Merge memcheck/ changes from branches/MESSAGING_TIDYUP r10464.
See trunk r10465 commit message for details.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_errors.c b/memcheck/mc_errors.c
index edc123a..4ccaa60 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_errors.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_errors.c
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "pub_tool_tooliface.h"
 #include "pub_tool_threadstate.h"
 #include "pub_tool_debuginfo.h"     // VG_(get_dataname_and_offset)
+#include "pub_tool_xarray.h"
 #include "mc_include.h"
@@ -109,11 +110,10 @@
          PtrdiffT offset;
       } DataSym;
-      // Is described by Dwarf debug info.  Arbitrary strings.  Must
-      // be the same length.
+      // Is described by Dwarf debug info.  XArray*s of HChar.
       struct {
-         Char descr1[96];
-         Char descr2[96];
+         XArray* /* of HChar */ descr1;
+         XArray* /* of HChar */ descr2;
       } Variable;
       // Could only narrow it down to be the PLT/GOT/etc of a given
@@ -258,6 +258,41 @@
 /*--- Printing errors                                      ---*/
+/* This is the "this error is due to be printed shortly; so have a
+   look at it any print any preamble you want" function.  Which, in
+   Memcheck, we don't use.  Hence a no-op.
+void MC_(before_pp_Error) ( Error* err ) {
+/* Do a printf-style operation on either the XML or normal output
+   channel, depending on the setting of VG_(clo_xml).
+static void emit_WRK ( HChar* format, va_list vargs )
+   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+      VG_(vprintf_xml)(format, vargs);
+   } else {
+      VG_(vmessage)(Vg_UserMsg, format, vargs);
+   }
+static void emit ( HChar* format, ... ) PRINTF_CHECK(1, 2);
+static void emit ( HChar* format, ... )
+   va_list vargs;
+   va_start(vargs, format);
+   emit_WRK(format, vargs);
+   va_end(vargs);
+static void emiN ( HChar* format, ... ) /* NO FORMAT CHECK */
+   va_list vargs;
+   va_start(vargs, format);
+   emit_WRK(format, vargs);
+   va_end(vargs);
 static void mc_pp_AddrInfo ( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai, Bool maybe_gcc )
    HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <auxwhat>" : " ";
@@ -266,23 +301,19 @@
    switch (ai->tag) {
       case Addr_Unknown:
          if (maybe_gcc) {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%sAddress 0x%llx is just below the stack ptr.  "
-               "To suppress, use: --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes%s", 
-               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost
-            );
+            emit( "%sAddress 0x%llx is just below the stack ptr.  "
+                  "To suppress, use: --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes%s\n",
+                  xpre, (ULong)a, xpost );
 	 } else {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%sAddress 0x%llx "
-               "is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd%s",
-               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost);
+            emit( "%sAddress 0x%llx "
+                  "is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd%s\n",
+                  xpre, (ULong)a, xpost );
       case Addr_Stack: 
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is on thread %d's stack%s", 
-                      xpre, (ULong)a, ai->Addr.Stack.tid, xpost);
+         emit( "%sAddress 0x%llx is on thread %d's stack%s\n", 
+               xpre, (ULong)a, ai->Addr.Stack.tid, xpost );
       case Addr_Block: {
@@ -301,47 +332,51 @@
             delta    = rwoffset;
             relative = "inside";
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-            "%sAddress 0x%lx is %'lu bytes %s a %s of size %'lu %s%s",
+         emit(
+            "%sAddress 0x%lx is %'lu bytes %s a %s of size %'lu %s%s\n",
             a, delta, relative, ai->Addr.Block.block_desc,
             ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Mallocd ? "alloc'd" 
             : ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Freed ? "free'd" 
                                                      : "client-defined",
-            xpost);
+            xpost
+         );
       case Addr_DataSym:
-         VG_(message_no_f_c)(Vg_UserMsg,
-                             "%sAddress 0x%llx is %llu bytes "
-                             "inside data symbol \"%t\"%s",
-                             xpre,
-                             (ULong)a,
-                             (ULong)ai->Addr.DataSym.offset,
-                             ai->,
-                             xpost);
+         emiN( "%sAddress 0x%llx is %llu bytes "
+               "inside data symbol \"%t\"%s\n",
+               xpre,
+               (ULong)a,
+               (ULong)ai->Addr.DataSym.offset,
+               ai->,
+               xpost );
       case Addr_Variable:
-         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0] != '\0')
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
-                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, xpost);
-         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0] != '\0')
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
-                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, xpost);
+         /* Note, no need for XML tags here, because descr1/2 will
+            already have <auxwhat> or <xauxwhat>s on them, in XML
+            mode. */
+         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)
+            emit( "%s%s\n",
+                  VG_(clo_xml) ? "  " : " ",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, 0) );
+         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr2)
+            emit( "%s%s\n",
+                  VG_(clo_xml) ? "  " : " ",
+                  (HChar*)VG_(indexXA)(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, 0) );
       case Addr_SectKind:
-         VG_(message_no_f_c)(Vg_UserMsg,
-                             "%sAddress 0x%llx is in the %t segment of %t%s",
-                             xpre,
-                             (ULong)a,
-                             VG_(pp_SectKind)(ai->Addr.SectKind.kind),
-                             ai->Addr.SectKind.objname,
-                             xpost);
+         emiN( "%sAddress 0x%llx is in the %t segment of %t%s\n",
+               xpre,
+               (ULong)a,
+               VG_(pp_SectKind)(ai->Addr.SectKind.kind),
+               ai->Addr.SectKind.objname,
+               xpost );
@@ -373,28 +408,9 @@
    return loss;
-static void mc_pp_msg( Char* xml_name, Error* err, const HChar* format, ... )
-   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
-   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
-   Char buf[256];
-   va_list vargs;
-   if (VG_(clo_xml))
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%s</kind>", xml_name);
-   // Stick xpre and xpost on the front and back of the format string.
