduce
+   the type merely by inspecting 'e'.  So at least use that fact to
+   assert that the two types agree. */
+static IRAtom* assignNew ( HChar cat, MCEnv* mce, IRType ty, IRExpr* e )
+   TempKind k;
+   IRTemp   t;
+   IRType   tyE = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, e);
    tl_assert(tyE == ty); /* so 'ty' is redundant (!) */
-   t = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, ty);
+   switch (cat) {
+      case 'V': k = VSh;  break;
+      case 'B': k = BSh;  break;
+      case 'C': k = Orig; break; 
+                /* happens when we are making up new "orig"
+                   expressions, for IRCAS handling */
+      default: tl_assert(0);
+   }
+   t = newTemp(mce, ty, k);
    assign(cat, mce, t, e);
    return mkexpr(t);
@@ -569,7 +655,7 @@
    /* Note, dst_ty is a shadow type, not an original type. */
    /* First of all, collapse vbits down to a single bit. */
-   src_ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vbits);
+   src_ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vbits);
    /* Fast-track some common cases */
    if (src_ty == Ity_I32 && dst_ty == Ity_I32)
@@ -928,7 +1014,7 @@
    tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vatom));
    tl_assert(sameKindedAtoms(atom, vatom));
-   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vatom);
+   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vatom);
    /* sz is only used for constructing the error message */
    sz = ty==Ity_I1 ? 0 : sizeofIRType(ty);
@@ -1112,7 +1198,7 @@
       tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vatom));
-   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vatom);
+   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vatom);
    tl_assert(ty != Ity_I1);
    if (isAlwaysDefd(mce, offset, sizeofIRType(ty))) {
       /* later: no ... */
@@ -1226,8 +1312,8 @@
 IRAtom* mkLazy2 ( MCEnv* mce, IRType finalVty, IRAtom* va1, IRAtom* va2 )
    IRAtom* at;
-   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va1);
-   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va2);
+   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va1);
+   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va2);
@@ -1275,9 +1361,9 @@
                   IRAtom* va1, IRAtom* va2, IRAtom* va3 )
    IRAtom* at;
-   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va1);
-   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va2);
-   IRType t3 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va3);
+   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va1);
+   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va2);
+   IRType t3 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va3);
@@ -1344,10 +1430,10 @@
                   IRAtom* va1, IRAtom* va2, IRAtom* va3, IRAtom* va4 )
    IRAtom* at;
-   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va1);
-   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va2);
-   IRType t3 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va3);
-   IRType t4 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, va4);
+   IRType t1 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va1);
+   IRType t2 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va2);
+   IRType t3 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va3);
+   IRType t4 = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, va4);
@@ -1416,7 +1502,7 @@
       tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, exprvec[i]));
       if (cee->mcx_mask & (1<<i))
-      if (typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, exprvec[i]) != Ity_I64)
+      if (typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, exprvec[i]) != Ity_I64)
          mergeTy64 = False;
@@ -2726,7 +2812,7 @@
    /* We need to have a place to park the V bits we're just about to
       read. */
-   datavbits = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, ty);
+   datavbits = newTemp(mce, ty, VSh);
    di = unsafeIRDirty_1_N( datavbits, 
                            hname, VG_(fnptr_to_fnentry)( helper ), 
@@ -2786,7 +2872,7 @@
    vbitsC = expr2vbits(mce, cond);
    vbits0 = expr2vbits(mce, expr0);
    vbitsX = expr2vbits(mce, exprX);
-   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vbits0);
+   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vbits0);
       mkUifU(mce, ty, assignNew('V', mce, ty, 
@@ -2812,7 +2898,7 @@
          return IRExpr_RdTmp( findShadowTmpV(mce, e->Iex.RdTmp.tmp) );
       case Iex_Const:
-         return definedOfType(shadowTypeV(typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, e)));
+         return definedOfType(shadowTypeV(typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, e)));
       case Iex_Qop:
          return expr2vbits_Qop(
@@ -2875,7 +2961,7 @@
    /* vatom is vbits-value and as such can only have a shadow type. */
-   ty  = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vatom);
+   ty  = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vatom);
    tyH = mce->hWordTy;
    if (tyH == Ity_I32) {
@@ -2914,13 +3000,17 @@
 /* Generate a shadow store.  addr is always the original address atom.
    You can pass in either originals or V-bits for the data atom, but
-   obviously not both.  */
+   obviously not both.  guard :: Ity_I1 controls whether the store
+   really happens; NULL means it unconditionally does.  Note that
+   guard itself is not checked for definedness; the caller of this
+   function must do that if necessary. */
 void do_shadow_Store ( MCEnv* mce, 
                        IREndness end,
                        IRAtom* addr, UInt bias,
-                       IRAtom* data, IRAtom* vdata )
+                       IRAtom* data, IRAtom* vdata,
+                       IRAtom* guard )
    IROp     mkAdd;
    IRType   ty, tyAddr;
@@ -2945,14 +3035,20 @@
-   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, vdata);
+   if (guard) {
+      tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, guard));
+      tl_assert(typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, guard) == Ity_I1);
+   }
+   ty = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, vdata);
    // If we're not doing undefined value checking, pretend that this value
    // is "all valid".  That lets Vex's optimiser remove some of the V bit
    // shadow computation ops that precede it.
