Move some conversion functions (IEEE double <-> x87 extended-real
format) into their own module, so they can be shared by the x86 and
amd64 front ends.

git-svn-id: svn:// 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.c b/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c9aa6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.c
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (guest-generic/g_generic_x87.c) is            ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (c) 2005 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved. ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+   This file is part of LibVEX, a library for dynamic binary
+   instrumentation and translation.
+   Copyright (C) 2004-2005 OpenWorks, LLP.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; Version 2 dated June 1991 of the
+   license.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   for damages.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+   Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
+   University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
+   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+   USA.
+/* This file contains functions for doing some x87-specific
+   operations.  Both the amd64 and x86 front ends (guests) indirectly
+   call these functions via guest helper calls.  By putting them here,
+   code duplication is avoided.  Some of these functions are tricky
+   and hard to verify, so there is much to be said for only having one
+   copy thereof.
+#include "libvex_basictypes.h"
+#include "main/vex_util.h"
+#include "guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h"
+/* 80 and 64-bit floating point formats:
+   80-bit:
+    S  0       0-------0      zero
+    S  0       0X------X      denormals
+    S  1-7FFE  1X------X      normals (all normals have leading 1)
+    S  7FFF    10------0      infinity
+    S  7FFF    10X-----X      snan
+    S  7FFF    11X-----X      qnan
+   S is the sign bit.  For runs X----X, at least one of the Xs must be
+   nonzero.  Exponent is 15 bits, fractional part is 63 bits, and
+   there is an explicitly represented leading 1, and a sign bit,
+   giving 80 in total.
+   64-bit avoids the confusion of an explicitly represented leading 1
+   and so is simpler:
+    S  0      0------0   zero
+    S  0      X------X   denormals
+    S  1-7FE  any        normals
+    S  7FF    0------0   infinity
+    S  7FF    0X-----X   snan
+    S  7FF    1X-----X   qnan
+   Exponent is 11 bits, fractional part is 52 bits, and there is a 
+   sign bit, giving 64 in total.
+static inline UInt read_bit_array ( UChar* arr, UInt n )
+   UChar c = arr[n >> 3];
+   c >>= (n&7);
+   return c & 1;
+static inline void write_bit_array ( UChar* arr, UInt n, UInt b )
+   UChar c = arr[n >> 3];
+   c = toUChar( c & ~(1 << (n&7)) );
+   c = toUChar( c | ((b&1) << (n&7)) );
+   arr[n >> 3] = c;
+/* Convert an IEEE754 double (64-bit) into an x87 extended double
+   (80-bit), mimicing the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
+   stored little-endian.  Limitations, all of which could be fixed,
+   given some level of hassle:
+   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
+   See comments in the code for more details.
+void convert_f64le_to_f80le ( /*IN*/UChar* f64, /*OUT*/UChar* f80 )
+   Bool  mantissaIsZero;
+   Int   bexp, i, j, shift;
+   UChar sign;
+   sign = toUChar( (f64[7] >> 7) & 1 );
+   bexp = (f64[7] << 4) | ((f64[6] >> 4) & 0x0F);
+   bexp &= 0x7FF;
+   mantissaIsZero = False;
+   if (bexp == 0 || bexp == 0x7FF) {
+      /* We'll need to know whether or not the mantissa (bits 51:0) is
+         all zeroes in order to handle these cases.  So figure it
+         out. */
+      mantissaIsZero
+         = toBool( 
+              (f64[6] & 0x0F) == 0 
+              && f64[5] == 0 && f64[4] == 0 && f64[3] == 0 
+              && f64[2] == 0 && f64[1] == 0 && f64[0] == 0
+           );
+   }
+   /* If the exponent is zero, either we have a zero or a denormal.
