A register allocator (unfinished).

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/vex/trunk@29 8f6e269a-dfd6-0310-a8e1-e2731360e62c
diff --git a/reg_alloc.c b/reg_alloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b489426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reg_alloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/*--- This file (reg_alloc.c) is                              ---*/
+/*--- Copyright (c) 2004 OpenWorks LLP.  All rights reserved. ---*/
+/*---                                                         ---*/
+/* Records information on virtual register live ranges.  Computed once
+   and remains unchanged after that. */
+   struct {
+      /* Becomes live for the first time after this insn ... */
+      Int live_after;
+      /* Becomes dead for the last time before this insn ... */
+      Int dead_before;
+      /* The "home" spill slot, if needed.  Never changes. */
+      Int spill_offset;
+      Int spill_size;
+      /* Preferencing info, if any. */
+      Bool has_preference;
+      HReg preferred_rreg; /* if True, where I would like to be */
+   }
+   VRegInfo;
+/* Records information on real-register live ranges.  Computed once
+   and remains unchanged after that. */
+   struct {
+      HReg rreg;
+      /* Becomes live after this insn ... */
+      Int live_after;
+      /* Becomes dead before this insn ... */
+      Int dead_before;
+   }
+   RRegInfo;
+/* An array of the following structs comprises the running state of
+   the allocator.  It indicates what the current disposition of each
+   allocatable real register is.  The array gets updated as the
+   allocator processes instructions. */
+   struct {
+      /* Which rreg is this for? */
+      HReg rreg;
+      /* What's it's current disposition? */
+      enum { Free,     /* available for use */
+             Unavail,  /* in a real-reg live range */
+             Bound     /* in use (holding value of some vreg) */
+           }
+           disp;
+      /* If RRegBound, what vreg is it bound to? */
+      HReg vreg;
+   }
+   RRegState;
+/* A target-independent register allocator for Valgrind.  Requires
+   various functions which to deal abstractly with instructions and
+   registers (of which it cannot have any target-specific knowledge).  
+   Returns a new list of instructions, which (depending on
+   the behaviour of mapRegs) may be in-place modifications of
+   the original instructions.
+   Requires that the incoming code has been generated using
+   vreg numbers 0, 1 .. n_vregs-1.  Appearance of a vreg outside
+   that range will cause an error.
+HInstr** doRegisterAllocation (
+   /* Incoming virtual-registerised code */ 
+   HInstr** instrs,
+   Int      n_instrs,
+   Int      n_vregs,
+   /* An array listing all the real registers the allocator may use,
+      in no particular order. */
+   HReg* available_real_regs,
+   Int   n_available_real_regs,
+   /* Return True iff the given insn is a reg-reg move, in which
+      case also return the src and dst regs. */
+   Bool (*isMove) (HInstr*, HReg*, HReg*),
+   /* Get info about register usage in this insn. */
+   void (*getRegUsage) (HInstr*, HRegUsage*),
+   /* Apply a reg-reg mapping to an insn. */
+   void (*mapRegs) (HRegMap*, HInstr*),
+   /* Return an insn to spill/restore a real reg to a spill slot
+      offset. */
+   HInstr* (*genSpill) ( HReg, Int ),
+   HInstr* (*genRestore) ( HReg, Int )
+   VRegInfo* vreg_info;
+   HRegUsage reg_usage;
+   /* --------- Stage 1: compute vreg live ranges. --------- */
+   /* This is relatively simple, because (1) we only seek the complete
+      end-to-end live range of each vreg, and are not interested in
+      any holes in it, and (2) the vregs are conveniently numbered 0
+      .. n_vregs-1, so we can just dump the results in a pre-allocated
+      array. */
+   vreg_info = NULL;
+   if (n_vregs > 0)
+      vreg_info = malloc(sizeof(VRegInfo) * n_vregs);
+   for (iv = 0; iv < n_vregs; iv++) {
+      vreg_info[iv].live_after     = -1;
+      vreg_info[iv].dead_before    = -1;
+      vreg_info[iv].spill_offset   = 0;
+      vreg_info[iv].spill_size     = 0;
+      vreg_info[iv].has_preference = False;
+      vreg_info[iv].preferred_rreg = (HReg)(-1);
+   }
+   /* for each insn ... */
+   for (ii = 0; ii < n_instrs; ii++) {
+      (*getRegUsage)( instrs[ii], &reg_usage );
+      /* for each reg mentioned in the insn ... */
+      for (ih = 0; ih < reg_usage.n_used; ih++) {
+         /* only interested in virtual registers right now. */
+         if (!hregIsVirtual(reg_usage.hreg[ih]))
+            continue;
+         iv = hregNumber(reg_usage.hreg[ih]);
+         assert(iv >= 0 && iv < n_vregs);
+         switch (reg_usage.mode[ih]) {
+            case HRmRead: 
+               if (vreg_info[iv].live_after == -1)
+                  panic("doRegisterAllocation: "