    if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 1) {
       switch (ty) {
-         case Ity_V128: c = IRConst_V128(V_BITS16_DEFINED); break; // V128 weirdness
+         case Ity_V128: // V128 weirdness
+                        c = IRConst_V128(V_BITS16_DEFINED); break;
          case Ity_I64:  c = IRConst_U64 (V_BITS64_DEFINED); break;
          case Ity_I32:  c = IRConst_U32 (V_BITS32_DEFINED); break;
          case Ity_I16:  c = IRConst_U16 (V_BITS16_DEFINED); break;
@@ -3040,6 +3136,8 @@
                      hname, VG_(fnptr_to_fnentry)( helper ), 
                      mkIRExprVec_2( addrHi64, vdataHi64 )
+      if (guard) diLo64->guard = guard;
+      if (guard) diHi64->guard = guard;
       setHelperAnns( mce, diLo64 );
       setHelperAnns( mce, diHi64 );
       stmt( 'V', mce, IRStmt_Dirty(diLo64) );
@@ -3076,6 +3174,7 @@
                                 zwidenToHostWord( mce, vdata ))
+      if (guard) di->guard = guard;
       setHelperAnns( mce, di );
       stmt( 'V', mce, IRStmt_Dirty(di) );
@@ -3180,7 +3279,7 @@
       complainIfUndefined(mce, d->mAddr);
-      tyAddr = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, d->mAddr);
+      tyAddr = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, d->mAddr);
       tl_assert(tyAddr == Ity_I32 || tyAddr == Ity_I64);
       tl_assert(tyAddr == mce->hWordTy); /* not really right */
@@ -3221,7 +3320,7 @@
    /* Outputs: the destination temporary, if there is one. */
    if (d->tmp != IRTemp_INVALID) {
       dst   = findShadowTmpV(mce, d->tmp);
-      tyDst = typeOfIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, d->tmp);
+      tyDst = typeOfIRTemp(mce->sb->tyenv, d->tmp);
       assign( 'V', mce, dst, mkPCastTo( mce, tyDst, curr) );
@@ -3261,14 +3360,16 @@
       while (toDo >= 4) {
          do_shadow_Store( mce, end, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo,
                           NULL, /* original data */
-                          mkPCastTo( mce, Ity_I32, curr ) );
+                          mkPCastTo( mce, Ity_I32, curr ),
+                          NULL/*guard*/ );
          toDo -= 4;
       /* chew off 16-bit chunks */
       while (toDo >= 2) {
          do_shadow_Store( mce, end, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo,
                           NULL, /* original data */
-                          mkPCastTo( mce, Ity_I16, curr ) );
+                          mkPCastTo( mce, Ity_I16, curr ),
+                          NULL/*guard*/ );
          toDo -= 2;
       tl_assert(toDo == 0); /* also need to handle 1-byte excess */
@@ -3276,6 +3377,7 @@
 /* We have an ABI hint telling us that [base .. base+len-1] is to
    become undefined ("writable").  Generate code to call a helper to
    notify the A/V bit machinery of this fact.
@@ -3306,6 +3408,457 @@
+/* ------ Dealing with IRCAS (big and complex) ------ */
+/* FWDS */
+static IRAtom* gen_load_b  ( MCEnv* mce, Int szB, 
+                             IRAtom* baseaddr, Int offset );
+static IRAtom* gen_maxU32  ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* b1, IRAtom* b2 );
+static void    gen_store_b ( MCEnv* mce, Int szB,
+                             IRAtom* baseaddr, Int offset, IRAtom* dataB,
+                             IRAtom* guard );
+static void do_shadow_CAS_single ( MCEnv* mce, IRCAS* cas );
+static void do_shadow_CAS_double ( MCEnv* mce, IRCAS* cas );
+/* Either ORIG and SHADOW are both IRExpr.RdTmps, or they are both
+   IRExpr.Consts, else this asserts.  If they are both Consts, it
+   doesn't do anything.  So that just leaves the RdTmp case.
+   In which case: this assigns the shadow value SHADOW to the IR
+   shadow temporary associated with ORIG.  That is, ORIG, being an
+   original temporary, will have a shadow temporary associated with
+   it.  However, in the case envisaged here, there will so far have
+   been no IR emitted to actually write a shadow value into that
+   temporary.  What this routine does is to (emit IR to) copy the
+   value in SHADOW into said temporary, so that after this call,
+   IRExpr.RdTmps of ORIG's shadow temp will correctly pick up the
+   value in SHADOW.
+   Point is to allow callers to compute "by hand" a shadow value for
+   ORIG, and force it to be associated with ORIG.
+   How do we know that that shadow associated with ORIG has not so far
+   been assigned to?  Well, we don't per se know that, but supposing
+   it had.  Then this routine would create a second assignment to it,
+   and later the IR sanity checker would barf.  But that never
+   happens.  QED.