+      Produce a zero.  This is a hack in that it forces denormals to
+      zero.  Could do better. */
+   if (bexp == 0) {
+      f80[9] = toUChar( sign << 7 );
+      f80[8] = f80[7] = f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4]
+             = f80[3] = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0;
+      if (mantissaIsZero)
+         /* It really is zero, so that's all we can do. */
+         return;
+      /* There is at least one 1-bit in the mantissa.  So it's a
+         potentially denormalised double -- but we can produce a
+         normalised long double.  Count the leading zeroes in the
+         mantissa so as to decide how much to bump the exponent down
+         by.  Note, this is SLOW. */
+      shift = 0;
+      for (i = 51; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (read_bit_array(f64, i))
+           break;
+        shift++;
+      }
+      /* and copy into place as many bits as we can get our hands on. */
+      j = 63;
+      for (i = 51 - shift; i >= 0; i--) {
+         write_bit_array( f80, j,
+     	 read_bit_array( f64, i ) );
+         j--;
+      }
+      /* Set the exponent appropriately, and we're done. */
+      bexp -= shift;
+      bexp += (16383 - 1023);
+      f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 8) & 0xFF) );
+      f80[8] = toUChar( bexp & 0xFF );
+      return;
+   }
+   /* If the exponent is 7FF, this is either an Infinity, a SNaN or
+      QNaN, as determined by examining bits 51:0, thus:
+          0  ... 0    Inf
+          0X ... X    SNaN
+          1X ... X    QNaN
+      where at least one of the Xs is not zero.
+   */
+   if (bexp == 0x7FF) {
+      if (mantissaIsZero) {
+         /* Produce an appropriately signed infinity:
+            S 1--1 (15)  1  0--0 (63)
+         */
+         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
+         f80[8] = 0xFF;
+         f80[7] = 0x80;
+         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
+                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0;
+         return;
+      }
+      /* So it's either a QNaN or SNaN.  Distinguish by considering
+         bit 51.  Note, this destroys all the trailing bits
+         (identity?) of the NaN.  IEEE754 doesn't require preserving
+         these (it only requires that there be one QNaN value and one
+         SNaN value), but x87 does seem to have some ability to
+         preserve them.  Anyway, here, the NaN's identity is
+         destroyed.  Could be improved. */
+      if (f64[6] & 8) {
+         /* QNaN.  Make a QNaN:
+            S 1--1 (15)  1  1--1 (63) 
+         */
+         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
+         f80[8] = 0xFF;
+         f80[7] = 0xFF;
+         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
+                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0xFF;
+      } else {
+         /* SNaN.  Make a SNaN:
+            S 1--1 (15)  0  1--1 (63) 
+         */
+         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
+         f80[8] = 0xFF;
+         f80[7] = 0x7F;
+         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
+                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0xFF;
+      }
+      return;
+   }
+   /* It's not a zero, denormal, infinity or nan.  So it must be a
+      normalised number.  Rebias the exponent and build the new
+      number.  */
+   bexp += (16383 - 1023);
+   f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 8) & 0xFF) );
+   f80[8] = toUChar( bexp & 0xFF );
+   f80[7] = toUChar( (1 << 7) | ((f64[6] << 3) & 0x78) 
+                              | ((f64[5] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[6] = toUChar( ((f64[5] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[4] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[5] = toUChar( ((f64[4] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[3] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[4] = toUChar( ((f64[3] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[2] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[3] = toUChar( ((f64[2] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[1] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[2] = toUChar( ((f64[1] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[0] >> 5) & 7) );
+   f80[1] = toUChar( ((f64[0] << 3) & 0xF8) );
+   f80[0] = toUChar( 0 );
+/* Convert an x87 extended double (80-bit) into an IEEE 754 double
+   (64-bit), mimicking the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
+   stored little-endian.  Limitations, both of which could be fixed,
+   given some level of hassle:
+   * Rounding following truncation could be a bit better.
+   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
+   See comments in the code for more details.
+void convert_f80le_to_f64le ( /*IN*/UChar* f80, /*OUT*/UChar* f64 )
+   Bool  isInf;
+   Int   bexp, i, j;
+   UChar sign;
+   sign = toUChar((f80[9] >> 7) & 1);
+   bexp = (((UInt)f80[9]) << 8) | (UInt)f80[8];
+   bexp &= 0x7FFF;
+   /* If the exponent is zero, either we have a zero or a denormal.
+      But an extended precision denormal becomes a double precision
+      zero, so in either case, just produce the appropriately signed
+      zero. */
+   if (bexp == 0) {
+      f64[7] = toUChar(sign << 7);
+      f64[6] = f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   /* If the exponent is 7FFF, this is either an Infinity, a SNaN or
+      QNaN, as determined by examining bits 62:0, thus:
+          0  ... 0    Inf
+          0X ... X    SNaN
+          1X ... X    QNaN
+      where at least one of the Xs is not zero.