-   VG_(snprintf)(buf, 256, "%s%s%s", xpre, format, xpost);
-   va_start(vargs, format);
-   VG_(vmessage) ( Vg_UserMsg, buf, vargs );
-   va_end(vargs);
-   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
 static void mc_pp_origin ( ExeContext* ec, UInt okind )
-   HChar* src   = NULL;
-   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : " ";
-   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
+   HChar* src = NULL;
    switch (okind) {
@@ -406,208 +422,331 @@
    tl_assert(src); /* guards against invalid 'okind' */
    if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <origin>");
-   }
-   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%sUninitialised value was created%s%s",
-                            xpre, src, xpost);
-   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( ec );
-   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  </origin>");
+      emit( "  <auxwhat>Uninitialised value was created%s</auxwhat>\n",
+            src);
+      VG_(pp_ExeContext)( ec );
+   } else {
+      emit( " Uninitialised value was created%s\n", src);
+      VG_(pp_ExeContext)( ec );
 void MC_(pp_Error) ( Error* err )
+   const Bool xml  = VG_(clo_xml); /* a shorthand */
    MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
    switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
-      case Err_CoreMem: {
+      case Err_CoreMem:
          /* What the hell *is* a CoreMemError? jrs 2005-May-18 */
          /* As of 2006-Dec-14, it's caused by unaddressable bytes in a
             signal handler frame.  --njn */
-         mc_pp_msg("CoreMemError", err,
-                   "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)", 
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+         // JRS 17 May 09: None of our regtests exercise this; hence AFAIK
+         // the following code is untested.  Bad.
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>CoreMemError</kind>\n" );
+            emiN( "  <what>%t contains unaddressable byte(s)</what>\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+         } else {
+            emit( "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+         }
-      } 
       case Err_Value:
          MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
-         if (1 || extra->Err.Value.otag == 0) {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
-                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d",
-                      extra->Err.Value.szB);
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>UninitValue</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Use of uninitialised value of size %ld</what>\n",
+                  extra->Err.Value.szB );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.Value.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
+                            extra->Err.Value.otag & 3 );
          } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
-                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d (otag %u)",
-                      extra->Err.Value.szB, extra->Err.Value.otag);
+            /* Could also show extra->Err.Cond.otag if debugging origin
+               tracking */
+            emit( "Use of uninitialised value of size %ld\n",
+                  extra->Err.Value.szB );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.Value.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
+                            extra->Err.Value.otag & 3 );
-         if (extra->Err.Value.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.Value.otag & 3 );
       case Err_Cond:
          MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
-         if (1 || extra->Err.Cond.otag == 0) {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
-                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
-                      " on uninitialised value(s)");
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>UninitCondition</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Conditional jump or move depends"
+                  " on uninitialised value(s)</what>\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.Cond.otag & 3 );
          } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
-                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
-                      " on uninitialised value(s) (otag %u)",
-                      extra->Err.Cond.otag);
+            /* Could also show extra->Err.Cond.otag if debugging origin
+               tracking */
+            emit( "Conditional jump or move depends"
+                  " on uninitialised value(s)\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.Cond.otag & 3 );
-         if (extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.Cond.otag & 3 );
       case Err_RegParam:
          MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
-                   "Syscall param %s contains uninitialised byte(s)",
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
-         if (extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.RegParam.otag & 3 );
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>SyscallParam</kind>\n" );
+            emiN( "  <what>Syscall param %t contains "
+                  "uninitialised byte(s)</what>\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err) );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.RegParam.otag & 3 );
+         } else {
+            emit( "Syscall param %s contains uninitialised byte(s)\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err) );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            if (extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.RegParam.otag & 3 );
+         }
       case Err_MemParam:
          if (!extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
             MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
-                   "Syscall param %s points to %s byte(s)",
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                   ( extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr 
-                     ? "unaddressable" : "uninitialised" ));
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
-         if (extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec && !extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.MemParam.otag & 3 );
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>SyscallParam</kind>\n" );
+            emiN( "  <what>Syscall param %t points to %s byte(s)</what>\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                  extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr 
+                     ? "unaddressable" : "uninitialised" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                           &extra->, False);
+            if (extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec 
+                && !extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.MemParam.otag & 3 );