+static void bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig ( UChar how,
+                                      MCEnv* mce,
+                                      IRAtom* orig, IRAtom* shadow )
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, orig));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, shadow));
+   switch (orig->tag) {
+      case Iex_Const:
+         tl_assert(shadow->tag == Iex_Const);
+         break;
+      case Iex_RdTmp:
+         tl_assert(shadow->tag == Iex_RdTmp);
+         if (how == 'V') {
+            assign('V', mce, findShadowTmpV(mce,orig->Iex.RdTmp.tmp),
+                   shadow);
+         } else {
+            tl_assert(how == 'B');
+            assign('B', mce, findShadowTmpB(mce,orig->Iex.RdTmp.tmp),
+                   shadow);
+         }
+         break;
+      default:
+         tl_assert(0);
+   }
+void do_shadow_CAS ( MCEnv* mce, IRCAS* cas )
+   /* Scheme is (both single- and double- cases):
+      1. fetch data#,dataB (the proposed new value)
+      2. fetch expd#,expdB (what we expect to see at the address)
+      3. check definedness of address
+      4. load old#,oldB from shadow memory; this also checks
+         addressibility of the address
+      5. the CAS itself
+      6. complain if "expected == old" is undefined
+      7. if "expected == old"
+            store data#,dataB to shadow memory
+      Note that 5 reads 'old' but 4 reads 'old#'.  Similarly, 5 stores
+      'data' but 7 stores 'data#'.  Hence it is possible for the
+      shadow data to be incorrectly checked and/or updated:
+      * 6 could falsely complain if 4 read old# as undefined, but some
+        other thread wrote a defined value to the location after 4 but
+        before 5.
+      * 6 could falsely not-complain if 4 read old# as defined, but
+        some other thread wrote an undefined value to the location
+        after 4 but before 5.
+      * 7 is at least gated correctly, since the 'expected == old'
+        condition is derived from outputs of 5.  However, the shadow
+        write could happen too late: imagine after 5 we are
+        descheduled, a different thread runs, writes a different
+        (shadow) value at the address, and then we resume, hence
+        overwriting the shadow value written by the other thread.
+      Because the original memory access is atomic, there's no way to
+      make both the original and shadow accesses into a single atomic
+      thing, hence this is unavoidable.
+      At least as Valgrind stands, I don't think it's a problem, since
+      we're single threaded *and* we guarantee that there are no
+      context switches during the execution of any specific superblock
+      -- context switches can only happen at superblock boundaries.
+      If Valgrind ever becomes MT in the future, then it might be more
+      of a problem.  A possible kludge would be to artificially
+      associate with the location, a lock, which we must acquire and
+      release around the transaction as a whole.  Hmm, that probably
+      would't work properly since it only guards us against other
+      threads doing CASs on the same location, not against other
+      threads doing normal reads and writes.
+   */
+   if (cas->oldHi == IRTemp_INVALID) {
+      do_shadow_CAS_single( mce, cas );
+   } else {
+      do_shadow_CAS_double( mce, cas );
+   }
+static void do_shadow_CAS_single ( MCEnv* mce, IRCAS* cas )
+   IRAtom *vdataLo = NULL, *bdataLo = NULL;
+   IRAtom *vexpdLo = NULL, *bexpdLo = NULL;
+   IRAtom *voldLo  = NULL, *boldLo  = NULL;
+   IRAtom *expd_eq_old_V = NULL, *expd_eq_old_B = NULL;
+   IRAtom *expd_eq_old   = NULL;
+   IROp   opCmpEQ;
+   Int    elemSzB;
+   IRType elemTy;
+   Bool   otrak = MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 3; /* a shorthand */
+   /* single CAS */
+   tl_assert(cas->oldHi == IRTemp_INVALID);
+   tl_assert(cas->expdHi == NULL);
+   tl_assert(cas->dataHi == NULL);
+   elemTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, cas->expdLo);
+   switch (elemTy) {
+      case Ity_I8:  elemSzB = 1; opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ8;  break;
+      case Ity_I16: elemSzB = 2; opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ16; break;
+      case Ity_I32: elemSzB = 4; opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ32; break;
+      case Ity_I64: elemSzB = 8; opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ64; break;
+      default: tl_assert(0); /* IR defn disallows any other types */
+   }
+   /* 1. fetch data# (the proposed new value) */
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->dataLo));
+   vdataLo
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->dataLo));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vdataLo));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bdataLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->dataLo));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bdataLo));
+   }
+   /* 2. fetch expected# (what we expect to see at the address) */
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->expdLo));
+   vexpdLo
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->expdLo));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vexpdLo));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bexpdLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->expdLo));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bexpdLo));
+   }
+   /* 3. check definedness of address */
+   /* 4. fetch old# from shadow memory; this also checks
+         addressibility of the address */
+   voldLo
+      = assignNew(
+           'V', mce, elemTy,
+           expr2vbits_Load( 
+              mce,
+              cas->end, elemTy, cas->addr, 0/*Addr bias*/
+        ));
+   if (otrak) {
+      boldLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32,
+                     gen_load_b(mce, elemSzB, cas->addr, 0/*addr bias*/));
+   }
+   /* 5. the CAS itself */
+   stmt( 'C', mce, IRStmt_CAS(cas) );
+   /* 6. complain if "expected == old" is undefined */
+   /* Doing this directly interacts in a complex way with origin
+      tracking.  Much easier to make up an expression tree and hand
+      that off to expr2vbits_Binop.  We will need the expression
+      tree in any case in order to decide whether or not to do a
+      shadow store. */
+   /* Note that 'C' is kinda faking it; it is indeed a non-shadow
+      tree, but it's not copied from the input block. */
+   expd_eq_old
+      = assignNew('C', mce, Ity_I1,
+                  binop(opCmpEQ, cas->expdLo, mkexpr(cas->oldLo)));
+   /* Compute into expd_eq_old_V the definedness for expd_eq_old.