+   */
+   if (bexp == 0x7FFF) {
+      isInf = toBool(
+                 (f80[7] & 0x7F) == 0 
+                 && f80[6] == 0 && f80[5] == 0 && f80[4] == 0 
+                 && f80[3] == 0 && f80[2] == 0 && f80[1] == 0 
+                 && f80[0] == 0
+              );
+      if (isInf) {
+         if (0 == (f80[7] & 0x80))
+            goto wierd_NaN;
+         /* Produce an appropriately signed infinity:
+            S 1--1 (11)  0--0 (52)
+         */
+         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
+         f64[6] = 0xF0;
+         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
+         return;
+      }
+      /* So it's either a QNaN or SNaN.  Distinguish by considering
+         bit 62.  Note, this destroys all the trailing bits
+         (identity?) of the NaN.  IEEE754 doesn't require preserving
+         these (it only requires that there be one QNaN value and one
+         SNaN value), but x87 does seem to have some ability to
+         preserve them.  Anyway, here, the NaN's identity is
+         destroyed.  Could be improved. */
+      if (f80[8] & 0x40) {
+         /* QNaN.  Make a QNaN:
+            S 1--1 (11)  1  1--1 (51) 
+         */
+         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
+         f64[6] = 0xFF;
+         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0xFF;
+      } else {
+         /* SNaN.  Make a SNaN:
+            S 1--1 (11)  0  1--1 (51) 
+         */
+         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
+         f64[6] = 0xF7;
+         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0xFF;
+      }
+      return;
+   }
+   /* If it's not a Zero, NaN or Inf, and the integer part (bit 62) is
+      zero, the x87 FPU appears to consider the number denormalised
+      and converts it to a QNaN. */
+   if (0 == (f80[7] & 0x80)) {
+      wierd_NaN:
+      /* Strange hardware QNaN:
+         S 1--1 (11)  1  0--0 (51) 
+      */
+      /* On a PIII, these QNaNs always appear with sign==1.  I have
+         no idea why. */
+      f64[7] = (1 /*sign*/ << 7) | 0x7F;
+      f64[6] = 0xF8;
+      f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   /* It's not a zero, denormal, infinity or nan.  So it must be a 
+      normalised number.  Rebias the exponent and consider. */
+   bexp -= (16383 - 1023);
+   if (bexp >= 0x7FF) {
+      /* It's too big for a double.  Construct an infinity. */
+      f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
+      f64[6] = 0xF0;
+      f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   if (bexp <= 0) {
+      /* It's too small for a normalised double.  First construct a
+         zero and then see if it can be improved into a denormal.  */
+      f64[7] = toUChar(sign << 7);
+      f64[6] = f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
+      if (bexp < -52)
+         /* Too small even for a denormal. */
+         return;
+      /* Ok, let's make a denormal.  Note, this is SLOW. */
+      /* Copy bits 63, 62, 61, etc of the src mantissa into the dst, 
+         indexes 52+bexp, 51+bexp, etc, until k+bexp < 0. */
+      /* bexp is in range -52 .. 0 inclusive */
+      for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
+         j = i - 12 + bexp;
+         if (j < 0) break;
+         /* We shouldn't really call vassert from generated code. */
+         vassert(j >= 0 && j < 52);
+         write_bit_array ( f64,
+                           j,
+                           read_bit_array ( f80, i ) );
+      }
+      /* and now we might have to round ... */
+      if (read_bit_array(f80, 10+1 - bexp) == 1) 
+         goto do_rounding;
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Ok, it's a normalised number which is representable as a double.
