  - Factored out a lot of commonality between AddrCheck and MemCheck.  Basic
    idea is that common code goes into a single file in MemCheck, and AddrCheck
    peeks in and "borrows" it.

    More or less, only identical code or identical-with-respect-to-subtypes
    code was factored out.

    Identical-with-respect-to-subtypes means that some enum types (SuppKind,
    ErrorKind, etc) were merged because they were identical except that
    MemCheck had some extra constants.  So some of the code borrowed by
    AddrCheck contains cases it never needs.  But that's not so bad, avoiding
    the duplication is IMHO more important.

  - ac_include.h, it wasn't necessary

  - All the old debugging stuff from ac_main.c (printing shadow regs, not
    applicable for AddrCheck).

  - MANUAL_DEPS from memcheck/Makefile.am because it wasn't doing anything

  - Some unnecessary crud from addrcheck/Makefile.am

  - memcheck/mc_common.{c,h}
  - memcheck/mc_constants.h
  - addrcheck/ac_common.c, which simply #includes memcheck/mc_common.c.  This
    hack was required because there is no way (that I could work out) to tell
    Automake that it should build ../memcheck/mc_common.o before building

  - a lot of prefixes from SK_ to MC_;  only core/skin interface functions are
    prefixed with SK_ now.  This makes it clear which functions are from the
    core/skin interface, and for AddrCheck it's clear which functions are
    shared with/borrowed from MemCheck.  Changed some related prefixes for

  - Also factored out some duplication within AddrCheck -- some accessibility
    checking was needlessly split up into separate read and write checks that
    did the same thing.

  - I considered moving the leak detector out of core into mc_common.c, but
    didn't, because it constantly accesses ShadowChunk fields and converting to
    get/set methods would have been a total pain.