+      First we need to ensure that cas->oldLo's V-shadow is bound
+      voldLo, since expr2vbits_Binop will generate a use of it. */
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldLo), voldLo);
+   expd_eq_old_V
+     = expr2vbits_Binop( mce, opCmpEQ, cas->expdLo, mkexpr(cas->oldLo) );
+   if (otrak) {
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldLo), boldLo);
+      expd_eq_old_B
+         = gen_maxU32( mce, bexpdLo, boldLo );
+   }
+   /* Generate a complaint if expd_eq_old is undefined.  As above,
+      first force expd_eq_old's definedness to be bound to its
+      V-shadow tmp. */
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, expd_eq_old, expd_eq_old_V);
+   if (otrak)
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, expd_eq_old, expd_eq_old_B);
+   complainIfUndefined(mce, expd_eq_old);
+   /* 7. if "expected == old"
+            store data# to shadow memory */
+   do_shadow_Store( mce, cas->end, cas->addr, 0/*bias*/,
+                    NULL/*data*/, vdataLo/*vdata*/,
+                    expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+   if (otrak) {
+      gen_store_b( mce, elemSzB, cas->addr, 0/*offset*/,
+                   bdataLo/*bdata*/,
+                   expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+   }
+static void do_shadow_CAS_double ( MCEnv* mce, IRCAS* cas )
+   IRAtom *vdataHi = NULL, *bdataHi = NULL;
+   IRAtom *vdataLo = NULL, *bdataLo = NULL;
+   IRAtom *vexpdHi = NULL, *bexpdHi = NULL;
+   IRAtom *vexpdLo = NULL, *bexpdLo = NULL;
+   IRAtom *voldHi  = NULL, *boldHi  = NULL;
+   IRAtom *voldLo  = NULL, *boldLo  = NULL;
+   IRAtom *xHi   = NULL, *xLo   = NULL, *xHL   = NULL;
+   IRAtom *xHi_V = NULL, *xLo_V = NULL, *xHL_V = NULL;
+   IRAtom *xHi_B = NULL, *xLo_B = NULL, *xHL_B = NULL;
+   IRAtom *expd_eq_old_V = NULL, *expd_eq_old_B = NULL;
+   IRAtom *expd_eq_old   = NULL, *zero = NULL;
+   IROp   opCmpEQ, opOr, opXor;
+   Int    elemSzB, memOffsLo, memOffsHi;
+   IRType elemTy;
+   Bool   otrak = MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 3; /* a shorthand */
+   /* double CAS */
+   tl_assert(cas->oldHi != IRTemp_INVALID);
+   tl_assert(cas->expdHi != NULL);
+   tl_assert(cas->dataHi != NULL);
+   elemTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, cas->expdLo);
+   switch (elemTy) {
+      case Ity_I8:
+         opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ8; opOr = Iop_Or8; opXor = Iop_Xor8; 
+         elemSzB = 1; zero = mkU8(0);
+         break;
+      case Ity_I16:
+         opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ16; opOr = Iop_Or16; opXor = Iop_Xor16;
+         elemSzB = 2; zero = mkU16(0);
+         break;
+      case Ity_I32:
+         opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ32; opOr = Iop_Or32; opXor = Iop_Xor32;
+         elemSzB = 4; zero = mkU32(0);
+         break;
+      case Ity_I64:
+         opCmpEQ = Iop_CmpEQ64; opOr = Iop_Or64; opXor = Iop_Xor64;
+         elemSzB = 8; zero = mkU64(0);
+         break;
+      default:
+         tl_assert(0); /* IR defn disallows any other types */
+   }
+   /* 1. fetch data# (the proposed new value) */
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->dataHi));
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->dataLo));
+   vdataHi
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->dataHi));
+   vdataLo
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->dataLo));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vdataHi));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vdataLo));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bdataHi
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->dataHi));
+      bdataLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->dataLo));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bdataHi));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bdataLo));
+   }
+   /* 2. fetch expected# (what we expect to see at the address) */
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->expdHi));
+   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, cas->expdLo));
+   vexpdHi
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->expdHi));
+   vexpdLo
+      = assignNew('V', mce, elemTy, expr2vbits(mce, cas->expdLo));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vexpdHi));
+   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, vexpdLo));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bexpdHi
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->expdHi));
+      bexpdLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32, schemeE(mce, cas->expdLo));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bexpdHi));
+      tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce, bexpdLo));
+   }
+   /* 3. check definedness of address */
+   /* 4. fetch old# from shadow memory; this also checks
+         addressibility of the address */
+   if (cas->end == Iend_LE) {
+      memOffsLo = 0;
+      memOffsHi = elemSzB;
+   } else {
+      tl_assert(cas->end == Iend_BE);
+      memOffsLo = elemSzB;
+      memOffsHi = 0;
+   }
+   voldHi
+      = assignNew(
+           'V', mce, elemTy,
+           expr2vbits_Load( 
+              mce,