+      Copy the exponent and mantissa into place. */
+   /*
+   for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
+      write_bit_array ( f64,
+                        i,
+                        read_bit_array ( f80, i+11 ) );
+   */
+   f64[0] = toUChar( (f80[1] >> 3) | (f80[2] << 5) );
+   f64[1] = toUChar( (f80[2] >> 3) | (f80[3] << 5) );
+   f64[2] = toUChar( (f80[3] >> 3) | (f80[4] << 5) );
+   f64[3] = toUChar( (f80[4] >> 3) | (f80[5] << 5) );
+   f64[4] = toUChar( (f80[5] >> 3) | (f80[6] << 5) );
+   f64[5] = toUChar( (f80[6] >> 3) | (f80[7] << 5) );
+   f64[6] = toUChar( ((bexp << 4) & 0xF0) | ((f80[7] >> 3) & 0x0F) );
+   f64[7] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 4) & 0x7F) );
+   /* Now consider any rounding that needs to happen as a result of
+      truncating the mantissa. */
+   if (f80[1] & 4) /* read_bit_array(f80, 10) == 1) */ {
+      /* If the bottom bits of f80 are "100 0000 0000", then the
+         infinitely precise value is deemed to be mid-way between the
+         two closest representable values.  Since we're doing
+         round-to-nearest (the default mode), in that case it is the
+         bit immediately above which indicates whether we should round
+         upwards or not -- if 0, we don't.  All that is encapsulated
+         in the following simple test. */
+      if ((f80[1] & 0xF) == 4/*0100b*/ && f80[0] == 0)
+         return;
+      do_rounding:
+      /* Round upwards.  This is a kludge.  Once in every 2^24
+         roundings (statistically) the bottom three bytes are all 0xFF
+         and so we don't round at all.  Could be improved. */
+      if (f64[0] != 0xFF) { 
+         f64[0]++; 
+      }
+      else 
+      if (f64[0] == 0xFF && f64[1] != 0xFF) {
+         f64[0] = 0;
+         f64[1]++;
+      }
+      else      
+      if (f64[0] == 0xFF && f64[1] == 0xFF && f64[2] != 0xFF) {
+         f64[0] = 0;
+         f64[1] = 0;
+         f64[2]++;
+      }
+      /* else we don't round, but we should. */
+   }
+/*--- end                       guest-generic/h_generic_x87.c ---*/
diff --git a/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h b/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2901612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h) is            ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (c) 2005 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved. ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+   This file is part of LibVEX, a library for dynamic binary
+   instrumentation and translation.
+   Copyright (C) 2004-2005 OpenWorks, LLP.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; Version 2 dated June 1991 of the
+   license.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   for damages.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+   Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
+   University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
+   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+   USA.
+/* This file contains functions for doing some x87-specific
+   operations.  Both the amd64 and x86 front ends (guests) indirectly
+   call these functions via guest helper calls.  By putting them here,
+   code duplication is avoided.  Some of these functions are tricky
+   and hard to verify, so there is much to be said for only having one
+   copy thereof.
+#ifndef __G_GENERIC_X87_H
+#define __G_GENERIC_X87_H
+#include "libvex_basictypes.h"
+/* Convert an IEEE754 double (64-bit) into an x87 extended double
+   (80-bit), mimicing the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
+   stored little-endian.  Limitations, all of which could be fixed,
+   given some level of hassle:
+   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
+   See comments in the code for more details.
+void convert_f64le_to_f80le ( /*IN*/UChar* f64, /*OUT*/UChar* f80 );
+/* Convert an x87 extended double (80-bit) into an IEEE 754 double
+   (64-bit), mimicking the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
+   stored little-endian.  Limitations, both of which could be fixed,
+   given some level of hassle:
+   * Rounding following truncation could be a bit better.
+   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
+   See comments in the code for more details.
+void convert_f80le_to_f64le ( /*IN*/UChar* f80, /*OUT*/UChar* f64 );
+#endif /* ndef __G_GENERIC_X87_H */
+/*--- end                       guest-generic/h_generic_x87.h ---*/
diff --git a/priv/guest-x86/ghelpers.c b/priv/guest-x86/ghelpers.c
index 4c39139..a6837f6 100644
--- a/priv/guest-x86/ghelpers.c
+++ b/priv/guest-x86/ghelpers.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 #include "main/vex_util.h"
 #include "guest-x86/gdefs.h"
+#include "guest-generic/g_generic_x87.h"
 /* This file contains helper functions for x86 guest code.
@@ -1110,22 +1110,6 @@
    return toBool(*p == 0x10);
-static inline UInt read_bit_array ( UChar* arr, UInt n )
-   UChar c = arr[n >> 3];
-   c >>= (n&7);
-   return c & 1;
-static inline void write_bit_array ( UChar* arr, UInt n, UInt b )
-   UChar c = arr[n >> 3];
-   c = toUChar( c & ~(1 << (n&7)) );
-   c = toUChar( c | ((b&1) << (n&7)) );
-   arr[n >> 3] = c;
 /* 80 and 64-bit floating point formats:
@@ -1228,339 +1212,6 @@
-/* Convert a IEEE754 double (64-bit) into an x87 extended double
-   (80-bit), mimicing the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
-   stored little-endian.  Limitations, all of which could be fixed,
-   given some level of hassle:
-   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
-   See comments in the code for more details.  
