Major hashing around to restructure the world.

git-svn-id: svn:// 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/main/vex_util.c b/priv/main/vex_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365eb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/main/vex_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (vex_util.c) is                               ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (c) 2004 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved. ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+#include "libjit_basictypes.h"
+#include "jit_globals.h"
+#include "vex_util.h"
+/*--- Storage                                           ---*/
+#define N_STORAGE_BYTES 10000
+static Char storage[N_STORAGE_BYTES];
+static Int  storage_used = 0;
+/* Exported to library client. */
+void* LibVEX_Alloc ( Int nbytes ) 
+   vassert(vex_initdone);
+   vassert(nbytes > 0);
+   nbytes = (nbytes + 7) & ~8;
+   if (storage_used + nbytes > N_STORAGE_BYTES)
+      vpanic("VEX storage exhausted.\n"
+             "Increase N_STORAGE_BYTES and recompile.");
+   storage_used += nbytes;
+   return (void*)(&storage[storage_used - nbytes]);
+/* Exported to library client. */
+void LibJIT_Clear ( void )
+   vassert(vex_initdone);
+   storage_used = 0;
+/*--- Bombing out                                       ---*/
+__attribute__ ((noreturn))
+void vex_assert_fail ( const Char* expr,
+                       const Char* file, Int line, const Char* fn )
+   vex_printf( "\nvex: %s:%d (%s): Assertion `%s' failed.\n",
+               file, line, fn, expr );
+   (*vex_failure_exit)();
+__attribute__ ((noreturn))
+void panic ( Char* str )
+   vex_printf("\nvex: the `impossible' happened:\n   %s\n", str);
+   (*vex_failure_exit)();
+/*--- vex_printf                                        ---*/
+/* This should be the only <...> include in the entire VEX library.
+   New code for vex_util.c should go above this point. */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   printf implementation.  The key function, vg_vprintf(), emits chars 
+   into a caller-supplied function.  Distantly derived from:
+      vprintf replacement for Checker.
+      Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Tristan Gingold
+      Written September 1993 Tristan Gingold
+      Tristan Gingold, 8 rue Parmentier, F-91120 PALAISEAU, FRANCE
+   (Checker itself was GPL'd.)
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+static Char vex_toupper ( Char c )
+   if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
+      return c + ('A' - 'a');
+   else
+      return c;
+static Int vex_strlen ( const Char* str )
+   Int i = 0;
+   while (str[i] != 0) i++;
+   return i;
+/* Some flags.  */
+#define VG_MSG_SIGNED    1 /* The value is signed. */
+#define VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY  2 /* Must justify with '0'. */
+#define VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY  4 /* Must justify on the left. */
+#define VG_MSG_PAREN     8 /* Parenthesize if present (for %y) */
+#define VG_MSG_COMMA    16 /* Add commas to numbers (for %d, %u) */
+/* Copy a string into the buffer. */
+static UInt
+myvprintf_str ( void(*send)(Char), Int flags, Int width, Char* str, 
+                Bool capitalise )
+#  define MAYBE_TOUPPER(ch) (capitalise ? vex_toupper(ch) : (ch))
+   UInt ret = 0;
+   Int i, extra;
+   Int len = vex_strlen(str);
+   if (width == 0) {
+      ret += len;
+      for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+         send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]));
+      return ret;
+   }
+   if (len > width) {
+      ret += width;
+      for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
+         send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]));
+      return ret;
+   }
+   extra = width - len;
+   if (flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY) {
+      ret += extra;
+      for (i = 0; i < extra; i++)
+         send(' ');
+   }
+   ret += len;
+   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+      send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]));
+   if (!(flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) {
+      ret += extra;
+      for (i = 0; i < extra; i++)
+         send(' ');
+   }
+   return ret;
+/* Write P into the buffer according to these args:
+ *  If SIGN is true, p is a signed.
+ *  BASE is the base.
+ *  If WITH_ZERO is true, '0' must be added.
+ *  WIDTH is the width of the field.
+ */
+static UInt
+myvprintf_int64 ( void(*send)(Char), Int flags, Int base, Int width, ULong p)
+   Char buf[40];
+   Int  ind = 0;
+   Int  i, nc = 0;
+   Bool neg = False;
+   Char *digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+   UInt ret = 0;
+   if (base < 2 || base > 16)
+      return ret;
+   if ((flags & VG_MSG_SIGNED) && (Long)p < 0) {
+      p   = - (Long)p;
+      neg = True;
+   }
+   if (p == 0)
+      buf[ind++] = '0';
+   else {
+      while (p > 0) {
+         if (flags & VG_MSG_COMMA && 10 == base &&
+             0 == (ind-nc) % 3 && 0 != ind) 
+         {
+            buf[ind++] = ',';
+            nc++;
+         }
+         buf[ind++] = digits[p % base];
+         p /= base;
+      }
+   }
+   if (neg)
+      buf[ind++] = '-';
+   if (width > 0 && !(flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) {
+      for(; ind < width; ind++) {
+         vassert(ind < 39);
+         buf[ind] = (flags & VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY) ? '0': ' ';
+      }
+   }
+   /* Reverse copy to buffer.  */
+   ret += ind;
+   for (i = ind -1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      send(buf[i]);
+   }
+   if (width > 0 && (flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) {
+      for(; ind < width; ind++) {
+	 ret++;
+         send(' ');  // Never pad with zeroes on RHS -- changes the value!