+              cas->end, elemTy, cas->addr, memOffsHi/*Addr bias*/
+        ));
+   voldLo
+      = assignNew(
+           'V', mce, elemTy,
+           expr2vbits_Load( 
+              mce,
+              cas->end, elemTy, cas->addr, memOffsLo/*Addr bias*/
+        ));
+   if (otrak) {
+      boldHi
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32,
+                     gen_load_b(mce, elemSzB, cas->addr,
+                                memOffsHi/*addr bias*/));
+      boldLo
+         = assignNew('B', mce, Ity_I32,
+                     gen_load_b(mce, elemSzB, cas->addr,
+                                memOffsLo/*addr bias*/));
+   }
+   /* 5. the CAS itself */
+   stmt( 'C', mce, IRStmt_CAS(cas) );
+   /* 6. complain if "expected == old" is undefined */
+   /* Doing this directly interacts in a complex way with origin
+      tracking.  Much easier to make up an expression tree and hand
+      that off to expr2vbits_Binop.  We will need the expression
+      tree in any case in order to decide whether or not to do a
+      shadow store. */
+   /* Note that 'C' is kinda faking it; it is indeed a non-shadow
+      tree, but it's not copied from the input block. */
+   /*
+      xHi = oldHi ^ expdHi;
+      xLo = oldLo ^ expdLo;
+      xHL = xHi | xLo;
+      expd_eq_old = xHL == 0;
+   */
+   /* --- xHi = oldHi ^ expdHi --- */
+   xHi = assignNew('C', mce, elemTy,
+                   binop(opXor, cas->expdHi, mkexpr(cas->oldHi))); 
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldHi), voldHi);
+   xHi_V
+      = expr2vbits_Binop( mce, opXor, cas->expdHi, mkexpr(cas->oldHi));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldHi), boldHi);
+      xHi_B = gen_maxU32( mce, bexpdHi, boldHi );
+   }
+   /* --- xLo = oldLo ^ expdLo --- */
+   xLo = assignNew('C', mce, elemTy,
+                   binop(opXor, cas->expdLo, mkexpr(cas->oldLo)));
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldLo), voldLo);
+   xLo_V
+      = expr2vbits_Binop( mce, opXor, cas->expdLo, mkexpr(cas->oldLo));
+   if (otrak) {
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, mkexpr(cas->oldLo), boldLo);
+      xLo_B = gen_maxU32( mce, bexpdLo, boldLo );
+   }
+   /* --- xHL = xHi | xLo --- */
+   xHL = assignNew('C', mce, elemTy,
+                   binop(opOr, xHi, xLo));
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, xHi, xHi_V);
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, xLo, xLo_V);
+   xHL_V
+      = expr2vbits_Binop( mce, opOr, xHi, xLo );
+   if (otrak) {
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, xHi, xHi_B);
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, xLo, xLo_B);
+      xHL_B = gen_maxU32( mce, xHi_B, xLo_B );
+   }
+   /* --- expd_eq_old = xHL == 0 --- */
+   expd_eq_old
+      = assignNew('C', mce, Ity_I1,
+                  binop(opCmpEQ, xHL, zero));
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, xHL, xHL_V);
+   expd_eq_old_V
+      = expr2vbits_Binop( mce, opCmpEQ, xHL, zero);
+   if (otrak) {
+      expd_eq_old_B = xHL_B; /* since the zero literal isn't going to
+                                contribute any interesting origin */
+   }
+   /* The backend's register allocator is probably on fire by now :-) */
+   /* Generate a complaint if expd_eq_old is undefined.  As above,
+      first force expd_eq_old's definedness to be bound to its
+      V-shadow tmp. */
+   bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('V', mce, expd_eq_old, expd_eq_old_V);
+   if (otrak)
+      bind_shadow_tmp_to_orig('B', mce, expd_eq_old, expd_eq_old_B);
+   complainIfUndefined(mce, expd_eq_old);
+   /* 7. if "expected == old"
+            store data# to shadow memory */
+   do_shadow_Store( mce, cas->end, cas->addr, memOffsHi/*bias*/,
+                    NULL/*data*/, vdataHi/*vdata*/,
+                    expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+   do_shadow_Store( mce, cas->end, cas->addr, memOffsLo/*bias*/,
+                    NULL/*data*/, vdataLo/*vdata*/,
+                    expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+   if (otrak) {
+      gen_store_b( mce, elemSzB, cas->addr, memOffsHi/*offset*/,
+                   bdataHi/*bdata*/,
+                   expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+      gen_store_b( mce, elemSzB, cas->addr, memOffsLo/*offset*/,
+                   bdataLo/*bdata*/,
+                   expd_eq_old/*guard for store*/ );
+   }
 /*--- Memcheck main                                        ---*/
@@ -3349,6 +3902,7 @@
    Int      i;
    IRExpr*  e;
    IRDirty* d;
+   IRCAS*   cas;
    switch (st->tag) {
       case Ist_WrTmp:
          e = st->;
@@ -3415,6 +3969,13 @@
       case Ist_IMark:
       case Ist_MBE:
          return False;
+      case Ist_CAS:
+         cas = st->Ist.CAS.details;
+         return isBogusAtom(cas->addr)
+                || (cas->expdHi ? isBogusAtom(cas->expdHi) : False)
+                || isBogusAtom(cas->expdLo)
+                || (cas->dataHi ? isBogusAtom(cas->dataHi) : False)
+                || isBogusAtom(cas->dataLo);
@@ -3424,7 +3985,7 @@
 IRSB* MC_(instrument) ( VgCallbackClosure* closure,
-                        IRSB* bb_in, 
+                        IRSB* sb_in, 