+         } else {
+            emit( "Syscall param %s points to %s byte(s)\n",
+                  VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                  extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr 
+                     ? "unaddressable" : "uninitialised" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                           &extra->, False);
+            if (extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec 
+                && !extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.MemParam.otag & 3 );
+         }
       case Err_User:
          if (!extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
             MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("ClientCheck", err,
-                   "%s byte(s) found during client check request", 
-                   ( extra->Err.User.isAddrErr
-                     ? "Unaddressable" : "Uninitialised" ));
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        False);
-         if (extra->Err.User.origin_ec && !extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.User.otag & 3 );
+         if (xml) { 
+            emit( "  <kind>ClientCheck</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>%s byte(s) found "
+                  "during client check request</what>\n", 
+                   extra->Err.User.isAddrErr
+                      ? "Unaddressable" : "Uninitialised" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                           False);
+            if (extra->Err.User.origin_ec && !extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.User.otag & 3 );
+         } else {
+            emit( "%s byte(s) found during client check request\n", 
+                   extra->Err.User.isAddrErr
+                      ? "Unaddressable" : "Uninitialised" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                           False);
+            if (extra->Err.User.origin_ec && !extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
+               mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
+                             extra->Err.User.otag & 3 );
+         }
       case Err_Free:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidFree", err,
-                   "Invalid free() / delete / delete[]");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>InvalidFree</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Invalid free() / delete / delete[]</what>\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->, False );
+         } else {
+            emit( "Invalid free() / delete / delete[]\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->, False );
+         }
       case Err_FreeMismatch:
-         mc_pp_msg("MismatchedFree", err,
-                   "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>MismatchedFree</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Mismatched free() / delete / delete []</what>\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                           &extra->, False);
+         } else {
+            emit( "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                           &extra->, False);
+         }
       case Err_Addr:
-         if (extra->Err.Addr.isWrite) {
-            mc_pp_msg("InvalidWrite", err,
-                      "Invalid write of size %d", 
-                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>Invalid%s</kind>\n",
+                  extra->Err.Addr.isWrite ? "Write" : "Read"  );
+            emit( "  <what>Invalid %s of size %ld</what>\n",
+                  extra->Err.Addr.isWrite ? "write" : "read",
+                  extra->Err.Addr.szB );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->,
+                            extra->Err.Addr.maybe_gcc );
          } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("InvalidRead", err,
-                      "Invalid read of size %d", 
-                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
+            emit( "Invalid %s of size %ld\n",
+                  extra->Err.Addr.isWrite ? "write" : "read",
+                  extra->Err.Addr.szB );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->,
+                            extra->Err.Addr.maybe_gcc );
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        extra->Err.Addr.maybe_gcc);
       case Err_Jump:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidJump", err,
-                   "Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        False);
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>InvalidJump</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Jump to the invalid address stated "
+                  "on the next line</what>\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                            False );
+         } else {
+            emit( "Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                            False );
+         }
       case Err_Overlap:
-         if (extra->Err.Overlap.szB == 0)
-            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
-                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p)",
-                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src);
-         else
-            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
-                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p, %d)",
-                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src,
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.szB);
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>Overlap</kind>\n" );
+            if (extra->Err.Overlap.szB == 0) {
+               emiN( "  <what>Source and destination overlap "
+                     "in %t(%#lx, %#lx)\n</what>\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src );
+            } else {
+               emit( "  <what>Source and destination overlap "
+                     "in %s(%#lx, %#lx, %d)</what>\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src,
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.szB );
+            }
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+         } else {
+            if (extra->Err.Overlap.szB == 0) {
+               emiN( "Source and destination overlap in %t(%#lx, %#lx)\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src );
+            } else {
+               emit( "Source and destination overlap in %s(%#lx, %#lx, %d)\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src,
+                     extra->Err.Overlap.szB );
+            }
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+         }
       case Err_IllegalMempool:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidMemPool", err,
-                   "Illegal memory pool address");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
+         // JRS 17 May 09: None of our regtests exercise this; hence AFAIK
+         // the following code is untested.  Bad.