+      }
+   }
+   return ret;
+/* A simple vprintf().  */
+UInt vprintf_wrk ( void(*send)(Char), const Char *format, va_list vargs )
+   UInt ret = 0;
+   int i;
+   int flags;
+   int width;
+   Bool is_long;
+   /* We assume that vargs has already been initialised by the 
+      caller, using va_start, and that the caller will similarly
+      clean up with va_end.
+   */
+   for (i = 0; format[i] != 0; i++) {
+      if (format[i] != '%') {
+         send(format[i]);
+	 ret++;
+         continue;
+      }
+      i++;
+      /* A '%' has been found.  Ignore a trailing %. */
+      if (format[i] == 0)
+         break;
+      if (format[i] == '%') {
+         /* `%%' is replaced by `%'. */
+         send('%');
+	 ret++;
+         continue;
+      }
+      flags = 0;
+      is_long = False;
+      width = 0; /* length of the field. */
+      if (format[i] == '(') {
+	 flags |= VG_MSG_PAREN;
+	 i++;
+      }
+      /* If ',' follows '%', commas will be inserted. */
+      if (format[i] == ',') {
+         flags |= VG_MSG_COMMA;
+         i++;
+      }
+      /* If '-' follows '%', justify on the left. */
+      if (format[i] == '-') {
+         flags |= VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY;
+         i++;
+      }
+      /* If '0' follows '%', pads will be inserted. */
+      if (format[i] == '0') {
+         flags |= VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY;
+         i++;
+      }
+      /* Compute the field length. */
+      while (format[i] >= '0' && format[i] <= '9') {
+         width *= 10;
+         width += format[i++] - '0';
+      }
+      while (format[i] == 'l') {
+         i++;
+         is_long = True;
+      }
+      switch (format[i]) {
+         case 'd': /* %d */
+            flags |= VG_MSG_SIGNED;
+            if (is_long)
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 10, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, Long)));
+            else
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 10, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, Int)));
+            break;
+         case 'u': /* %u */
+            if (is_long)
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 10, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, ULong)));
+            else
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 10, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, UInt)));
+            break;
+         case 'p': /* %p */
+	    ret += 2;
+            send('0');
+            send('x');
+            ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 16, width, 
+				   (ULong)((UInt)va_arg (vargs, void *)));
+            break;
+         case 'x': /* %x */
+            if (is_long)
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 16, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, ULong)));
+            else
+               ret += myvprintf_int64(send, flags, 16, width, 
+				      (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, UInt)));
+            break;
+         case 'c': /* %c */
+	    ret++;
+            send(va_arg (vargs, int));
+            break;
+         case 's': case 'S': { /* %s */
+            char *str = va_arg (vargs, char *);
+            if (str == (char*) 0) str = "(null)";
+            ret += myvprintf_str(send, flags, width, str, format[i]=='S');
+            break;
+	 }
+#        if 0
+	 case 'y': { /* %y - print symbol */
+	    Char buf[100];
+	    Char *cp = buf;
+	    Addr a = va_arg(vargs, Addr);
+	    if (flags & VG_MSG_PAREN)
+	       *cp++ = '(';
+	    if (VG_(get_fnname_w_offset)(a, cp, sizeof(buf)-4)) {
+	       if (flags & VG_MSG_PAREN) {
+		  cp += VG_(strlen)(cp);
+		  *cp++ = ')';
+		  *cp = '\0';
+	       }
+	       ret += myvprintf_str(send, flags, width, buf, 0);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	 }
+#        endif
+         default:
+            break;
+      }
+   }
+   return ret;
+/* A general replacement for printf().  Note that only low-level 
+   debugging info should be sent via here.  The official route is to
+   to use vg_message().  This interface is deprecated.
+static Char myprintf_buf[1000];
+static Int  n_myprintf_buf;
+static void add_to_myprintf_buf ( Char c )
+   if (c == '\n' || n_myprintf_buf >= 1000-10 /*paranoia*/ ) {
+      (*vex_log_bytes)( myprintf_buf, vex_strlen(myprintf_buf) );
+      n_myprintf_buf = 0;
+      myprintf_buf[n_myprintf_buf] = 0;      
+   }
+   myprintf_buf[n_myprintf_buf++] = c;
+   myprintf_buf[n_myprintf_buf] = 0;
+UInt vex_printf ( const char *format, ... )
+   UInt ret;
+   va_list vargs;
+   va_start(vargs,format);
+   n_myprintf_buf = 0;
+   myprintf_buf[n_myprintf_buf] = 0;      
+   ret = vprintf_wrk ( add_to_myprintf_buf, format, vargs );
+   if (n_myprintf_buf > 0) {
+      (*vex_log_bytes)( myprintf_buf, n_myprintf_buf );
+   }
+   va_end(vargs);
+   return ret;
+/*--- end                                          vex_util.c ---*/