                         VexGuestLayout* layout, 
                         VexGuestExtents* vge,
                         IRType gWordTy, IRType hWordTy )
@@ -3434,7 +3995,7 @@
    Int     i, j, first_stmt;
    IRStmt* st;
    MCEnv   mce;
-   IRSB*   bb;
+   IRSB*   sb_out;
    if (gWordTy != hWordTy) {
       /* We don't currently support this case. */
@@ -3454,22 +4015,29 @@
    tl_assert(MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 1 && MC_(clo_mc_level) <= 3);
    /* Set up SB */
-   bb = deepCopyIRSBExceptStmts(bb_in);
+   sb_out = deepCopyIRSBExceptStmts(sb_in);
-   /* Set up the running environment.  Only .bb is modified as we go
-      along. */
-             = bb;
+   /* Set up the running environment.  Both .sb and .tmpMap are
+      modified as we go along.  Note that tmps are added to both
+      .sb->tyenv and .tmpMap together, so the valid index-set for
+      those two arrays should always be identical. */
+   VG_(memset)(&mce, 0, sizeof(mce));
+             = sb_out;
    mce.trace          = verboze;
    mce.layout         = layout;
-   mce.n_originalTmps = bb->tyenv->types_used;
    mce.hWordTy        = hWordTy;
    mce.bogusLiterals  = False;
-   mce.tmpMapV        = LibVEX_Alloc(mce.n_originalTmps * sizeof(IRTemp));
-   mce.tmpMapB        = LibVEX_Alloc(mce.n_originalTmps * sizeof(IRTemp));
-   for (i = 0; i < mce.n_originalTmps; i++) {
-      mce.tmpMapV[i] = IRTemp_INVALID;
-      mce.tmpMapB[i] = IRTemp_INVALID;
+   mce.tmpMap = VG_(newXA)( VG_(malloc), "mc.MC_(instrument).1", VG_(free),
+                            sizeof(TempMapEnt));
+   for (i = 0; i < sb_in->tyenv->types_used; i++) {
+      TempMapEnt ent;
+      ent.kind    = Orig;
+      ent.shadowV = IRTemp_INVALID;
+      ent.shadowB = IRTemp_INVALID;
+      VG_(addToXA)( mce.tmpMap, &ent );
+   tl_assert( VG_(sizeXA)( mce.tmpMap ) == sb_in->tyenv->types_used );
    /* Make a preliminary inspection of the statements, to see if there
       are any dodgy-looking literals.  If there are, we generate
@@ -3479,9 +4047,9 @@
    bogus = False;
-   for (i = 0; i < bb_in->stmts_used; i++) {
+   for (i = 0; i < sb_in->stmts_used; i++) {
-      st = bb_in->stmts[i];
+      st = sb_in->stmts[i];
@@ -3500,16 +4068,17 @@
    /* Copy verbatim any IR preamble preceding the first IMark */
-   tl_assert( == bb);
+   tl_assert( == sb_out);
+   tl_assert( != sb_in);
    i = 0;
-   while (i < bb_in->stmts_used && bb_in->stmts[i]->tag != Ist_IMark) {
+   while (i < sb_in->stmts_used && sb_in->stmts[i]->tag != Ist_IMark) {
-      st = bb_in->stmts[i];
+      st = sb_in->stmts[i];
-      stmt( 'C', &mce, bb_in->stmts[i] );
+      stmt( 'C', &mce, sb_in->stmts[i] );
@@ -3536,16 +4105,16 @@
       no-origin, as appropriate for a defined value.
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-      if (bb_in->stmts[j]->tag == Ist_WrTmp) {
+      if (sb_in->stmts[j]->tag == Ist_WrTmp) {
          /* findShadowTmpV checks its arg is an original tmp;
             no need to assert that here. */
-         IRTemp tmp_o = bb_in->stmts[j]->Ist.WrTmp.tmp;
+         IRTemp tmp_o = sb_in->stmts[j]->Ist.WrTmp.tmp;
          IRTemp tmp_v = findShadowTmpV(&mce, tmp_o);
-         IRType ty_v  = typeOfIRTemp(bb->tyenv, tmp_v);
+         IRType ty_v  = typeOfIRTemp(sb_out->tyenv, tmp_v);
          assign( 'V', &mce, tmp_v, definedOfType( ty_v ) );
          if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3) {
             IRTemp tmp_b = findShadowTmpB(&mce, tmp_o);
-            tl_assert(typeOfIRTemp(bb->tyenv, tmp_b) == Ity_I32);
+            tl_assert(typeOfIRTemp(sb_out->tyenv, tmp_b) == Ity_I32);
             assign( 'B', &mce, tmp_b, mkU32(0)/* UNKNOWN ORIGIN */);
          if (0) {
@@ -3558,15 +4127,15 @@
    /* Iterate over the remaining stmts to generate instrumentation. */
-   tl_assert(bb_in->stmts_used > 0);
+   tl_assert(sb_in->stmts_used > 0);
    tl_assert(i >= 0);
-   tl_assert(i < bb_in->stmts_used);
-   tl_assert(bb_in->stmts[i]->tag == Ist_IMark);
+   tl_assert(i < sb_in->stmts_used);
+   tl_assert(sb_in->stmts[i]->tag == Ist_IMark);
-   for (/* use current i*/; i <  bb_in->stmts_used; i++) {
+   for (/* use current i*/; i < sb_in->stmts_used; i++) {
-      st = bb_in->stmts[i];
-      first_stmt = bb->stmts_used;
+      st = sb_in->stmts[i];
+      first_stmt = sb_out->stmts_used;
       if (verboze) {
@@ -3574,8 +4143,11 @@
-      if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3)
-         schemeS( &mce, st );
+      if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3) {
+         /* See comments on case Ist_CAS below. */
+         if (st->tag != Ist_CAS) 
+            schemeS( &mce, st );
+      }
       /* Generate instrumentation code for each stmt ... */
@@ -3605,7 +4177,34 @@
             do_shadow_Store( &mce, st->Ist.Store.end,
                                    st->Ist.Store.addr, 0/* addr bias */,
-                                   NULL /* shadow data */ );
+                                   NULL /* shadow data */,
+                                   NULL/*guard*/ );
+            /* If this is a store conditional, it writes to .resSC a
+               value indicating whether or not the store succeeded.