+         if (xml) {
+            emit( "  <kind>InvalidMemPool</kind>\n" );
+            emit( "  <what>Illegal memory pool address</what>\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->, False );
+         } else {
+            emit( "Illegal memory pool address\n" );
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+            mc_pp_AddrInfo( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                            &extra->, False );
+         }
       case Err_Leak: {
-         HChar*      xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
-         HChar*      xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
          UInt        n_this_record   = extra->Err.Leak.n_this_record;
          UInt        n_total_records = extra->Err.Leak.n_total_records;
          LossRecord* lr              = extra->;
-         if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-            VG_(message_no_f_c)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%t</kind>",
-                                xml_leak_kind(lr->key.state));
-         } else {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
-         }
-         if (lr->indirect_szB > 0) {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%s%'lu (%'lu direct, %'lu indirect) bytes in %'u blocks"
-               " are %s in loss record %'u of %'u%s",
-               xpre,
-               lr->szB + lr->indirect_szB, lr->szB, lr->indirect_szB,
-               lr->num_blocks,
-               str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state), n_this_record, n_total_records,
-               xpost
-            );
-            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+         if (xml) {
+            emit("  <kind>%s</kind>\n", xml_leak_kind(lr->key.state));
+            if (lr->indirect_szB > 0) {
+               emit( "  <xwhat>\n" );
+               emit( "    <text>%'lu (%'lu direct, %'lu indirect) bytes "
+                     "in %'u blocks"
+                     " are %s in loss record %'u of %'u</text>\n",
+                     lr->szB + lr->indirect_szB, lr->szB, lr->indirect_szB,
+                     lr->num_blocks,
+                     str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state),
+                     n_this_record, n_total_records );
                // Nb: don't put commas in these XML numbers 
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%lu</leakedbytes>", 
-                                        lr->szB + lr->indirect_szB);
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%u</leakedblocks>", 
-                                        lr->num_blocks);
+               emit( "    <leakedbytes>%lu</leakedbytes>\n",
+                     lr->szB + lr->indirect_szB );
+               emit( "    <leakedblocks>%u</leakedblocks>\n", lr->num_blocks );
+               emit( "  </xwhat>\n" );
+            } else {
+               emit( "  <xwhat>\n" );
+               emit( "    <text>%'lu bytes in %'u blocks"
+                     " are %s in loss record %'u of %'u</text>\n",
+                     lr->szB, lr->num_blocks,
+                     str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state), 
+                     n_this_record, n_total_records );
+               emit( "    <leakedbytes>%ld</leakedbytes>\n", lr->szB);
+               emit( "    <leakedblocks>%d</leakedblocks>\n", lr->num_blocks);
+               emit( "  </xwhat>\n" );
-         } else {
-            VG_(message)(
-               Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%s%'lu bytes in %'u blocks are %s in loss record %'u of %'u%s",
-               xpre,
-               lr->szB, lr->num_blocks,
-               str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state), n_this_record, n_total_records,
-               xpost
-            );
-            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%ld</leakedbytes>",
-                                        lr->szB);
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%d</leakedblocks>", 
-                                        lr->num_blocks);
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)(lr->key.allocated_at);
+         } else { /* ! if (xml) */
+            emit("\n");
+            if (lr->indirect_szB > 0) {
+               emit(
+                  "%'lu (%'lu direct, %'lu indirect) bytes in %'u blocks"
+                  " are %s in loss record %'u of %'u\n",
+                  lr->szB + lr->indirect_szB, lr->szB, lr->indirect_szB,
+                  lr->num_blocks, str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state),
+                  n_this_record, n_total_records
+               );
+            } else {
+               emit(
+                  "%'lu bytes in %'u blocks are %s in loss record %'u of %'u\n",
+                  lr->szB, lr->num_blocks, str_leak_lossmode(lr->key.state),
+                  n_this_record, n_total_records
+               );
-         }
-         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(lr->key.allocated_at);
+            VG_(pp_ExeContext)(lr->key.allocated_at);
+         } /* if (xml) */
@@ -931,11 +1070,11 @@
    tl_assert(Addr_Undescribed == ai->tag);
-   /* Perhaps it's a user-def'd block? */
+   /* -- Perhaps it's a user-def'd block? -- */
    if (client_block_maybe_describe( a, ai )) {
-   /* Search for a recently freed block which might bracket it. */
+   /* -- Search for a recently freed block which might bracket it. -- */
    mc = MC_(get_freed_list_head)();
    while (mc) {
       if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
@@ -949,7 +1088,7 @@
       mc = mc->next; 
-   /* Search for a currently malloc'd block which might bracket it. */
+   /* -- Search for a currently malloc'd block which might bracket it. -- */
    while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(malloc_list))) ) {
       if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
@@ -962,27 +1101,41 @@
-   /* Perhaps the variable type/location data describes it? */
-   tl_assert(sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1) 
-             == sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, 
-                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1));
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, 
-                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
-   if (VG_(get_data_description)(
-             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0],
-             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0],
-             sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1, 
-             a )) {
+   /* -- Perhaps the variable type/location data describes it? -- */
+   ai->Addr.Variable.descr1
+      = VG_(newXA)( VG_(malloc), "mc.da.descr1",
+                    VG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
+   ai->Addr.Variable.descr2
+      = VG_(newXA)( VG_(malloc), "mc.da.descr2",
+                    VG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
+   (void) VG_(get_data_description)( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1,
+                                     ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, a );
+   /* If there's nothing in descr1/2, free them.  Why is it safe to to
+      VG_(indexXA) at zero here?  Because VG_(get_data_description)
+      guarantees to zero terminate descr1/2 regardless of the outcome
+      of the call.  So there's always at least one element in each XA
+      after the call.