  - Left old debugging stuff in for MemCheck, although I seriously doubt it
    would still work.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@1325 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_include.h b/memcheck/mc_include.h
index 732db24..83d1d58 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_include.h
+++ b/memcheck/mc_include.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #ifndef __MC_INCLUDE_H
 #define __MC_INCLUDE_H
-#include "vg_skin.h"
+#include "mc_common.h"
 /* UCode extension for efficient memory checking operations */
@@ -87,122 +87,50 @@
-/* The classification of a faulting address. */
-   enum { Undescribed, /* as-yet unclassified */
-          Stack, 
-          Unknown, /* classification yielded nothing useful */
-          Freed, Mallocd, 
-          UserG, UserS 
-   }
-   AddrKind;
-/* Records info about a faulting address. */
-   struct {
-      /* ALL */
-      AddrKind akind;
-      /* Freed, Mallocd */
-      Int blksize;
-      /* Freed, Mallocd */
-      Int rwoffset;
-      /* Freed, Mallocd */
-      ExeContext* lastchange;
-      /* Stack */
-      ThreadId stack_tid;
-      /* True if is just-below %esp -- could be a gcc bug. */
-      Bool maybe_gcc;
-   }
-   AddrInfo;
-/*--- Skin-specific command line options + defaults        ---*/
-/* Allow loads from partially-valid addresses?  default: YES */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_partial_loads_ok);
-/* Max volume of the freed blocks queue. */
-extern Int SK_(clo_freelist_vol);
-/* Do leak check at exit?  default: NO */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_leak_check);
-/* How closely should we compare ExeContexts in leak records? default: 2 */
-extern VgRes SK_(clo_leak_resolution);
-/* In leak check, show reachable-but-not-freed blocks?  default: NO */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_show_reachable);
-/* Assume accesses immediately below %esp are due to gcc-2.96 bugs.
- * default: NO*/
-extern Bool SK_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs);
-/* Shall we V-check addrs? (they are always A checked too)   default: YES */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_check_addrVs);
-/* DEBUG: clean up instrumented code?  default: YES */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_cleanup);
-/* When instrumenting, omit some checks if tell-tale literals for
-   inlined strlen() are visible in the basic block.  default: YES */
-extern Bool SK_(clo_avoid_strlen_errors);
 /*--- Functions                                            ---*/
 /* Functions defined in vg_memcheck_helpers.S */
-extern void SK_(helper_value_check4_fail) ( void );
-extern void SK_(helper_value_check2_fail) ( void );
-extern void SK_(helper_value_check1_fail) ( void );
-extern void SK_(helper_value_check0_fail) ( void );
+extern void MC_(helper_value_check4_fail) ( void );
+extern void MC_(helper_value_check2_fail) ( void );
+extern void MC_(helper_value_check1_fail) ( void );
+extern void MC_(helper_value_check0_fail) ( void );
 /* Functions defined in vg_memcheck.c */
-extern void SK_(helperc_STOREV4) ( Addr, UInt );
-extern void SK_(helperc_STOREV2) ( Addr, UInt );
-extern void SK_(helperc_STOREV1) ( Addr, UInt );
+extern void MC_(helperc_STOREV4) ( Addr, UInt );
+extern void MC_(helperc_STOREV2) ( Addr, UInt );
+extern void MC_(helperc_STOREV1) ( Addr, UInt );
-extern UInt SK_(helperc_LOADV1) ( Addr );
-extern UInt SK_(helperc_LOADV2) ( Addr );
-extern UInt SK_(helperc_LOADV4) ( Addr );
+extern UInt MC_(helperc_LOADV1) ( Addr );
+extern UInt MC_(helperc_LOADV2) ( Addr );
+extern UInt MC_(helperc_LOADV4) ( Addr );
-extern void SK_(fpu_write_check) ( Addr addr, Int size );
-extern void SK_(fpu_read_check)  ( Addr addr, Int size );
+extern void MC_(fpu_write_check) ( Addr addr, Int size );
+extern void MC_(fpu_read_check)  ( Addr addr, Int size );
-extern ShadowChunk* SK_(any_matching_freed_ShadowChunks) 
-                        ( Bool (*p) ( ShadowChunk* ) );
 /* For client requests */
-extern void SK_(make_noaccess) ( Addr a, UInt len );
-extern void SK_(make_readable) ( Addr a, UInt len );
-extern void SK_(make_writable) ( Addr a, UInt len );
+extern void MC_(make_noaccess) ( Addr a, UInt len );
+extern void MC_(make_readable) ( Addr a, UInt len );
+extern void MC_(make_writable) ( Addr a, UInt len );
-extern Bool SK_(check_writable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr );
-extern Bool SK_(check_readable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr );
+extern Bool MC_(check_writable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr );
+extern Bool MC_(check_readable) ( Addr a, UInt len, Addr* bad_addr );
-extern void SK_(detect_memory_leaks) ( void );
+extern void MC_(detect_memory_leaks) ( void );
 /* Functions defined in vg_memcheck_clientreqs.c */
-extern Bool SK_(client_perm_maybe_describe)( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
-extern void SK_(delete_client_stack_blocks_following_ESP_change) ( void );
-extern void SK_(show_client_block_stats) ( void );
+extern Bool MC_(client_perm_maybe_describe)( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
+extern void MC_(show_client_block_stats) ( void );
 /* Functions defined in vg_memcheck_errcontext.c */
-extern void SK_(record_value_error)       ( Int size );
-extern void SK_(record_address_error)     ( Addr a, Int size, Bool isWrite );
-extern void SK_(record_core_mem_error)    ( ThreadState* tst, Bool isWrite,
-                                            Char* s );
-extern void SK_(record_param_error)       ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a,   
-                                            Bool isWriteLack, Char* msg );
-extern void SK_(record_jump_error)        ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
-extern void SK_(record_free_error)        ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
-extern void SK_(record_freemismatch_error)( ThreadState* tst, Addr a );
-extern void SK_(record_user_error)        ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a, 
-                                            Bool isWrite );
+extern void MC_(record_value_error) ( Int size );
+extern void MC_(record_user_error)  ( ThreadState* tst, Addr a, Bool isWrite );