+               Just claim this value is always defined.  In the
+               PowerPC interpretation of store-conditional,
+               definedness of the success indication depends on
+               whether the address of the store matches the
+               reservation address.  But we can't tell that here (and
+               anyway, we're not being PowerPC-specific).  At least we
+               are guarantted that the definedness of the store
+               address, and its addressibility, will be checked as per
+               normal.  So it seems pretty safe to just say that the
+               success indication is always defined.
+               In schemeS, for origin tracking, we must
+               correspondingly set a no-origin value for the origin
+               shadow of resSC.
+            */
+            if (st->Ist.Store.resSC != IRTemp_INVALID) {
+               assign( 'V', &mce,
+                       findShadowTmpV(&mce, st->Ist.Store.resSC),
+                       definedOfType(
+                          shadowTypeV(
+                             typeOfIRTemp(>tyenv,
+                                          st->Ist.Store.resSC)
+                     )));
+            }
          case Ist_Exit:
@@ -3629,6 +4228,16 @@
                               st->Ist.AbiHint.nia );
+         case Ist_CAS:
+            do_shadow_CAS( &mce, st->Ist.CAS.details );
+            /* Note, do_shadow_CAS copies the CAS itself to the output
+               block, because it needs to add instrumentation both
+               before and after it.  Hence skip the copy below.  Also
+               skip the origin-tracking stuff (call to schemeS) above,
+               since that's all tangled up with it too; do_shadow_CAS
+               does it all. */
+            break;
@@ -3638,40 +4247,48 @@
       } /* switch (st->tag) */
       if (0 && verboze) {
-         for (j = first_stmt; j < bb->stmts_used; j++) {
+         for (j = first_stmt; j < sb_out->stmts_used; j++) {
             VG_(printf)("   ");
-            ppIRStmt(bb->stmts[j]);
+            ppIRStmt(sb_out->stmts[j]);
-      /* ... and finally copy the stmt itself to the output. */
-      stmt('C', &mce, st);
+      /* ... and finally copy the stmt itself to the output.  Except,
+         skip the copy of IRCASs; see comments on case Ist_CAS
+         above. */
+      if (st->tag != Ist_CAS)
+         stmt('C', &mce, st);
    /* Now we need to complain if the jump target is undefined. */
-   first_stmt = bb->stmts_used;
+   first_stmt = sb_out->stmts_used;
    if (verboze) {
-      VG_(printf)("bb->next = ");
-      ppIRExpr(bb->next);
+      VG_(printf)("sb_in->next = ");
+      ppIRExpr(sb_in->next);
-   complainIfUndefined( &mce, bb->next );
+   complainIfUndefined( &mce, sb_in->next );
    if (0 && verboze) {
-      for (j = first_stmt; j < bb->stmts_used; j++) {
+      for (j = first_stmt; j < sb_out->stmts_used; j++) {
          VG_(printf)("   ");
-         ppIRStmt(bb->stmts[j]);
+         ppIRStmt(sb_out->stmts[j]);
-   return bb;
+   /* If this fails, there's been some serious snafu with tmp management,
+      that should be investigated. */
+   tl_assert( VG_(sizeXA)( mce.tmpMap ) ==>tyenv->types_used );
+   VG_(deleteXA)( mce.tmpMap );
+   tl_assert( == sb_out);
+   return sb_out;
@@ -3826,14 +4443,25 @@
 /*--- Origin tracking stuff                                ---*/
+/* Almost identical to findShadowTmpV. */
 static IRTemp findShadowTmpB ( MCEnv* mce, IRTemp orig )
-   tl_assert(orig < mce->n_originalTmps);
-   if (mce->tmpMapB[orig] == IRTemp_INVALID) {
-      mce->tmpMapB[orig] 
-         = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, Ity_I32);
+   TempMapEnt* ent;
+   /* VG_(indexXA) range-checks 'orig', hence no need to check
+      here. */
+   ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+   tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+   if (ent->shadowB == IRTemp_INVALID) {
+      IRTemp tmpB
+        = newTemp( mce, Ity_I32, BSh );
+      /* newTemp may cause mce->tmpMap to resize, hence previous results
+         from VG_(indexXA) are invalid. */
+      ent = (TempMapEnt*)VG_(indexXA)( mce->tmpMap, (Word)orig );
+      tl_assert(ent->kind == Orig);
+      tl_assert(ent->shadowB == IRTemp_INVALID);
+      ent->shadowB = tmpB;
-   return mce->tmpMapB[orig];
+   return ent->shadowB;
 static IRAtom* gen_maxU32 ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* b1, IRAtom* b2 )
@@ -3848,7 +4476,7 @@
    HChar*   hName;
    IRTemp   bTmp;
    IRDirty* di;
-   IRType   aTy   = typeOfIRExpr( mce->bb->tyenv, baseaddr );
+   IRType   aTy   = typeOfIRExpr( mce->sb->tyenv, baseaddr );