+   */
+   if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, 0 ))) {
+      VG_(deleteXA)( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1 );
+      ai->Addr.Variable.descr1 = NULL;
+   }
+   if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, 0 ))) {
+      VG_(deleteXA)( ai->Addr.Variable.descr2 );
+      ai->Addr.Variable.descr2 = NULL;
+   }
+   /* Assume (assert) that VG_(get_data_description) fills in descr1
+      before it fills in descr2 */
+   if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1 == NULL)
+      tl_assert(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2 == NULL);
+   /* So did we get lucky? */
+   if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1 != NULL) {
       ai->tag = Addr_Variable;
-      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1
-                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1 ] == 0);
-      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr2
-                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2)-1 ] == 0);
-   /* Have a look at the low level data symbols - perhaps it's in
-      there. */
+   /* -- Have a look at the low level data symbols - perhaps it's in
+      there. -- */
    VG_(memset)( &ai->,
                 0, sizeof(ai->;
    if (VG_(get_datasym_and_offset)(
@@ -994,7 +1147,7 @@
                     [ sizeof(ai-> ] == 0);
-   /* Perhaps it's on a thread's stack? */
+   /* -- Perhaps it's on a thread's stack? -- */
    while ( VG_(thread_stack_next)(&tid, &stack_min, &stack_max) ) {
       if (stack_min - VG_STACK_REDZONE_SZB <= a && a <= stack_max) {
@@ -1003,7 +1156,7 @@
-   /* last ditch attempt at classification */
+   /* -- last ditch attempt at classification -- */
    tl_assert( sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname) > 4 );
    VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, 
                 0, sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname));
@@ -1017,7 +1170,7 @@
                     [ sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname)-1 ] == 0);
-   /* Clueless ... */
+   /* -- Clueless ... -- */
    ai->tag = Addr_Unknown;
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_include.h b/memcheck/mc_include.h
index 74c36a7..fc7abf2 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_include.h
+++ b/memcheck/mc_include.h
@@ -305,9 +305,10 @@
 /* Standard functions for error and suppressions as required by the
    core/tool iface */
-Bool MC_(eq_Error) ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 );
-void MC_(pp_Error) ( Error* err );
-UInt MC_(update_Error_extra)( Error* err );
+Bool MC_(eq_Error)           ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 );
+void MC_(before_pp_Error)    ( Error* err );
+void MC_(pp_Error)           ( Error* err );
+UInt MC_(update_Error_extra) ( Error* err );
 Bool MC_(is_recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, Supp* su );
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_leakcheck.c b/memcheck/mc_leakcheck.c
index 6f642fe..ea1e1be 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_leakcheck.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_leakcheck.c
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@
 #define VG_DEBUG_CLIQUE    0
-#define UMSG(args...)    VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, ##args)
 /*--- Getting the initial chunks, and searching them.      ---*/
@@ -875,28 +874,31 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
-      UMSG("");
-      UMSG("   definitely lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                               MC_(bytes_leaked), MC_(blocks_leaked) );
-      UMSG("   indirectly lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                              MC_(bytes_indirect), MC_(blocks_indirect) );
-      UMSG("     possibly lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                              MC_(bytes_dubious), MC_(blocks_dubious) );
-      UMSG("   still reachable: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                              MC_(bytes_reachable), MC_(blocks_reachable) );
-      UMSG("        suppressed: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                              MC_(bytes_suppressed), MC_(blocks_suppressed) );
+      VG_(umsg)("\n");
+      VG_(umsg)("LEAK SUMMARY:\n");
+      VG_(umsg)("   definitely lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+                MC_(bytes_leaked), MC_(blocks_leaked) );
+      VG_(umsg)("   indirectly lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+                MC_(bytes_indirect), MC_(blocks_indirect) );
+      VG_(umsg)("     possibly lost: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+                MC_(bytes_dubious), MC_(blocks_dubious) );
+      VG_(umsg)("   still reachable: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+                MC_(bytes_reachable), MC_(blocks_reachable) );
+      VG_(umsg)("        suppressed: %'lu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+                MC_(bytes_suppressed), MC_(blocks_suppressed) );
       if (!is_full_check &&
           (MC_(blocks_leaked) + MC_(blocks_indirect) +
            MC_(blocks_dubious) + MC_(blocks_reachable)) > 0) {
-         UMSG("Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.");
+         VG_(umsg)("Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details "
+                   "of leaked memory.\n");
       if (is_full_check &&
           MC_(blocks_reachable) > 0 && !MC_(clo_show_reachable))
-         UMSG("Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.");
-         UMSG("To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes");
+         VG_(umsg)("Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer "
+                   "was found) are not shown.\n");
+         VG_(umsg)("To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full "
+                   "--show-reachable=yes\n");
@@ -916,7 +918,7 @@
    if (lc_n_chunks == 0) {
       tl_assert(lc_chunks == NULL);
       if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
-         UMSG("All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible.");
+         VG_(umsg)("All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible.\n");
@@ -945,9 +947,9 @@
             (ch1->data == ch2->data && ch1->szB  == ch2->szB)
       if (nonsense_overlap) {
-         UMSG("Block [0x%lx, 0x%lx) overlaps with block [0x%lx, 0x%lx)",
-            ch1->data, (ch1->data + ch1->szB),
-            ch2->data, (ch2->data + ch2->szB));
+         VG_(umsg)("Block [0x%lx, 0x%lx) overlaps with block [0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n",
+                   ch1->data, (ch1->data + ch1->szB),
+                   ch2->data, (ch2->data + ch2->szB));
       tl_assert (!nonsense_overlap);
@@ -968,7 +970,8 @@
    // Verbosity.
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0 && !VG_(clo_xml))
-      UMSG( "searching for pointers to %'d not-freed blocks.", lc_n_chunks );
+      VG_(umsg)( "searching for pointers to %'d not-freed blocks.\n",
+                 lc_n_chunks );
    // Scan the memory root-set, pushing onto the mark stack any blocks
    // pointed to.
