Cachegrind should not assert when it encounters a client request.


git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/cachegrind/cg_main.c b/cachegrind/cg_main.c
index 159c5f8..9897056 100644
--- a/cachegrind/cg_main.c
+++ b/cachegrind/cg_main.c
@@ -576,12 +576,6 @@
    if (storeAddrExpr) 
       tl_assert(wordTy == typeOfIRExpr(bbOut->tyenv, storeAddrExpr));
-   // Nb: instrLen will be zero if Vex failed to decode it.
-   tl_assert( 0 == instrLen ||
-              (instrLen >= VG_MIN_INSTR_SZB && 
-               instrLen <= VG_MAX_INSTR_SZB) );
    // Large (eg. 28B, 108B, 512B on x86) data-sized instructions will be
    // done inaccurately, but they're very rare and this avoids errors from
    // hitting more than two cache lines in the simulation.
@@ -703,6 +697,14 @@
             addedInstrumentation = True;
+            // Nb: instrLen will be zero if Vex failed to decode it.
+            // Also Client requests can appear to be very large (eg. 18
+            // bytes on x86) because they are really multiple instructions.
+            tl_assert( 0 == instrLen ||
+                       bbIn->jumpkind == Ijk_ClientReq ||
+                       (instrLen >= VG_MIN_INSTR_SZB && 
+                        instrLen <= VG_MAX_INSTR_SZB) );
             // Add instrumentation before this statement.
             instrumentInstr(bbOut, &bbInfo->instrs[ bbInfo_i ], bbSeenBefore,
                       instrAddr, instrLen, dataSize, loadAddrExpr, storeAddrExpr);