+                        "first event for vreg is Read");
+               vreg_info[iv].dead_before = ii;
+               break;
+            case HRmWrite:
+               if (vreg_info[iv].live_after == -1)
+                  vreg_info[iv].live_after = ii;
+               vreg_info[iv].dead_before = ii + 1;
+               break;
+            case HRmModify:
+               if (vreg_info[iv].live_after == -1)
+                  panic("doRegisterAllocation: "
+                        "first event for vreg is Modify");
+               vreg_info[iv].dead_before = ii + 1;
+               break;
+            default:
+               panic("doRegisterAllocation(1)");
+         } /* switch */
+      } /* iterate over registers */
+   } /* iterate over insns */
+   /* --------- Stage 2: compute rreg live ranges. --------- */
+   /* This is more complex than Stage 1, because we need to compute
+      exactly all the live ranges of all the allocatable real regs,
+      and we don't know in advance how many there will be. */
+   RRegInfo* rreg_info;
+   Int rreg_info_size;
+   Int rreg_info_used;
+   rreg_info_used = 0;
+   rreg_info_size = 4;
+   rreg_info = malloc(rreg_info_size * sizeof(RRegInfo));
+   /* We'll need to track live range start/end points seperately for
+      each rreg.  Sigh. */
+   Int* rreg_live_after;
+   Int* rreg_dead_before;
+   assert(n_available_real_regs > 0);
+   rreg_live_after  = malloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(Int));
+   rreg_dead_before = malloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(Int));
+   for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++)
+      rreg_live_after[i] = rreg_dead_before[i] = -1;
+   /* for each insn ... */
+   for (ii = 0; ii < n_instrs; ii++) {
+      (*getRegUsage)( instrs[ii], &reg_usage );
+      /* for each reg mentioned in the insn ... */
+      for (ih = 0; ih < reg_usage.n_used; ih++) {
+         Bool flush;
+         Int flush_la, flush_db;
+         hreg = reg_usage.hreg[ih];
+         /* only interested in real registers right now. */
+         if (hregIsVirtual(hreg))
+            continue;
+         /* Furthermore, we're not interested in this rreg unless it's
+            one of the allocatable ones.  For example, it could be a
+            stack pointer register, or some other register beyond our
+            control, in which case we should just ignore it. */
+         ir = hregToIndex(hreg, available_real_regs, 
+                                n_available_real_regs);
+         if (ir == -1) continue;
+         flush = False;
+         switch (reg_usage.mode[ih]) {
+            case HRmWrite:
+               flush    = True;
+               flush_la = rreg_live_after[ir];
+               flush_db = rreg_dead_before[ir];
+               rreg_live_after[ir]  = ii;
+               rreg_dead_before[ir] = ii+1;
+               break;
+            case HRmRead:
+               if (rreg_live_after[ir] == -1)
+                  panic("doRegisterAllocation: "
+                        "first event for rreg is Read");
+               rreg_dead_before[ir] = ii;
+               break;
+            case HRmModify:
+               if (rreg_live_after[ir] == -1)
+                  panic("doRegisterAllocation: "
+                        "first event for rreg is Modify");
+               rreg_dead_before[ir] = ii+1;
+               break;
+            default:
+               panic("doRegisterAllocation(2)");
+         }
+         if (flush) {
+            if (rreg_info_used == rreg_info_size) {
+               panic("make rreg info array bigger(1)");
+            }
+            rreg_info[rreg_info_used].rreg = hreg;
+            rreg_info[rreg_info_used].live_after = flush_la;
+            rreg_info[rreg_info_used].dead_before = flush_db;
+         }
+      } /* iterate over regs in the instr */
+   } /* iterate over instrs */
+   /* Now finish up any live ranges left over. */
+   for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+      if (rreg_live_after[ir] == -1)
+         continue;
+      if (rreg_info_used == rreg_info_size) {
+         panic("make rreg info array bigger(2)");
+      }
+      rreg_info[rreg_info_used].rreg = available_real_regs[ri];
+      rreg_info[rreg_info_used].live_after = rreg_live_after[ir];
+      rreg_info[rreg_info_used].dead_before = rreg_dead_before[ir];
+   }
+   free(rreg_live_after);
+   free(rreg_dead_before);
+   /* --------- Stage 3: allocate spill slots. --------- */
+   /* Each spill slot is 8 bytes long.  For 128-bit vregs
+      we'll have to allocate two spill slots.  For now, tho,
+      ignore the 128-bit problem.
+      Do a rank-based allocation of vregs to spill slot numbers.  We
+      put as few values as possible in spill slows, but nevertheless
+      need to have a spill slot available for all vregs, just in case.