@@ -1012,7 +1015,7 @@
          seg_size = seg->end - seg->start + 1;
          if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-                         "  Scanning root segment: %#lx..%#lx (%lu)",
+                         "  Scanning root segment: %#lx..%#lx (%lu)\n",
                          seg->start, seg->end, seg_size);
          lc_scan_memory(seg->start, seg_size, /*is_prior_definite*/True, -1);
@@ -1027,7 +1030,7 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0 && !VG_(clo_xml))
-      UMSG("checked %'lu bytes.", lc_scanned_szB);
+      VG_(umsg)("checked %'lu bytes.\n", lc_scanned_szB);
    // Trace all the leaked blocks to determine which are directly leaked and
    // which are indirectly leaked.  For each Unreached block, push it onto
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_main.c b/memcheck/mc_main.c
index 63c002c..d14b80b 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_main.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_main.c
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
       Char percbuf[6];
       VG_(percentify)(n_survivors, n_nodes, 1, 6, percbuf);
-      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "memcheck GC: %d nodes, %d survivors (%s)",
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "memcheck GC: %d nodes, %d survivors (%s)\n",
                    n_nodes, n_survivors, percbuf);
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@
    if (n_survivors > (secVBitLimit * MAX_SURVIVOR_PROPORTION)) {
       secVBitLimit *= TABLE_GROWTH_FACTOR;
       if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
-         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "memcheck GC: increase table size to %d",
+         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "memcheck GC: increase table size to %d\n",
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@
          if (vabits16 == VA_BITS16_UNDEFINED) s = "undefined";
          if (vabits16 == VA_BITS16_DEFINED  ) s = "defined";
          VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Warning: set address range perms: "
-                                  "large range [0x%lx, 0x%lx) (%s)",
+                                  "large range [0x%lx, 0x%lx) (%s)\n",
                                   a, a + lenT, s);
@@ -4682,7 +4682,7 @@
    if (0 == VG_(strcmp)(arg, "--undef-value-errors=no")) {
       if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3) {
-         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s", bad_level_msg);
+         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s\n", bad_level_msg);
          return False;
       } else {
          MC_(clo_mc_level) = 1;
@@ -4701,7 +4701,7 @@
    if (0 == VG_(strcmp)(arg, "--track-origins=yes")) {
       if (MC_(clo_mc_level) == 1) {
-         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s", bad_level_msg);
+         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s\n", bad_level_msg);
          return False;
       } else {
          MC_(clo_mc_level) = 3;
@@ -4746,16 +4746,16 @@
          Addr limit = 0x4000000; /* 64M - entirely arbitrary limit */
          if (e <= s) {
-               "ERROR: --ignore-ranges: end <= start in range:");
+               "ERROR: --ignore-ranges: end <= start in range:\n");
-               "       0x%lx-0x%lx", s, e);
+               "       0x%lx-0x%lx\n", s, e);
             return False;
          if (e - s > limit) {
-               "ERROR: --ignore-ranges: suspiciously large range:");
+               "ERROR: --ignore-ranges: suspiciously large range:\n");
-               "       0x%lx-0x%lx (size %ld)", s, e, (UWord)(e-s));
+               "       0x%lx-0x%lx (size %ld)\n", s, e, (UWord)(e-s));
             return False;
@@ -4876,7 +4876,7 @@
 static void show_client_block_stats ( void )
-      "general CBs: %llu allocs, %llu discards, %llu maxinuse, %llu search",
+      "general CBs: %llu allocs, %llu discards, %llu maxinuse, %llu search\n",
       cgb_allocs, cgb_discards, cgb_used_MAX, cgb_search 
@@ -5114,9 +5114,11 @@
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                      "Warning: unknown memcheck client request code %llx",
-                      (ULong)arg[0]);
+         VG_(message)(
+            Vg_UserMsg, 
+            "Warning: unknown memcheck client request code %llx\n",
+            (ULong)arg[0]
+         );
          return False;
    return True;
@@ -5555,7 +5557,7 @@
 static void print_SM_info(char* type, int n_SMs)
-      " memcheck: SMs: %s = %d (%ldk, %ldM)",
+      " memcheck: SMs: %s = %d (%ldk, %ldM)\n",
       n_SMs * sizeof(SecMap) / 1024UL,
@@ -5569,10 +5571,10 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) == 1 && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
       if (MC_(clo_leak_check) == LC_Off)
-             "For a detailed leak analysis,  rerun with: --leak-check=yes");
+            "For a detailed leak analysis,  rerun with: --leak-check=yes\n");
-                   "For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v");
