atoll() is a terrible function -- you can't do any error checking with it.
Some of our option processing code uses it.  This means that eg.
'--log-fd=9xxx' logs to fd 9, and '--log-fd=blahblahblah' logs to 0 (because
atoll() returns 0 if the string doesn't contain a number!)

It turns out that most of our option processing uses VG_(strtoll*) instead
of VG_(atoll).  The reason that not all of it does is that the
option-processing macros are underpowered -- they currently work well if you
just want to assign the value to a variable, eg:

        VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--heap",   clo_heap)
   else VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--stacks", clo_stacks)

   else VG_NUM_CLO(arg, "--heap-admin", clo_heap_admin)
   else VG_NUM_CLO(arg, "--depth",      clo_depth)

(This works because they are actually an if-statement, but it looks odd.)

VG_NUM_CLO uses VG_(stroll10).  But if you want to do any checking or
processing, you can't use those macros, leading to code like this:

      else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(9,  arg, "--log-fd=")) {
         log_to            = VgLogTo_Fd;
         VG_(clo_log_name) = NULL;
         tmp_log_fd        = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[9]);

So this commit:
- Improves the *_CLO_* macros so that they can be used in all circumstances.
  They're now just expressions (albeit ones with side-effects, setting the
  named variable appropriately).  Thus they can be used as if-conditions,
  and any post-checking or processing can occur in the then-statement.  And
  malformed numeric arguments (eg. --log-fd=foo) aren't accepted.  This also
  means you don't have to specify the lengths of any option strings anywhere
  (eg.  the 9 in the --log-fd example above).  The use of a wrong number
  caused at least one bug, in Massif.
- Updates all places where the macros were used.
- Updates Helgrind to use the *_CLO_* macros (it didn't use them).
- Updates Callgrind to use the *_CLO_* macros (it didn't use them), except
  for the more esoteric option names (those with numbers in the option
  name).  This allowed getUInt() and getUWord() to be removed.
- Improves the cache option parsing in Cachegrind and Callgrind -- now uses
  VG_(strtoll10)(), detects overflow, and is shorter.
- Uses INT instead of NUM in the macro names, to distinguish better vs. the
  DBL macro.
- Removes VG_(atoll*) and the few remaining uses -- they're wretched
  functions and VG_(strtoll*) should be used instead.
- Adds the VG_STREQN macro.
- Changes VG_BINT_CLO and VG_BHEX_CLO to abort if the given value is outside
  the range -- the current silent truncation is likely to cause confusion as
  much as anything.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/cachegrind/cg_main.c b/cachegrind/cg_main.c
index 36ddbab..e356d0e 100644
--- a/cachegrind/cg_main.c
+++ b/cachegrind/cg_main.c
@@ -1645,50 +1645,48 @@
 static void parse_cache_opt ( cache_t* cache, Char* opt )
-   Int i = 0, i2, i3;
+   Long i1, i2, i3;
+   Char* endptr;
-   // Option argument looks like "65536,2,64".
-   // Find commas, replace with NULs to make three independent 
-   // strings, then extract numbers, put NULs back.  Yuck.
-   while (VG_(isdigit)(opt[i])) i++;
-   if (',' == opt[i]) {
-      opt[i++] = '\0';
-      i2 = i;
-   } else goto bad;
-   while (VG_(isdigit)(opt[i])) i++;
-   if (',' == opt[i]) {
-      opt[i++] = '\0';
-      i3 = i;
-   } else goto bad;
-   while (VG_(isdigit)(opt[i])) i++;
-   if ('\0' != opt[i]) goto bad;
+   // Option argument looks like "65536,2,64".  Extract them.
+   i1 = VG_(strtoll10)(opt,      &endptr); if (*endptr != ',')  goto bad;
+   i2 = VG_(strtoll10)(endptr+1, &endptr); if (*endptr != ',')  goto bad;
+   i3 = VG_(strtoll10)(endptr+1, &endptr); if (*endptr != '\0') goto bad;
-   cache->size      = (Int)VG_(atoll)(opt);
-   cache->assoc     = (Int)VG_(atoll)(opt + i2);
-   cache->line_size = (Int)VG_(atoll)(opt + i3);
+   // Check for overflow.
+   cache->size      = (Int)i1;
+   cache->assoc     = (Int)i2;
+   cache->line_size = (Int)i3;
+   if (cache->size      != i1) goto overflow;
+   if (cache->assoc     != i2) goto overflow;
+   if (cache->line_size != i3) goto overflow;
-   opt[i2-1] = ',';
-   opt[i3-1] = ',';
+  overflow:
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,
+                "one of the cache parameters was too large and overflowed\n");
+   // XXX: this omits the "--I1/D1/L2=" part from the message, but that's
+   // not a big deal.
 static Bool cg_process_cmd_line_option(Char* arg)
+   Char* tmp_str;
    // 5 is length of "--I1="
-   if      (VG_CLO_STREQN(5, arg, "--I1="))
-      parse_cache_opt(&clo_I1_cache, &arg[5]);
-   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(5, arg, "--D1="))
-      parse_cache_opt(&clo_D1_cache, &arg[5]);
-   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(5, arg, "--L2="))
-      parse_cache_opt(&clo_L2_cache, &arg[5]);
-   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(22, arg, "--cachegrind-out-file=")) {
-      clo_cachegrind_out_file = &arg[22];
-   }
-   else VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--cache-sim",  clo_cache_sim)
-   else VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--branch-sim", clo_branch_sim)
+   if      VG_STR_CLO(arg, "--I1", tmp_str)
+      parse_cache_opt(&clo_I1_cache, tmp_str);
+   else if VG_STR_CLO(arg, "--D1", tmp_str)
+      parse_cache_opt(&clo_D1_cache, tmp_str);
+   else if VG_STR_CLO(arg, "--L2", tmp_str)
+      parse_cache_opt(&clo_L2_cache, tmp_str);
+   else if VG_STR_CLO( arg, "--cachegrind-out-file", clo_cachegrind_out_file) {}
+   else if VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--cache-sim",  clo_cache_sim)  {}
+   else if VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--branch-sim", clo_branch_sim) {}
       return False;