-static void convert_f64le_to_f80le ( /*IN*/UChar* f64, /*OUT*/UChar* f80 )
-   Bool  mantissaIsZero;
-   Int   bexp, i, j, shift;
-   UChar sign;
-   sign = toUChar( (f64[7] >> 7) & 1 );
-   bexp = (f64[7] << 4) | ((f64[6] >> 4) & 0x0F);
-   bexp &= 0x7FF;
-   mantissaIsZero = False;
-   if (bexp == 0 || bexp == 0x7FF) {
-      /* We'll need to know whether or not the mantissa (bits 51:0) is
-         all zeroes in order to handle these cases.  So figure it
-         out. */
-      mantissaIsZero
-         = toBool( 
-              (f64[6] & 0x0F) == 0 
-              && f64[5] == 0 && f64[4] == 0 && f64[3] == 0 
-              && f64[2] == 0 && f64[1] == 0 && f64[0] == 0
-           );
-   }
-   /* If the exponent is zero, either we have a zero or a denormal.
-      Produce a zero.  This is a hack in that it forces denormals to
-      zero.  Could do better. */
-   if (bexp == 0) {
-      f80[9] = toUChar( sign << 7 );
-      f80[8] = f80[7] = f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4]
-             = f80[3] = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0;
-      if (mantissaIsZero)
-         /* It really is zero, so that's all we can do. */
-         return;
-      /* There is at least one 1-bit in the mantissa.  So it's a
-         potentially denormalised double -- but we can produce a
-         normalised long double.  Count the leading zeroes in the
-         mantissa so as to decide how much to bump the exponent down
-         by.  Note, this is SLOW. */
-      shift = 0;
-      for (i = 51; i >= 0; i--) {
-        if (read_bit_array(f64, i))
-           break;
-        shift++;
-      }
-      /* and copy into place as many bits as we can get our hands on. */
-      j = 63;
-      for (i = 51 - shift; i >= 0; i--) {
-         write_bit_array( f80, j,
-     	 read_bit_array( f64, i ) );
-         j--;
-      }
-      /* Set the exponent appropriately, and we're done. */
-      bexp -= shift;
-      bexp += (16383 - 1023);
-      f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 8) & 0xFF) );
-      f80[8] = toUChar( bexp & 0xFF );
-      return;
-   }
-   /* If the exponent is 7FF, this is either an Infinity, a SNaN or
-      QNaN, as determined by examining bits 51:0, thus:
-          0  ... 0    Inf
-          0X ... X    SNaN
-          1X ... X    QNaN
-      where at least one of the Xs is not zero.
-   */
-   if (bexp == 0x7FF) {
-      if (mantissaIsZero) {
-         /* Produce an appropriately signed infinity:
-            S 1--1 (15)  1  0--0 (63)
-         */
-         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
-         f80[8] = 0xFF;
-         f80[7] = 0x80;
-         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
-                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0;
-         return;
-      }
-      /* So it's either a QNaN or SNaN.  Distinguish by considering
-         bit 51.  Note, this destroys all the trailing bits
-         (identity?) of the NaN.  IEEE754 doesn't require preserving
-         these (it only requires that there be one QNaN value and one
-         SNaN value), but x87 does seem to have some ability to
-         preserve them.  Anyway, here, the NaN's identity is
-         destroyed.  Could be improved. */
-      if (f64[6] & 8) {
-         /* QNaN.  Make a QNaN:
-            S 1--1 (15)  1  1--1 (63) 
-         */
-         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
-         f80[8] = 0xFF;
-         f80[7] = 0xFF;
-         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
-                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0xFF;
-      } else {
-         /* SNaN.  Make a SNaN:
-            S 1--1 (15)  0  1--1 (63) 
-         */
-         f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | 0x7F );
-         f80[8] = 0xFF;
-         f80[7] = 0x7F;
-         f80[6] = f80[5] = f80[4] = f80[3] 
-                = f80[2] = f80[1] = f80[0] = 0xFF;
-      }
-      return;
-   }
-   /* It's not a zero, denormal, infinity or nan.  So it must be a
-      normalised number.  Rebias the exponent and build the new
-      number.  */
-   bexp += (16383 - 1023);
-   f80[9] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 8) & 0xFF) );
-   f80[8] = toUChar( bexp & 0xFF );
-   f80[7] = toUChar( (1 << 7) | ((f64[6] << 3) & 0x78) 
-                              | ((f64[5] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[6] = toUChar( ((f64[5] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[4] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[5] = toUChar( ((f64[4] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[3] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[4] = toUChar( ((f64[3] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[2] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[3] = toUChar( ((f64[2] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[1] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[2] = toUChar( ((f64[1] << 3) & 0xF8) | ((f64[0] >> 5) & 7) );
-   f80[1] = toUChar( ((f64[0] << 3) & 0xF8) );
-   f80[0] = toUChar( 0 );
-/* Convert a x87 extended double (80-bit) into an IEEE 754 double
-   (64-bit), mimicking the hardware fairly closely.  Both numbers are
-   stored little-endian.  Limitations, both of which could be fixed,
-   given some level of hassle:
-   * Rounding following truncation could be a bit better.