+                   "For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v\n");
@@ -5580,7 +5582,7 @@
        && MC_(clo_mc_level) == 2) {
                    "Use --track-origins=yes to see where "
-                   "uninitialised values come from");
+                   "uninitialised values come from\n");
    if (MC_(clo_leak_check) != LC_Off)
@@ -5592,21 +5594,21 @@
       SizeT max_secVBit_szB, max_SMs_szB, max_shmem_szB;
-         " memcheck: sanity checks: %d cheap, %d expensive",
+         " memcheck: sanity checks: %d cheap, %d expensive\n",
          n_sanity_cheap, n_sanity_expensive );
-         " memcheck: auxmaps: %lld auxmap entries (%lldk, %lldM) in use",
+         " memcheck: auxmaps: %lld auxmap entries (%lldk, %lldM) in use\n",
          n_auxmap_L2_nodes * 64, 
          n_auxmap_L2_nodes / 16 );
-         " memcheck: auxmaps_L1: %lld searches, %lld cmps, ratio %lld:10",
+         " memcheck: auxmaps_L1: %lld searches, %lld cmps, ratio %lld:10\n",
          n_auxmap_L1_searches, n_auxmap_L1_cmps,
          (10ULL * n_auxmap_L1_cmps) 
             / (n_auxmap_L1_searches ? n_auxmap_L1_searches : 1) 
-         " memcheck: auxmaps_L2: %lld searches, %lld nodes",
+         " memcheck: auxmaps_L2: %lld searches, %lld nodes\n",
          n_auxmap_L2_searches, n_auxmap_L2_nodes
@@ -5627,47 +5629,47 @@
       max_shmem_szB   = sizeof(primary_map) + max_SMs_szB + max_secVBit_szB;
-         " memcheck: max sec V bit nodes:    %d (%ldk, %ldM)",
+         " memcheck: max sec V bit nodes:    %d (%ldk, %ldM)\n",
          max_secVBit_nodes, max_secVBit_szB / 1024,
                             max_secVBit_szB / (1024 * 1024));
-         " memcheck: set_sec_vbits8 calls: %llu (new: %llu, updates: %llu)",
+         " memcheck: set_sec_vbits8 calls: %llu (new: %llu, updates: %llu)\n",
          sec_vbits_new_nodes + sec_vbits_updates,
          sec_vbits_new_nodes, sec_vbits_updates );
-         " memcheck: max shadow mem size:   %ldk, %ldM",
+         " memcheck: max shadow mem size:   %ldk, %ldM\n",
          max_shmem_szB / 1024, max_shmem_szB / (1024 * 1024));
       if (MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 3) {
-                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses (%'lu lossage)",
+                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses (%'lu lossage)\n",
                       stats_ocacheL1_lossage );
-                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu at 0   %'12lu at 1",
+                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu at 0   %'12lu at 1\n",
                       stats_ocacheL1_find - stats_ocacheL1_misses 
                          - stats_ocacheL1_found_at_1 
                          - stats_ocacheL1_found_at_N,
                       stats_ocacheL1_found_at_1 );
-                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu at 2+  %'12lu move-fwds",
+                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu at 2+  %'12lu move-fwds\n",
                       stats_ocacheL1_movefwds );
-                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu sizeB  %'12u useful",
+                      " ocacheL1: %'12lu sizeB  %'12u useful\n",
                       4 * OC_W32S_PER_LINE * OC_LINES_PER_SET * OC_N_SETS );
-                      " ocacheL2: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses",
+                      " ocacheL2: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses\n",
                       stats__ocacheL2_misses );
-                      " ocacheL2:    %'9lu max nodes %'9lu curr nodes",
+                      " ocacheL2:    %'9lu max nodes %'9lu curr nodes\n",
                       stats__ocacheL2_n_nodes );
-                      " niacache: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses",
+                      " niacache: %'12lu refs   %'12lu misses\n",
                       stats__nia_cache_queries, stats__nia_cache_misses);
       } else {
          tl_assert(ocacheL1 == NULL);
@@ -5677,7 +5679,7 @@
    if (0) {
-        "------ Valgrind's client block stats follow ---------------" );
+        "------ Valgrind's client block stats follow ---------------\n" );
@@ -5701,6 +5703,7 @@
    VG_(needs_core_errors)         ();
    VG_(needs_tool_errors)         (MC_(eq_Error),
+                                   MC_(before_pp_Error),
                                    True,/*show TIDs for errors*/
@@ -5727,6 +5730,7 @@
                                    MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );
    VG_(needs_xml_output)          ();
    VG_(track_new_mem_startup)     ( mc_new_mem_startup );
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_malloc_wrappers.c b/memcheck/mc_malloc_wrappers.c
index 58a5832..e1ceeb1 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_malloc_wrappers.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_malloc_wrappers.c
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
    // (for 32-bit platforms) or 2^63 bytes (for 64-bit platforms).
