Allows to run regression tests in an outer/inner setup.

A '3 lines how to':
   perl tests/vg_regtest --outer-valgrind=../trunk_untouched/install/bin/valgrind --all
           (the outer results for a test xxx is in xxx.outer.log)
   To run with another tool (e.g. drd), add the argument --outer-tool=drd

Still to do/things to improve:

* Most (inner) tests are successful when running under an outer
  memcheck. Need to analyse the reasons of remaining failures.

* The memcheck annotations in m_mallocfree.c can be improved:
  - A superblock is marked 'undefined', it should rather be marked
    'no access'.
  - When a free block is splitted, the remaining free block is
    not made 'no access'. Instead, it is made 'undefined'.
      => this decreases the chance to find bugs.
      => this is not very efficient (e.g. the rest of a superblock
         is often marked undefined repetitively).
    Similarly, the free block created by VG_(arena_memalign)
    is marked 'undefined'. 'No access' would be preferrable.
  - mkInuseBlock marks the new block as undefined. This is probably
    not needed, as VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK will do it already.
  - VG_(arena_malloc) should give the requested size to
    VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK, not the malloc usable size,
    as this decreases the chance to find buffer overrun bugs.
    But giving the requested size is tricky (see comments in
    the code).

* need to do memcheck annotations in m_poolalloc.c
   so as to allow leak checking for pool allocated elements.

  - should analyse the results of the outer and should
    produce a separate result for the tests for which
    the outer detects an error or a memory leak or ...

Changes done:
   README_DEVELOPERS: document the new outer/inner features.
   manual-core.xml: document the new sim-hint no-inner-prefix
   tests/outer_inner.supp: new file, containing the suppressions for inner. implement new args --outer-valgrind, --outer-tool, --outer-args.
   m_mallocfree.c: annotations for memcheck.
   m_libcprint.c: handle the new sim-hint no-inner-prefix
   m_main.c: do an (early) parse of --sim-hints

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/m_libcprint.c b/coregrind/m_libcprint.c
index b9b24f6..3657da4 100644
--- a/coregrind/m_libcprint.c
+++ b/coregrind/m_libcprint.c
@@ -396,11 +396,16 @@
       // Print one '>' in front of the messages for each level of
       // self-hosting being performed.
+      // Do not print such '>' if sim hint "no-inner-prefix" given
+      // (useful to run regression tests in an outer/inner setup
+      // and avoid the diff failing due to these unexpected '>').
       depth = RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND;
-      if (depth > 10)
-         depth = 10; // ?!?!
-      for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
-         b->buf[b->buf_used++] = '>';
+      if (depth > 0 && !VG_(strstr)(VG_(clo_sim_hints), "no-inner-prefix")) {
+         if (depth > 10)
+            depth = 10; // ?!?!
+         for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
+            b->buf[b->buf_used++] = '>';
+         }
       if (Vg_FailMsg == b->kind) {