+   */
+   //   max_ss_no = -1;
+   for (i = 0; i < N_SPILL64S; i++)
+      ss_busy_until_before[i] = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < n_vregs; i++) {
+      /* True iff this vreg is unused. */
+      if (vreg_info[i].live_after == -1)
+         continue;
+      /* Find the lowest-numbered spill slot which is available at the
+         start point of this interval, and assign the interval to
+         it. */
+      for (j = 0; j < N_SPILL64S; j++)
+         if (ss_busy_until_before[j] <= vreg_info[i].live_after)
+            break;
+      if (j == N_SPILL64S) {
+         panic("N_SPILL64S is too low");
+      }
+      ss_busy_until_before[j] = vreg_info[i].dead_before;
+      vreg_info[i].spill_offset = j * 8;
+      //      if (j > max_ss_no)
+      //   max_ss_no = j;
+   }
+   /* --------- Stage 4: establish rreg preferences --------- */
+   /* It may be advantageous to allocating certain vregs to specific
+      rregs, as a way of avoiding reg-reg moves later.  Here we
+      establish which, if any, rreg each vreg would prefer to be in.
+      Note that this constrains the allocator -- ideally we end up
+      with as few as possible vregs expressing a preference. */
+   /* For now, ignore this.  It's only an optimisation, not needed for
+      correctness. */
+   /* --------- Stage 5: process instructions --------- */
+   /* This is the main loop of the allocator.  First, we need to
+      correctly set up our running state, which tracks the status of
+      each real register. */
+   RRegState* rreg_state;
+   rreg_state = malloc(n_available_real_regs * sizeof(RRegState));
+   for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+      rreg_state[ir].rreg = available_real_regs[ir];
+      rreg_state[ir].disp = Free;
+      rreg_state[ir].vreg = (HReg)(-1);
+   }
+   /* Process each insn in turn. */
+   for (ii = 0; ii < n_instrs; ii++) {
+      /* ------ Sanity checks ------ */
+      /* Sanity check 1: all rregs with a hard live range crossing
+         this insn must be marked as unavailable in the running
+         state. */
+      for (i = 0; i < rreg_info_used; i++) {
+         if (rreg_info[i].live_after < ii 
+             && ii < rreg_info[i].dead_before) {
+            /* ii is the middle of a hard live range for some real reg.
+               Check it's marked as such in the running state. */
+            assert(rreg_state[rreg_info[i].rreg] == Unavail);
+         }
+      }
+      /* Sanity check 2: conversely, all rregs marked as unavailable in
+         the running state must have a corresponding hard live range
+         entry in the rreg_info array. */
+      for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+         assert(rreg_state[ir].disp == Free 
+                || rreg_state[ir].disp == Unavail
+                || rreg_state[ir].disp == Bound);
+         if (rreg_state[ir].disp != Unavail)
+            continue;
+         for (i = 0; i < rreg_info_used; i++) 
+            if (rreg_info[i].rreg == rreg_state[ir].rreg
+                && rreg_info[i].live_after < ii 
+                && ii < rreg_info[i].dead_before) 
+               break;
+         /* If not so, we couldn't find a correspond HLR. */
+         assert(i < rreg_info_used);
+      }
+      /* Sanity check 3: No vreg is bound to more than one rreg. */
+      for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+         if (rreg_state[ir].disp != Bound)
+            continue;
+         for (j = ir+1; j < n_available_real_regs; j++)
+            if (rreg_state[j].disp == Bound)
+               assert(rreg_state[ir].vreg != rreg_state[j].vreg);
+      }
+      /* Sanity check 4: all vreg-rreg bindings must bind registers of
+         the same class. */
+      for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+         if (rreg_state[ir].disp != Bound)
+            continue;
+         assert(hregClass(reg_state[ir].rreg) 
+                == hregClass(reg_state[ir].vreg));
+         assert( hregIsVirtual(reg_state[ir].vreg));
+         assert(!hregIsVirtual(reg_state[ir].rreg))
+      }
+      /* ------ end of Sanity checks ------ */
+      /* Do various optimisations pertaining to register coalescing
+         and preferencing:
+            MOV  v -> v   coalescing
+            MOV  v -> r   coalescing
+         Not yet.
+      */
+      /* Update the local state.  Expire any v -> r bindings for 
+	 vregs which have become dead. */
+      for (ir = 0; ir < n_available_real_regs; ir++) {
+         if (rreg_state[ir].disp != Bound)
+            continue;
+         iv = hregNumber(rreg_state[ir].vreg);
+	 assert(iv >= 0 && iv < n_vregs);
+         if (vreg_info[iv].dead_before == ii) {
+	   /* It's just gone dead.  Free up the associated rreg. */
+	   rreg_state[ir].disp = Free;
+	   rreg_state[ir].vreg = INVALID_HREG;
+	 }
+      }
+      /* Now we have to deal with rregs which are about to be made
+         live by this instruction -- in other words, are entering into
+         one of their live ranges.  If any such rreg holds a vreg, we
+         will have to spill it in order to free up the rreg.
+         Note we could do better:
+         * Could move it into some other free rreg, if one is available 
+         * Don't bother to spill if the spill-slot value is known to
+           be consistent.
+         Simplest way to do this is to iterate over the collection
+         of rreg live ranges.
+      */
+   } /* iterate over insns */
+/*---                                             reg_alloc.c ---*/