    IROp     opAdd = aTy == Ity_I32 ? Iop_Add32 : Iop_Add64;
    IRAtom*  ea    = baseaddr;
    if (offset != 0) {
@@ -3856,7 +4484,7 @@
                                    : mkU64( (Long)(Int)offset );
       ea = assignNew( 'B', mce, aTy, binop(opAdd, ea, off));
-   bTmp = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, mce->hWordTy);
+   bTmp = newTemp(mce, mce->hWordTy, BSh);
    switch (szB) {
       case 1: hFun  = (void*)&MC_(helperc_b_load1);
@@ -3887,7 +4515,7 @@
    stmt( 'B', mce, IRStmt_Dirty(di) );
    if (mce->hWordTy == Ity_I64) {
       /* 64-bit host */
-      IRTemp bTmp32 = newIRTemp(mce->bb->tyenv, Ity_I32);
+      IRTemp bTmp32 = newTemp(mce, Ity_I32, BSh);
       assign( 'B', mce, bTmp32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(bTmp)) );
       return mkexpr(bTmp32);
    } else {
@@ -3895,15 +4523,23 @@
       return mkexpr(bTmp);
+/* Generate a shadow store.  guard :: Ity_I1 controls whether the
+   store really happens; NULL means it unconditionally does. */
 static void gen_store_b ( MCEnv* mce, Int szB,
-                          IRAtom* baseaddr, Int offset, IRAtom* dataB )
+                          IRAtom* baseaddr, Int offset, IRAtom* dataB,
+                          IRAtom* guard )
    void*    hFun;
    HChar*   hName;
    IRDirty* di;
-   IRType   aTy   = typeOfIRExpr( mce->bb->tyenv, baseaddr );
+   IRType   aTy   = typeOfIRExpr( mce->sb->tyenv, baseaddr );
    IROp     opAdd = aTy == Ity_I32 ? Iop_Add32 : Iop_Add64;
    IRAtom*  ea    = baseaddr;
+   if (guard) {
+      tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce, guard));
+      tl_assert(typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, guard) == Ity_I1);
+   }
    if (offset != 0) {
       IRAtom* off = aTy == Ity_I32 ? mkU32( offset )
                                    : mkU64( (Long)(Int)offset );
@@ -3937,11 +4573,12 @@
    /* no need to mess with any annotations.  This call accesses
       neither guest state nor guest memory. */
+   if (guard) di->guard = guard;
    stmt( 'B', mce, IRStmt_Dirty(di) );
 static IRAtom* narrowTo32 ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* e ) {
-   IRType eTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, e);
+   IRType eTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, e);
    if (eTy == Ity_I64)
       return assignNew( 'B', mce, Ity_I32, unop(Iop_64to32, e) );
    if (eTy == Ity_I32)
@@ -3950,7 +4587,7 @@
 static IRAtom* zWidenFrom32 ( MCEnv* mce, IRType dstTy, IRAtom* e ) {
-   IRType eTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, e);
+   IRType eTy = typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, e);
    tl_assert(eTy == Ity_I32);
    if (dstTy == Ity_I64)
       return assignNew( 'B', mce, Ity_I64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, e) );
@@ -4220,12 +4857,14 @@
       toDo   = d->mSize;
       /* chew off 32-bit chunks */
       while (toDo >= 4) {
-         gen_store_b( mce, 4, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo, curr );
+         gen_store_b( mce, 4, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo, curr,
+                      NULL/*guard*/ );
          toDo -= 4;
       /* handle possible 16-bit excess */
       while (toDo >= 2) {
-         gen_store_b( mce, 2, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo, curr );
+        gen_store_b( mce, 2, d->mAddr, d->mSize - toDo, curr,
+                     NULL/*guard*/ );
          toDo -= 2;
       tl_assert(toDo == 0); /* also need to handle 1-byte excess */
@@ -4282,16 +4921,25 @@
             available (somewhere) */
          dszB = sizeofIRType(
-                   typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, st-> ));
+                   typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, st-> ));
          dataB = schemeE( mce, st-> );
-         gen_store_b( mce, dszB, st->Ist.Store.addr, 0/*offset*/, dataB );
+         gen_store_b( mce, dszB, st->Ist.Store.addr, 0/*offset*/, dataB,
+                      NULL/*guard*/ );
+         /* For the rationale behind this, see comments at the place
+            where the V-shadow for .resSC is constructed, in the main
+            loop in MC_(instrument).  In short, wee regard .resSc as
+            always-defined. */
+         if (st->Ist.Store.resSC != IRTemp_INVALID) {
+            assign( 'B', mce, findShadowTmpB(mce, st->Ist.Store.resSC),
+                    mkU32(0) );
+         }
       case Ist_Put: {
          Int b_offset
             = MC_(get_otrack_shadow_offset)(
-                 sizeofIRType(typeOfIRExpr(mce->bb->tyenv, st->
+                 sizeofIRType(typeOfIRExpr(mce->sb->tyenv, st->
          if (b_offset >= 0) {
             /* FIXME: this isn't an atom! */