blob: 07840f4601edf813ab16f4367d0952cbe54de952 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is used by coregrind/ and for doing
# "in-place" installs. It copies $(noinst_PROGRAMS) into $inplacedir, doing
# some magic renaming as it does.
# The similar code below explains how the magic sed commands work.
if [ -n "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" ] ; then \
for f in $(noinst_PROGRAMS); do \
name=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/-\([^-]*-[^-.]*\)\(\..*\)\{0,1\}$$/\2/'`; \
plat=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/^.*-\([^-]*-[^-.]*\)\(\..*\)\{0,1\}$$/\1/'`; \
mkdir -p $(inplacedir)/$$plat; \
rm -f $(inplacedir)/$$plat/$$name; \
ln -f -s ../../$(subdir)/$$f $(inplacedir)/$$plat/$$name; \
done ; \
# This is used by coregrind/ and by <tool>/ for doing
# "make install". It copies $(noinst_PROGRAMS) into $prefix/lib/valgrind/,
# doing some magic renaming as it does.
# It needs to be depended on by an 'install-exec-local' rule.
# Details about the renaming: the loop copies a bunch of files with
# names of the form wurble-arch-os to $prefix/lib/valgrind/arch-os/wurble.
# There is some complexity in the sed mangling because wurble may itself
# contain a dash, which must be ignored. For example we want
# exp-omega-x86-linux
# to be installed in
# $prefix/lib/valgrind/x86-linux/exp-omega
# and not in
# $prefix/lib/valgrind/omega-x86-linux/exp
# or similarly mutant place.
if [ -n "$(noinst_PROGRAMS)" ] ; then \
for f in $(noinst_PROGRAMS); do \
name=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/-\([^-]*-[^-.]*\)\(\..*\)\?$$/\2/'`; \
plat=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/^.*-\([^-]*-[^-.]*\)\(\..*\)\?$$/\1/'`; \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(valdir)/$$plat; \
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(valdir)/$$plat/$$name; \
done ; \