-   * Identity of NaNs is not preserved.
-   See comments in the code for more details.
-static void convert_f80le_to_f64le ( /*IN*/UChar* f80, /*OUT*/UChar* f64 )
-   Bool  isInf;
-   Int   bexp, i, j;
-   UChar sign;
-   sign = toUChar((f80[9] >> 7) & 1);
-   bexp = (((UInt)f80[9]) << 8) | (UInt)f80[8];
-   bexp &= 0x7FFF;
-   /* If the exponent is zero, either we have a zero or a denormal.
-      But an extended precision denormal becomes a double precision
-      zero, so in either case, just produce the appropriately signed
-      zero. */
-   if (bexp == 0) {
-      f64[7] = toUChar(sign << 7);
-      f64[6] = f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
-      return;
-   }
-   /* If the exponent is 7FFF, this is either an Infinity, a SNaN or
-      QNaN, as determined by examining bits 62:0, thus:
-          0  ... 0    Inf
-          0X ... X    SNaN
-          1X ... X    QNaN
-      where at least one of the Xs is not zero.
-   */
-   if (bexp == 0x7FFF) {
-      isInf = toBool(
-                 (f80[7] & 0x7F) == 0 
-                 && f80[6] == 0 && f80[5] == 0 && f80[4] == 0 
-                 && f80[3] == 0 && f80[2] == 0 && f80[1] == 0 
-                 && f80[0] == 0
-              );
-      if (isInf) {
-         if (0 == (f80[7] & 0x80))
-            goto wierd_NaN;
-         /* Produce an appropriately signed infinity:
-            S 1--1 (11)  0--0 (52)
-         */
-         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
-         f64[6] = 0xF0;
-         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
-         return;
-      }
-      /* So it's either a QNaN or SNaN.  Distinguish by considering
-         bit 62.  Note, this destroys all the trailing bits
-         (identity?) of the NaN.  IEEE754 doesn't require preserving
-         these (it only requires that there be one QNaN value and one
-         SNaN value), but x87 does seem to have some ability to
-         preserve them.  Anyway, here, the NaN's identity is
-         destroyed.  Could be improved. */
-      if (f80[8] & 0x40) {
-         /* QNaN.  Make a QNaN:
-            S 1--1 (11)  1  1--1 (51) 
-         */
-         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
-         f64[6] = 0xFF;
-         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0xFF;
-      } else {
-         /* SNaN.  Make a SNaN:
-            S 1--1 (11)  0  1--1 (51) 
-         */
-         f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
-         f64[6] = 0xF7;
-         f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0xFF;
-      }
-      return;
-   }
-   /* If it's not a Zero, NaN or Inf, and the integer part (bit 62) is
-      zero, the x87 FPU appears to consider the number denormalised
-      and converts it to a QNaN. */
-   if (0 == (f80[7] & 0x80)) {
-      wierd_NaN:
-      /* Strange hardware QNaN:
-         S 1--1 (11)  1  0--0 (51) 
-      */
-      /* On a PIII, these QNaNs always appear with sign==1.  I have
-         no idea why. */
-      f64[7] = (1 /*sign*/ << 7) | 0x7F;
-      f64[6] = 0xF8;
-      f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
-      return;
-   }
-   /* It's not a zero, denormal, infinity or nan.  So it must be a 
-      normalised number.  Rebias the exponent and consider. */
-   bexp -= (16383 - 1023);
-   if (bexp >= 0x7FF) {
-      /* It's too big for a double.  Construct an infinity. */
