Updated to do list.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@7719 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/exp-drd/TODO.txt b/exp-drd/TODO.txt
index 2d6fa53..0a7cbe5 100644
--- a/exp-drd/TODO.txt
+++ b/exp-drd/TODO.txt
@@ -35,13 +35,9 @@
 - Find out why no line number or variable name information is printed for
   races detected in parallel sections of OpenMP programs. An example:
   ./vg-in-place --tool=exp-drd exp-drd/tests/omp_prime 4 -t 2
-- Find out why there are races reported on exp-drd/tests/pth_detached_sem
-  on AMD64 (information about freeing stack memory not passed to DRD ?):
-  ./vg-in-place --tool=exp-drd exp-drd/tests/pth_detached_sem 3 0
 - Find a way for suppressing races reported on _IO_2_1_stdout. This race is
   triggered by calling printf() from more than one thread. Examples (AMD64):
   ./vg-in-place --tool=exp-drd exp-drd/tests/tc21_pthonce
-  ./vg-in-place --tool=exp-drd exp-drd/tests/pth_detached 10 10 1
 - Find out why 'matinv 400' runs faster in 32-bit mode than in 64-bit mode
   on the same CPU.
 - testing on PPC and AIX (current implementation is only tested on X86 and