    if ((SSizeT)sizeB < 0) {
       if (!VG_(clo_xml)) 
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Warning: silly arg (%ld) to %s()",
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Warning: silly arg (%ld) to %s()\n",
                       (SSizeT)sizeB, fn );
       return True;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
    if ((SSizeT)n < 0 || (SSizeT)sizeB < 0) {
       if (!VG_(clo_xml))
-                      "Warning: silly args (%ld,%ld) to calloc()",
+                      "Warning: silly args (%ld,%ld) to calloc()\n",
                       (SSizeT)n, (SSizeT)sizeB);
       return True;
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
    MC_Mempool* mp;
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "create_mempool(0x%lx, %d, %d)",
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "create_mempool(0x%lx, %d, %d)\n",
                                pool, rzB, is_zeroed);
          (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
    MC_Mempool* mp;
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "destroy_mempool(0x%lx)", pool);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "destroy_mempool(0x%lx)\n", pool);
          (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
-	 VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
                       "Total mempools active: %d pools, %d chunks\n", 
 		      total_pools, total_chunks);
 	 tick = 0;
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
       if (chunks[i]->data > chunks[i+1]->data) {
                       "Mempool chunk %d / %d is out of order "
-                      "wrt. its successor", 
+                      "wrt. its successor\n", 
                       i+1, n_chunks);
          bad = 1;
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
    for (i = 0; i < n_chunks-1; i++) {
       if (chunks[i]->data + chunks[i]->szB > chunks[i+1]->data ) {
-                      "Mempool chunk %d / %d overlaps with its successor", 
+                      "Mempool chunk %d / %d overlaps with its successor\n", 
                       i+1, n_chunks);
          bad = 1;
@@ -625,11 +625,12 @@
    if (bad) {
-                "Bad mempool (%d chunks), dumping chunks for inspection:",
-                      n_chunks);
+                "Bad mempool (%d chunks), dumping chunks for inspection:\n",
+                n_chunks);
          for (i = 0; i < n_chunks; ++i) {
-                         "Mempool chunk %d / %d: %ld bytes [%lx,%lx), allocated:",
+                         "Mempool chunk %d / %d: %ld bytes "
+                         "[%lx,%lx), allocated:\n",
                          chunks[i]->szB + 0UL,
@@ -647,7 +648,8 @@
    MC_Mempool* mp;
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {     
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_alloc(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)", pool, addr, szB);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_alloc(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
+                               pool, addr, szB);
       VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -675,7 +677,7 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx)", pool, addr);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", pool, addr);
       VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -688,7 +690,7 @@
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-		   "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx) freed chunk of %ld bytes",
+		   "mempool_free(0x%lx, 0x%lx) freed chunk of %ld bytes\n",
 		   pool, addr, mc->szB + 0UL);
@@ -706,7 +708,8 @@
    VgHashNode** chunks;
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_trim(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)", pool, addr, szB);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_trim(0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
+                               pool, addr, szB);
       VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -815,7 +818,7 @@
    MC_Mempool* mp;
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "move_mempool(0x%lx, 0x%lx)", poolA, poolB);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "move_mempool(0x%lx, 0x%lx)\n", poolA, poolB);
          (VG_(get_running_tid)(), MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -839,7 +842,7 @@
    ThreadId     tid = VG_(get_running_tid)();
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_change(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)",
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "mempool_change(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %ld)\n",
                    pool, addrA, addrB, szB);
       VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace) (tid, MEMPOOL_DEBUG_STACKTRACE_DEPTH);
@@ -900,14 +903,16 @@
-                "malloc/free: in use at exit: %'llu bytes in %'lu blocks.",
-                nbytes, nblocks);
+      "malloc/free: in use at exit: %'llu bytes in %'lu blocks.\n",
+      nbytes, nblocks
+   );
-                "malloc/free: %'lu allocs, %'lu frees, %'llu bytes allocated.",
-                cmalloc_n_mallocs,
-                cmalloc_n_frees, cmalloc_bs_mallocd);
+      "malloc/free: %'lu allocs, %'lu frees, %'llu bytes allocated.\n",
+      cmalloc_n_mallocs,
+      cmalloc_n_frees, cmalloc_bs_mallocd
+   );
    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "\n");
diff --git a/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.stderr.exp b/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.stderr.exp
index 3cff7c7..a8cd95a 100644
--- a/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.stderr.exp
+++ b/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.stderr.exp
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
@@ -78,6 +79,11 @@
+  <state>FINISHED</state>
+  <time>...</time>
@@ -85,11 +91,6 @@
-  <state>FINISHED</state>
-  <time>...</time>
diff --git a/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.vgtest b/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.vgtest
index b87b47b..e367a0a 100644
--- a/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.vgtest
+++ b/memcheck/tests/long_namespace_xml.vgtest
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 prog: long_namespace_xml
-vgopts: --xml=yes
+vgopts: --xml=yes --xml-fd=2 --log-file=/dev/null
 stderr_filter: filter_xml
diff --git a/memcheck/tests/xml1.stderr.exp64 b/memcheck/tests/xml1.stderr.exp64
index 4393116..06cdc1e 100644
--- a/memcheck/tests/xml1.stderr.exp64
+++ b/memcheck/tests/xml1.stderr.exp64
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
@@ -341,47 +342,20 @@
   <what>Syscall param exit(status) contains uninitialised byte(s)</what>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <pair>
-    <count>...</count>
-    <unique>0x........</unique>
-  </pair>
-  <what>396 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record ... of ...</what>
-  <leakedbytes>396</leakedbytes>
-  <leakedblocks>1</leakedblocks>
+  <xwhat>
+    <text>396 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record ... of ...</text>
+    <leakedbytes>396</leakedbytes>
+    <leakedblocks>1</leakedblocks>
+  </xwhat>
@@ -426,5 +400,34 @@
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
+  <pair>
+    <count>...</count>
+    <unique>0x........</unique>
+  </pair>
diff --git a/memcheck/tests/xml1.vgtest b/memcheck/tests/xml1.vgtest
index 5a6769b..4d83a9f 100644
--- a/memcheck/tests/xml1.vgtest
+++ b/memcheck/tests/xml1.vgtest
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 prog: xml1
-vgopts: --xml=yes
+vgopts: --xml=yes --xml-fd=2 --log-file=/dev/null
 stderr_filter: filter_xml