-      f64[7] = toUChar((sign << 7) | 0x7F);
-      f64[6] = 0xF0;
-      f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
-      return;
-   }
-   if (bexp <= 0) {
-      /* It's too small for a normalised double.  First construct a
-         zero and then see if it can be improved into a denormal.  */
-      f64[7] = toUChar(sign << 7);
-      f64[6] = f64[5] = f64[4] = f64[3] = f64[2] = f64[1] = f64[0] = 0;
-      if (bexp < -52)
-         /* Too small even for a denormal. */
-         return;
-      /* Ok, let's make a denormal.  Note, this is SLOW. */
-      /* Copy bits 63, 62, 61, etc of the src mantissa into the dst, 
-         indexes 52+bexp, 51+bexp, etc, until k+bexp < 0. */
-      /* bexp is in range -52 .. 0 inclusive */
-      for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
-         j = i - 12 + bexp;
-         if (j < 0) break;
-         /* We shouldn't really call vassert from generated code. */
-         vassert(j >= 0 && j < 52);
-         write_bit_array ( f64,
-                           j,
-                           read_bit_array ( f80, i ) );
-      }
-      /* and now we might have to round ... */
-      if (read_bit_array(f80, 10+1 - bexp) == 1) 
-         goto do_rounding;
-      return;
-   }
-   /* Ok, it's a normalised number which is representable as a double.
-      Copy the exponent and mantissa into place. */
-   /*
-   for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
-      write_bit_array ( f64,
-                        i,
-                        read_bit_array ( f80, i+11 ) );
-   */
-   f64[0] = toUChar( (f80[1] >> 3) | (f80[2] << 5) );
-   f64[1] = toUChar( (f80[2] >> 3) | (f80[3] << 5) );
-   f64[2] = toUChar( (f80[3] >> 3) | (f80[4] << 5) );
-   f64[3] = toUChar( (f80[4] >> 3) | (f80[5] << 5) );
-   f64[4] = toUChar( (f80[5] >> 3) | (f80[6] << 5) );
-   f64[5] = toUChar( (f80[6] >> 3) | (f80[7] << 5) );
-   f64[6] = toUChar( ((bexp << 4) & 0xF0) | ((f80[7] >> 3) & 0x0F) );
-   f64[7] = toUChar( (sign << 7) | ((bexp >> 4) & 0x7F) );
-   /* Now consider any rounding that needs to happen as a result of
-      truncating the mantissa. */
-   if (f80[1] & 4) /* read_bit_array(f80, 10) == 1) */ {
-      /* If the bottom bits of f80 are "100 0000 0000", then the
-         infinitely precise value is deemed to be mid-way between the
-         two closest representable values.  Since we're doing
-         round-to-nearest (the default mode), in that case it is the
-         bit immediately above which indicates whether we should round
-         upwards or not -- if 0, we don't.  All that is encapsulated
-         in the following simple test. */
-      if ((f80[1] & 0xF) == 4/*0100b*/ && f80[0] == 0)
-         return;
-      do_rounding:
-      /* Round upwards.  This is a kludge.  Once in every 2^24
-         roundings (statistically) the bottom three bytes are all 0xFF
-         and so we don't round at all.  Could be improved. */
-      if (f64[0] != 0xFF) { 
-         f64[0]++; 
-      }
-      else 
-      if (f64[0] == 0xFF && f64[1] != 0xFF) {
-         f64[0] = 0;
-         f64[1]++;
-      }
-      else      
-      if (f64[0] == 0xFF && f64[1] == 0xFF && f64[2] != 0xFF) {
-         f64[0] = 0;
-         f64[1] = 0;
-         f64[2]++;
-      }
-      /* else we don't round, but we should. */
-   }
 /* DIRTY HELPER (reads guest memory) */
 ULong x86g_loadF80le ( UInt addrU )